558 research outputs found

    Mobile Cloud Computing as Mobile offloading Solution: Frameworks, Focus and Implementation Challenges

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    Mobile devices have been operating under limited resource capacity including memory, processing speed, storage and battery life. Due to the advancement of technology, complex applications have been designed and implemented, and these application demand computing device with high capacity. Cloud computing emerged as solution for computing device with limited capacity. However, integrating mobile operating environment with cloud computing has been a challenge due to dynamicity of mobile device environment including unreliability of wireless communication. This paper reviews recent studies in Mobile Cloud Computing to assess its implementation as one of task offloading solution for mobile device. The study reviewed common framework that are used to implement Mobile Cloud Computing, the focus of the current studies and finally highlighted open issues that need to be addressed when implementing optimal Mobile Cloud Computing.Keywords: Mobile Cloud Computing, task offloading, Mobile device, cloudletDOI: 10.7176/CEIS/11-5-04Publication date:September 30th 202

    Alone in the Dark

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    An estimation of exhibition & fair activity in a context of financial policy of the enterprise on trade in washing-up liquids

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    Досліджено маркетингові та фінансові чинники формування виставково-ярмаркової діяльності підприємств. Запропоновано методику, яка направлена на вибір найдоцільнішого способу здійснення маркетингових комунікацій підприємства з урахуванням рівня конкуренції на ринку. На основі ринкових факторів розвиток отримали підходи щодо визначення фінансової політики підприємств. При цьому враховується кількісний вплив вибору виставково-ярмаркових заходів на фінансову стабільність, визначається маркетинговий ефект. Розглянуто впровадження методики на конкретному підприємстві з торгівлі мийними засобами.Kasian S.Y. An estimation of exhibition & fair activity in a context of financial policy of the enterprise on trade in washing-up liquids. The article is devoted to research marketing and financial factors of formation exhibition & fair of activity of the enterprises. The technique directed on a choice of the most expedient way of realization of the marketing communications of the enterprise in view of a level to a competition in the market is offered. In it on the basis of the market factors the development was received by the approaches concerning definition of financial policy of the enterprises. Thus the quantitative influence of a choice of exhibition & fair measures on financial stability is defined, the marketing effect is defined. The introduction of a technique at the concrete enterprise for trade in washing-up liquids is considered


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    The paper dwells on the autobiographic memoirs of a well-known Ukrainian poet Iryna Zhylenko Homo feriens, and concentrates above all on aesthetic specifics, genre and stylistic parameters of the work, as well as on the auctorial self-representation and the means used to reproduce the panorama of the special epoch and of the 1960s generation.У  статті  розглянуто  мемуарно-автобіографічну  книжку  відомої  української  поетеси-шістдесятниці Ірини Жиленко “Homo feriens”, зокрема, окреслено художньо-естетичні особливості та визначено жанрово-стильові параметри твору, проаналізовано специфіку репрезентації авторського “Я”, засоби творення образів епохи та покоління шістдесятників

    Effect of the vitamin D photosynthesis products on thermodynamic parameters of model lipid membranes

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    Цель. Сравнить влияние провитамина D (ProD) и продуктов его фотои термоизомеризации, а также витамина D (VitD) на термодинамические параметры мультислоев гидратированного дипальмитоилфосфатидилхолина (ДПФХ). Методы. Дифференциальная сканирующая калориметрия, УФ-спектроскопия. Результаты. Установлено закономерное снижение температуры и размывание пика плавления мультислоев ДПФХ, допированных стеринами, в последовательности ProD3 < ProD3.+УФ < ProD3. + + УФ + темновое хранение < VitD3 Выводы. Дестабилизирующее действие VitD3 на мембрану является более выраженным, чем действие ProD3 и продуктов его фотоизомеризации, что может облегчать выход VitD3 из мембраны в межклеточное пространство при его биосинтезе in vivo. Возможный молекулярный механизм наблюдаемого явления связан с большей конформационной подвижностью и анизометрией VitD3 по сравнению с ProD3. Ключевые слова: фосфолипидные мембраны, витамин D, провитамин D, фотоизомеризация, дифференциальная сканирующая калориметрия.Мета. Порівняти вплив провітаміну D (ProD) та продуктів його фотоі термоізомеризації, а також вітаміну D (VitD) на термодинамічні параметри мультишарів гідратованого дипальмітоїлфосфатидилхоліну (ДПФХ). Методи. Диференційна сканувальна калориметрія, УФ-спектроскопія. Результати. Встановлено закономірне зниження температури та розмивання піка плавлення мультишарів ДПФХ, допованих стеринами, у послідовності ProD3 < ProD3 + УФ < ProD3 + УФ + темнове зберігання < VitD3. Висновки. Дестабілізувальний вплив VitD3 на мембрану є більш вираженим, ніж ProD3 та продуктів його фотоізомеризації, що полегшує вихід VitD3 із мембрани у міжклітинний простір за його біосинтезу in vivo. Можливий молекулярний механізм спостереженого явища пов’язаний з більш високою конформаційною рухливістю та анізометрією VitD3 порівняно з ProD3. Ключові слова: фосфоліпідні мембрани, вітамін D, провітамін D, фотоізомеризація, диференційна сканувальна калориметрія.Aim. To compare effects of vitamin D (VitD), provitamin D (ProD) and its photo- and thermoisomerization products on thermodynamical parameters of hydrated dipalmitoylphoshpatidylcholine (DPPC) multilayers. Methods. Differential scanning calorimetry, UV spectroscopy. Results. A regular decrease was established in the melting temperature accompanied with the pronounced broadening of the appropriate peaks for DPPC multilayers doped with the sterols in the order ProD3 < < ProD3 + UV < ProD3 + UV + dark storage < VitD3. Conclusions. The destabilizing effect of VitD3 on the membrane appeared to be stronger than that of ProD3 and its photoisomerization products. This can facilitate VitD3 withdrawal from the membrane into intercellular space under its biosinthesis in vivo. A possible molecular mechanism of the phenomena observed is related to the higher conformational flexibility and anisometry of VitD3 as compared to ProD3. Keywords: phospholipid membranes, vitamin D, provitamin D, photoisomerization, differential scanning calorimetry

    Factors causing low compliance in the formation of community water funds : through Community Theatre for Development Approach (COTDA)

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    Water scarcity is the most important environmental constraint to development, particularly in areas that face limited water in terms of quantity and quality, water availability is closely linked to human welfare and health by affecting nutrition status. All in all fresh water is the source of life. Water resource is an important catalyst necessary for accelerating both economic and social development. Although most governments and donor organizations often put much emphasis on the provision of water for drinking purposes, there is clear evidence that the supply of water for other uses has equal importance especially among rural communities. Using examples from 12 villages in Mkuranga District, it is evident that water for other uses is given high priority by the communities concerned. For the success of any social project, effective execution and involvement of the beneficiaries is required. Moreover, to have a well-managed and sustainable project like water and sanitation, communities have to comply with the strategies for operation and maintenance. Operation and maintenance activities, which encompass not only technical issues, but also social, institutional and financial issues, must be directed towards the elimination or reduction of the major constraints, which prevent the achievements of sustainability. However, the main challenge for the future is long-term community commitment both in terms of well maintenance and management. Community water funds are envisaged to be necessary for sustainability of water projects, especially for the maintenance of wells and water points. Unlike of this truth, many of the rural water projects, Mkuranga being one of them, are facing problems in creation of community water funds. The purpose of this study therefore is to examine various factors that cause low compliance in the formation of community water funds, while simultaneously addressing suitable recommendations that will reinforce the implementation and effective management of water funds for long-term sustainability of water projects. The study was conducted in Mkuranga district where AMREF in collaboration with the district Council is implementing a five-year water and sanitation project in four out of fifteen wards. A t the same time trying to Explore on how community theatre for development can be used as a research method, for finding different solution in the community. (Author abstract)Mpangala, F. K. (2005). Factors causing low compliance in the formation of community water funds : through Community Theatre for Development Approach (COTDA). Retrieved from http://academicarchive.snhu.eduMaster of Science (M.S.)School of Community Economic Developmen