44 research outputs found

    Acquired resistance to oxaliplatin is not directly associated with increased resistance to DNA damage in SK-N-ASrOXALI4000, a newly established oxaliplatin-resistant sub-line of the neuroblastoma cell line SK-N-AS

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    The formation of acquired drug resistance is a major reason for the failure of anti-cancer therapies after initial response. Here, we introduce a novel model of acquired oxaliplatin resistance, a sub-line of the non-MYCN-amplified neuroblastoma cell line SK-N-AS that was adapted to growth in the presence of 4000 ng/mL oxaliplatin (SK-N-ASrOXALI4000). SK-N-ASrOXALI4000 cells displayed enhanced chromosomal aberrations compared to SK-N-AS, as indicated by 24-chromosome fluorescence in situ hybridisation. Moreover, SK-N-ASrOXALI4000 cells were resistant not only to oxaliplatin but also to the two other commonly used anti-cancer platinum agents cisplatin and carboplatin. SK-N-ASrOXALI4000 cells exhibited a stable resistance phenotype that was not affected by culturing the cells for 10 weeks in the absence of oxaliplatin. Interestingly, SK-N-ASrOXALI4000 cells showed no cross resistance to gemcitabine and increased sensitivity to doxorubicin and UVC radiation, alternative treatments that like platinum drugs target DNA integrity. Notably, UVC-induced DNA damage is thought to be predominantly repaired by nucleotide excision repair and nucleotide excision repair has been described as the main oxaliplatin-induced DNA damage repair system. SK-N-ASrOXALI4000 cells were also more sensitive to lysis by influenza A virus, a candidate for oncolytic therapy, than SK-N-AS cells. In conclusion, we introduce a novel oxaliplatin resistance model. The oxaliplatin resistance mechanisms in SK-N-ASrOXALI4000 cells appear to be complex and not to directly depend on enhanced DNA repair capacity. Models of oxaliplatin resistance are of particular relevance since research on platinum drugs has so far predominantly focused on cisplatin and carboplatin

    Bendel Akuntansi : 41, 43 - 51, 53 - 58 Tahun XI - XIII

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    Oncolytic activity of avian influenza virus in human pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cell lines

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    Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma (PDA), the most common form of pancreatic cancer, is among the most lethal forms of cancer due to diagnoses being made at late stages when tumours are no longer resectable and the disease has often metastasized. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are employed as part of the management of most patients, however in the absence of surgery these treatments are considered only life prolonging rather than life saving. As a result, the 5-year survival rates for PDA are less than 5% and the need for alternative therapies is critical. Oncolytic virotherapy is a branch of cancer therapy that has grown vastly in recent years in terms of scientific advances. This form of cancer therapy uses modified viruses that are specifically targeted to the malignant phenotype yet leave healthy bystander cells largely unharmed. Influenza A viruses have been largely overlooked as agents of oncolytic virotherapy, with only a small number of publications produced over the last two decades. Building on the observation that avian influenza A viruses (IAVs) have a tropism for the pancreas in vivo, the present study was aimed at testing the efficacy of IAV as oncolytic agents to kill human PDA cell lines. To determine whether human PDA cells could be susceptible to Receptor characterization of the pancreatic cell lines included confirmed the expression of both alpha-2,3 and alpha-2,6-linked glycan receptors required for virus attachment by avian and human-tropic influenza viruses, respectively. Consistent with this finding, pilot experiments demonstrated that PDA cell lines were sensitive to infection by human and avian IAV isolates. Growth kinetic experiments showed that multiple rounds of virus replication were achieved by highly pathogenic viruses but not low pathogenic (LP) viruses. This was attributed to the excessive sensitivity these cells showed for the exogenous trypsin required by these viruses for multiple rounds of infection in vitro, as analyses of viruses at early time points post-infection showed high level RNA replication. To quantitatively determine cell death induced by the different virus isolates in PDA cells following infection, MTT assays were performed and demonstrated a significant induction of cell death at 24 hours post infection, and this was particularly severe in the case of an H7N3 isolate. Analyses of apoptosis induction by Annexin V staining further confirmed these results, and interestingly showed that infection with LP IAVs at early time points post treatment caused higher levels of apoptosis in PDA cells compared to gemcitabine and cisplatin, which are the cornerstone of current therapies for PDA. Even more, IAVs did not induce apoptosis in the non-transformed pancreatic ductal HPDE6 cells at near comparable levels to those observed in the PDA cell lines. A closer examination of the mechanisms through which these high levels of apoptosis were induced by the H7N3 virus revealed that in the BxPC-3 PDA cell line, apoptosis resulted from the engagement of the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway. To determine whether any experimental isolates showed an enhanced affinity towards glycans frequently associated with the cancerous phenotype, the binding affinities of three LP viruses that showed good ability to induce PDA cell death were assessed by solid-phase binding assay. Two of the viruses, H7N3 and H7N7, showed strong binding preference for cancer-associated antigens SLeX and SLeA, though this affinity is not absolute and is not likely a suitable mechanism to limit tissue tropism. Finally, using a xenograft model of PDA cell growth in SCID mice, the H7N3 virus was shown to significantly inhibit BxPC-3 tumour growth following a series of intratumoural injection. Taken together, these results suggest that low pathogenic IAVs may prove to be effective for oncolytic virotherapy of PDA, and provide grounds for further studies to develop specific and targeted viruses with the aim of testing their efficacy in clinical contextsL’adenocarcinoma duttale pancreatico (PDA) è la forma più aggressiva e comune di tumore al pancreas. Terapie efficaci nei confronti di altri tipi di tumore hanno mostrato scarsi risultati nel trattamento del PDA; pertanto la necessità di tecniche alternativeè di cruciale importanza. Viroterapia e un trattamento che impiega virus ingegnerizzati geneticamente al fine di infettare ed uccidere selettivamente le cellule tumorali, e negli ultimi sta crescendo molto come campo scientifici. L’osservazione di un tropismo pancreatico del virus influenzale ha guidato il nostro gruppo a testarne l’impiego come agente oncolitico nei confronti dell’adenocarcinoma duttale del pancreas. Sebbene studiato per le influenze stagionali e le pandemie ad esso associate, il virus influenzale non è stato altrettanto investigato per il suo potenziale impiego come agente oncolitico. Lo scopo di questo studio era di testare l'efficacia di IAV come virus oncolitico contro le linee cellulari PDA umane. Diverse linee cellulari di adenocarcinoma pancreatico sono state caratterizzate dal punto di vista recettoriale per valutare la presenza sulla loro superficie di recettori sialici alpha-2,3 o alpha-2,6 in grado di legare i virus influenzale aviari (alpha2-3) o di mammifero (alpha 2-6), e la presenza di tutti e due tipi di ricettori e stato confermato sulla superfice di tutte le linee. Coerentemente con questo risultato, esperimenti pilota hanno dimostrato che linee cellulari PDA erano sensibili alle infezioni da IAV umana e aviaria isolati. Esperimenti di cinetica di crescita hanno mostrato che vari cicli di replicazione del virus sono stati raggiunti da virus altamente patogeni, ma non a bassa patogenicità (LP) virus. Questo è stato attribuito alla sensibilità eccessiva queste cellule hanno mostrato per la tripsina esogeno richiesto da questi virus per più cicli di infezione in vitro, come le analisi di virus in momenti iniziali dopo l'infezione ha mostrato RNA replica di alto livello. Per determinare quantitativamente la morte cellulare indotta dai diversi isolati virali in cellule PDA seguenti infezione, saggi MTT state eseguite e dimostrato una significativa induzione di morte cellulare a 24 ore dopo l'infezione, e questo era particolarmente grave nel caso di un isolato H7N3. Le analisi di induzione dell'apoptosi usando il mercatore annessina V hanno messo in luce come tutti i ceppi virali testati diano livelli di apoptosi più alti rispetto al controllo (Gem+Cisp) in tutte le linee cellulari tumorali impiegate nello studio. In particolare in BXPC-3 (la linea più sensibile tra quelle testate) il ceppo H7N3 A/tukey/Italy/2962/03 ha indotto livelli più alti. In HPDE6, invece si registra una maggiore morte cellulare derivata dal trattamento con i chemoterapici rispetto a quelle portata dall’infezione virale. Il virus influenzale, quindi, mostrava una abilità innata nel causare morte cellulare più efficacemente in linee tumorali rispetto alle cellule sane. Per scoprire il meccanismo tramite cui il cepo H7N3 ha eserito il suo effeto apototico sulle cellule BxPC-3, una valutazione dei citochini indotti dal virus H7N3 ha rivelato che nella linea cellulare BxPC-3 PDA, l’apoptosi veniva indotto dal via mitocondriale intrinseca. Per determinare se i ceppi IAV sperimentali avevano una maggiore affinità intrinsica verso i glicani frequentemente associati con il fenotipo tumorale, le affinità di legame dei tre virus LP che hanno mostrato una buona capacità di indurre la morte delle cellule di PDA sono stati valutati mediante un solid phase binding assay. Due dei virus, H7N3 e H7N7, hanno mostrato una forte preferenza vincolante per gli antigeni tumorali associate Slex e Slea, anche se questa affinità non è assoluto e non è probabilmente un meccanismo adeguato per limitare tropismo tissutale. Sulla base della sua capacità nell’indurre apoptosi il virus H7N3 A/tukey/Italy/2962/03 è stato scelto per vedere la sua capacita antitumorale usando un modello di xenotrapianto di crescita cellulare PDA in topi SCID. Dopo una serie di iniezioni intratumorali, il gruppo trattato con il virus ha avuto una crescita tumorale molto ridotta rispetto al gruppo controllo. Presi insieme, questi risultati suggeriscono che i virus influenzali di bassa patogenicita possono rivelarsi efficaci per viroterapia oncolytic di PDA, e giustificano ulteriori studi per lo sviluppo di virus specifici e modificati, con l'obiettivo di testare la loro efficacia in contesti clinic

    The Basics of Essay Writing

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    Bendel Agrobis :604, 606, 608, 610, 612, 620 - 629, 650 Desember 2004 - Nov 2005

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    Bendel Agrobis : 597- 600, 602, 603, 638 - 641, 644 - 649

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    Basics in Speaking: activities for building coversations

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