19 research outputs found

    International Relations in the Czech Republic

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    In this article, we strive to explore what are some of the causes of the scarcity of women researchers in Czech international relations in comparison to the representation of women students in the field. To answer this question, we analysed a set of semi-structured interviews with international relations students and accessible syllabi using the conceptual framework of Sandra Harding's gendered universe, which differentiates between the operations of gender on the individual, structural and symbolic level. We identified some gendered barriers that might be blocking women researchers' access to the field. On this basis we suggest that the lack of women researchers in the field parallels the situation in other social sciences and humanities disciplines, but the situation in international relations is further exacerbated by the local circumstances of the foundation of the discipline, which shaped it as a predominantly masculine field with a specific gender-blind version of doing research and academic careers


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    Mentoring program for female high-school students interested in technical sciences. Project report.

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    Project report from the 5th year of the mentoring program for female high-school students with the goal to support girls in studying technical sciences at universities. The report contains overview of participants (mentees, mentors, their schools), motivations of participants for attending the program, program effectivity for participants, review of fulfilment of the challenges from the previous year of the program and defining new challenges for future year

    Mentoring program for high school female students interested in technical fields. Project report

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    In 2012 was realized the second year of mentoring program for high school female students with an interest in studying technical university. Program was attended by 22 high school students and 14 mentors (university female students). The program involved 7 universities of Prague, Brno and Olomouc. Project report acquainted with the course of the second year of the program

    Political and Legislative discourse about the substitute infant's alimony in Czech Republic

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    Czech Republic, like other European states with high divorce rate, is facing high incidence of failure to pay child maintenance. Nonpayment of child maintenance threatens healthy and successful development of children and has a significant gender aspect - the majority of solo parents, who face financial distress, are women. Being a solo mother together with the nonpayment of child maintenance and the discrimination of women on the labor market (and other effects of gender inequalities) are the main factors of the expanding phenomenon of feminization of poverty. One possible solution is an institute of advanced child maintenance, which is becoming increasingly implemented on international scale. There have already been three attempts to adopt this solution in the Czech Republic, all of them unsuccessful. The fourth one is recently being discussed in the Parliament. The aim of this thesis is to uncover the reasons for the previous failures. It maps the Czech political and legislative discourse on advanced child maintenance and analyzes it in international context. The research subjects are: Czech advanced child maintenance bills, selected foreign laws on this institute, political debates on the bills (parliamentary discussions and opinions of relevant state authorities) and interviews with Czech..

    Who leaves academia and why? Professional identity development of early career researchers and its field and gender specific

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    The thesis follows the research stream focused on changes to the academic environment in the recent decades and their impact on academic professional paths and identities. Specifically, it is concerned with the phenomenon of attrition from academic profession which is pursued through a perspective of professional identity. We understand academic identities as an integral part of current changes to the academic environment and their study thus may help us better understand the changes as well as their influence on the development of academic ambitions. The aim of the thesis is to ascertain what kind of people and with what kind of professional identities enter and leave academia and for what reasons, and on this basis to identify barriers to the development of academic identities and paths. Special attention is paid to research field and gender aspects of the development of professional identities in order to explore the possible influence of specific structural factors (mainly field specific organization of academic production and gender specific biographies) and gain information needed for appropriate policy measures aimed at supporting professional development of early-career researchers. The analysis is based on narrative interviews with people who left academic professional path. The outcome of...Tato dizertační práce navazuje na výzkum proměn vědeckého prostředí v posledních desetiletích a jejich vlivu na vědecké profesní dráhy a akademické identity. Specificky se zaměřuje na fenomén opouštění vědecké profesní dráhy, který zkoumá za pomoci perspektivy profesní identity. Vychází přitom z poznání, že akademické identity jsou nedílnou součástí proměn vědeckého prostředí, kterým tak umožňují lépe porozumět, a zároveň ovlivňují rozvoj akademických ambicí. Cílem práce je zjistit, jací lidé, s jakými profesními identitami, do vědy vstupují, a následně ji opouštějí, a z jakých důvodů, a na tomto základě identifikovat překážky rozvoje akademických identit a drah. Zvláštní pozornost přitom věnuje oborovým a genderovým aspektům vývoje profesních identit za účelem prozkoumat vliv specifických strukturních faktorů (zejména oborově specifické organizace vědecké produkce a genderově specifických biografií) a získat informace potřebné pro vhodné nastavení opatření, zaměřených na podporu profesního rozvoje začínajících vědkyň a vědců. Práce vychází z analýzy narativních rozhovorů s osobami, které opustily vědeckou profesní dráhu. Výstupem analýzy je typologie trajektorií vývoje prosní identity začínajících vědců a vědkyň a identifikace faktorů, které k tomuto vývoji a odchodu z vědy přispívají. Oblast...Department of SociologyKatedra sociologieFakulta sociálních vědFaculty of Social Science

    Mentoring program for high school female students interested in technical fields. Project report

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    In 2013 was realized the third year of mentoring program for high school female students with an interest in studying technical university. Program was attended by 26 high school students and 19 mentors (university female students). The program involved 7 universities of Prague, Brno and Olomouc. Project report acquainted with the course of the third year of the program