18 research outputs found

    First record of Beierochelifer Mahnert, 1977 (Pseudoscorpiones: Cheliferidae) from Slovakia

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    Beierochelifer peloponnesiacus peloponnesiacus (Beier, 1929) is recorded for the first time from Slovakia. These records are based on two males found in tree microhabitats at two localities, both with forest-steppe character with xerothermic vegetation. A full description of the specimens of this rare subspecies is provided and the main diagnostic characters are discussed

    First records of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) from Lithuania

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    First records of pseudoscorpions from Lithuania are presented based on specimens preserved in Lithuanian collections and new material collected during the latest ten years. Pseudoscorpions were collected at 25 localities in both deciduous and coniferous forests at altitudes of 5 to 186 m above the sea level. Sifting of litter and moss, pitfall traps and collecting by picking under the bark of deadwood were used as the collecting methods. Altogether 132 specimens belonging to eight species from three families were recorded. The findings of Neobisium crassifemoratum (Beier, 1928) represent the northernmost known records of the species

    Pseudoscorpions (Arachnida, Pseudoscorpiones) from French Polynesia with first species records and description of new species

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    A new species Olpium caputi sp. nov. from Tahiti is described here based on external characters. This is the first record of the family Olpiidae Banks, 1895 from French Polynesia. Additionally, the genus Paratemnoides Harvey, 1991 is recorded from French Polynesia for the first time with the full description of new-found specimens of Paratemnoides assimilis (Beier, 1932). New localities of Geogarypus longidigitatus (Rainbow, 1897) are added. An identification key to pseudoscorpions of French Polynesia is provided

    Spiders and pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones) in old oaks of a Central European floodplain

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    Spiders and pseudoscorpions on old pedunculate oaks (Quercus robur) with tree cavities were studied in a Central European floodplain (South Moravia, Czech Republic). Altogether 322 specimens from 47 spider taxa and 71 specimens of six pseudoscorpion species were collected during 2010 and 2011 from tree cavities using two methods: More specimens and species of spiders were obtained from flight interception traps and more specimens and species of pseudoscorpions were obtained from pitfall traps. Remarkable records represent typical cavity dwellers, i.e. the spider Midia midas (Simon, 1884), the pseudoscorpions Larca lata (Hansen, 1884) and Apocheiridium ferum (Simon, 1879), the latter occurs mostly under tree bark. Five arachnid species are listed in the Czech red list: Midia midas, Leptorchestes berolinensis (C. L. Koch, 1846), Dipoena erythropus (Simon, 1881), Larca lata and Dendrochernes cyrneus (L. Koch, 1873)

    The first species of the pseudoscorpion genus Lechytia Balzan, 1892 (Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae) from New Zealand

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    The subfamily Lechytiinae is reported from New Zealand for the first time. A new species, Lechytia novaezealandiae sp. nov., is described and illustrated from Lake Waikare in Waikato District, North Island. In addition, a key to species in the genus Lechytia from Asia, Australia, and New Zealand is included

    Rhacochelifer disjunctus (Pseudoscorpiones: Cheliferidae) new to the fauna of Slovakia

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    An illustrated description of Rhacochelifer disjunctus (L. Koch, 1873) collected in Slovakia is presented. One female was found phoretic on Lepidoptera in a Malaise trap. Another 37 specimens, including both sexes, tritonymphs and a protonymph, collected in the 1950s were deposited in the Natural History Museum in Prague, Czech Republic and identified as well. The discoveries of R. disjunctus specimens at five localities within Slovakia represent the first records of the species for this country

    New records of pseudoscorpions (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones) associated with animals and human habitats in Slovakia and the Czech Republic

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    New data on pseudoscorpions associated with animals (birds, mammals, ants and true flies) and human habitats (synanthropic species) are presented. The collecting was carried out at 35 localities in Slovakia and the Czech Republic in different periods between 1989 and 2016. Altogether 149 nests of nine bird species, one mole nest, 14 nests of three rodent species, one lagomorph nest and four combined bird-rodent nests were examined. Five families were found, of which the Chernetidae was ranked first, with eight taxa and 770 specimens. Nine taxa were extracted from bird nests, from them Neobisium carcinoides (Hermann, 1804) and Dendrochernes cyrneus (L. Koch, 1873) were recorded only in this habitat type. Five species were found in mammal nests, Neobisium sylvaticum (C.L. Koch, 1835) and Lasiochernes pilosus (Ellingsen, 1910) were present only in this habitat type. Two species were collected in combined bird-mammal nests and two taxa were phoretic. Cheiridium museorum (Leach, 1817) was recorded only in synanthropic habitats and two quite rare species Microbisium suecicum Lohmander, 1945 and Chernes vicinus (Beier, 1932) were extracted only from anthills of Formica rufibarbis Fabricius, 1793. Five species were found for the first time in anthills in Slovakia. The current paper brings the first concrete faunistic data about the species Chernes vicinus from Slovakia and the second known locality of Microbisium suecicum in Slovakia. The phoresy of Allochernes peregrinus Lohmander, 1939 on true fly was recorded for the first time in Slovakia

    Two new pseudoscorpion species (Pseudoscorpiones, Chthoniidae, Cheiridiidae) from the Tonga Islands, Polynesia, with a redescription of the genus Nesocheiridium

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    The genera Tyrannochthonius Chamberlin, 1929 and Nesocheiridium Beier, 1957 are recorded from the Tonga Islands, Polynesia, for the first time. Tyrannochthonius eua sp. nov. is described from the island of Eua. Nesocheiridium onevai sp. nov. is described from the island of Onevai. This is the first discovery of a representative of the genus Nesocheiridium in more than 60 years. The holotype of the type species, Nesocheiridium stellatum Beier, 1957, is redescribed, allowing a better understanding of this poorly known genus. The genus Nesocheiridium is diagnosed by the following combination of characters: integument coarsely granulate, dorsally granulo-reticulate; vestitural setae either relatively long, with a leaf-like outline, or arcuate with a small spine; cucullus short; only 10 abdominal tergites visible in dorsal view; cheliceral rallum of four blades; venom apparatus present in both chelal fingers; fixed chelal finger with granulate swelling mesally and seven trichobothria; trichobothria ib and ist located distad of granulate swelling; eb and esb situated close together at the base of the finger; moveable chelal finger with two trichobothria

    Diplotemnus balcanicus (Redikorzev, 1928) (Pseudoscorpiones, Atemnidae) rediscovered in Slovakia after 65 years

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    Diplotemnus balcanicus (Redikorzev, 1928) is reported for the second time from Slovakia. The species was first recorded from Slovakia in 1955 when two specimens were found in bat guano on the loft inside a church. After 65 years, one male was discovered inside a private family home 8 km from the 1955 record. The original 1955 material of D. balcanicus, from a private collection, has been revised. Additionally, a short description of the male of D. balcanicus and some identification notes on Eurasian diplotemnids are provided

    New cases of introducion of Stenochrus portoricensis (Arachnida: Schizomida) in Switzerland

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    A schizomid, Stenochrus portoricensis Chamberlin, 1922 (Hubardiidae) was collected in tropical greenhouses in Botanical Gardens in Geneva, Zurich, and the Papiliorama in Kerzers, Fribourg. The findings represent the first discovery of schizomids in Switzerland, Europe