33 research outputs found

    Prevalence of hypersensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the population of adult asthmatics in Poland based on an epidemiological questionnaire

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    Introduction: Hypersensitivity reactions to drugs account for 25% of all side effects related to drugs, affecting more than 7% of the population. One in four such reactions is caused by acetylic acid and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Material and methods: Between 1998 and 2000 epidemiological research was carried out in various centers, with the aim of estimating the frequency of allergy-based diseases in Poland. The objective of the study was to evaluate the frequency of hypersensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), based on an epidemiological questionnaire, in the Polish adult population. Results: Bronchial asthma was diagnosed in 582 patients (5.4%). Of that group, 75 patients (12.9%) additionally reported symptoms of hypersensitivity to NSAIDs. Aspirin-induced asthma was diagnosed in 11 patients (14.7%) with clinical manifestations of hypersensitivity responses. Frequency of aspirin-induced asthma with clinical symptoms amounted to 1.9% of asthmatics. In the assessment of severity of the disease, aspirin intolerance was the only statistically significant factor (p = 0.0003; odds ratio 28.6 with assumed 95% confidence interval). Conclusions: In the population of adults in Poland, the frequency of aspirin-induced asthma amounted to 0.1%. Hypersensitivity to NSAIDs was observed in 12.9% of asthmatics. In asthmatics with symptoms of hypersensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which takes the course of clinically demonstrable aspirin-induced asthma, the risk of severe asthma is 30-fold higher

    Prevalence of hypersensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in the population of adult asthmatics in Poland based on an epidemiological questionnaire

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    Wstęp: Reakcje nadwrażliwości na leki stanowią około 25% działań niepożądanych leków i dotyczą ponad 7% ogólnej populacji. Kwas acetylosalicylowy i inne niesteroidowe leki przeciwzapalne (NLPZ) w jednej czwartej przypadków odpowiadają za te reakcje. Materiał i metody: W latach 1998–2000 przeprowadzono wieloośrodkowe badanie epidemiologiczne, mające oszacować częstość występowania schorzeń alergicznych w Polsce. Celem autorów pracy była próba oceny częstości występowania reakcji nadwrażliwości na NLPZ w populacji dorosłych cierpiących na astmę w Polsce, na podstawie prowadzonych badań epidemiologicznych. Wyniki: Badanie objęło grupę 10 684 dorosłych osób w Polsce. Astmę oskrzelową rozpoznano u 582 (5,4%) badanej populacji. W grupie tej 75 chorych (12,9%) zgłaszało objawy nadwrażliwości na NLPZ. Częstość występowania astmy aspirynowej wyniosła 1,9% wśród wszystkich chorych na astmę. W grupie z nadwrażliwością na NLPZ astmę przewlekłą umiarkowaną choi ciężką rozpoznano u 21,3% chorych. W ocenie ciężkości astmy wśród populacji badanej istotność statystyczną uzyskano w tylko w przypadku nietolerancji na aspirynę (p = 0,0003; iloraz szans 28,6 przy założonym 95-procentowym przedziale ufności). Wnioski: Częstość występowania astmy aspirynowej w populacji osób dorosłych w Polsce wynosi 0,1%, natomiast wśród dorosłych chorych na astmę oskrzelową stanowi 1,9%. Reakcje nadwrażliwości na NLPZ występują u 12,9% dorosłych chorych na astmę w Polsce. Chorych na astmę aspirynową charakteryzuje statystycznie znamiennie cięższy przebieg choroby w porównaniu do chorych na astmę tolerujących aspirynę. Ryzyko wystąpienia u nich ciężkiego przebiegu astmy jest zwiększone blisko 30-krotnie.Introduction: Hypersensitivity reactions to drugs account for 25% of all side effects related to drugs, affecting more than 7% of the population. One in four such reactions is caused by acetylic acid and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Material and methods: Between 1998 and 2000 epidemiological research was carried out in various centers, with the aim of estimating the frequency of allergy-based diseases in Poland. The objective of the study was to evaluate the frequency of hypersensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), based on an epidemiological questionnaire, in the Polish adult population. Results: Bronchial asthma was diagnosed in 582 patients (5.4%). Of that group, 75 patients (12.9%) additionally reported symptoms of hypersensitivity to NSAIDs. Aspirin-induced asthma was diagnosed in 11 patients (14.7%) with clinical manifestations of hypersensitivity responses. Frequency of aspirin-induced asthma with clinical symptoms amounted to 1.9% of asthmatics. In the assessment of severity of the disease, aspirin intolerance was the only statistically significant factor (p = 0.0003; odds ratio 28.6 with assumed 95% confidence interval). Conclusions: In the population of adults in Poland, the frequency of aspirin-induced asthma amounted to 0.1%. Hypersensitivity to NSAIDs was observed in 12.9% of asthmatics. In asthmatics with symptoms of hypersensitivity to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which takes the course of clinically demonstrable aspirin-induced asthma, the risk of severe asthma is 30-fold higher

    The role of MMP-12 gene polymorphism - 82 A-to-G (rs2276109) in immunopathology of COPD in polish patients : a case control study

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    Table 1S. Logistic regression analysis of association between -82 A-to-G SNP of MMP12 gene (rs2276109) and COPD – the multiple inheritance models. Description of data: This table contains the logistic regression results of modeled association between SNP rs2276109 of MMP12 gene and COPD. (DOCX 16 kb

    Pracownia bronchoskopowa

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    The Association between Depression and Perceived Stress among Parents of Autistic and Non-Autistic Children—The Role of Loneliness

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    Having an autistic child significantly impairs the functioning of the family, including the wellbeing of the parents. The aim of this study was to assess whether loneliness mediates the relationship between perceived stress and the severity of depressive symptoms in the studied sample of parents. This cross-sectional study involved 39 parents of autistic children and 45 parents of non-autistic children. They completed a set of tests: a survey on sociodemographic and clinical data and psychometric questionnaires, i.e., Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI), De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale (DJGLS), and Perceived Stress Questionnaire (KPS). A rise in external and intrapsychic stress, independently, was linked to a rise in the severity of depressive symptoms. The severity of depression, loneliness and stress was higher among parents of autistic children compared with parents of non-autistic children. Intrapsychic stress exhibited an indirect effect through loneliness on the worsening of depressive symptoms

    Lonely in the City–Sociodemographic Status and Somatic Morbidities as Predictors of Loneliness and Depression among Seniors–Preliminary Results

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    Up to a third of the population of older adults has been estimated to suffer from feelings of loneliness, which is considered a risk factor of depression. The aim of this paper is to compare the perceived level of loneliness and depression in seniors living in the country and in the cities and assess somatic morbidity and sociodemographic status as predictors of loneliness and depressiveness. n = 92 older adults in primary care units filled out a set of questionnaires: authors’ survey on sociodemographic data and morbidities, Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI, to measure depressiveness) and De Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale (DJGLS, to assess loneliness). There was a strong, positive and statistically significant correlation between the BDI and DJGLS scores (R = 0.855, p < 0.001). City residents had on average higher BDI and DJGLS scores. Linear regression models were constructed to predict BDI and DJGLS scores. The set of statistically significant predictors were similar for BDI and DJGLS. Sociodemographic status and somatic morbidities accounted for around 90% of variance of depressiveness and loneliness scores in the studied group. Living alone was found to be the strongest relative predictor of both loneliness and depressiveness in the studied sample of the older adults. Our current results suggest that there might be a need to improve social support in the late adulthood as an intervention to diminish the sense of loneliness and depressiveness