7,409 research outputs found

    Nature of stochastic ion heating in the solar wind: testing the dependence on plasma beta and turbulence amplitude

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    The solar wind undergoes significant heating as it propagates away from the Sun; the exact mechanisms responsible for this heating are not yet fully understood. We present for the first time a statistical test for one of the proposed mechanisms, stochastic ion heating. We use the amplitude of magnetic field fluctuations near the proton gyroscale as a proxy for the ratio of gyroscale velocity fluctuations to perpendicular (with respect to the magnetic field) proton thermal speed, defined as ϵp\epsilon_p. Enhanced proton temperatures are observed when ϵp\epsilon_p is larger than a critical value (0.0190.025\sim 0.019 - 0.025). This enhancement strongly depends on the proton plasma beta (βp\beta_{||p}); when βp1\beta_{||p} \ll 1 only the perpendicular proton temperature TT_{\perp} increases, while for βp1\beta_{||p} \sim 1 increased parallel and perpendicular proton temperatures are both observed. For ϵp\epsilon_p smaller than the critical value and βp1\beta_{||p} \ll 1 no enhancement of TpT_p is observed while for βp1\beta_{||p} \sim 1 minor increases in TT_{\parallel} are measured. The observed change of proton temperatures across a critical threshold for velocity fluctuations is in agreement with the stochastic ion heating model of Chandran et al. (2010). We find that ϵp>ϵcrit\epsilon_p > \epsilon_{\rm crit} in 76\% of the studied periods implying that stochastic heating may operate most of the time in the solar wind at 1 AU.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Transcription and the Pitch Angle of DNA

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    The question of the value of the pitch angle of DNA is visited from the perspective of a geometrical analysis of transcription. It is suggested that for transcription to be possible, the pitch angle of B-DNA must be smaller than the angle of zero-twist. At the zero-twist angle the double helix is maximally rotated and its strain-twist coupling vanishes. A numerical estimate of the pitch angle for B-DNA based on differential geometry is compared with numbers obtained from existing empirical data. The crystallographic studies shows that the pitch angle is approximately 38 deg., less than the corresponding zero-twist angle of 41.8 deg., which is consistent with the suggested principle for transcription.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor modifications; v3: major modifications compared to v2. Added discussion about transcription, and reference

    Magnetic Reconnection May Control the Ion-Scale Spectral Break of Solar Wind Turbulence

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    The power spectral density of magnetic fluctuations in the solar wind exhibits several power-law-like frequency ranges with a well defined break between approximately 0.1 and 1 Hz in the spacecraft frame. The exact dependence of this break scale on solar wind parameters has been extensively studied but is not yet fully understood. Recent studies have suggested that reconnection may induce a break in the spectrum at a "disruption scale" λD\lambda_D, which may be larger than the fundamental ion kinetic scales, producing an unusually steep spectrum just below the break. We present a statistical investigation of the dependence of the break scale on the proton gyroradius ρi\rho_i, ion inertial length did_i, ion sound radius ρs\rho_s, proton-cyclotron resonance scale ρc\rho_c and disruption scale λD\lambda_D as a function of βi\beta_{\perp i}. We find that the steepest spectral indices of the dissipation range occur when βe\beta_e is in the range of 0.1-1 and the break scale is only slightly larger than the ion sound scale (a situation occurring 41% of the time at 1 AU), in qualitative agreement with the reconnection model. In this range the break scale shows remarkably good correlation with λD\lambda_D. Our findings suggest that, at least at low βe\beta_e, reconnection may play an important role in the development of the dissipation range turbulent cascade and causes unusually steep (steeper than -3) spectral indices.Comment: Accepted in ApJ

    Magnetic fluctuation power near proton temperature anisotropy instability thresholds in the solar wind

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    The proton temperature anisotropy in the solar wind is known to be constrained by the theoretical thresholds for pressure anisotropy-driven instabilities. Here we use approximately 1 million independent measurements of gyroscale magnetic fluctuations in the solar wind to show for the first time that these fluctuations are enhanced along the temperature anisotropy thresholds of the mirror, proton oblique firehose, and ion cyclotron instabilities. In addition, the measured magnetic compressibility is enhanced at high plasma beta (β1\beta_\parallel \gtrsim 1) along the mirror instability threshold but small elsewhere, consistent with expectations of the mirror mode. The power in this frequency (the 'dissipation') range is often considered to be driven by the solar wind turbulent cascade, an interpretation which should be qualified in light of the present results. In particular, we show that the short wavelength magnetic fluctuation power is a strong function of collisionality, which relaxes the temperature anisotropy away from the instability conditions and reduces correspondingly the fluctuation power.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Empirical Constraints on Proton and Electron Heating in the Fast Solar Wind

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    We analyze measured proton and electron temperatures in the high-speed solar wind in order to calculate the separate rates of heat deposition for protons and electrons. When comparing with other regions of the heliosphere, the fast solar wind has the lowest density and the least frequent Coulomb collisions. This makes the fast wind an optimal testing ground for studies of collisionless kinetic processes associated with the dissipation of plasma turbulence. Data from the Helios and Ulysses plasma instruments were collected to determine mean radial trends in the temperatures and the electron heat conduction flux between 0.29 and 5.4 AU. The derived heating rates apply specifically for these mean plasma properties and not for the full range of measured values around the mean. We found that the protons receive about 60% of the total plasma heating in the inner heliosphere, and that this fraction increases to approximately 80% by the orbit of Jupiter. A major factor affecting the uncertainty in this fraction is the uncertainty in the measured radial gradient of the electron heat conduction flux. The empirically derived partitioning of heat between protons and electrons is in rough agreement with theoretical predictions from a model of linear Vlasov wave damping. For a modeled power spectrum consisting only of Alfvenic fluctuations, the best agreement was found for a distribution of wavenumber vectors that evolves toward isotropy as distance increases.Comment: 11 pages (emulateapj style), 5 figures, ApJ, in pres

    Predictions for the First Parker Solar Probe Encounter

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    We examine Alfv\'en Wave Solar atmosphere Model (AWSoM) predictions of the first Parker Solar Probe (PSP) encounter. We focus on the 12-day closest approach centered on the 1st perihelion. AWSoM (van der Holst et al., 2014) allows us to interpret the PSP data in the context of coronal heating via Alfv\'en wave turbulence. The coronal heating and acceleration is addressed via outward-propagating low-frequency Alfv\'en waves that are partially reflected by Alfv\'en speed gradients. The nonlinear interaction of these counter-propagating waves results in a turbulent energy cascade. To apportion the wave dissipation to the electron and anisotropic proton temperatures, we employ the results of the theories of linear wave damping and nonlinear stochastic heating as described by Chandran et al. (2011). We find that during the first encounter, PSP was in close proximity to the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) and in the slow wind. PSP crossed the HCS two times, namely at 2018/11/03 UT 01:02 and 2018/11/08 UT 19:09 with perihelion occuring on the south of side of the HCS. We predict the plasma state along the PSP trajectory, which shows a dominant proton parallel temperature causing the plasma to be firehose unstable.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures; accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter