13 research outputs found

    „Lektura nieporządku”: kilka przykładów narracji autobiograficznych z okresu Zagłady

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     Reading what was born out of disorder — a few examples of autobiographical narratives from the period of the HolocaustThe paper is based on the textual analysis of a few chosen autobiographical narratives from the period of the Holocaust in occupied Poland. They were written by teenage girls and young women, mostly in Polish. “Reading what was born out of disorder” — category formulated by the French historian, Arlette Farge, has been applied as a basis for the analysis. According to Farge’s concept, the paper deals with the analysis of the authors attempts to document the disintegration of a well-known world of every-day experiences and their own suffering related to a lack of order in the world around them. Reading what was born out of disorder — a few examples of autobiographical narratives from the period of the HolocaustThe paper is based on the textual analysis of a few chosen autobiographical narratives from the period of the Holocaust in occupied Poland. They were written by teenage girls and young women, mostly in Polish. “Reading what was born out of disorder” — category formulated by the French historian, Arlette Farge, has been applied as a basis for the analysis. According to Farge’s concept, the paper deals with the analysis of the authors attempts to document the disintegration of a well-known world of every-day experiences and their own suffering related to a lack of order in the world around them

    Household as a Battleground of Modernity: Activities of the Home Economics Committee Affiliated to the League of Women (1957–80)

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    This essay seeks to show the Polish household in the communist time as a space of modernity and modernisation activities. The chronological framework is set between 1957 – the date the Home Economics Committee affiliated to the League of Women was set up to contribute to, and be a mouthpiece of, the everyday life modernisation policy – and 1980, being the symbolic borderline between the modernity discourse and the Polish 1980–1 crisis discourse about household. In this context, the article reconstructs both the activities of social actors who created the ‘scenarios of modernity’ for the household and the reception of the messages in question in the village of Bogate in the District (powiat) of Przasnysz

    Marking of burbot Lota lota (L.) juveniles using commercial feed as a vector of fluorochrome application

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    The effectiveness of restocking is an important element of sustainable fishery. In restocking programmes, where larvae and juveniles are used mass marking is carried out with non-toxic dyes such as fluorochromes transferred into the fish body by immersion or with feed. The experiment was carried out to assess the possibility of using commercial feed supplemented Alizarin Red S (ARS) as an alternative non-invasive method for the mass marking of burbot fry. Fish of an average body weight of 1.8 (± 0.2) g were reared in separated 10 dm3 tanks and fed for 10 days with extruded feed supplemented ARS in six concentrations, i.e. 0 (control), 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 g fluorochrome per kg of feed at a daily dose of 5% of biomass. During the next 15 days fish were fed commercial feed without ARS. After 25 days of rearing 30 individuals were sampled from each group, euthanized and total length and wet body weight of each fish were determined. Next, the sampled fish were preserved in 70% ethyl alcohol. Then otoliths were excised from the fish and analysed under a fluorescence microscope to identify fluorescent tags. Marked individuals were identified in each analysed group provided with feed supplemented ARS. The highest rate of marked fish (100%) was found in the group that received 40 g ARS per kg of feed, and the lowest (73.3%) in the group that received 60 g ARS per kg of feed. Supplementation of feed with ARS had no negative effect on the survival rate and growth parameters (mean body weight and total body length) of burbot. The results suggest that ARS applied in commercial feed (40 g/kg for about 7-10 days) is an effective method for marking burbot fry and can be recommended in fishery practice

    Biographical experience and knowledge production : women sociologists and gender issues in communist Poland

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    The chapter is part of a larger project concerning various contexts of the production of knowledge on the so-called women’s issues in post-1945 Poland. The authors analyze development of sociology of gender from the late 1950s until the early 1970s., when topics such as women’s paid work and time budget, changing patterns of family life, power relations within family and in the workplace gained popularity. Moreover, there was a significant presence of women scholars in these research areas. The chapter analyzes careers of four Polish female sociologists, identifying them as not only academics but also discourse producers. The authors argue that “generational” perspective may contribute to the analysis of the discussed phenomena. Common biographical experience like the professional trajectory from social activism (journalism, medical professions) to academic research, as well as socio-political context, with its focus on modernity, progress, and emancipation, may be seen as crucial factors for the rise and development of the intellectual identity of Polish women scholars in the second half of the twentieth century

    Posture defects and the speed of the centre of foot pressure in children of school age

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    Introduction : The development of civilisation and the modern lifestyle of children and teenagers have caused an increase in the number of cases of faulty body posture. Aim of the research: To analyse the relationship between posture defects and the speed of the centre of foot pressure in school-age children. Material and methods: The research included 503 girls and boys aged 12–15 years. The research approach used a spatial photogrammetry technique. Lateral speed and anteroposterior speed of the centre of foot pressure were tested on a Cosmogamma platform. Results : Lateral speed ranged from 8.22 mm/s with eyes open to 7.63 mm/s with eyes closed. In correct posture, from 8.45 mm/s with eyes open to 7.64 mm/s with eyes closed. In the defective posture, from 7.90 mm/s with eyes open to 7.63 mm/s with eyes closed. Antero-posterior speed varied from 10.50 mm/s with eyes open to 10.56 mm/s with eyes closed. In the correct posture, from 10.73 mm/s with eyes open to 10.64 mm/s with eyes closed. In the defective posture, from 10.17 mm/s with eyes open to 10.45 mm/s with eyes closed. Conclusions: Analysis of variance of lateral speed showed a significant effect only of test options (p < 0.002). Lateral speed in the test with eyes closed significantly decreased both in the correct and defective posture. There were no significant differences, however, in lateral speed between the correct and incorrect posture. Analysis of variance did not show any significant effects for anteroposterior speed

    Women in Poland 1945-1989 : modernity - equality - communism

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    Książka śledzi losy kobiet w Polsce lat 1945-1989 na szerokim tle komunizmu i historii powojennej Europy. Oparta o obszerną i najnowszą światową literaturę przedmiotu oraz kwerendy różnorodnych źródeł historycznych, zainteresuje czytelniczki i czytelników pragnących zapoznać się z historią kobiet w komunizmie i historią Polski, szeroko rozumianymi studiami nad problematyką genderową, historią feminizmu i historią społeczną. Przybliża najważniejsze badania i ukazuje znaczenia historii gender/kobiet dla Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej. Porusza zagadnienia aktywności kobiet w polityce, doświadczeń kobiet pracujących w mieście i na wsi, gospodarstwa domowego, ról kobiet w rodzinie, dorastania i awansu edukacyjnego, biopolityki oraz kultury urody. Zostały one zaprezentowane w kontekście tytułowych pojęć nowoczesności i równouprawnienia, aby ukazać komunistyczne projekty kierowane do kobiet na tle doświadczeń drugiej połowy XX wieku w innych krajach