15 research outputs found

    Penilaian program kemahiran

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    Kajian terhadap dimensi-dimensi "empowerment" dan ketegangan kerja di kalangan guru-guru Sekolah Menengah Teknik di Perlis, Kedah dan Pulau Pinang

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    Tujuan kajian ini ialah untuk mengkaji persepsi guru-guru sekolah menengah teknik (SMT) terhadap dimensi-dimensi "empowerment" dan mengenalpasti faktor dan tahap ketegangan kerja yang mereka alami di SMT-SMT yang terlibat. Subjek bagi kajian adalah tujuh ratus dua puluh guru daripada sebelas SMT di negeri Perlis, Kedah dan Pulau Pinang. Data bagi kajian diperolehi melalui dua soal selidik yang ditadbirkan kepada semua guru berkenaan. Seramai lima ratus tujuh guru telah menjawab keduadua selidik tersebut. Satu proses temuduga berstruktur dijalankan sebagai satu lagi kaedah bagi memungut data kajian. Dua puluh lima guru telah dipilih melalui proses persampelan rawak berstrata sebagai responden temuduga daripada tiga kumpulan guru yang terlibat. Statistik deskriptif, analisis varian (ANOV A Satu Hala), statistik korelasi "Pearson Product-Moment Correlation Coefficients" telah digunakan dalam proses menganalisis data kajian. Statistik deskriptif (kekerapan dan peratusan, min) telah digunakan untuk menaksir persepsi guru-guru SMT dalam kajian terhadap enam dimensi "empowerment"; mengenalpasti dan menganalisis faktor-faktor dan tahap ketegangan kerja guru-guru dalam kajian. Analisis varian (ANOV A Satu Hala) dijalankan untuk mengkaji perbezaan yang signifikan di antara tiga kumpulan guru di dalam kajian dengan enam dimensi "empowerment". The purposes of this study were to explore the perceptions of secondary technical school teachers (STS) toward the dimensions of empowerment ~nd to identify the factor and level of job stress experienced by them in the selected secondary technical schools. The subjects for the study were seven hundreds and twenty teachers from eleven secondary technical schools in Perlis, Kedah and Pulau Pinang. The data for the study were collected using two questionnaires administered to all teachers. Five hundred and seven teachers responded to the survey questionnaires. A structured interview process was conducted as another source of data collection. Twenty five teachers were selected through a stratified random sampling process as the interview respondents from three group of teachers in every school involved. Descriptive statistics, analysis of variance (One-Way ANOVA), Pearson Product-Moment correlation coefficients were used to analyse the research data. Descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages, means) were used to interpret the perceptions of teachers toward six dimensions of empowerment; to identify and analyse the factors and level of job stress among teachers in the study

    The relationship between principals’ technology leadership and teachers’ technology use in Malaysian secondary schools

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    The aim of the study is to examine of technology usage in Malaysian secondary schools and the influence of principals on technology use.This study focuses on principals’ technology leadership behavior according to the National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators (NETS-A). The sample for this study consisted of 115 principals from public schools in Kedah, Malaysia. Two survey instruments were used in this study. First, the Principals Technology Leadership Assessment PTLA survey is to measure the independent variable, Principals’ Leadership Behaviour. Secondly, a TTU (Teachers Technology Use) to measure teachers’ technology use in schools. The relationship between PTLA and TTU was measured using a simple linear regression analysis.The study revealed that the PTLA was not found to be a good predictor of school technology use, F(1, 83) =12.48, p < .0005 and principals’ technology behavior accounted for 12.1% of explained variability in teachers’ technology use in the classroom. The regression equation is as follows: Teachers’ Technology Use (TTU) = -0.825 + 0.037 (PTLA score).Thus the equation shows that one unit of change in PTLA score could increase the teachers’ technology use by .04. Finally, the implications for principals as well as teachers are discussed

    The use of Principal’s Efficiency as a tool for Operational Program Execution in Kaduna State Secondary Schools Nigeria: A Pragmatic Examination

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    Very many researchers are viewing responsibility in discharging official duties as a very essential factor because it rises success and competence in delivering services. The purpose of the study is to investigate how a principal can use his efficiency as a leader to execute policy in secondary schools in Kaduna state. As domestic workers principals are expected to portray the highest assurance in the administration of secondary schools as this will lead to the realization of excellence in educational pursuit. The paper critically pointed out that if secondary education is of good value, precise students will be conceded into tertiary institutions of learning and eventually, experienced graduates will be generated who will work in different aptitudes. This research is limited to Secondary schools and their principals in Kaduna State. The MLQ 5x developed by (Bass &amp; Avolio, 1993) was used as the instrument to measure the Leadership ability of the principal. The population of the study was 400 in which 330 were duly completed and returned with 300 free of problems and fit for analysis. Educated labour force is however competent of implementing government’s policies in a more operative and efficient manner. The research employs descriptive research analysis to analyze principals’ efficiency in Kaduna State secondary schools. The results showed pleasing principal’s efficiency. The researcher therefore suggested that the government should strengthen efforts and provide more suitable means or method including incentive and continual training and re-training of the principals in order to sustain the rhythm as this will guarantee the fulfilment of the desired quality education and then effective application of government policies. Key words: Secondary School Principals, Efficiency, Policy Implementation, Quality Education

    Students’ Perceptions toward Usage of Edmodo Social Learning Platform

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    This study focused on the students perception on the strength and weakness of Edmodo Social Learning Platform (ESLP) as well on factors inhibiting active participation of students in forum board. A total of 42 first year students of the School of Industrial Technology (SIT), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) enrolled for IMK209- Food Physical Properties course were involved in this study. Findings of the study was obtained through the descriptive analysis of the open-ended questionnaire revealed time constraints and technical aspects were found to be the main factors inhibiting the active participation of students in ESLP. The endings proved that the ESLP is accepted as a learning platform by the students and able to promote a high level of collaboration and interaction in teaching and learning

    Komitmen guru dan kepuasan kerja guru di sekolah menengah harian berprestasi tinggi dan berprestasi rendah di Daerah Kota Bharu, Kelantan

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    Satu daripada bidang Keberhasilan Utama Negara (NKRA) yang terdapat dalam Pelan Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP) adalah untuk meningkatkan pencapaian akademik pelajar.Bagi merealisasikannya, guru perlu bertindak sebagai pemain utama dalam melaksanakan pelbagai dasar dan program yang terkandung dalam GTP tersebut. Selain mengajar, dasar dan program tersebut datang bersama dengan pelbagai tugasan yang perlu dipikul guru. Tugasan yang bertambah akan menimbulkan masalah yang membawa kepada meningkatnya tekanan kerja, mempengaruhi komitmen dan kepuasan kerja guru. Sehubungan itu, tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti tahap komitmen guru dan tahap kepuasan kerja gurudi sekolah menengah (SMK) harian berprestasi tinggi dan SMK harian berprestasi rendah. Kajian juga bertujuan mengkaji hubungan antara komitmen guru dengan kepuasan kerja dalam kalangan mereka. Di samping itu, kajian juga mengkaji bagaimana faktor demografi seperti jantina, umur dan pengalaman mengajar boleh mempengaruhi komitmen dan kepuasan kerja. Populasi kajian adalah guru-guru yang mengajar di enam buah sekolah menengah harian dalam daerah Kota Baharu, Kelantan. Sampel seramai 200 orang dipilih menggunakan kaedah persampelan rawak mudah.Dua set instrumen soal selidik telah digunakan untuk memungut data kajian iaitu Soal Selidik Skala Komitmen Guru (SKG) yang dibangunkan oleh Thien, Nordin Abd Razak dan Ramayah (2014), dan Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS)yang dibangunkan oleh Spector (1997).Analisis deskriptif dan inferensi dijalankan menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) versi 21.0.Dapatan kajian menunjukkan tahap komitmen dan kepuasan kerja guru berada pada tahap tinggi.UjiankorelasiPearson pula menunjukkan terdapat hubungan positif yang signifikan antara komitmen dengan kepuasan kerja guru di kedua-dua kategori sekolah

    Peranan pengetua dalam merealisasikan integrasi ICT dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran dalam sekolah menengah

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    The aim of the study is to examine of technology usage in Malaysian secondary schools and the influence of principals on technology use.This study focuses on principals‘ technology leadership behavior according to the National Educational Technology Standards for Administrators (NETS-A). The sample for this study consisted of 115 principals from public schools in Kedah, Malaysia. Two survey instruments were used in this study. First, the Principals Technology Leadership Assessment KTP survey is to measure the independent variable, Principals‘ Leadership Behaviour.Secondly, a TTU (Teachers Technology Use) to measure teachers‘ technology use in schools.The relationship between KTP and TTU was measured using a simple linear regression analysis.The study revealed that the KTP was not found to be a good predictor of school technology use, F(1, 84) = 12.48, p <.0005 and principals‘ technology behavior accounted for 12.1% of explained variability in teachers‘ technology use in the classroom.The regression equation is as follows: Teachers‘ Technology Use (TTU) = -0.825 + 0.037 (KTP score).Thus the equation shows that one unit of change in KTP score could increase the teachers‘ technology use by .04. Finally, the implications for principals as well as teachers are discussed

    Penilaian terhadap keberkesanan pengajaran dalam kalangan guru-guru KAFA di Kedah

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    KAFA education is to produce students who are knowledgeable, high sense of piousness, competent, work righteousness and high morality based on the Quran and Sunnah. Consequently, KAFA was aimed aim to create a conscious and the ability to contribute and improving civilization, race and nation.In order to achieve these goals, it relies heavily on the effectiveness of the teachers' role in the learning process relating to the students. This research was a survey that aimed to gain insight into the effectiveness of teaching practices in the implementation of learning KAFA in Kedah Darul Aman.The study involved 113 teachers and a total of 236 students and questionnaire was used as an instrument to obtain the data.Descriptive analysis was used to describe the teaching practices of the respondents surveyed.The results showed the level of implementation among KAFA teachers in the state of Kedah was high.Teachers also found to have a positive attitude towards teaching.In fact, students have responded positively to the teacher. Several aspects should be given attention such as Kedah Islamic Religious Department should conduct workshops on teaching to help teachers to improve their competencies with updated learning patterns and to face the challenges of current and future needs of students

    Properties of particleboard manufactured from commonly utilized Malaysian bamboo (Gigantochloa scortechinii)

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    Buluh semantan (Gigantochloa scortechinii), one of the most widespread bamboo species in Peninsular Malaysia was investigated for its suitability as a raw material for particleboard production. A total of 120 bamboo culms from three different age group (1-,2 and 3-y-old) were harvested from managed bamboo clumps in FRIM. The bamboo particles produced from the flaking process were used in the making of single- and three-layer urea formaldehyde particle boards. The particleboard produced were then tested for their mechanical properties and dimensional stability according to British Standard Methods. The result showed that age, resin content and board density significantly affected the single-layer particleboard properties, while for three-layer particleboard the effect of age, core particle size and wax addition on the board properties were also found to be significant. Irrespective of bamboo age, particles of Gigantochloa scortechinii are suitable for the manufacture of urea formaldehyde particle boards

    Kompetensi emosi dan amalan kepimpinan situasi dalam kalangan pemimpin di sekolah-sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi di negeri Kedah

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    This study was aimed to identify the emotional competencies of the top leadership towards increasing the high-performance schools in Malaysia.In addition, the study also was aimed to investigate the differences of emotional competencies of school leaders through five emotional competencies clusters of intrapersonal, interpersonal, stress management, adjustment of the situation, and the general feeling.In this study, the top leadership of the school leader was referred to the practice of situational leadership.The methodology of this study was quantitative cross sectional survey approach (cross-sectional survey) to collect data on the study.The sample of this study involved 300 leaders of high performance schools in Kedah. Simple random sampling was used to select the study population.The instrument used was through the construction of the questionnaire and tested the validity and reliability of the study items. Analysis of the survey data was done using the SPSS (Statistical Package For Social Science) version 18.0. The descriptive data analysis involving descriptions such as frequency and percentage of respondents, while the second is inferential analysis to test the research hypotheses using Pearson correlation test, t-test, ANOVA, Regression Analysis.The results showed there was a difference and a positive significant impact on their emotional and situational leadership competence of school leaders.The study also revealed that the cluster of interpersonal emotional competencies had become key elements to the formation of situational leadership practices of school leaders.Accordingly, emotional competence was an important element in improving situational among leadership school leaders in the state of Kedah, in turn, would had increased the number of high performance schools in Malaysia