3 research outputs found

    Primjena satelitskih misija u proučavanju kritosfere

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    U ovom radu opisane su metode i rezultati satelitskih promatranja koja proučavaju kriosferu. Izneseni su osnovni ciljevi takvih satelitskih mjerenja te su u skladu s njima napisani podatci o najbitnijim misijama takve vrste: CryoSatu kao najznačajnijoj satelitskoj misiji, isključivo orijentiranoj proučavanju kriosfere te GRACE i GOCE gravitacijskim misijama koje se bave i određivanjem utjecaja promjena ledenih pokrova na Zemljino polje ubrzanja sile teže. Navedeni su i rezultati danih misija te konkretni primjeri upotrebe podataka. Rad se dotiče i utjecaja globalnih klimatskih promjena na kriosferu, kao i povezanost promjena kriosfere s varijacijama srednje razine mora. U zaključku se iznosi osvrt na obrađenu tematiku te predviđanja i mogućnosti daljnjeg napretka u proučavanju kriosfere

    Identification of a.b in primary school sport halls in Gorenjska Region

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    In an inclusive school everyone has the opportunity to learn and to attend regular classes with their classmates. Children with special needs often encounter various obstacles when they integrate into schools. The aim of this dissertation is to analyze the architectural barriers in schools in the Gorenjska region. The emphasis will be put on the accessibility of school gyms and premises next to them. Our sample comprised 22 schools: 20 primary schools and 2 secondary schools. The results imply that the schools provide limited access for physically disabled students while school gyms and changing rooms next to them are accessible for them. On the other hand, toilets beside the gyms are not fully accessible for a physically disabled student or for younger pupils. Sports equipment in the schools is made accessible for physically disabled children; there is an adequate space to install bigger sports equipment; however, outdoor facilities are partially or fully inaccessible for a physically disabled student