400 research outputs found

    ϵ\epsilon-Expansion in the Gross-Neveu Model from Conformal Field Theory

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    We compute the anomalous dimensions of a class of operators of the form (ψˉψ)p(\bar\psi\psi)^p and (ψˉψ)pψ(\bar\psi\psi)^p\psi to leading order in ϵ\epsilon in the Gross-Neveu model in 2+ϵ2+\epsilon dimensions. We use the techniques developed in arXiv: 1505.00963.Comment: 16 pages, some explanations in section 2 improved, references added and typos correcte

    FDK-Type Algorithms with No Backprojection Weight for Circular and Helical Scan CT

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    We develop two Feldkamp-type reconstruction algorithms with no backprojection weight for circular and helical trajectory with planar detector geometry. Advances in solid-state electronic detector technologies lend importance to CT systems with the equispaced linear array, the planar (flat panel) detectors, and the corresponding algorithms. We derive two exact Hilbert filtered backprojection (FBP) reconstruction algorithms with no backprojection weight for 2D fan-beam equispace linear array detector geometry (complement of the equi-angular curved array detector). Based on these algorithms, the Feldkamp-type algorithms with no backprojection weight for 3D reconstruction are developed using the standard heuristic extension of the divergent beam FBP algorithm. The simulation results show that the axial intensity drop in the reconstructed image using the FDK algorithms with no backprojection weight with circular trajectory is similar to that obtained by using Hu's and T-FDK, algorithms. Further, we present efficient algorithms to reduce the axial intensity drop encountered in the standard FDK reconstructions in circular cone-beam CT. The proposed algorithms consist of mainly two steps: reconstruction of the object using FDK algorithm with no backprojection weight and estimation of the missing term. The efficient algorithms are compared with the FDK algorithm, Hu's algorithm, T-FDK, and Zhu et al.'s algorithm in terms of axial intensity drop and noise. Simulation shows that the efficient algorithms give similar performance in axial intensity drop as that of Zhu et al.'s algorithm while one of the efficient algorithms outperforms Zhu et al.'s algorithm in terms of computational complexity

    Heuristic edge server placement in Industrial Internet of Things and cellular networks

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    Rapid developments in industry 4.0, machine learning, and digital twins have introduced new latency, reliability, and processing restrictions in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and mobile devices. However, using current Information and Communications Technology (ICT), it is difficult to optimally provide services that require high computing power and low latency. To meet these requirements, mobile edge computing is emerging as a ubiquitous computing paradigm that enables the use of network infrastructure components such as cluster heads/sink nodes in IIoT and cellular network base stations to provide local data storage and computation servers at the edge of the network. However, optimal location selection for edge servers within a network out of a very large number of possibilities, such as to balance workload and minimize access delay is a challenging problem. In this paper, the edge server placement problem is addressed within an existing network infrastructure obtained from Shanghai Telecom’s base station the dataset that includes a significant amount of call data records and locations of actual base stations. The problem of edge server placement is formulated as a multi-objective constraint optimization problem that places edge servers strategically to the balance between the workloads of edge servers and reduce access delay between the industrial control center/cellular base-stations and edge servers. To search randomly through a large number of possible solutions and selecting those that are most descriptive of optimal solution can be a very time-consuming process, therefore, we apply the genetic algorithm and local search algorithms (hillclimbing and simulated annealing) to find the best solution in the least number of solution space explorations. Experimental results are obtained to compare the performance of the genetic algorithm against the above-mentioned local search algorithms. The results show that the genetic algorithm can quickly search through the large solution space as compared to local search optimization algorithms to find an edge placement strategy that minimizes the cost functio

    Effect of different water pH on hatching and survival rates of African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Pisces: Clariidae)

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    Water quality parameters influence the growth and survival of different stages of fishes and hence determining the optimal water quality variables is greatly important for any aquaculture farming. Among the variables, water pH is considered the key factors and plays an important role in the maintenance of the homeostasis in fishes. A study was conducted to determine the influence of different water pH on the incubation period, hatching rate and survival rate of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) larvae. The fertilized eggs were incubated at 28.0 ± 1.0 °C with different levels of water pH ranging from 3-10. Twenty four pH levels were tested for incubation period and egg hatchability while 15 pH levels were tested for larval survivability in a completely randomized design with three replicates for each treatment. Just hatched larvae were used for this study and the effect was observed until 72 h post-hatching. Water pH was maintained by the addition of NaOH or H2SO4solutions. The incubation times of fertilized eggs were recorded to be 23.5–25.0 h at pH levels of 6.1–8.8. The increased incubation time was noticed at the rest of the acidic and alkaline pH levels. Significantly highest hatching rate was observed at the pH levels of 6.7–7.6 compared to those at lower and higher pH levels (P0.05). However, no significant differences (P0.05) were recognized in the hatching rates at the pH levels of 6.7 – 7.6. No hatching occurred at low pH levels between 3.1 and 3.4 and at high pH of 10. After 72 h of exposure to different pH levels, no larvae survived at pH levels below 4.5 and above 9.0.  Highest larval survival (98%) was observed at pH 7.0 followed by 94% at pH 7.5 and 92% at pH 6.5. The results obtained in the present study revealed embryos and larvae can survive and tolerate to a low pH level of 3.7 and 4.5, respectively but the survival rates decreased with decreasing pH levels. Therefore, a water pH level of 6.7–7.5 is highly recommended for optimal hatching and highest larval viability of C. gariepinus

    Cancer Patterns in Quetta (1998-1999)

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    Introduction: Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan, is located at latitude 30,25; longitude 67.00. It has a population of 759,245; 425,474 males (56%) and 333,771 females (44%); Census 1998. The majority of residents are Persian or Baluchi speaking Baluchs. Methodology: The cancer cases from Quetta reported to the Karachi Cancer Registry were reviewed. The data included cases from the Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH), Pathology Department (Quetta collection point) and health care facilities in Karachi. The residents of Baluchistan were ascertained and cancer cases residents of Quetta identified with the help of recorded addresses and retraceable telephone numbers. Results: During a 2-year period, 1st January 1998 to 31st December 1999 the Karachi Cancer Registry received 1077 cancer notifications from Quetta. Approximately half the cases were registered from the AKUH Quetta collection point. Others were the referral patterns in Karachi. The age-standardized incidence rate (ASR) of cancer, all sites (1998-99) was 137.0 for males and 92.8/100,000 for females. The commonest cancer in the males and females was cancer of the esophagus (lCD­10 categories C15; males- ASR 25.5, 17.2 %; females- ASR 23.4, 23.1%). One of the highest in the world, for both genders. Incidence of cancer breast in the females (lCD-10 categories C50; ASR 11.8, 13.3%) was low, Conclusion: The cancer data from Quetta is quite distinct from the cancer pattern of Karachi. It represents only a part of the cancer burden of Quetta; nonetheless it gives a glimpse into the cancer profile of Baluchistan. The high incidence of esophageal cancer indicates an extension of the geographical limits of the esophageal cancer belt

    Analisis Varians dan Pertumbuhan Belanja Daerah pada Pemerintah Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    Anggaran Belanja Daerah harus memiliki sistem pengendalian agar dapat dilaksanakan secara efektif. Pemerintah Daerah dalam mengalokasikan Anggaran Belanja daerah harus memperhatikan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penyusunan anggaran daerah. Pengalokasian Anggaran Belanja Daerah dimaksud untuk menyeimbangkan antara pengeluaran kas daerah dengan penerimaan kas daerah. Belanja daerah adalah kewajiban daerah yang diakui sebagai pengurang nilai kekayaan bersih dalam periode tahun anggaran yang bersangkutan. Belanja daerah meliputi semua pengeluaran dari rekening kas umum daerah yang mengurangi ekuitas lancar, yang merupakan kewajiban daerah dalam satu tahun anggaran yang tidak akan diperoleh pembayarannya kembali oleh daerah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya nilai varians dan pertumbuhan belanja daerah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif. Data yang digunakan berupa data primer yang didapat dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Penelitian pada Dinas Penerimaan Pengelola Keuangan dan Aset Daerah Pemerintah Kabupaten Minahasa Utara dapat disimpulkan bahwa penyusunan anggaran baik,tapi penggunaan anggaran masih kurang efektif, dilihat dari Realisasi Belanja lebih kecil dari Anggaran Belanja, dan Pertumbuhan Belanja dari Pemerintah Kabupaten Minahasa Utara dari tahun ketahun mengalami kenaikan, alasan kenaikan belanja daerah biasanya dikaitkan dengan Perubahan kurs Rupiah. Kata kunci: anggaran belanja, analisis varians, pertumbuhan belanj

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of seminar as an educational tool among the medical post graduate students

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    Background: The departments of medical colleges have a greater responsibility in making the study methods of their subject innovative, interesting and participatory for the post graduate students. One such method adopted is organizing seminars for the post graduate students. The post graduate education depends on self-learning. Knowledge acquisition through seminars forms an essential part of their training programme.Methods: This study assesses the role of seminar as teaching-learning tool by recording the perception of post graduates on seminars through a questionnaire based survey.Results: The scores for most of the items of a twenty point questionnaire were above three indicating the learning from seminar is satisfactory. Seminar methods of teaching-learning, in contrast to the traditional didactic class room lecture method, is more effective way of  learning, which is relevant to self-development and is also interactive. This method provokes discussions and debates which help post graduate students to voice their opinion and clear their doubts.  Conclusions: Many of the post graduate students feel that this technique of seminar programme is useful amidst some suggestions to improve quality. Thus the post graduate seminar method is a teaching-learning method that covers the three major domains of teaching i.e., cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills and is thus effective and well -accepted among the post graduate students.