59 research outputs found

    Classification of Tools of tax Incentives of Innovations Классификация инструментов налогового стимулирования инноваций

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    In this article research of classification of tools of tax incentives of innovations is conducted. New criteria of classification are offered: depending on a stage of life cycle of innovative processes (fundamental research works, applied research works, research and design works, innovation introduction, innovation consumption); depending on subjects of innovative processes (the research organizations, the innovative enterprises, the enterprises of real sector which introduce innovations, the infrastructure enterprises and the enterprises which render assistance of innovative activity).В данной статье проведено исследование классификации инструментов налогового стимулирования инноваций. Предложены новые критерии классификации: в зависимости от этапа жизненного цикла инновационных процессов (фундаментальные научно-исследовательские работы, прикладные научно-исследовательские работы, исследовательско-конструкторские работы, внедрение инновации, потребление инновации); в зависимости от субъектов инновационных процессов (научно-исследовательские организации, инновационные предприятия, предприятия реального сектора, которые внедряют инновации, инфраструктурные предприятия и предприятия, которые оказывают содействие инновационной деятельности)

    Modeling of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Pharmacokinetics

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    Cerium oxide nanoparticles have recently attracted great attention as one of the promising nanomaterials for use in the pharmaceutical industry. However, to assess the potential toxicity of these nanoparticles, information about their biodistribution in the body is necessary. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling is a convenient tool for providing such data. So, this study is devoted to modeling the pharmacokinetics of intravenously injected CeO2 nanoparticles in the body. The designed PBPK model adequately described time courses of CeO2 nanoparticles in various tissues of rats. Simulation results allow to analyze absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of nanoparticles in the body, and provide important information to evaluate their toxicity to biological organisms. © 2020 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved

    Modeling of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles Pharmacokinetics

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    Cerium oxide nanoparticles have recently attracted great attention as one of the promising nanomaterials for use in the pharmaceutical industry. However, to assess the potential toxicity of these nanoparticles, information about their biodistribution in the body is necessary. A physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling is a convenient tool for providing such data. So, this study is devoted to modeling the pharmacokinetics of intravenously injected CeO2 nanoparticles in the body. The designed PBPK model adequately described time courses of CeO2 nanoparticles in various tissues of rats. Simulation results allow to analyze absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of nanoparticles in the body, and provide important information to evaluate their toxicity to biological organisms. © 2020 American Institute of Physics Inc.. All rights reserved

    Ayurvedic medicinal plants of Bangladesh

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    лекарственные растения, аюрведа, аюрведические лекарственные растения, качество, безопасность, оценка, Бангладе

    Cerium Dioxide Nanoparticles as Potential External Antioxidants

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    According to the recent research oxidative stress, resulting from the excess of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the body, contributes to the development of the various pathologies. One of the methods for reducing the level of ROS is the use of the exogenous substances with antioxidant properties. The possibility of use the cerium dioxide nanoparticles as such an external antioxidant was investigated in this study. Antioxidant properties of nanoparticles were considered in terms of their ability to perform the functions of catalase and inhibit the hydrogen peroxide. The catalase-like activity of the CeO2 nanoparticles, as well as the influence of the synthesis method and the properties of the surrounding on it, were investigated by optical spectroscopy.Согласно последним исследованиям, окислительный стресс, возникающий вследствие избыточного накопления активных форм кислорода (АФК) в организме, способствует возникновению различного рода патологий. Одним из методов уменьшения уровня АФК является использование экзогенных веществ, обладающих антиоксидантными свойствами. В данной работе была исследована возможность использования наночастиц диоксида церия в качестве такого внешнего антиоксиданта. Антиоксидантные свойства наночастиц были рассмотрены с точки зрения их способности выполнять функции фермента каталазы, ингибирующего пероксид водорода. Каталазаподобная активность наночастиц СеО2, а также влияние на нее метода синтеза и свойств среды было исследовано методами оптической спектроскопии

    Optical and luminescent properties of ceria nanoparticles produced by gas phase method

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    The study on luminescent and optical properties of ceria nanoparticles allow one to indirectly assess the defectiveness of the material crystal lattice. The decomposition of the luminescence spectrum in the Gaussian bands shows the presence of Ce3+ ions in the CeO2 crystal lattice, as well as optical active centers, probably associated with oxygen vacancies. These characteristics permit us to estimate the relative amount of Ce3+ ions in the crystal lattice and could be considered as an important prerequisite for the use of nanoparticles as redox agents in industry and medicine. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 18-72-00041The work was supported by Russian Science Foundation project № 18-72-00041

    Gd2O3, SiO2-Gd2O3 and SiO2-MnO2 nanoparticles as potential MRI contrast agents

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    Gd2O3, SiO2-Gd2O3 and SiO2-MnO2 nanoparticles were produced by the method of pulsed electron evaporation of oxide targets with condensation of the vapors in a vacuum. These materials are considered as probable contrast agents for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The Gd2O3 nanoparticles exhibit a rather high r1 and r2 relaxivities. These results point to the potential of using nanocrystals for MRI diagnosis. The mesoporous nanostructures SiO2-Gd2O3 and SiO2-MnO2 could be considered as multimodal theranostic agents. © 2020 IOP Publishing Ltd

    Production method of nanostructured wood-polymer composition with microwave application

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction. Currently, wood-polymer compositions (WPC) are widely used in the national economy and construction. The composition of WPC varies widely depending on the further purpose. Improving the binding quality in the wood-polymer system is one of the promising areas for enhancing operational characteristics. Organic and inorganic substrates nanostructured with individual substances, including metal particles, are used as binding components. In the petrochemical industry, most high-capacity productions use catalysts based on active carriers like heavy metals when developing targeted products for various purposes. After several stages of regeneration, recovering these heavy metals becomes impossible. Consequently, spent catalysts accumulate in sedimentation tanks and sludge collectors, lacking an efficient method for disposal and secondary use. One of the components included in the composition of spent catalysts is chromium (+6), which belongs to carcinogenic metals. Numerous disposal methods are currently inadequate for neutralizing this metal on an industrial scale, which is of interest for research. Methods and materials. The study is aimed at converting carcinogenic chromium (+6) into non-carcinogenic chromium (+3) by ultrahigh frequency exposure (microwave), which will open up opportunities for its use as a chromium-containing nanocomplex binding a tree-polymer. Results and discussions. The ultrahigh-frequency effect on the mixture of wood-polymer composition and spent chromium (+6) causes an increase in the penetration depth of high–frequency waves, characterized by a uniform distribution of energy over the entire area of the composite, which is explained by the reduction of chromium (VI) oxide into chromium (III) oxide, and there is also a change in the color of the nanostructured wood-polymer composition (WP – compositions) from yellow to malachite. Conclusion. This study, which consists in the application of microwave exposure to the wood-nanoparticle-polymer system, confirms the receipt of a durable construction product and its use in the construction of roofs, facade boards, sidewalks, piers, port facilities, et

    High school students' professional self-determination as a social problem

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    Introduction. Nowadays, professional self-determination is recognized to be a significant component of education. In a rapidly changing post-industrial society, professional self-determination turns into the continuous process of forming the professional trajectory by the individual based on the available personal opportunities and requirements. To enhance the effectiveness of this process, a person who is going to enter adulthood needs assistance not only in the choice of profession, but also in search of resources for development and implementation of own educational and professional scenario which is adequate to modern realities and challenges, as well as training in independent use of these resources. In this regard, one of the main priorities of schools is to provide support to students in their professional self-determination and the help in stage-by-stage making decisions on continuation of education and further professionalization. The aim of the present research is an assessment of the state of psycho-pedagogical support for the professional self-determination of students in a modern Russian public school. Methodology and research methods. The methodological framework was the set of competency-based, practice-focused and subject approaches with the position that professional self-determination is a cross-disciplinary continuous social phenomenon. A theoretical part of the research was “The concept of maintenance of professional self-determination of students in the conditions of continuing education”. Face-to-face and online questionnaires of teachers and parents were the leading methods of a practical part of the research. The Vortex program was used to process the data obtained using methods of mathematical statistics. Results and scientific novelty. The system of school education does not cope with the vocational-oriented education duty. Based on the review of scientific and sociological sources, the authors identified the problems which do not allow optimizing vocational-oriented work at school level. The authors examined the opinions of teachers and parents of Yekaterinburg school students. The questions dealt with the process of organizing the assistance for professional self-determination of children and teenagers, and the degree of respondents' participation in this process. The authors concluded that most of teachers and parents suggest that vocational-oriented events should be held regularly since the 7-8 th grades. The overwhelming number of respondents believe that acquisition of knowledge about the world of the professions and skills is additional, but it can be involved into the study load for the fullest self-realization of a child in the future. From the point of view of parents, the most popular professions among school students were revealed and ranged. The respondents' estimates of a contribution to professional self-determination of pupils of additional professional education, socially useful labour and volunteering were analyzed. Factors and prerequisites of effective vocational-oriented work were highlighted. In particular, vocational-oriented work can be successful only in case parents of students are engaged members of the process. Practical significance. The materials, conclusions and recommendations of the research can be used to enhance vocational-oriented work among teenagers and students. © 2018 Institute of Europe Russian Academy of Sciences. All Rights Reserved

    Определение фоновых изотопных отношений биодоступного стронция для рудника бронзового века новотемирский

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    To assess the mobility and provenance of ancient populations, it is necessary to compare their 87Sr/86Sr isotopic ratios with the local bioavailable strontium baseline (background), characteristic of each specific location or potential provenance region of an individual or artifact. Its definition requires a comprehensive approach to the analysis of heterogeneous samples («proxies») characterizing the ecosystem of the archaeological site under study, the identification of the most suitable proxies, as well as the unification and standardization of the sampling and analytic protocols. A pilot study is presented devoted the definition of the local range of bioavailable strontium by the example of the Novotemirskiy Bronze Age mine (Southern Urals). 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios were determined in surface and underground water, bedrock (serpentinite), clay from the mine wall, and steppe polecat’s bone, as well as in grass and a bivalve shell from the lake. The lowest range of strontium isotope ratios relative to each other is characteristic of surface and groundwater, shell and grass, which allows them to be used to determine the combined baseline of bioavailable strontium. Multi-proxy (surface and underground water, grass and a bivalve shell) local bioavailable strontium baseline for the Novotemirskiy ancient mine (Southern Urals) is 0,7096 ± 0,0003 (2σ, n = 5). © 2021 Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Archaeology. All rights reserved.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке РНФ, проект No 20-18-00402 «Миграции человеческих коллективов и индивидуальная мобильность в рамках мультидисциплинарного анализа археологической информации (бронзовый век Южного Урала)», в ЮУрГУ (НИУ) (Д. В. Киселева – геохимическая интерпретация, П. С. Анкушева – археологическая документация и аналитика; Т. Г. Окунева, А. В. Касьянова – измерения проб и стандартных образцов; Е. С. Шагалов, М. Н. Анкушев – отбор проб и геологическая характеристика)