17 research outputs found

    Changes in Polish law related to the implementation of COUNCIL DIRECTIVE 2013/59/EURATOM of 5 December 2013

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    Radon is an invisible, naturally occurring radioactive noble gas. According to the WHO report, it is the most important cause of lung cancer after smoking [1]. Recent epidemiological studies show that a statistically significant increase in the risk of lung cancer already occurs as a result of prolonged exposure to radon inside rooms where the concentration is at 100 Bq/m3 and increases by 16% per 100 Bq/m3 increase (considering a prolonged exposure period). For this reason, the Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom (BSS) [2] establishing the basic safety standards for the protection against the hazards related to ionizing radiation, that was passed in 2013, pays particular attention to issues related to radon exposure. BSS reduce radon concentration limits in workplaces to 300 Bq/m3. According to the regulations in force, the BSS must be implemented in the Polish Atomic Law no later than 6th February 2018

    Calibration factor fluctuations for radiological protection instruments used in Nuclear Medicine Departments - experience from CLOR

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    BACKGROUND The calibration of the dosimetric instruments is a basis of safety of the people working with the ionization radiation. The necessity of calibration is especially important in the institutions where the open radioactive sources are used. The paper presents the abilities of CLOR’s radiological protection instruments calibration facility and the important conclusions from calibrations results for group of instruments used in Nuclear Medicine Department in Poland. MATERIALS AND METHODS The results for five types of instruments dedicated for dose rate as well as for contamination measurements were presented. Analyzes were based on the results presented at calibration certificated of chosen instruments. RESULTS It has been shown that the calibration factor might fluctuate by 50% in period of one year for particular instrument as well as for more than 100% for two instruments of the same type. CONCLUSIONS The presented results prove the importance of the calibration process and it is evidence that the calibration process of the radiation protection instruments should be performed periodically for the test of dose rate measurements as well as for contamination measurements abilities.The paper presents the capabilities of CLOR’s facility for calibrating radiological protection instruments and the important conclusions drawn from the results of calibrating instruments used in Nuclear Medicine Departments in Poland. The analysis was based on results of the certified calibration of chosen instruments. The result for five types of instruments dedicated for dose rate and contamination measurements were presented. They prove the importance of the calibration process. They show that the calibration factor for one particular instrument may fluctuate by 50% in a one year period as well as by more than 100% for two instruments of the same type

    Analiza widmowa zmienności rytmu zatokowego u dzieci zdrowych

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    Cel pracy: Ocena wartości analizy widmowej zmienności rytmu zatokowego u dzieci zdrowych. Materiał i metody: Badaniami objęto 175 dzieci zdrowych w wieku 4–18 lat (śr. 11 ± 4): 88 chłopców i 87 dziewczynek. W zależności od wieku wyodrębniono 4 grupy pacjentów: grupa 1 — 4–7 lat (n = 27); grupa 2 — 7–11 lat (n = 64); grupa 3 — 11–15 lat (n = 58); grupa 4 — 15–18 lat (n = 26). Z 24-godzinnego zapisu EKG ocenie poddano 5-minutowe fragmenty z okresu czuwania i snu. Analizę częstotliwościową zmienności rytmu serca przeprowadzono za pomocą algorytmu szybkiej transformacji Fouriera (FFT). Wartości mocy widma uzyskano w następujących pasmach: ULF (0–0,0033 Hz), VLF (0,0033–0,04 Hz), LF (0,04–0,15 Hz), HF (0,15–0,4 Hz). Wartości wyznaczano w ms2, jako logarytm naturalny (ln) i w jednostkach znormalizowanych (nu). Oceniano również całkowitą moc widma (TP — bez składowej ULF) oraz iloraz wartości LF/HF. Wyniki: Nie stwierdzono znamiennych różnic między grupami wiekowymi w wartościach TP i VLF w ciągu dnia i podczas snu oraz LF i LF/HF w czasie snu. W czasie czuwania wartości LF (ms˛ i ln) były istotnie większe w grupie 4 niż w grupach 1 i 2, a LF (nu) — istotnie większe w grupach 3 i 4 w porównaniu z grupą 1. Wartości HF (nu) były znamiennie większe w grupie 1 niż w grupie 4, zarówno w czasie czuwania jak i w nocy. Iloraz LF/HF był istotnie większy w grupie 4 niż w grupach 1 i 2 (w czasie czuwania). Wnioski: Wartości mocy widma niskich częstotliwości (LF) różnią się w zależności od wieku

    Analiza widmowa zmienności rytmu zatokowego u dzieci zdrowych

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    Cel pracy: Ocena wartości analizy widmowej zmienności rytmu zatokowego u dzieci zdrowych. Materiał i metody: Badaniami objęto 175 dzieci zdrowych w wieku 4–18 lat (śr. 11 ± 4): 88 chłopców i 87 dziewczynek. W zależności od wieku wyodrębniono 4 grupy pacjentów: grupa 1 — 4–7 lat (n = 27); grupa 2 — 7–11 lat (n = 64); grupa 3 — 11–15 lat (n = 58); grupa 4 — 15–18 lat (n = 26). Z 24-godzinnego zapisu EKG ocenie poddano 5-minutowe fragmenty z okresu czuwania i snu. Analizę częstotliwościową zmienności rytmu serca przeprowadzono za pomocą algorytmu szybkiej transformacji Fouriera (FFT). Wartości mocy widma uzyskano w następujących pasmach: ULF (0–0,0033 Hz), VLF (0,0033–0,04 Hz), LF (0,04–0,15 Hz), HF (0,15–0,4 Hz). Wartości wyznaczano w ms2, jako logarytm naturalny (ln) i w jednostkach znormalizowanych (nu). Oceniano również całkowitą moc widma (TP — bez składowej ULF) oraz iloraz wartości LF/HF. Wyniki: Nie stwierdzono znamiennych różnic między grupami wiekowymi w wartościach TP i VLF w ciągu dnia i podczas snu oraz LF i LF/HF w czasie snu. W czasie czuwania wartości LF (ms˛ i ln) były istotnie większe w grupie 4 niż w grupach 1 i 2, a LF (nu) — istotnie większe w grupach 3 i 4 w porównaniu z grupą 1. Wartości HF (nu) były znamiennie większe w grupie 1 niż w grupie 4, zarówno w czasie czuwania jak i w nocy. Iloraz LF/HF był istotnie większy w grupie 4 niż w grupach 1 i 2 (w czasie czuwania). Wnioski: Wartości mocy widma niskich częstotliwości (LF) różnią się w zależności od wieku

    Study on the uncertainty of passive area dosimetry systems for environmental radiation monitoring in the framework of the EMPIR "Preparedness" project

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    Abstract One of the objectives of the EMPIR project 16ENV04 "Preparedness" is the harmonization of methodologies for the measurement of doses with passive dosimetry systems for environmental radiation monitoring in the aftermath of a nuclear or radiological event. In such cases, measurements are often performed at low radiation dose rates, close to the detection limit of the passive systems. The parameters which may affect the dosimetric results of a passive dosimetry system are analyzed and four laboratories quantitatively evaluate the uncertainties of their passive dosimetry systems. Typical uncertainties of five dosimetric systems in four European countries are compared and the main sources of uncertainty are analyzed using the results of a questionnaire compiled for this specific purpose. To compute the characteristic limits of a passive dosimetry system according to standard ISO 11929, the study of the uncertainty of the system is the first step. In this work the uncertainty budget as well as the characteristic limits (decision thresholds and detection limits) are evaluated and the limitations and strengths of a complete analysis of all parameters are presented

    Investigations into the basic properties of different passive dosimetry systems used in environmental radiation monitoring in the aftermath of a nuclear or radiological event

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    Due to the need for harmonization of passive dosimetry and the requirements of the international standards in the area of environmental monitoring in radiation protection, multiple types of various passive dosimetry systems based on different ionizing radiation detection mechanisms were subjected to extensive performance testing. In the scope of the EMPIR project 16ENV04 Preparedness, the performance of 12 passive dosimetry systems was examined in radiation fields of different photon energies, angles of incidence and ambient dose equivalent rates in order to estimate their performance in the almost omni-directionally and energetically broad radiation field of the natural environment. The use of different detectors, holders, calibrations, measurement procedures and uncertainties, leads to differences in the measured data. Prior investigations and harmonization of passive dosimetry systems are necessary to achieve reliable and comparable dose measurements in Europ

    National comparison of methods for determination of radon in water

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    The article describes three interlaboratory experiments concerning 222Rn determination in water samples. The fi rst two experiments were carried out with the use of artifi cial radon waters prepared by the Laboratory of Radiometric Expertise (LER), Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków in 2014 and 2018. The third experiment was performed using natural environment waters collected in the vicinity of the former uranium mine in Kowary in 2016. Most of the institutions performing radon in water measurements in Poland were gathered in the Polish Radon Centre Network, and they participated in the experiments. The goal of these exercises was to evaluate different measurement techniques used routinely in Polish laboratories and the laboratories’ profi ciency of radon in water measurements. In the experiment performed in 2018, the reference values of 222Rn concentration in water were calculated based on the method developed at LER. The participants’ results appeared to be worse for low radon concentration than for high radon concentrations. The conclusions drawn on that base indicated the weaknesses of the used methods and probably the sampling. The interlaboratory experiments, in term, can help to improve the participants’ skills and reliability of their results

    Radon intercomparison tests – Katowice, 2016

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    At the beginning of the year 2016, the representatives of the Polish Radon Centre decided to organize profi ciency tests (PTs) for measurements of radon gas and radon decay products in the air, involving radon monitors and laboratory passive techniques. The Silesian Centre for Environmental Radioactivity of the Central Mining Institute (GIG), Katowice, became responsible for the organization of the PT exercises. The main reason to choose that location was the radon chamber in GIG with a volume of 17 m3, the biggest one in Poland. Accordingly, 13 participants from Poland plus one participant from Germany expressed their interest. The participants were invited to inform the organizers about what types of monitors and methods they would like to check during the tests. On this basis, the GIG team prepared the proposal for the schedule of exercises, such as the required level(s) of radon concentrations, the number and periods of tests, proposed potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC) levels and also the overall period of PT. The PT activity was performed between 6th and 17th June 2016. After assessment of the results, the agreement between radon monitors and other measurement methods was confi rmed. In the case of PAEC monitors and methods of measurements, the results of PT exercises were consistent and confi rmed the accuracy of the calibration procedures used by the participants. The results of the PAEC PTs will be published elsewhere; in this paper, only the results of radon intercomparison are described

    Particle size distribution of the radon progeny and ambient aerosols in the Underground Tourist Route “Liczyrzepa” Mine in Kowary Adit

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    Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection, in cooperation with Central Mining Institute performed measurements of radon concentration in air, potential alpha energy concentration (PAEC), particle size distribution of the radon progeny and ambient aerosols in the Underground Tourist-Educational Route “Liczyrzepa” Mine in Kowary Adit. A research study was developed to investigate the appropriate dose conversion factors for short-lived radon progeny. The particle size distribution of radon progeny was determined using Radon Progeny Particle Size Spectrometer (RPPSS). The device allows to receive the distribution of PAEC in the particle size range from 0.6 nm to 2494 nm, based on their activity measured on 8 stages composed of impaction plates or diffusion screens. The measurements of the ambient airborne particle size distribution were performed in the range from a few nanometres to about 20 micrometres using Aerodynamic Particle Sizer (APS) spectrometer and the Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer (SMPS)

    Size distribution of ambient and radioactive aerosols formed by the shortlived radon progeny

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    The survey of ambient airborne particle size distribution is important when the deposition of radioactive particles is considered in the human lung and the assessment of radiation hazard in occupational exposures or contaminated environments. CLOR (the Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection) in cooperation with CMI (the Central Mining Institute) performed simultaneous measurements of the activity size distribution of radon progeny and ambient aerosols using different types of aerosols. Measurements were performed in a radon chamber with a volume of 17m3, where radon was generated by a radium-226 open source, and ambient aerosols by an oil candle, vax candle, and incense sticks. Such measurements were also made in an aerosol depleted atmosphere after cleaning the chamber air by means of a high-efficiency pump and filters. The size distribution of radioactive aerosols containing radon progeny was measured by RPPSS (Radon Progeny Particle Size Spectrometer) with the measuring size ranging from 0.6 nm to approximately 2500 nm. The key parts of this device are the impaction plates and diffusion screen batteries, which collect aerosols of different sizes, and semiconductor alpha detectors which detect the activity of the collected particles. The SMPS (Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer Spectrometer) and APS (Aerodynamic Particle Sizer) were applied to evaluate the size distribution of all aerosols with sizes from approximately 3 nm to 20 μm. Based on the results obtained by these spectrometers, the activity size distributions and related dose conversion factors (DCF) were evaluated both for the exposed workers and the general population