35 research outputs found

    Respon Tanaman Jagung terhadap Pemupukan Fosfor pada Typic Dystrudepts

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    Response of Maize Plant to Phosphorus Fertilization on Typic Distrudepts (A. Kasno): On the acid soil, phosphorus nutrients  become critical for agricultural crops growth. At the present, price of fertilizers significantly increase and fertilizers are not available. These conditions can affect on soil productivity and crop production. The objective of these research were to study the  response of maize (Zea mays L.) to phosphate fertilizers on Inceptisol. The research was conducted in Cicadas Village on Typic Dystrudept. Experiment was conducted in a randomized completely block design, with 8 treatments and three replications. Treatments consisted of 6 dosages of P fertilizers, which were P source is SP-36 WIKA Agro 0, 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg ha-1. SP-36 and Tunisia rock phosphate (40 kg P ha-1) were used for standard. Pioneer 12 variety of maized was used as an indicator. Plot size was 5 m x 6 m and the maize was planting with distance of 75 cm x 20 cm with   one seed per hole. The results showed  that organic C and N, P (extracted by Bray 1), K and CEC on the soil were low. Phosphate fertilizers significantly increased which was P extracted by HCl 25% from 24 to 67 mg P 100 g-1 soil and which were extracted by Bray 1 increased from 0,87 to  63.31 mg P kg-1 soil. Phosphate fertilizers significantly increased plant height from 175.2 cm become to 221.1 cm. Plant height of maize using SP-36 WIKA Agro fertilizer (210.6 cm) was similar to plant heigh using SP-36 fertilizer (213.4 cm)  but less height from Tunisia rock phosphate. The yield of maize on SP-36 WIKA Agro (4.94 t ha-1) were linely higher than SP-36 (4.69 t ha-1), significantly was higher than that of Tunisia rock phosphate. Maximum dosage of SP-36 fertilizer was 66.67 kg P ha-1, and optimum dosage was 42 kg P ha-1. Value of Relative Agronomic Effectiveness SP-36 WIKA Agro fertilizer was heigher than SP-36

    Perbaikan Tanah untuk Meningkatkan Efektivitas dan Efisiensi Pemupukan Berimbang dan Produktivitas Lahan Kering Masam

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    Abstrak. Potensi lahan kering masam tersedia cukup luas untuk dikembangkan menjadi lahan pertanian, kendala utama tingkat kemasaman yang tinggi, hara makro primer dan sekunder rendah, C-organik rendah, kapasitas tukar kation dan kejenuhan basa rendah. Kandungan Al dan Fe tinggi, sehingga menghambat ketersediaan hara, dan dapat berkumpul di daerah perakaran serta meracuni tanaman. Tanah masam lahan kering terletak pada kondisi yang berombak sampai bergelombang, sehingga penataan lahan berdasarkan konservasi tanah perlu dilakukan. Perbaikan tanah merupakan tindakan untuk mengurangi pengaruh kemasaman tanah, ketersediaan Al, dan Fe dengan memberikan bahan ameliorant seperti kapur pertanian, dolomit, bahan organik dan biochar. Penataan lahan dapat dilakukan dengan penanaman disesuaikan dengan kemiringan lahan, pembuatan teras, pengaturan saluran pembuangan air, dan perbaikan tanah di daerah perakaran juga perlu dilakukan. Pemupukan berimbang sangat efektif dan efisien dilakukan pada lahan kering masam yang sudah baik, dan kendala kemasaman diminimalis. Pemupukan berimbang dilakukan berdasarkan pada status hara tanah dan kebutuhan hara oleh tanaman. Abstract. The potential for acid upland is enough available to be developed into agricultural land, the main constraints are high acidity, low primary and secondary macro nutrients, low C-organic, cation exchange capacity and low base saturation. Al and Fe content are high, thus inhibiting nutrient availability, and can gather in rooting and poisoning plants. Upland acid soil is in a choppy to undulating condition, so land management based on soil conservation needs to be done. Soil improvement is an action to reduce the effect of soil acidity, availability of Al, and Fe by providing ameliorant materials such as agricultural lime, dolomite, organic matter and biochar. Land use planning can be done by planting in accordance with the slope of the land, making terraces, regulating the drainage system, and repairing the soil in the root zone. Balanced fertilization is very effective and efficient done on acidic upland that is already good, and minimizing acidity constraints. Balanced fertilization is based on soil nutrient status and nutrient requirements of the plant

    Nutrient Balance at Integrated Nutrient Management on Lowland Rice Which is Dominated by 1:1 Clay Mineral for High Potential Rice Yields

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    Nutrient Balance at Integrated Nutrient Management on Lowland Rice Which is Dominated by 1:1 Clay Mineral for High Potential Rice Yields (A Kasno): The curve of the most recent production period of the intensification lowland rice was stating a levelling off. In the effort to increase the rice production, an improvement on intensification quality using a balance fertilizing concept was determined.  The objective of this research was to study the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutrient balance among the integrated nutrient management. The field experiment was conducted in Margodadi and Mulyosari, Metro, Lampung, in dry season 2006. A randomized Complete Block Design was applied with ten treatments and three replications. The treatments combined of inorganic and organic fertilizers. Phosphorus and potassium dosages and proportions were determined based on the previous research held in 2005, it were 100 kg SP-36 ha-1 and 80 kg KCl ha-1 in Mulyosari, and 130 kg SP-36 ha-1 and 120 kg KCl ha-1 in Margodadi. At the beginning, 100 kg urea was added. The crop’s need of nitrogen was monitored using the Leaf Color Chart every 7-10 days, starting from the 21st days after planting, up to the phase panical inisiation. Total urea fertilizer added was 300 kg ha-1. Organic matters consisting of  5 Mg ha-1 rice straw and 2 Mg ha-1 cow manure were added. Ammonium sulphate was added to provide 10 kg S ha-1 and by 5 minutes dying the seedlings on 0,05% ZnSO4 solution before planting was intended to provide Zn nutrient. Micro nutrient Cu was provided by adding 5 kg ha-1 CuSO4. The plot size was 5m x 5m, and Hybride Rice, PHB 71, was used as the plant indicator. Observation was focused on the weight of dry straw and yield and on analysing the nutrient content of straw and grain yield. The result showed  that the weight of the yield increased from 7.44 to 7.93 Mg ha-1 by adding Cu in Mulyosari. The total production of Hybride PHB 71 in the NPK treatment based on the Margodadi and Mulyosari nutrient status were 7.44 and 7.00 Mg ha-1,  respectively. Adding KCl 120 kg ha-1 in Margodadi and 80 kg ha-1 in Mulyosari was equal to the incorporating 5 Mg ha-1 rice straw in acheiving the same rate of the weight of the yield. Incorporating straw 5 Mg ha-1 increased the nutrients content of harvested straw/grain:  N from 105 to 123 kg ha-1, P from 26 to 34 kg ha-1, and K from 106 to 114 kg ha-1 in Margodadi, while in Mulyosari increasing N from 114 to 128 kg ha-1, P from 26 to 34 kg ha-1, and K from 71 to 87 kg ha-1.  Nutrient balance in Margodadi was in the range of -12 to 68 kg ha-1, -16 to -7 kg ha-1, and -68 to -5 ka ha-1 for N, P, and K, respectively, while in Mulyosari was in the range of -23 to 67 kg ha-1, -19 to -10 kg ha-1 and -60 to -28 kg ha-1 for N, P, and K, respectively. Incorporating rice straw to the rice field was able to improve the balance of N, P, and K nutrients in the rice field

    Respon Tanaman Jagung Terhadap Pemupukan Fosfor Pada Typic Dystrudepts

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    On the acid soil, phosphorus nutrients become critical for agricultural crops growth. At the present, price of fertilizers significantly increase and fertilizers are not available. These conditions can affect on soil productivity and crop production. The objective of these research were to study the response of maize (Zea mays L.) to phosphate fertilizers on Inceptisol. The research was conducted in Cicadas Village on Typic Dystrudept. Experiment was conducted in a randomized completely block design, with 8 treatments and three replications. Treatments consisted of 6 dosages of P fertilizers,which were P source is SP-36 WIKA Agro 0, 10, 20, 40, 60 and 80 kg ha-1. SP-36 and Tunisia rock phosphate (40 kg P ha-1) were used for standard. Pioneer 12 variety of maized was used as an indicator. Plot size was 5 m x 6 m and the maize was planting with distance of 75 cm x 20 cm with one seed per hole. The results showed that organic C and N, P (extracted by Bray 1), K and CEC on the soil were low. Phosphate fertilizers significantly increased which was P extracted by HCl 25% from 24 to 67 mg P 100 g-1 soil and which were extracted by Bray 1 increased from 0,87 to 63.31 mg P kg-1 soil. Phosphate fertilizers significantly increased plant height from 175.2 cm become to 221.1 cm. Plant height of maize using SP-36 WIKA Agro fertilizer (210.6 cm) was similar to plant heigh using SP-36 fertilizer (213.4 cm) but less height from Tunisia rock phosphate. The yield of maize on SP-36 WIKA Agro (4.94 t ha-1) were linely higher than SP-36 (4.69 t ha-1), significantly was higher than that of Tunisia rock phosphate. Maximum dosage of SP-36 fertilizer was 66.67 kg P ha-1, and optimum dosage was 42 kg P ha-1. Value of Relative Agronomic Effectiveness SP-36 WIKA Agro fertilizer was heigher than SP-36

    Pengelolaan Hara Terpadu pada Lahan Sawah Tadah Hujan sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Produksi Beras Nasional

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    Abstrak. Beras merupakan makanan pokok bagi bangsa Indonesia dan strategis bagi keamanan pangan nasional. Produksi beras dapat ditingkatkan melalui ektensifikasi lahan, peningkatan mutu intensifikasi dan indeks pertanaman padi. Lahan sawah tadah hujan berpotensi besar untuk menjadi lahan pertanian produktif jika tingkat kesuburan tanahnya ditingkatkan melalui penerapkan pemupukan berimbang sesuai karakteristik tanahnya. Lahan sawah non irigasi seluas 3,30 juta ha, salah satunya adalah sawah tadah hujan. Pengembangan lahan sawah tadah hujan menjadi sangat relavan dengan peningkatan kebutuhan pangan nasional. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk menelaah pengelolaan lahan sawah tadah hujan untuk meningkatkan produksi padi nasional. Faktor pembatas yang sering dihadapi antara lain ketersediaan air hujan yang sulit diprediksi serta kesuburan tanah yang rendah akibat kandungan C-organik dan N-total yang rendah. Kegagalan panen dapat terjadi akibat akibat kekurangan air pada awal tanam musim hujan maupun saat menjelang panen pada musim kedua. Perbaikannya dapat dilakukan dengan tanam gogo rancah pada musim tanam pertama, dan sistem culik pada musim tanam ke dua. Pemberian bahan pembenah tanah seperti kompos jerami, pupuk kandang, biochar dan kapur pertanian/dolomit terutama untuk tanah yang bereaksi masam ditujukan untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah sebelum dilakukan pemupukan. Teknologi pemupukan berimbang yang dapat diterapkan pada lahan sawah tadah hujan, antara lain Urea 250-300 kg ha-1, SP-36 50-75 kg ha-1, dan KCl 50 kg ha-1, pemberian bahan organik minimal 2 t ha-1, serta pengembalian jerami sisa hasil panen ke dalam tanah. Pemupukan berimbang dapat meningkatkan hasil padi dari 1,8-3,5 t ha-1 menjadi 5,0-5,8 t ha-1. Abstract. Rice is a staple food for the Indonesian people and a strategic comodity for national food security. Rice production can be increased through land extensification, improved quality of intensification and rice cropping index. Rainfed lowland rice fields could be very potentially productive for agriculture  when the level of soil fertility is improved by applying balanced fertilization that based on the soil characteristics. Non-irrigated rice field area is 3.30 million ha, including the rainfed rice fields. The development of rainfed rice fields is very relevant to the increasing national food needs. The goal of this paper is to examine the management of rainfed lowland rice fields to increase the national rice production. Some of the limiting factors are the unpredictable rainwater availability and low soil fertility due to low C-organic and N-total content. Harvesting failures could be caused by water stress at the beginning of the planting stage in the rainy season or just before harvesting in the second season. This could be prevented by planting upland scaffolding in the first planting season, and the kidnap system in the second growing season. The application of soil enhancers is intended to increase soil fertility before fertilizer application, such as straw compost, manure, biochar and agricultural lime or dolomite especially for acidic soils. Balanced fertilization technology that can be applied to rainfed lowland rice fields are Urea 250-300 kg ha-1, SP-36 50-75 kg ha-1, and KCl 50 kg ha-1, providing organic material at least 2 t ha-1, and the return of the remaining crop straw to the ground. Balanced fertilization can increase rice yield from 1.8-3.5 t ha-1 to 5.0-5.8 t ha-1

    Pengekstrak, Status Dan Dosis Pupuk Kalium Untuk Padi Gogo Pada Hapludults, Braja Selebah, Kabupaten Lampung Timur ( Status and Dosage of Potassium Fertilizer for Upland Rice in Hapludults, Braja Selebah, East Lampung District )

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    . Potassium is a primary macro nutrients and it becomes a limiting factor of plant growth in the upland acid soil. There have not been much studied about the best K extraction, K nutrient status, and the rate of K fertilizer application for upland rice in Hapludults. The objective of this research is to investigate the best extractant for K nutrient, evaluate K nutrient status and the best rate of K fertilizer for each K nutrient status for upland Hapludults with very low K content. The study was conducted in the village of Braja Harjosari, Sub district of Braja Selebah, East Lampung (05o 10 \u2757.43 "S and 105o 46\u27 33.27" E), in dry season of 2015 until the rainy season of 2015/2016. In the first season, a series of artificial K nutrient status from low to high was made by adding K fertilizer with doses of 0 X, ¼ X, ½ X, ¾ X, and 1 X, where X is the amount of K fertilizer intended to achieve the levels of 0.6 cmol(+)kg-1 K in the soil. In the second season, a fertilization response trial on each K nutrient status, with doses of 0, 20, 40, 80, and 160 kg K ha-1 was established Plots dimension was 25 m x 6 m in the first season and 5 m x 6 m in the second season. Observations were made on soil chemical properties and dry grain weight. The K extraction tested were 1N NH4OAc pH 7, 1N NH4OAc pH 4.8, 25% HCl, Truog, Mehlich 1, Bray 1, Bray 2, Colwell, Morgan Venema. The results showed that the best nutrient K extraction of Hapludults soil was the Colwell. The low, medium and high K nutrient status was <21.5, 21.5 – 26.5 and > 26.5 mg kg-1, and the dosage of K fertilizer for upland rice in each nutrient status K was 125, 110, and 80 kg KCl ha-1