21 research outputs found

    How Young/Old Does One Look? Sales Personnel’s and Laypersons’ Estimation of Young People’s Age

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    Several studies have found that the level of alcohol use among minors both in Europe generally and in Estonia is relatively high. However, we have less knowledge of issues related to age estimations in this field. Therefore, research was conducted to examine how accurate sales personnel in Estonia are in estimating the age of young people and, in addition, to compare salespersons and laypersons (i.e., persons not working in shops that sell food and alcohol) with regard to their ability to make accurate age estimations. For this purpose, 20 salespersons and 20 laypersons participated in an experiment in which they estimated the age of people whose faces were presented to them in images. Salespersons’ estimation of young persons’ age from the photos was more accurate than laypersons’ estimation. However, both groups tended to overestimate the age of the people shown, especially when the focus was on the difference between minors of age 17 and young adults of age 18 or 19. It can be concluded that accurately discriminating between minors’ and adults’ faces by using only facial cues is difficult. One solution for addressing this issue in practice would be to raise the age threshold for asking for ID. While many shops already pursue this approach, it is on a voluntary basis; in Estonia, there is no legal requirement to do so

    Harvester John Deere 1270E worktime analysis in final felling

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    Järgnevas lõputöös on analüüsitud harvester John Deere 1270E tööaega lageraiel, käsitledes eraldi iga tööoperatsiooni. Teemavalik tulenes põhiliselt autori huvist metsamasinate vastu ning soovist saada parem ettekujutus antud tööst metsas. Teemat on vähesel määral uuritud varem nii Eestis kui ka välismaal. Töö on koostatud harvesteri töö filmimise teel, kus kaamera paigaldati masina esiklaasile või filmiti ohutust kaugusest masinast eemal ja seejärel on läbiviidud kronometreerimine ning andmete põhjalik analüüs. Samuti tegi autor metsas filmimise ajal märkmeid ning suhtles operaatoritega, kellelt sai vajalikku lisainformatsiooni. Filmimise viis autor läbi neljal kvartalil Järvselja lähistel Võnnu ja Mooste vallas, raielankide vahemaa üksteisest oli väike ning treileri abi lankide vahel liikumiseks vaja ei olnud. Kokku on metsas filmitud materjali ca. 23 tundi. Töö koosneb kolmest suuremast osast, milles esimeses osas on kirjeldatud raielanki, harvesteri üldises plaanis ning konkreetset uuritavat harvesteri ja lõikepead, harvesteri operaatoreid, väli – ja kameraaltööde metoodikat. Töö teises osas esitab autor uuritud tööaja jagunemise tulemused ning diagrammid. Kolmandas töö osas on koostatud võrdlus teiste töödega, milleks oli kolm EMÜ varasemat uurimustööd sarnase teema põhjal, kus põhiline erinevus oli masinates ja raielankides. Töö eesmärk on saada antud harvesteri tööaja kohta võimalikult täpseid andmeid, mida metsanduslikus sektoris on võimalik erinevatel viisidel kasutada.The following thesis is analyzing harvester John Deere 1270E working time of final felling, separating every working operation. The choice of topic was chosen primarly due to the author´s interest in forest machinery and a will to get a better idea of the work in the woods. The subject has also been researched slightly in the past both in Estonia and abroad. The data of harvester was obtained by filming, camera was placed on the windscreen or the working process was recorded from distance, then profound chronometration and data analysis were conducted. Also, the author made notes during the filming and communicated with harvester operators who gave more information. Filming process took place on four quarters near Järvselja in Võnnu and Mooste county, cutting areas and the distance between them was short enough so no trailer was needed. Total footage of the filming in the woods is about 23 hours. The thesis consits of three larger parts, the first part describes cutting areas, harvesters in general as well as the specific harvester and cutting head used, harvester operators and the methodics of the fieldwork. The second part of the thesis describes work time analysis results and diagrams are shown. Third part of the study compares previous work on the similar topic composed by the students of Estonian University of Life Sciences, where main difference was in machinery and cutting areas used. The aim of the research is to get the most accurate data of harvester working time, which can be used in forestry sector for different reasons

    The Primacy of the Nurse in New Zealand 1960s-1990s: Attitudes, Beliefs and Responses over Time

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    Exploring the past, and pulling ideas through to the present, to inform the future can make a valuable contribution to nurses and nursing in New Zealand. By gaining some understanding of the attitudes and beliefs nurses held, and how these influenced their responsiveness, we can learn what active responses might help inform our future. Nurses in New Zealand, as individuals and within the profession as a whole, reveal the primacy of the nurse – nurses who have made and can continue to make a difference to the health of the peoples of New Zealand. A hermeneutic process was used to interpret material, from international texts, national texts and public records over four decades, the 1960s to 1990s. This was supplemented and contrasted with material from twelve oral history participants. Analysis of the material led to the emergence of four themes: Nurses’ decision-making: changes over time; An emerging understanding of autonomy and accountability; Nurses as a driving force; and Creating a nursing future. These four themes revealed an overall pattern of attitudes, beliefs and responses of the New Zealand Registered Nurse. The themes surfaced major revelations about the primacy of the nurse in New Zealand, nurses confident in their ability to take the opportunity, seize the moment, and effect change. The contribution this thesis makes to the discipline of nursing is an understanding of how the nurse actively constructs the scope of a professional response to the context. The thesis demonstrates how nurses can learn from the past, that the attitudes and beliefs that underpin our active responses can either move us forward, or retard our progress. As nurses we can also learn that to move forward we need particular attitudes, beliefs and responses, that these are identifiable, and are key factors influencing our future, thus ensuring the continued primacy of the nurse

    The Effect of Family Factors on Intense Alcohol Use among European Adolescents: A Multilevel Analysis

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    In Europe use of alcohol by adolescents is a large and increasing problem. The aim of this study is to examine the effects of family factors such as structure, social control, affluence, and negative life events on adolescents' risky alcohol use. Data on alcohol use and family factors were obtained from the International Self-Report Delinquency Study (ISRD-2). Using multilevel analysis, it was found that overall, complete family and high social control by parents were lowering the intense alcohol use whereas negative life events in the family and high family affluence were increasing youngsters' intense alcohol use. Differences between regions of Europe were present for all family factors except affluence. Namely, in Northern Europe the impact of family structure and social control on intense alcohol use was stronger than that in other regions (e.g., Western Europe, Mediterranean, and Postsocialist countries). Also, in Northern Europe where the proportion of adolescents who have not experienced negative life events is the highest, the impact of negative life events on intense alcohol use was stronger; that is, negative life events increased the alcohol use. We conclude that family plays a significant role in adolescents' risky alcohol use

    Transfer of Avatar Training Effects to Investigative Field Interviews of Children Conducted by Police Officers

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    Previous research with students and some professional groups (psychologists) has demonstrated that repeated feedback in simulated investigative interviews with computerized child avatars improves the quality of interviews conducted with real children who have witnessed a mock event. However, it is not known whether this type of training would improve the quality of investigative interviews with actual child victims and witnesses of physical and sexual abuse. Twenty-two police investigators participated in the study. Half of them received feedback during four simulated interviews whereas the other half received no feedback during four such interviews followed by another four interviews after which they also received feedback. Transcripts of interviews both before and after the training were coded for interview quality. Receiving feedback after the simulated interviews increased the proportion of recommended questions both within the simulations and, importantly, also during interviewing with actual child victims and witnesses. This study demonstrated for the first time transfer of learning from simulated interviews to actual investigative interviews

    Transfer of Simulated Interview Training Effects into Interviews with Children Exposed to a Mock Event

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    Research on students suggests that repeated feedback in simulated investigative interviews with avatars (computerized children) improves the quality of the interviews conducted in this simulated environment. It remains unclear whether also professional groups (psychologists) benefit from the training and if the effects obtained in the simulated interviews transfer into interviews with real children who have witnessed a mock event. We trained 40 psychologists (Study I) and 69 psychology students (Study II). In both studies, half of the participants received no feedback (control group) while the other half received feedback (experimental group) on their performance during repeated interviews with avatars. Each participant then interviewed two 4-6-year-old children who had each witnessed a different mock event without any feedback being provided. In both studies, interview quality improved in the feedback (vs. control) group during the training session with avatars. The analyses of transfer effects showed that, compared to controls, interview quality was better in the experimental group. More recommended questions were used in both studies, and more correct details were elicited from the children in Study I, during the interviews each participant conducted with two children (N = 76 in Study I; N = 116 in Study II) one week after the training. Although the two studies did not show statistically significant training effects for all investigated variables, we conclude that interview quality can be improved using avatar training and that there is transfer into actual interviews with children at least in the use of recommended questions

    Effects of thermal treatment on the grey alder and common alder for equilibrium moisture content, density and swelling

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    Magistritöö Metsatööstuse õppekavalPuidu termotöötlus on ökoloogiline viis puidu omaduste parendamiseks – suureneb mädaniku ning seenhaiguste kindlus, soojusjuhtivus, lisaks saavutab puit kauni dekoratiivse värvuse. Töötlus viiakse läbi spetsiaalsete termolüüsiahjude abil, kus on kasutusel kõrged temperatuurid ning protsess kestab kuni ööpäeva. Sõltuvalt millist puitu soovitakse, saab valida sobiva termotöötlusprogrammi. Magistritöö eesmärgiks oli anda ülevaade termotöötlusest ning uuriti 10 erineva termotöötlusastme mõju halli lepa ja sanglepa puidu tasakaaluniiskuse sisalduse, tiheduse ja pundumise muutustele. Katsed viidi läbi suhtelistel õhuniiskustel 15%, 30%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 90%, 100% (vees leotamine) ning lisaks katsed enne ja pärast niisutamist absoluutkuivade katsekehade puhul. Katsete tulemused näitasid, et halli lepa tasakaaluniiskus vähenes võrreldes naturaalpuiduga termotöötluse käigus 48%, tihedus langes 12% ja mõne töötluse puhul kasvas kuni 7%. Sanglepa tasakaaluniiskus langes 46% ja tihedus 18% võrra. Pundumise osas olid muutused suuremad, kus halli lepa radiaalsuunaline, tangentsiaalsuunaline ja mahulise pundumise langus olid vastavalt 56%, 67% ja 60%, sanglepa puhul olid samad näitajad vastavalt 53%, 54% ja 60%.Wood heat treatment is an ecological way to improve the properties of wood - the fortification of rotting and fungal diseases, thermal conductivity, in addition, the wood has a beautiful decorative color. The treatment is carried out using special thermolysis furnaces, where high temperatures are used and the process lasts up to 24 hours. Depending on the type of wood desired, a suitable heat treatment program can be selected. The aim of the Master's thesis was to give an overview of the heat treatment and the influence of 10 different heat treatment stages on the changes in the equilibrium moisture content, density and swelling of the grey alder and common alder wood. The experiments were carried out at relative humidity of 15%, 30%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 90%, 100% (soaking in water) and further testing before and after irrigation for absolute dry specimens. The results of the experiments showed that the grey alder equilibrium moisture content decreased by 48% compared to natural wood during the heat treatment, the density decreased by 12% and for some treatments it increased to 7%. Common alder equilibrium moisture content dropped by 46% and density by 18%. In swelling, the changes were greater, with the grey alder radial, tangential and volumetric swelling decreasing by 56%, 67% and 60%, respectively and for common alder respectively 53%, 54% and 60%

    Etaloni mõju laste isikukirjeldustele

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