12 research outputs found
Media portrayl of Czekoslovakia's Velvet revolution in Czech press
Tato bakalářská práce na téma Mediální obraz sametové revoluce v českém tisku se zabývá obdobím od listopadu do prosince 1989. V této době v Československu proběhla sametová revoluce a celá společnost procházela transformací. Práce se konkrétně zabývá dobovými periodiky - Mladou frontou, Rudým právem, Lidovou demokracií a Svobodným slovem. Na začátku se práce zabývá základními dobovými souvislostmi a poté stručnou historií jednotlivých deníků. V hlavní části práce je pak každé periodikum zvlášť analyzováno a rozebírají se zde jednotlivé články, které se vztahují k událostem souvisejícím se sametovou revolucí, uvolňováním poměrů v Československu a demokratizací společnosti. Tato práce může nabídnout zajímavý pohled na to, jak se jednotlivá média vyjadřovala k událostem kolem sametové revoluce, jak postupně média upustila od cenzury a otevírala se dialogu. Skrze dobová periodika lze sledovat, jak se utvářela nová společnost a jak se s novou situací, která u nás vznikla v listopadu 1989, postupně vypořádala jednotlivé deníky.This bachelor thesis 'Media Portrayal of Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution in Czech Press' focuses on the period between November and December 1989. During this time, Czechoslovakia was undergoing a transformation. The focus is on the press of the time, specifically on Mlada Fronta, Rude Pravo, Lidova Demokracie a Svobodne Slovo. The introduction of the thesis is focused on the basic historic background and then each newspaper is introduced briefly. The main body of the thesis then analyses each newspaper, with focus on various articles related to the events around Velvet revolution and democratisation of the Czechoslovakian society. This thesis can offer an interesting insight into how particular media portrayed the events around Velvet revolution, how the media gradually went from censorship to freedom of speech and opened up for a political dialogue. The formation of current society and how media dealt with the new situation can be seen through the Czech press from the times of Totality.Department of Media StudiesKatedra mediálních studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě
Pangea competition
summary:Informace o mezinárodní matematické soutěži Pangea
Pre-school child and natural number
International audienceThis work represents a part of a longitudinal research project realised in Czech kindergartens during last 15 years. We analysed data obtained from 580 children 5 to 6 years of age, 6–7 months before they began primary school. The research was focused on the natural number in different roles and situations. The variability of chil-dren´s reactions is presented and a particular deficiency in the preschool curriculum is described. The results can help elementary school and kindergarten teachers
The Maths of Life and Death
summary:Autor publikace, Christian (Kit) Yates, je absolventem Oxfordu: DPhil. , téma práce Mathematical Biology a M.Sc. na téma Maths Modelling and Scientific computing. V současnosti působí na Univerzitě v Bath. Jeho zaměření publikací má jedno společné: bez matematiky se neobejdeme
Media portrayl of Czekoslovakia's Velvet revolution in Czech press
This bachelor thesis 'Media Portrayal of Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution in Czech Press' focuses on the period between November and December 1989. During this time, Czechoslovakia was undergoing a transformation. The focus is on the press of the time, specifically on Mlada Fronta, Rude Pravo, Lidova Demokracie a Svobodne Slovo. The introduction of the thesis is focused on the basic historic background and then each newspaper is introduced briefly. The main body of the thesis then analyses each newspaper, with focus on various articles related to the events around Velvet revolution and democratisation of the Czechoslovakian society. This thesis can offer an interesting insight into how particular media portrayed the events around Velvet revolution, how the media gradually went from censorship to freedom of speech and opened up for a political dialogue. The formation of current society and how media dealt with the new situation can be seen through the Czech press from the times of Totality
How to Teach Mathematics to Students Aged 10–16? (a conference)
summary:Krátká zpráva z konference pro učitele matematiky v Litomyšli v roce 2019
Two Days with the Didactics of Mathematics
summary:Příspěvek informuje o konferenci Dva dny s didaktikou matematiky, která je každoročně pořádána PedF UK v Praze ve spolupráci s SUMA JČMF