935 research outputs found

    The Giving Legal Aid for the Poor on a Criminal Case

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    The purpose of this study is to know and examine and analyze the nature of the provision of legal aid for the poor in criminal cases and to know and review and analyze the role of Legal Aid Organizations in Providing Legal Aid for the Poor in criminal cases. as well as to know and examine and analyze what factors influence the implementation of legal aid of the Poor in criminal cases. &nbsp

    Optimized bio-inspired kernels with twin support vector machine using low identity sequences to solve imbalance multiclass classification

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    The function of enzymes is performed differently depending on their bio-chemical mechanisms and important to the prediction of protein structure and function. In order to overcome the weaknesses of imbalance data distribution in subclasses prediction we proposed Bio-Twin Support Vector Machine (Bio–TWSVM). The TWSVM approach as also allow for kernel optimization where in this study we have introduced the bio-inspired kernels such as the Fisher, spectrum and mismatch kernels which at the same time incorporate the biological information regarding the protein evolution in the classification process

    Pandangan Ekonomi Islam Tentang Investasi Murabahah Logam Mulia (Studi pada Cabang Pegadaian Syariah Istiqlal Manado)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pandangan ekonomi Islam tentang investasi murabahah logam mulia di Cabang Pegadaian Syariah Istiqlal Manado. Penulis menemukan bahwa peoses transaksi murabahah melalui logam mulia untuk investasi abadi (MULIA) pada Cabang Pegadaian Syariah Istiqlal Manado dimulai dari transaksi pemesanan, transaksi pembelian ke pemasok kemusian transaksi pembayaran dan pelunasan. Akad yang selama ini digunakan oleh Pegadaian Syariah terhadap barang jaminan (marhun) adalah wadiah al-amanah, sebab barang yang dijadikan agunan/jaminan disimpan rapi dan diperkenankan membuka segel bagi penerima titipan sampai pemberi titipan atau pemberi gadai (rahin) mengambilnya. Hal tersebut dilakukan untuk menjaga keamanan terhadap barang jaminan. Pandangan hokum ekonomi Islam terhadap investasi logam mulia pada Pegadaian Syariah Istiqlal Manado dibolehkan sebab sistem yang digunakan sama dengan sistem pegadaian yaitu melakukan kesepakatan atau akad dan tidak membebani kedua pihak dan melakukan kontrak yang sah tanpa ada paksaan dan penipuan. Persyaratan dan prosedur pemberian pinjaman atau pembiayaan telah ditentukan oleh pegadaian syariah berdasarkan kaidah-kaidah Hukum Islam: persyaratan sederhana, prosedur mudah, akad secara tertulis, pembiayaan/hutang dengan jaminan berang yang sudah dibeli, tidak dipungut bunga, keuntungan/margin dan isi perjanjian ditentukan oleh kedua belah pihak serta pembiayaan tidak mengandung gharar


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    The peri-urban area of Accra is experiencing a rapid transformation. A robust urban and agricultural land market has emerged, characterized by purchases, rapidly rising real land prices, and outsiders from Accra acquiring agricultural holdings for residential and commercial use. The fact that residences are being built, commercial firms are being established, and large firms are acquiring land for commercial interests attests to the ability of the customary system to enable transfers for productive activity. Nevertheless, limited or uncertain property rights increase investment costs and differential access to information in the land market affects equity. This paper seeks to better understand: (a) the land market in peri-urban Accra, (b) the process by which land held by indigenous communities is transferred to outsiders enabling the conversion of unoccupied or agricultural land into residential or commercial uses, and (c) the contradictions and frictions that exist at the interface of land transfers under customary and statutory systems. It further seeks to examine the possibility that uncertain property rights and high litigation costs are constraining commercial and agricultural investment, and to identify the economic and social factors that determine levels of premiums associated with transactions, and the duration of the customary allocation.Land tenure -- Ghana -- Accra Region, Land tenure -- Law and legislation - -Ghana, Land use, urban -- Ghana -- Accra Region, Real property -- Ghana -- Accra Region, Land reform -- Law and legislation -- Ghana, Land markets -- Ghana, Land tenure, urban -- Ghana, Land administration -- Law and legislation -- Ghana, Tenure types, Traditional -- Ghana, Research methods, Land Economics/Use,

    Overview of the operational service quality in UAE Government

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    Government service providers now play a growing important role in the general economy of some countries. The purpose of this study is to determine the operational service quality in United Arab Emirates (UAE) government. Fundamentally, there is a need to identify the issues of impact of government operational service quality towards service quality in the UAE. The most popular model used among general instruments for evaluation of service quality is SERVQUAL, which is being the most effective and mostly used model in service quality evaluation. Service quality is a sort of dimensions that reflects several things, such as reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangible etc. In order to understand the research phenomenon of the operational service quality in UAE government service, this research basically emphasizes on the precedent literatures. Since this is a conceptual paper, this study establishes the need the operational service quality in UAE government service by empirically and theoretically. In depth findings show that, effective measurement of service quality and excellence for various dimensions of Government service could be very useful in the segmentation of customers and the allocation of resources. Government sectors could focus on different customer needs and the service quality dimensions, which are crucial in achieving operational service quality

    The Dynamics of Food Web Model with Defensive Switching Property

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    In this paper, a food web model consisting of two-predator one-prey with the defensive switching of predation avoidance is proposed and analyzed. It is assumed that the prey growth logistically in the absence of predators and defends itself from relatively abundant predator species by switching to another habitat with relatively rare predator species. Sufficient conditions for the stability of the non-trivial equilibrium point are obtained. The Lyapunov function is constructed to establish the global asymptotic stability of the non-trivial equilibrium point when the intensity of defensive switching equal one. Numerical simulations for different sets of parameter values and for different sets of initial conditions are carried out. It has been shown that the system has a globally asymptotically stable non-trivial point when the two predators have the same mortality rates

    Note on the subsistence fishery of Periasamipuram in Gulf of Mannar

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    The survey of Periasamipuram, one of the fishing villages has revealed that there are about 250 families in the village, among which 41 are actively engaged in the fishing activity. Three types of nets, a) Nachchuvalai, b) Viduvalai and c) Sippivalai are being employed for fishing. Some action has been initiated to establish a co- operative society at Periasamipuram

    Role of Women in Fisheries in Coastal Eco-System of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu

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    Fish eaters in the study area comprise 47 per cent of the total population ranging from 237 per cent in Tamil Nadu to 85 per cent in Kerala. Though the position of Tamil Nadu in terms of number of coastal districts and possession of coast line including the number of landing centres, is envious, the number of fish eaters in the state is minimal. Andhra Pradesl') employs 32 per cent of its fisherwomen in fish curing/drying/net making and 27 per cent in processing plant works

    Application of multi-group cfa in analysing moderation effect of socioeconomic attributes on public housing performance

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    This study analysed moderation effect of socioeconomic attributes of income and education on public housing performance model using the multi-group confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) method. The objectives of the study was to evaluate the influence of socioeconomic attributes of income and education on public housing performance using occupants’ experience, with a view to proffer recommendations on objective indicator of public housing performance. Literature revealed how little attention is given to effects of socioeconomic attributes on building performance in post occupancy evaluation (POE). This leads to misuse of resources in facilities management. Sample households of 350 were selected in Gombe metropolis, Nigeria, by systematic random sampling to answer questionnaires as the major instrument of data collection. SPSS Version 22 was used for preliminary analyses and AMOS version 21 was used to validate the constructs and develop Structural Equation Model (SEM) of building performance. Results indicated an acceptable SEM model for use in building performance evaluation, with all factor loadings above 0.5 and required fitness indexes achieved. Moderation effect of occupants’ education and income were proved not significant on their experience responses. The finding portrayed occupants’ experience as objective tool for measuring building performance Implication of this finding is in supporting the notion that experience is objective medium of measuring performance than satisfaction. Hence, scholars and professionals in housing should be cautious of the use of these terminologies interchangeably