68 research outputs found

    Poczucie koherencji a style radzenia sobie z chorobą przewlekłą u osób ze stwardnieniem rozsianym

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    Background. Antonovsky — the author of the concept of sense of coherence proved the existence of generalized immune resources which encourage people to fight against adversities that arise in life. The turning point, and difficult to diagnose is the chronic disease, which is multiple sclerosis. A strong sense of coherence and choosing the right style of coping with the disease allows patients to achieve optimal health.Aim. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the level of sense of coherence and the type of preferred styles of coping with a chronic illness in people with multiple sclerosis.Material and methods. Examined were 35 patients who have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis staying on therapyinthe Spa Railway Hospital Ltd. in Ciechocinek and its Department Off-Campus in AlexandrówKujawski. The sense of coherence was assessed using a questionnaire on orientation of living SOC-29 and the measurement of coping in stressful situations — CISS questionnaire, a Polish language version.Results. The presented results of the study showed that the level of sense of coherence and its components based on sex did not differ significantly (p>0.05). There was no significant correlation of the level of coherence and its components with age (p>0.05). There was a significant, low correlation component of the sense of coherence, which is the resourcefulness of the level of education (p<0.05), because with the increase of education increased the level of resourcefulness/steering. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences (p>0.05) between the style of coping with stress and the two groups in terms of gender. There were no correlations between the style of coping with stress and the studied age groups (p>0.05) and education (p>0.05).Conclusions. People with multiple sclerosis did not differ significantly between each level of sense of coherence. SOC result is not satisfactory and can provide a low level of acceptance of living with a chronic illness and adapting to it. Theobserved patients cannot be determined according to the dominant style of coping with the disease, to a similar extent they manifest all three styles. The studies have demonstrated the existing relationship between the average strength of a sense of meaningfulness and resourcefulness and the choice of coping style focused on the task. (PNN 2013; 2(5): 195–204)Wprowadzenie. Antonovsky, autor koncepcji poczucia koherencji, udowodnił istnienie uogólnionychzasobów odpornościowych, które mobilizują człowieka do podjęcia walki z przeciwnościami, jakie pojawiają się w życiu. Momentem przełomowym i trudnym jest rozpoznanie choroby przewlekłej, jaką jest stwardnienie rozsiane. Silne poczucie koherencji i wybór odpowiedniego stylu radzenia sobie z chorobą pozwala chorym osiągnąć optymalny stan zdrowia.Cel. Celem pracy było określenie związków pomiędzy poziomem poczucia koherencji a rodzajem preferowanych stylów radzenia sobie z chorobą przewlekłą u osób ze stwardnieniem rozsianym.Materiał i metody. Przebadano 35 pacjentów z rozpoznaniem stwardnienia rozsianego przebywających na leczeniu w Kolejowym Szpitalu Uzdrowiskowym sp. z o.o. w Ciechocinku i jego Oddziale Zamiejscowym w Aleksandrowie Kujawskim. Poczucie koherencji ocenione było za pomocą kwestionariusza orientacji życiowej SOC-29, a pomiar radzenia sobie w sytuacjach stresowych — kwestionariuszem CISS, w polskiej adaptacji językowej.Wyniki. Prezentowane wyniki badań własnych dowiodły, że poziom poczucia koherencji i jego składowych ze względu na płeć nie różnił się istotnie (p>0,05). Nie wykazano znaczącej korelacji poziomu poczucia koherencji i jego składowych z wiekiem (p>0,05). Stwierdzono istotną, niską korelację składowej poczucia koherencji, jaką jest zaradność z poziomem wykształcenia (p<0,05), gdyż wraz ze wzrostem wykształcenia wzrastał wynik zaradności/sterowności. Analiza statystyczna nie wykazała różnic istotnych (p>0,05) pomiędzy stylem radzenia sobie ze stresem a badanymi grupami pod względem płci. Nie wykazano również korelacji pomiędzy stylem radzenia sobie ze stresem a badanymi grupami wiekowymi (p>0,05) i wykształceniem (p>0,05).Wnioski. Osoby chore na stwardnienie rozsiane nie różnią się znacząco między sobą poziomem poczucia koherencji. Wynik SOC nie jest zadowalający i może świadczyć o niskim poziomie akceptacji życia z chorobą przewlekłą oraz przystosowania się do niej. U badanych osób nie można określić dominującego stylu radzenia sobie z chorobą, w podobnym stopniu przejawiają się wszystkie trzy style. Badania dowiodły istnienie związku o sile przeciętnej pomiędzy poczuciem sensowności i zaradności a wyborem stylu radzenia sobie skoncentrowanym na zadaniu. (PNN 2013; 2(5): 195–204

    Advanced Hybrid Materials Based on Titanium Dioxide for Environmental and Electrochemical Applications

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    Constant technological progress, as well as the pursuit of “friendly” technologies, leads to intensive work on the development of a new generation of advanced products with strictly defined, unique physicochemical properties dedicated to specific applications. This group of materials includes hybrids based on titanium dioxide and its derivatives, characterised with specific, well-defined physicochemical and structural properties, chiefly determined during their synthesis. Different properties of titania nanoparticles depend on their morphology, crystallite size, and crystalline structure. Nanocrystalline titanium dioxide can be synthesised via different methods, among which chemical precipitation, microemulsion method (inversed micelles), sol-gel process and hydrothermal crystallisation are the most important ones. That is why, a crucial part of the following chapter will be paid to characterisation of synthesis routes used for titanium dioxide and titania-based hybrid production. Furthermore, application of TiO2-based materials, including mixed oxide systems as well as graphene oxide–based hybrids, in electrochemical (electrode material) and environmental (photocatalysis) aspects, will be described in detail


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    The aim of the paper is to show preferences of young consumers for commercial chains, in relation to their marketing offers. The paper shows particular strategic behaviours of retail chains occurring in the sphere of shaping relationships with young consumers. It focuses mainly on technological and marketing innovations. The methods applied to achieve the goal include a critical analysis of the literature on the subject, a direct study of young customers of retail chains operating in Poland, which focuses on their needs, and a profound case study showing marketing activities of retail chains targeted at young consumers. The recognition of the needs of target segments should lead to the creation of a commercial offer that satisfies final customers. Young consumers are using new technologies in their everyday lives and this is the reason why retail chains are developing their offers by using IT solutions (Knežević, Delić, and Knego,2015). The process of buying by this segment of customers requires deeper reconstruction, due to changes in the process of defining sources of information and its evaluation. In addition, the place of shopping is changing and this has implications on retailers’ strategies and ways of building competitive advantage. We may assume that in the course of next several decades it may happen that brick-and-mortar stores will perform the function of storehouses that hand over products, fi tting rooms, places for returning products and making complaints. Separation of the financial and the product stream is going to occur, since payment will take place only in the virtual world. The paper contributes to the theory of retail innovation strategies and relationship marketing. It also contributes to the practice showing how global retailers should build relations with young consumers in creating online channel of sales.Cilj ovog rada je prikazati sklonosti mladih potrošača prema trgovačkim lancima i to u odnosu na marketing trgovačkih lanaca. U ovom radu opisuju se određena strateška ponašanja maloprodajnih lanaca u području stvaranja odnosa s mladim potrošačima. Pri tome se poseban naglasak stavlja na tehnološke i marketinške inovacije. Korištene metode uključuju kritičku analizu literature na ovu temu, izravnu studiju o mladim potrošačima maloprodajnih lanaca u Poljskoj koja se usredotočuje na njihove potrebe te studiju slučaja koja prikazuje marketinške aktivnosti maloprodajnih lanaca koje su usmjerene na mlade potrošače. Prepoznavanje potreba ciljnog segmenta trebalo bi dovesti do kreiranja trgovačke ponude koja zadovoljava krajnjeg kupca. Mladi potrošači koriste nove tehnologije u svakodnevnom životu te stoga maloprodajni lanci koriste IT rješenja za razvoj svoje ponude. Dosadašnja saznanja o procesu kupnje od strane ovog segmenta kupaca treba detaljnije istražiti zbog promjena u postupku definiranja izvora informacija i njihovog vrednovanja. Osim toga, mjesto kupovine se mijenja i to utječe na strategije maloprodajnih lanaca i na način stvaranja konkurentne prednosti. Možemo pretpostaviti da bi se tijekom nekoliko sljedećih desetljeća moglo dogoditi da trgovine „od cigle i cementa“ postanu samo skladišta za preuzimanje proizvoda, garderobe, ili mjesta povrata proizvoda odnosno reklamacija. Dogodit će se odvajanje financijskog toka i toka proizvoda, jer će se plaćanje odvijati samo u virtualnom svijetu. Rad doprinosi teoriji strategija inovacija maloprodaje te marketinga odnosa. Također doprinosi praksi koja pokazuje kako bi globalni maloprodajni lanci trebali graditi odnos s mladim kupcima kroz online kanale prodaje

    Bikiniarze in “Przekrój”. Double Narration

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    This article attempts to describe the first Polish subculture that appeared in the Polish People’s Republic in 1948–1956. Bikiniarze were characterized on the basis of 300 issues of the “Przekrój” magazine, published during the apogee of this subculture. The choice of this journal is justified by the desire to look at bikiniarze through the prism of a magazine which in communist times served as a “safety valve” and was not the right hand of the Polish authorities, which demanded the creation of a negative image of bikiniarze as presented in party press publications such as: “Sztandar Młodych”, “Trybuna Ludu”, or “Po Prostu”. The characteristics of the subculture focus mainly on the image of a man — a bikiniarz, who is a symbol of this subculture and includes both a specific way of dressing and behaving, as well as lifestyle. The article also touches on the issue of a certain ambiguity of “Przekrój” itself, which is visible in the example of the magazine’s attitude towards this subculture. This magazine played a certain game with censorship and resorted to various measures to smuggle non-propaganda content, including those about bikiniarze, who were oppressed by the authorities on its pages. This was done, for instance, by using: satire, fairy tales or poems

    Spatial Variation in Size and Shape of Land Plots in Mazowieckie Voivodship

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    The aim of the study is to evaluate the spatial variation in the size and shape of land plots in Mazowieckie voivodship. For the purposes of the study both the shape and the compactness of the plots were measured, and the typology of communes was drawn based on this information. Subsequently, based on the two indicators related to the shape of plots, four types of communes were distinguished, depending on whether their values were higher or lower than the average (Dzieciucho­wicz and Dmochowska-Dudek, 2014). In addition, the paper includes calculations for the average share of unused land in the plot surface area, the average horizontal intensity of parcel development, and an indication of the type of land coverage dominant in the plots, by commune type. Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used in the analyses. It has been found that the studied area is dominated by plots characterised by small diversity in shape and high degree of compactness – mainly in the north-western part of the voivodship, as well as those where plots are highly diverse in shape and low in compactness – in the south-eastern part of the voivodship


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    Studies were conducted involving evaluation of titanium white, surface-coated with inorganic oxides. The studies aimed at determining dispersion properties, i.a. particle size distribution and polydispersity index. Moreover, microscopic observation allowed to evaluate surface morphology of the modified TiO 2 particles. Colourimetric data of titanium white was measured and the specific surface area was estimated using BET method. Effect of the surface modification with oxides on electrokinetic properties and zeta potential were appraised. Increased amounts of aluminium oxide and silicon dioxide used for modification of titanium dioxide surface deteriorate uniform character of the sample and results in an increase in diameter of pigment particles. The titanium white pigments belong to mesoporous adsorbents. Value of the isoelectric point (IEP) depends on the amounts of aluminium oxide and silica used for surface processing of titanium white

    Prenatal diagnosis of Cri du chat, complicated with complex heart defect with many contraindications to cardiac surgery - a case report.

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    Przedstawiono przypadek prenatalnie rozpoznanego zespołu Cri du chat, powikłanego złożoną wrodzoną wadą serca, z wieloma problemami dodatkowymi, które ostatecznie stały się podstawą do dyskwalifikacji dziecka ze złożonego leczenia kardiochirurgicznego. Ze względu na występowanie złożonej morfologii wrodzonej wady serca, z potencjalną koniecznością wieloetapowego leczenia, ciężką postać zespołu genetycznego potwierdzonego w szczegółowych badaniach cytogenetycznych, ciężki przebieg kliniczny oraz liczne przeciwwskazania związane z dysfunkcją wielu narządów, dziecka ostatecznie nie zakwalifikowano do leczenia kardiochirurgicznego. Posiadanie wiedzy opartej na diagnostyce prenatalnej pozwala wstępnie przewidzieć ciężkie konsekwencje u noworodka oraz objęcie kompleksową opieką paliatywną dziecka i jego rodziny. Szczegółowe poradnictwo genetyczne umożliwia przygotowanie rodziców na urodzenie dziecka z wadą genetyczną i złożoną wrodzoną wadą serca niekwalifikującą się do leczenia kardiochirurgicznego.It was presented a case of prenatally diagnosed Cri du chat syndrome, complicated by multiple congenital heart disease, with many additional problems that eventually may become the basis for disqualification the child from complex cardiac surgery. Due to the complexity of congenital heart disease, the potential for multistage treatment, the severe form of the genetic syndrome confirmed by detailed cytogenetic studies, severe clinical course, and multiple organ dysfunction, patient has not been qualified for cardiac surgery. Knowledge based on prenatal diagnosis allows to predict severe consequences in the newborn. Detailed genetic counseling makes it possible to prepare parents for a genetic birth defect and a congenital heart defect not eligible for cardiac surgery

    1,4-disubstituted thiosemicarbazide derivatives are potent inhibitors of toxoplasma gondii proliferation.

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    A series of 4-arylthiosemicarbazides substituted at the N1 position with a 5-membered heteroaryl ring was synthesized and evaluated in vitro for T. gondii inhibition proliferation and host cell cytotoxicity. At non-toxic concentrations for the host cells all studied compounds displayed excellent anti-parasitic effects when compared to sulfadiazine, indicating a high selectivity of their anti-T. gondii activity. The differences in bioactivity investigated by DFT calculations suggest that the inhibitory activity of 4-arylthiosemicarbazides towards T. gondii proliferation is connected with the electronic structure of the molecule. Further, these compounds were tested as potential antibacterial agents. No growth-inhibiting effect on any of the test microorganisms was observed for all the compounds, even at high concentrations

    The cytotoxic effect of copper (II) complexes with halogenated 1,3-disubstituted arylthioureas on cancer and bacterial cells

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    A series of eight copper (II) complexes with 3-(4-chloro-3-nitrophenyl)thiourea were designed and synthesized. The cytotoxic activity of all compounds was assessed in three human cancer cell lines (SW480, SW620, PC3) and human normal keratinocytes (HaCaT). The complexes 1, 3, 5, 7 and 8 were cytotoxic to the studied tumor cells in the low micromolar range, without affecting the normal cells. The complexes 1, 3, 7 and 8 induced lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release in all cancer cell lines, but not in the HaCaT cells. They provoked early apoptosis in pathological cells, especially in SW480 and PC3 cells. The ability of compounds 1, 3, 7 and 8 to diminish interleukin-6 (IL-6) concentration in a cell was established. For the first time, the influence of the most promising Cu (II) complexes on intensities of detoxifying and reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging the enzymes of tumor cells was studied. The cytotoxic effect of all copper (II) conjugates against standard and hospital bacterial strains was also proved