17 research outputs found

    Manufacturing of Camembert type cheese made from goat\u27s and cow\u27s milk and their mixtures

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    Svrha ovoga rada bila je istražiti utjecaj kozjeg, kravljeg te mješavine kravljeg i kozjeg mlijeka na kakvoću sira tipa Camembert tijekom 30 dana skladištenja, na temperaturi od 10 do 11°C i od 96 do 98% relativne vlažnosti zraka. Sirevi su proizvedeni od kozjeg i kravljeg mlijeka miješanih u omjerima 0:100, 30:70, 50:50, 80:20 i 100:0, te analizirani 12. i 30. dan od početka proizvodnje. Utvrđen je kemijski sastav mlijeka za proizvodnju sireva te kemijski sastav, pH i senzorska ocjena sireva. Pokazalo se da kemijski sastav i vrsta mlijeka bitno utječu na senzorsku ocjenu sireva i njihovu trajnost. Sirevi analizirani 12-ti dan od početka proizvodnje dobili su više senzorske ocjene od sireva ocjenjivanih 30-ti dan. Sirevi proizvedeni od kozjeg mlijeka najbolje su senzorski ocijenjeni, ali je njihova trajnost bila kraća od ostalih uzoraka sireva prozvedenih od kravljeg mlijeka i mješavina kozjeg i kravljeg mlijeka. Odabrana temperatura držanja (10-11°C) nije bila adekvatna za sireve tipa Camembert. Za produljenje trajnosti iznad 30 dana i očuvanje senzorskih svojstava sira, temperatura bi trebala biti oko 50°C.The aim of this research was to examine the influence of goat\u27s and cow\u27s milk and their mixtures on the quality of the Camembert type cheese within 30 days of its preservation. Cheeses were made of a mixture of goat\u27s and cow\u27s milk in the following ratios: 0:100, 30:70, 50:50, 80:20 and 100:0. They were analysed on the twelfth and thirtieth day of the cheese production. The chemical analysis of milk for cheese production, as well as the chemical composition, pH and sensorial evaluation of cheeses have been determined. It has been proven that the chemical content and type of milk influencesm sensorial evaluation of cheeses and their shelf life. The analysed cheeses, after 12th day of processing, obtained better sensorial scores than those after the 30th day. Cheeses made of goat\u27s milk have obtained the best sensorial evaluation, although their shelf life was shorter than the rest of the cheese samples made of cow\u27s milk and mixtures of goat\u27s and cow\u27s milk. The chosen storage temperature (10-11 ºC) was not adequate for Camembert cheeses. Therefore, in order to prolong the shelf life above the 30-day-period and to preserve sensorial properties of the cheeses, the temperature should be lower, i.e. 5 ºC

    Could the choice of regional anaesthesia serve as a cost management indicator within a hospital?

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    Application of certain economic knowledge and skills in the medical field could help improve organization and functioning of certain hospital departments. By analyzing the use of certain anesthesia techniques, bearing in mind cost benefits of using regional anesthesia, along with benefits for the patient (lower postoperative pain and more effective postoperative pain relief) we will try to demonstrate the benefits of regional anesthesia in comparison to other anesthesia techniques. T he purpose of the data presented in this paper is to illustrate the importance of interdisciplinary approach for achieving optimal quality of medical service and patient satisfaction. The analysis of the reports from University hospital "Sveti Duh" Department of Anesthesiology, reanimatology and Intensive medicine indicates how the use of a particular anesthesia technique can contribute to the rationalization and identify key segments of a business process where there is room for improvement

    The influence of dexamethasone administration in spinal anesthesia for femur fracture on postoperative cognitive dysfunction

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    Background and purpose: Cognitive side-effects often complicate postoperative care especially in elderly and fragile patients.The aim of this research is to establish the influence of intrathecal dexamethasone administration in spinal anesthesia with levobupivacaine on postoperative pain, consciousness and values of cortisol levels for patients with femur fracture. Methods: The study is planned as a prospective, interventional, randomized clinical trial. A total of 60 patients ASA2 and ASA3 status, scheduled for surgical procedures will be sorted into two groups and undergo surgery. One group will have spinal anesthesia with levobupivacaine, SA group, and the other study group will have spinal anesthesia with addition of dexamethasone, DSA group. The primary outcome measure is the occurrence of postoperative disturbance of consciousness and plasma cortisol levels. As a secondary outcome measure, we are following pain intensity, blood glucose levels and recovery. Cortisol and glucose are analysed in five measurements. Peripheral venous blood samples are collected before anesthesia, one hour after surgery, third, fifth and on the tenth day after surgery. Postoperative cognitive dysfunction is defined by using Confusion Assessment Method (CAM) criteria. Visual analog scale (VAS) is used to record pain severity among patients. Results: We collected data for 28 patients so far. Preoperative cortisol levels were 713,25nmol/L,pain intensity(VASscore) 8,3. Postoperative cortisol plasma levels in 17 patients in DSA group were significantly lower 384(184-511) nmol/L in comparison to 11 patients in SA group with postoperative cotisol plasma levels 551(397-753) nmol/L. The duration of analgesia in DSA group was 428(350-510) minutes and in SA group 212(183- 254) minutes. According to CAM criteria, postoperative cognitive disturbances were seen in 8 (72%) patients in SA group, and 3 (17%) patients in DSA group. Conclusion: The addition of dexamethasone to the local anesthetic has proven so far that it significantly prolongs the duration of sensory block and, thus, decreases opioid requirements and postoperative cognitive disturbances

    Production of fresh probiotic cheese with addition of transglutaminase

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    Svrha rada bila je istražiti utjecaj probiotičke kulture Lactobacillus acidophilus i enzima transglutaminaze (TG) na kvalitetu i senzorska svojstva autohtonog svježeg sira iz okolice Zagreba. Svježem, nepasteriziranom, obranom mlijeku dodan je enzim transglutaminaza (TG), a na različitim temperaturama i trajanju aktivacije (8 sati na 11 ºC i 4 sata na 25 ºC). Inaktivacija enzima provedena je postupkom pasterizacije (65 ºC/30 min). Nakon hlađenja na 25 ºC, mlijeko za proizvodnju svježeg sira inokulirano je mezofilnom kulturom bakterija mliječne kiseline MM101 i probiotičkom kulturom L. acidophilus LAC-1. Uz pokusne uzorke, s dodatkom TG i probiotičke kulture, proizvedeni su i kontrolni uzorci bez dodatka TG i probiotika te uzorci bez TG, ali uz dodatak probiotika. Uzorci svježeg sira proizvedeni uz dodatak TG, posebno oni gdje je TG djelovala 8 sati na 11 ºC, imali su veću masu od uzoraka proizvedenih bez dodatka enzima, pa je stoga i prinos sira bio veći, a pokazali su i manju sinerezu tijekom 10 dana čuvanja svježeg sira na 10 ºC negoli uzorci koji su proizvedeni bez dodatka enzima. Isti su uzorci dobili najviše ocjene senzorskih svojstava. Metabolička aktivnost mezofilne kulture MM101 i probiotičkog soja L. acidophilus LAC-1 utjecala je na bolji okus i miris svježeg sira, a broj živih stanica probiotičkog soja L. acidophilus LAC-1 u priređenim uzorcima bio je cca 5 x 106 cfu/g nakon 10 dana čuvanja na 10 ºC, što je više od minimalnog preporučenog broja u probiotičkim proizvodima. Dodatak transglutaminaze doprinosi boljoj konzistenciji i općem izgledu svježeg sira.The aim of this research was to examine the influence of probiotic culture Lactobacillus acidophilus and enzyme transglutaminase (TG) on quality and sensory properties of autochthonous fresh cheese from Zagreb region. Fresh, unpasteurized, skimmed milk was inoculated with TG at different temperatures and activation time (8 h at 11 ºC and 4 h at 25 ºC). Inactivation of the enzyme was carried out during the process of pasteurization (65ºC/30 min). The milk for fresh cheese production was further inoculated with mesophilic culture of lactic acid bacteria MM101 and probiotic strain Lactobacillus acidophilus LAC-1. Besides the trial samples with addition of TG and probiotic bacteria, control samples without addition of TG and probiotic were produced, as well as the samples without addition of TG but with probiotic bacteria addition. Samples of fresh cheese produced with addition of TG, especially in which TG was active at 11 ºC, had greater weight then samples produced without the enzyme addition. Therefore, their yield was also greater then yield of cheese produced without the addition of the enzyme. Furthermore, the samples of fresh cheese produced with addition of TG have shown lesser syneresis than other samples during 10 days of storage at 10 ºC. The same samples also had the best sensory properties. Metabolic activity of mesophilic culture MM101 and probiotic culture L. acidophilus LAC-1 has resulted in better taste and odour of fresh cheese. The viable cell number of probiotic strain L. acidophilus LAC-1 in prepared samples was around 5 x 106 cells/g after 10 days of storage at 10 ºC, which is higher than the minimal dose required for 27 probiotic products. Addition of transgultaminase contributed to better consistency and general appearance of produced fresh cheese

    Influence of probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis lafti® b94, inulin and transglutaminase on the properties of set- style yoghurt

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    Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti utjecaj probiotičkog soja Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis LAFTI® B94, inulina i transglutaminaze na kvalitetu i senzorska svojstva čvrstog jogurta. Za proizvodnju jogurta korišteno je svježe homogenizirano mlijeko s 3,3% mliječne masti kojemu je, uz jogurtne starter kulture, dodana probiotička kultura Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis LAFTI® B94, inulin i enzim transglutaminaza, aktiviran 1 h i 30 min. pri 55 °C. Inaktivacija enzima provedena je postupkom pasterizacije 15 min. pri 85 °C. Proizvedeni su i kontrolni uzorci čvrstog jogurta, bez dodatka probiotičke kulture, inulina i transglutaminaze. U radu su određivana fizikalnokemijska i senzorska svojstva proizvedenih čvrstih jogurta. Radi pouzdane identifikacije probiotičkog soja Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis LAFTI® B94, izolira-nog iz proizvedenog jogurta, provedena je SDS-poliakrilamidna gel elektroforeza (SDS-PAGE) ukupnih staničnih proteina i lančana reakcija polimera-zom (PCR) s početnicama specifičnim za rod Bifidobacterium. Proizvedeni čvrsti jogurti s dodanom probiotičkom kulturom, inulinom i transglutami-nazom su bili čvršći i pokazali su manju sinerezu, te su dobili više ocjene senzorskih svojstava u odnosu na kontrolne uzorke jogurta. Broj živih stanica Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis LAFTI® B94 nakon 28 dana čuvanja bio je viši u uzorcima jogurta koji su sadržavali inulin kao prebiotik. Fermentacija jogurta s inulinom i transglutaminazom je kraće trajala od fermentacije jogurta bez dodatka inulina i transglutaminaze. SDS poliakrilamidnom gel elektroforezom ukupnih staničnih proteina i lančanom reakcijom polimeraze, primjenom početnica specifičnih za rod Bifidobacterium, potvrđena je prisutnost probiotičke kulture u proizvedenom čvrstom jogurtu u visokom broju (više od 106 stanica/mL).The aim of this research was to examine the influence of probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis LAFTI® B94, inulin and transglutaminase on quality and sensory properties of set-style yoghurt. Fresh, homogenized milk with 3,3% of milk fat was used for yoghurt production, with addition of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis LAFTI® B94, inulin and transglutaminase activated during 1h 30 min at 55 °C. Enzyme inactivation was carried out by pasteurization of milk during 15 minutes at 85 °C. Control samples were prepared without addition of probiotic culture, inulin and transglutaminase. Physico-chemical parameters and sensory properties of produced set-style yoghurt have been determined. For reliable identification of probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis LAFTI® B94, isolated from the produced yoghurt, SDS-PAGE of whole cell proteins and PCR with species specific primers for Bifidobacterium were carried out. It has been shown that produced set-style yoghurt with probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis LAFTI® B94, inulin and transglutaminase had higher firmness, less syneresis and better sensory properties than control yoghurt samples. After 28 days of storage the viable count of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis LAFTI® B94 was higher in samples containing inulin as prebiotic. Fermentation of yoghurt samples containing inulin and transglutaminase lasted shorter than fermentation of samples without inulin and transglutaminase. The presence of high number of probiotic culture (more than 106 cells/mL) in produced set yoghurts was confirmed by SDS-PAGE of whole cell proteins and PCR with species specific primers for Bifidobacterium

    Evaluation of autochthonous lactic acid bacteria as starter cultures for production of white pickled and fresh soft cheeses

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    In order to preserve the traditional manufacturing of white pickled (WPC) and fresh soft cheeses (FSC), well-characterized autochthonous lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with advantageous characteristics were applied for the production of the cheeses at small industrial scale under the controlled conditions. Selected LAB for design of defined mixed starter cultures belonged to Lactococcus lactis ZGBP5-9, Enterococcus faecium ZGPR1-54 and Lactobacillus plantarum ZGPR2-25 for FSC production and to Lc. lactis BGAL1-4, Lactobacillus brevis BGGO7-28 and Lb. plantarum BGGO7-29 for WPC production. A sensory evaluation indicated that the cheeses obtained by inoculation with selected autochthonous LAB are similar to the traditional cheese and received the best scores. Viable cell counts of LAB used for the production of both type chesses was high, over 10(6) cfu g(-1). High viability of the surveyed strains was supported with PCR-DGGE, which confirm the retention of selected LAB strains as starter cultures in cheese production. Next, PFGE analysis showed that each single strains, selected in particular cheese mixed culture, revealed unique SmaI PFGE pattern that could enable efficient discrimination and monitoring of the strains in industrial process. As some of the selected LAB strains are attributed as potential probiotics, produced cheeses could be considered as functional food

    Local anaesthetic toxicity

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    Local anaesthetic drugs arewidely used for the provision of regional anaesthesia and analgesia. When used properly, they are safe and effective and have only few side effects. However, in case of an accidental intravascular injection or an injection of excessive dose, they can be toxic and neurologic and cardiovascular symptoms may occur. Systemic toxicity, although a rare complication, can be life threatening and resistant to treatment. This review offers a brief overview of the current understanding of the circumstances that cause systemic and cardiovascular toxicity in the daily clinical practice and the management of clinical signs and symptoms


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    Zloćudni tumor je drugi najčešći uzrok smrtnosti odmah poslije kardiovaskularnih bolesti. U Republici Hrvatskoj kod muškaraca je najveća stopa oboljelih od zloćudnih tumora prostate dok žene najviše obolijevaju od zloćudnog tumora dojke. Najčešći maligni uzrok smrtnosti u Republici Hrvatskoj kod muškaraca je zloćudni tumor pluća, a kod žena zloćudni tumor debelog i tankog crijeva. U svijetu je zloćudni tumor vodeći uzrok smrtnost, a najčešći zloćudni tumor je tumor pluća. Kako bi se smanjio eksponencijalan rast pojavnosti zloćudnih tumora diljem svijeta važno je raditi na prevenciji zloćudnih tumora odnosno redovito odlaziti na preglede kod liječnika i ukloniti ili smanjiti moguće čimbenike rizika za nastanak zloćudnog tumora(pušenje, pretjerana konzumacija alkohola, tjelesna neaktivnost, pravilna prehrana, korištenje zaštite prilikom seksualnih odnosa). Redoviti odlasci na preglede izuzetno su važni kod ranog dijagnosticiranja zloćudnih tumora. U situacijama kasnog otkrivanja zloćudnog tumora najčešće se pruža palijativna skrb kojoj je cilj olakšati simptome prouzrokovane bolešću i poboljšati kvalitetu života bolesnika. Važnu ulogu u skrbi za terminalne onkološke bolesnike ima onkološka medicinska sestra koja kroz proces sestrinske skrbi osigurava bolesnicima najkvalitetniju skrb. Onkološka medicinska sestra provodi jako puno vremena uz bolesnike i prva uočava novonastale promjene. Neki od najčešćih problema kod terminalnih onkoloških bolesnika s kojima se onkološka medicinska sestra suočava su: bol, anoreksija i kaheksija, konstipacija, mučnina i povraćanje, dispneja, proljev, umor i depresija. Za onkološku medicinsku sestru je bitno da poznaje hitna stanja u onkologiji kako bi pri nastanku nekog od njih mogla pravovremeno intervenirati. Onkološke medicinske sestre moraju imati fokus na njezi i zbrinjavanju akutnih bolesnika, edukaciji bolesnika i njihovih obitelji, uspješnom oporavku bolesnika i pružanju potporne skrbi. Na kraju provedene sestrinske skrbi potrebno je evaluirati ciljeve i planove sestrinske skrbi i utvrditi da li je potrebno ponovno provesti određene intervencije kako bi se poboljšala kvaliteta života bolesnika. Prema istraživanjima na kvalitetu života terminalnih onkoloških bolesnika bitno utječu simptomi uznapredovalog zloćudnog tumora, pa je stoga potrebno učinkovitom skrbi utjecati na nastanak simptoma kako bi se terminalnim onkološkim bolesnicima povećala kvaliteta života.Cancer is the second most common cause of death immediately after cardiovascular disease. In the Republic of Croatia, men have the highest rate of prostate cancer, while women have the highest rate of breast cancer. The most common malignant cause of death in the Republic of Croatia in men is lung cancer, and in women cancer of the colon and small intestine. Cancer is the leading cause of death in the world, and the most common cancer is lung cancer. In order to reduce the exponential growth of cancer worldwide, it is important to work on cancer prevention, ie to see a doctor regularly and to eliminate or reduce possible risk factors for cancer (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, proper diet). Regular check-ups are extremely important in the early diagnosis of cancer. In situations of late cancer detection, palliative care is most often provided, which aims to alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life of patients instead of treating the disease. An important role in the care of terminal oncology patients is played by the oncology nurse who, through the process of nursing care, provides patients with the highest quality care. The oncology nurse spends a lot of time with patients and is the first to notice the new changes. Some of the most common problems in terminal oncology patients faced by an oncology nurse are: pain, anorexia and cachexia, constipation, nausea and vomiting, dyspnea, diarrhea, fatigue, and depression. It is important for an oncology nurse to know the emergencies in oncology so that she can intervene in a timely manner in the event of any of them. Oncology nurses must have a focus on caring for and caring for acute patients, educating patients and their families, successfully recovering patients, and providing supportive care. At the end of the nursing care, it is necessary to evaluate the goals and plans of nursing care and determine whether it is necessary to re-implement certain interventions in order to improve the quality of life of patients. According to research, the quality of life of terminal cancer patients is significantly affected by the symptoms of advanced cancer, so it is necessary to effectively influence the onset of symptoms in order to make life easier for patients


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    Zloćudni tumor je drugi najčešći uzrok smrtnosti odmah poslije kardiovaskularnih bolesti. U Republici Hrvatskoj kod muškaraca je najveća stopa oboljelih od zloćudnih tumora prostate dok žene najviše obolijevaju od zloćudnog tumora dojke. Najčešći maligni uzrok smrtnosti u Republici Hrvatskoj kod muškaraca je zloćudni tumor pluća, a kod žena zloćudni tumor debelog i tankog crijeva. U svijetu je zloćudni tumor vodeći uzrok smrtnost, a najčešći zloćudni tumor je tumor pluća. Kako bi se smanjio eksponencijalan rast pojavnosti zloćudnih tumora diljem svijeta važno je raditi na prevenciji zloćudnih tumora odnosno redovito odlaziti na preglede kod liječnika i ukloniti ili smanjiti moguće čimbenike rizika za nastanak zloćudnog tumora(pušenje, pretjerana konzumacija alkohola, tjelesna neaktivnost, pravilna prehrana, korištenje zaštite prilikom seksualnih odnosa). Redoviti odlasci na preglede izuzetno su važni kod ranog dijagnosticiranja zloćudnih tumora. U situacijama kasnog otkrivanja zloćudnog tumora najčešće se pruža palijativna skrb kojoj je cilj olakšati simptome prouzrokovane bolešću i poboljšati kvalitetu života bolesnika. Važnu ulogu u skrbi za terminalne onkološke bolesnike ima onkološka medicinska sestra koja kroz proces sestrinske skrbi osigurava bolesnicima najkvalitetniju skrb. Onkološka medicinska sestra provodi jako puno vremena uz bolesnike i prva uočava novonastale promjene. Neki od najčešćih problema kod terminalnih onkoloških bolesnika s kojima se onkološka medicinska sestra suočava su: bol, anoreksija i kaheksija, konstipacija, mučnina i povraćanje, dispneja, proljev, umor i depresija. Za onkološku medicinsku sestru je bitno da poznaje hitna stanja u onkologiji kako bi pri nastanku nekog od njih mogla pravovremeno intervenirati. Onkološke medicinske sestre moraju imati fokus na njezi i zbrinjavanju akutnih bolesnika, edukaciji bolesnika i njihovih obitelji, uspješnom oporavku bolesnika i pružanju potporne skrbi. Na kraju provedene sestrinske skrbi potrebno je evaluirati ciljeve i planove sestrinske skrbi i utvrditi da li je potrebno ponovno provesti određene intervencije kako bi se poboljšala kvaliteta života bolesnika. Prema istraživanjima na kvalitetu života terminalnih onkoloških bolesnika bitno utječu simptomi uznapredovalog zloćudnog tumora, pa je stoga potrebno učinkovitom skrbi utjecati na nastanak simptoma kako bi se terminalnim onkološkim bolesnicima povećala kvaliteta života.Cancer is the second most common cause of death immediately after cardiovascular disease. In the Republic of Croatia, men have the highest rate of prostate cancer, while women have the highest rate of breast cancer. The most common malignant cause of death in the Republic of Croatia in men is lung cancer, and in women cancer of the colon and small intestine. Cancer is the leading cause of death in the world, and the most common cancer is lung cancer. In order to reduce the exponential growth of cancer worldwide, it is important to work on cancer prevention, ie to see a doctor regularly and to eliminate or reduce possible risk factors for cancer (smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, proper diet). Regular check-ups are extremely important in the early diagnosis of cancer. In situations of late cancer detection, palliative care is most often provided, which aims to alleviate symptoms and improve the quality of life of patients instead of treating the disease. An important role in the care of terminal oncology patients is played by the oncology nurse who, through the process of nursing care, provides patients with the highest quality care. The oncology nurse spends a lot of time with patients and is the first to notice the new changes. Some of the most common problems in terminal oncology patients faced by an oncology nurse are: pain, anorexia and cachexia, constipation, nausea and vomiting, dyspnea, diarrhea, fatigue, and depression. It is important for an oncology nurse to know the emergencies in oncology so that she can intervene in a timely manner in the event of any of them. Oncology nurses must have a focus on caring for and caring for acute patients, educating patients and their families, successfully recovering patients, and providing supportive care. At the end of the nursing care, it is necessary to evaluate the goals and plans of nursing care and determine whether it is necessary to re-implement certain interventions in order to improve the quality of life of patients. According to research, the quality of life of terminal cancer patients is significantly affected by the symptoms of advanced cancer, so it is necessary to effectively influence the onset of symptoms in order to make life easier for patients