968 research outputs found

    Стремительное развитие космических установок в России

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    В докладе рассмотрена и проанализирована наиболее перспективная разработка космическогоназначения, созданная в России. Не имеющая аналогов энерготранспортная установка позволит создатькачественно новую технику высокой энерговооруженности для изучения и освоения дальнего космоса. Вдокладе подробно представлены преимущества, важные эксплуатационные характеристики ядерногоракетного двигателя. Также изображена компоновка космической установки и объяснен принцип ееработы.Im Vortrag ist die perspektivischeste russische Anlage der kosmischen Bestimmung betrachtet undanalysiert.Diese Kernenergieanlage hat keine Analogien.Sie wird ermoglicht, die qualitativ neue Technik des hohenEnergieeinsatzes fur die Erforschung und die Aneignung des entfernten Kosmos zu schaffen.Im Vortrag sinddieVorteile, die wichtigen Betriebscharakteristiken des nuklearen Raketenmotors detailliert vorgestellt. Au?erdem istdie Zusammenstellung der motorischen Kernanlage dargestellt und das Prinzip ihrer Arbeit ist erklart.Es kann sein, dass in der allernachsten Zeit der gro?e Schritt vorwarts in den Kosmischen Wissenschaftengemacht sein wird und bald der erste Flug auf den Mars gelingt


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    Based on the content analysis of the definitions of “assessment”, the concept of “aesthetic assessment” is disclosed, the author’s scale of aesthetic assessment and the results of the formation of an aesthetic assessment of students in four classes in the process of mastering the works of Russian classical painting are presented.На основе контент-анализа определений понятия «оценка», раскрыто понятие «эстетическая оценка», представлена авторская шкала эстетической оценки и результаты сформированности эстетической оценки у учащихся 4-х классов в процессе освоения произведений русской классической живописи

    The formation of legal consciousness, shaping responsibility and civic consciousness among young people

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    The article discusses the connection problems of formation of civil society and of legal state and the problems of formation of legal consciousness, shaping responsibility and civic consciousness among young people. An attempt is made analysis of the effectiveness forms of attracting young people to take part in some of the existing social and political organizationsРассматривается связь проблем формирования гражданского общества и правового государства и проблем формирования правового сознания, воспитания ответственности и гражданственности у молодежи. Предпринимается попытка анализа эффективности форм привлечения молодежи к участию в некоторых действующих общественных и политических организация

    Simulation of magnetic active polymers for versatile microfluidic devices

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    We propose to use a compound of magnetic nanoparticles (20-100 nm) embedded in a flexible polymer (Polydimethylsiloxane PDMS) to filter circulating tumor cells (CTCs). The analysis of CTCs is an emerging tool for cancer biology research and clinical cancer management including the detection, diagnosis and monitoring of cancer. The combination of experiments and simulations lead to a versatile microfluidic lab-on-chip device. Simulations are essential to understand the influence of the embedded nanoparticles in the elastic PDMS when applying a magnetic gradient field. It combines finite element calculations of the polymer, magnetic simulations of the embedded nanoparticles and the fluid dynamic calculations of blood plasma and blood cells. With the use of magnetic active polymers a wide range of tunable microfluidic structures can be created. The method can help to increase the yield of needed isolated CTCs

    New lichen records from the Novgorod Region, Russia

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    Twenty lichen species are reported as new to the Novgorod Region (Russia) from Valdaysky National Park and Rdeysky Nature Reserve. Pyrenula chlorospila is recorded for the first time for European Russia outside Caucasus. Acrocordia cavata, Pertusaria coccodes, Rostania occultata and Scytinium subtile are recommended to be included in the Red Data Book of the Novgorod Region.

    Using the structure extraction method for analyzing data from spectrometric gamma-ray logging

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    The possibility of using the method of revealing structure (MRS) in the analysis of spectrometric gamma-ray logging data in the problem of lithological dissection of the section is investigated

    Ultrasonic fingerprinting by phased array transducer

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    Increasing quantity of spent nuclear fuel that must be under national and international control requires a novel approach to safeguard techniques and equipment. One of the proposed approaches is utilize intrinsic features of casks with spent fuel. In this article an application of a phased array ultrasonic method is considered. This study describes an experimental results on ultrasonic fingerprinting of austenitic steel seam weld

    Ultrasonic fingerprinting by phased array transducer

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    Increasing quantity of spent nuclear fuel that must be under national and international control requires a novel approach to safeguard techniques and equipment. One of the proposed approaches is utilize intrinsic features of casks with spent fuel. In this article an application of a phased array ultrasonic method is considered. This study describes an experimental results on ultrasonic fingerprinting of austenitic steel seam weld