8 research outputs found

    The effect of biotic stress on the metabolism of saccharides in tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

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    Plants have developed a number of ways how to minimise negative influence of the environment. As a consequence of stress action, plants carbohydrate metabolism is quite often influenced, esp. on the level of expression and activities of different enzymes and also several metabolites concentration. One of key enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism is invertase. The aim of this work was to find out, whether the activity of its isoforms (cytoplasmic, vacuolar and extracellular) in tobacco plants is influenced by Potato virus Y (PVY). It was shown, that activity of cytoplasmic invertase was not affected, but the activity of vacuolar and extracellular isoform was enhanced during potyviral infection. Hence, it is likely, that vacuolar and extracellular invertases are related to plant antiviral defence. The effect of PVY on other enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism and several metabolites content was studied. Activity of α-amylase and phosphorylase, starch-degrading enzymes, was strongly enhanced during potyviral infection. That is probably how plant cells get glucose, which is a key source of energy and metabolites for biosynthesis of different compounds. It may also serve as a signal molecule. Activity of other hydrolytic enzymes, β-glucosidase and β-hexosaminidase, was also slightly increased. There was no..

    Digitalization of accounting services from the end user's perspective

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    The bachelor thesis is focused on the current shortcomings in the level of automation within accounting processes of outsourcing companies. First part of the thesis illustrates the steps that should to be taken in order to setup fully automated processing of accounting documentation. Following chapters describes benefits of using tools for digitized accounting such artificial intelligence that extracts data from invoices which eliminates manual data entry. Therefore accounting firms would be able to achieve significant cost savings, increase profitability, reduce time for routine activities and other related benefits that are described in chapter four. The thesis presents a solution for accounting companies to increase the overall business productivity in the area of providing bookkeeping services to clients. It shows how to gain competitive advantage and be a successful on the market in a foreseen future. The goal is to provide unbiased assessment and comparison of digital solutions and conventional way of providing accounting services.Tato práce pojednává o aktuálně nedostatečné úrovni automatizace účetních procesů při zpracování účetního dokladu v outsourcingových společnostech poskytujících účetní služby. Popisuje kroky, které je nutno provést pro nastavení kompletně automatizovaného zaúčtování dokladu. Základním předpokladem je neexistence fyzických dokladů. Díky digitalizovanému účetnictví jsme schopni využít nástroje umělé inteligence, vytěžující data z faktur. Eliminací manuálního přepisu dat do počítače člověkem docílíme nejen úspory nákladů podniku, resp. zvýšení ziskovosti zakázek a úsporu času zaměstnanců, ale i dalších přínosů, popisovaných ve čtvrté kapitole. Tato práce přináší řešení pro účetní kanceláře, jak zvýšit celkovou produktivitu podniku v oblasti vedení účetnictví klientům, jak držet krok s konkurencí a jak být úspěšnou entitou na trhu. Cílem práce je inspirovat, přesvědčit a dokázat účetním jednotkám na kalkulaci konkrétní nákladové úspory za jeden vytěžený doklad, že digitalizovat účetnictví a automatizovat procesy zpracování účetních dokladů má za určitých podmínek význam

    The effect of viral infection on glycosidases activity in tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

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    Glycosidases are widely distributed among microorganisms and fungi, in plants and animals, too. They belong to the hydrolase class, which means that they hydrolyze glycosidic linkages in oligosacharides, polysacharides and other glycokonjugates, as for example glycoproteins, glycolipids or some alkaloids. The role of plant glycosidases has not been made clear till now, so that it is a subject of many studies as well as their characterization. The studied functions are the role during seed germination, during fruit ripening and softening and in defence against biotic and abiotic stress, too. Under biotic-stress, plants synthesize so-called pathogenesis-related proteins (PRP). It was found out that chitinases and β-1,3-glucanaces, which are endoglycosidases, act as PRPs in tobacco leaves. The goal of my work was to find out whether exoglycosidases (α- galactosidase, β-galactosidase, α-glucosidase, β-glucosidase, β-hexosaminidase and α- mannosidase) can also act in defence against biotic stress. I studied the effect of infection in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Petit Havana SR1) leaves caused by Potato virus Y (PVY) on glycosidases activity. I examined the activity in control and infected tobacco leaves, in both cases the activity of soluble and membrane associated glycosidases was examined. I..

    Interactions of apes and monkeys in tropical pavilons in the Prague zoo

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    Interactions of apes and monkeys in tropical pavilons in the Prague zoo The thesis is focused on the observation and subsequent assessment of the social behavior of primates, who are kept in a zoological garden. Part of the work is devoted to general characteristics of primates and their systematic classification. It also contains specific information about Prague zoological garden and its history. This work describes mutual interaction and social behavior of individuals within particular species of primates and their behavior once placed in common exhibition together with other animal species, both in closed quarters or pavilion, as well as in free range. The main objective of my work was to observe and evaluate social behavior from the point of view of both above mentioned cases. From the longtime observation we can conclude whether different groups of primates were gathered appropriately and if any mutual conflicts among them have occurred and could threaten the stability and relationship within monitored group. Regarding the contact with other animal species it was verified by the observation that chosen combination supports animal husbandry and helps the zoo staff to create better terms and conditions for breeding, corresponding to natural environment as much as possible. Keywords: zoo,..

    The effect of viral infection on glycosidases activity in tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

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    Glycosidases are widely distributed among microorganisms and fungi, in plants and animals, too. They belong to the hydrolase class, which means that they hydrolyze glycosidic linkages in oligosacharides, polysacharides and other glycokonjugates, as for example glycoproteins, glycolipids or some alkaloids. The role of plant glycosidases has not been made clear till now, so that it is a subject of many studies as well as their characterization. The studied functions are the role during seed germination, during fruit ripening and softening and in defence against biotic and abiotic stress, too. Under biotic-stress, plants synthesize so-called pathogenesis-related proteins (PRP). It was found out that chitinases and β-1,3-glucanaces, which are endoglycosidases, act as PRPs in tobacco leaves. The goal of my work was to find out whether exoglycosidases (α- galactosidase, β-galactosidase, α-glucosidase, β-glucosidase, β-hexosaminidase and α- mannosidase) can also act in defence against biotic stress. I studied the effect of infection in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Petit Havana SR1) leaves caused by Potato virus Y (PVY) on glycosidases activity. I examined the activity in control and infected tobacco leaves, in both cases the activity of soluble and membrane associated glycosidases was examined. I..

    Výzkum škodlivých činitelů rostlin zaměřený na spolehlivou diagnostiku‚ na hodnocení stupně odolnosti rostlin a na preventivní a kurativní ochranná opatření

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    Zpráva obsahuje zprávy z dílčích projektů: 0411 Výzkum, monitoring a diagnostika vybraných virů a virům podobných organismů okrasných rostlin, 0421 Kontrola zdravotního stavu shromážděného genofondu okrasných rostlin a dřevin, vypracování preventivních a kurativních ochranných opatření proti závažným chorobám, škůdcům a poškozením, 0422 metody regulace plevelů ve výsadbách dřevin, 0431 Sledování a sumarizace škodlivých činitelů jako predispozičních faktorů zhoršujícího se zdravotního stavu některých dřevin a hodnocení stupně odolnosti vybraných taxonů k nejzávažnějším škodlivým činitelům, 0441 Využití metody meristémového množení in vitro v kombinaci s termoterapií pro ozdravení vybraných druhů rostlin od virových infekcí a metody mikropropagace in vitro pro klonové namnožení vybraných rezistentních taxonů