12 research outputs found

    Questões Específicas do Desenvolvimento do Cruzeiro Árctico no Árctico Rústico: o Estudo de Caso do Parque Nacional Árctico Russo

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    The specific issues of the arctic cruise development are highlighted for the Russian Federation. The research is based on data obtained during the expedition (July-August 2021) in the Russian Arctic National Park, located within Franz Josef Land and Novaya Zemlya archipelagoes. The research was carried out in order to evaluate the prospects for the development of cruise tourism and identify the risks of implementing projects for the development of cruise tourism in the Russian Arctic National Park as more available for tourism territory than other Russian arctic islands. The national park is considered as a prospect site for arctic cruises operation according with the State interests to develop the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation as well. Results and conclusion evidence the potential of tourism as well as describe the specific factors hindering the development of tourism there. They are associated with the peculiarities of the climate, weather and natural phenomena, the vulnerability of landscapes to anthropogenic loads and administrative and legal barriers.Se destacan las cuestiones específicas del desarrollo de cruceros en el Ártico para la Federación Rusa. La investigación se basa en los datos obtenidos durante la expedición (julio-agosto de 2021) en el Parque Nacional Ártico Ruso, situado en los archipiélagos de Franz Josef Land y Novaya Zemlya. La investigación se llevó a cabo con el fin de evaluar las perspectivas de desarrollo del turismo de cruceros e identificar los riesgos de la implementación de proyectos para el desarrollo del turismo de cruceros en el Parque Nacional Ártico Ruso como territorio más disponible para el turismo que otras islas árticas rusas. El parque nacional se considera como un sitio de perspectiva para la operación de cruceros árticos de acuerdo con los intereses del Estado para desarrollar la zona ártica de la Federación Rusa también. Los resultados y la conclusión evidencian el potencial del turismo, así como describen los factores específicos que obstaculizan el desarrollo del turismo allí. Están asociados a las peculiaridades del clima, el tiempo y los fenómenos naturales, la vulnerabilidad de los paisajes a las cargas antropogénicas y las barreras administrativas y legales.As questões específicas do desenvolvimento do cruzeiro ártico são destacadas para a Federação Russa. A investigação baseia-se em dados obtidos durante a expedição (Julho-Agosto de 2021) no Parque Nacional do Árctico Russo, localizado no interior do arquipélago de Franz Josef Land e Novaya Zemlya. A investigação foi realizada a fim de avaliar as perspectivas de desenvolvimento do turismo de cruzeiro e identificar os riscos de implementação de projetos para o desenvolvimento do turismo de cruzeiro no Parque Nacional do Árctico russo como mais disponível para o território turístico do que outras ilhas árcticas russas. O parque nacional é considerado como um local de prospecção para operações de cruzeiros árcticos de acordo com os interesses do Estado para desenvolver também a zona árctica da Federação Russa. Os resultados e as conclusões evidenciam o potencial do turismo, bem como descrevem os fatores específicos que dificultam o desenvolvimento do turismo na região. Estão associados às peculiaridades do clima, do clima e dos fenômenos naturais, à vulnerabilidade das paisagens às cargas antropogénicas e às barreiras administrativas e legais

    Synergetic modelling of the Russian Federation’s energy system parameters

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    The energy system in any country is the basis of the whole economy. The level of its development largely determines the quantity and quality of economic entities, periods of economic growth, fall and stagnation. A high percentage of the power-deficient municipalities in the Russian Federation shows the substantive issues in this sphere that carries a threat to the energy security of the state.One of the promising trends for enhancing the energy security is the renewable energy sources (RES). Their use has the obvious benefits: it provides electricity to power-deficient and inaccessible areas, contributes to the introduction and spread of new technologies, thus solving the important social and economic problem. At that, it is important to determine the optimum ratio using of the recovery of renewable and conventional energy sources (CES). One of the main challenges in this regard is to build a model that adequately reflects the ratio of renewable and conventional energy sources in the Russian energy system.The paper presents the results of a synergistic approach to the construction of such a model. The Lotka- Volterra model was the main instrument used, which allowed to study a behavior pattern of the considered systems on the basis of the simplified regularities. It was found that the best possible qualitative “jump” in the Russian energy sector was in 2008. The calculations allowed to investigate the behavior of the Russian energy system with the variation of the initial conditions and to assess the validity of the targets for the share of electricity produced through the use of renewable energy in the total electric power of the country

    FLIM for Evaluation of Difference in Metabolic Status between Native and Differentiated from iPSCs Dermal Papilla Cells

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    iPSCs and their derivatives are the most promising cell sources for creating skin equivalents. However, their properties are not fully understood. In addition, new approaches and parameters are needed for studying cells in 3D models without destroying their organization. Thus, the aim of our work was to study and compare the metabolic status and pH of dermal spheroids created from dermal papilla cells differentiated from pluripotent stem cells (iDP) and native dermal papilla cells (hDP) using fluorescence microscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM). For this purpose, fluorescence intensities of NAD(P)H and FAD, fluorescence lifetimes, and the contributions of NAD(P)H, as well as the fluorescence intensities of SypHer-2 and BCECF were measured. iDP in spheroids were characterized by a more glycolytic phenotype and alkaline intra-cellular pH in comparison with hDP cells. Moreover, the metabolic activity of iDP in spheroids depends on the source of stem cells from which they were obtained. So, less differentiated and condensed spheroids from iDP-iPSDP and iDP-iPSKYOU are characterized by a more glycolytic phenotype compared to dense spheroids from iDP-DYP0730 and iDP-hES. FLIM and fluorescent microscopy in combination with the metabolism and pH are promising tools for minimally invasive and long-term analyses of 3D models based on stem cells

    Assessment of the surface atmospheric air state in the southwestern Crimea according to lichenoinification data

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    Актуальность. Лихеноиндикация широко применяется для оценки качества атмосферного воздуха. Для юго-западного Крыма оценка состояния атмосферного воздуха по данным лихеноиникации проводится впервые. Цель: проведение оценки качества атмосферного воздуха в юго-западном Крыму по данным лихеноиндикации. Объекты: эпифитные лишайники, эверния сливовая (Evernia prunastri), рамалина мучнистая (Ramalina farinacea), фисция (Physcia Sp.), пармелия бороздчатая (Parmelia sulcata). Методы. Для анализа в период с февраля по май 2018 г. отобрано 17 проб эпифитных кустистых лишайников в разных природно-ландшафтных условиях (предгорье, межгорные котловины, вершины гор) с учетом разного уровня антропогенной нагрузки. В пробах определено содержание семи элементов: Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr, Sr. Элементный состав лишайников определен методом атомно-абсорбционного спектрометрии. Результаты. Выявлено, что к наиболее активно накапливаемым элементам в лишайниках юго-западного Крыма относятся Zn, Sr и Pb; менее активно накапливаются Cu, Cd, Ni и Cr. Анализ показал, что антропогенные источники загрязнения в большей степени индуцируются по содержанию в лишайниках Cu, Zn, Pb. Высокое содержание Sr индицирует аэрозольное влияние моря (как современной морской акватории через поступающие атмосферные осадки, так и палеоморского бассейна, что обусловлено денудацией морских отложений, микрочастицы которых присутствуют в атмосферном воздухе). Отмеченный относительно высокий уровень загрязнения атмосферного воздуха в г. Инкерман (входит в состав Большого Севастополя) обусловлен выбросами Севастопольской теплоэлектроцентрали (ТЭЦ), возле автозаправочной станции на трассе «Ялта-Севастополь» - выбросами автотранспорта, в сельских населенных пунктах Байдарский долины - выбросами от сжигания угля при печном отоплении. Выявлено, что данные по содержанию тяжелых металлов в лишайниках, отобранных в Чернореченском каньоне, могут считаться эталонными для определения фоновых параметров и уровня загрязнения приземной атмосферы в других районах юго-западного Крыма. Лишайники могут быть использованы для дополнения системы мониторинга состояния приземного воздуха в юго-западном Крыму.Relevance. Lichenoindication is widely used to assess the quality of atmospheric air. For southwestern Crimea, the assessment of the state of atmospheric air based on licheninication data is carried out for the first time. The aim of the research is to assess the quality of atmospheric air in southwestern Crimea according to lichen detection data. The objects of the study are epiphytic lichens, Evernia prunastri, Ramalina farinacea, Physcia, Parmelia sulcata. Methods. For analysis in the period from February to May 2018, 17 samples of epiphytic fruticose lichens were taken in different landscape conditions (foothills, intermontane basins, mountain tops), taking into account different levels of anthropogenic load. The samples contain seven elements: Cu, Zn, Pb, Cd, Ni, Cr, Sr. The elemental composition of lichens was determined using an atomic absorption spectrometer. Results. It was revealed that the most actively accumulated metals in the lichens of southwestern Crimea are Zn, Sr and Pb; less active accumulation of Cu, Cd, Ni and Cr. The analysis showed that anthropogenic sources of pollution are to a greater extent induced by the content of Cu, Zn, Pb in lichens. The high Sr content is due to its ability to replace calcium in potassium-containing minerals in carbonate rocks, which are widespread in the region. The noted relatively high level of air pollution in the city of Inkerman is due to emissions from the Sevastopol combined heat and power plant, near the gas station on the Yalta-Sevastopol highway - emissions from vehicles, in rural settlements of the Baydarsky valley - emissions from coal burning with stove heating. It was revealed that the data on the content of heavy metals in lichens sampled in the Chernorechensky canyon can be considered a reference for determining the background parameters and the level of pollution of the surface atmosphere in other regions of southwestern Crimea. Lichens can be used to supplement the monitoring system for surface air pollution in southwestern Crimea during atmospheric transport

    Energy Metabolism and Intracellular pH Alteration in Neural Spheroids Carrying Down Syndrome

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    Brain diseases including Down syndrome (DS/TS21) are known to be characterized by changes in cellular metabolism. To adequately assess such metabolic changes during pathological processes and to test drugs, methods are needed that allow monitoring of these changes in real time with minimally invasive effects. Thus, the aim of our work was to study the metabolic status and intracellular pH of spheroids carrying DS using fluorescence microscopy and FLIM. For metabolic analysis we measured the fluorescence intensities, fluorescence lifetimes and the contributions of the free and bound forms of NAD(P)H. For intracellular pH assay we measured the fluorescence intensities of SypHer-2 and BCECF. Data were processed with SPCImage and Fiji-ImageJ. We demonstrated the predominance of glycolysis in TS21 spheroids compared with normal karyotype (NK) spheroids. Assessment of the intracellular pH indicated a more alkaline intracellular pH in the TS21 spheroids compared to NK spheroids. Using fluorescence imaging, we performed a comprehensive comparative analysis of the metabolism and intracellular pH of TS21 spheroids and showed that fluorescence microscopy and FLIM make it possible to study living cells in 3D models in real time with minimally invasive effects

    Optical Spectral Approach to Breast Tissue Oxygen Saturation Analysis for Mastectomy Perioperative Control

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    The purpose of our research is to study the ability of the developed method of hemoglobin detection, based on the fiber-optic spectral analysis in visible region, to determine the level of blood supply to breast tissues before surgical treatment, intraoperatively and during observation of the patient in the postoperative period, when breast tissue is healing. The significant effect of subcutaneous adipose tissue on the shape of diffuse reflectance spectra due to scattering leads to a decrease in the accuracy of determining hemoglobin oxygen saturation and hemoglobin concentration from them. The variability of the subcutaneous adipose tissue layer is quite high, which also leads to a high variability of the spectra within a class of tissues that are in the same physiological state, which implies that the intraclass variability due to this factor should be assessed for a specific problem, not considering it random. For this purpose, in our work, we constructed optical phantoms simulating various thicknesses of the subcutaneous adipose tissue in order to determine the effect of its light scattering on the diffuse reflectance spectrum and to select the optimal configuration of optical fibers

    Optical Spectral Approach to Breast Tissue Oxygen Saturation Analysis for Mastectomy Perioperative Control

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    The purpose of our research is to study the ability of the developed method of hemoglobin detection, based on the fiber-optic spectral analysis in visible region, to determine the level of blood supply to breast tissues before surgical treatment, intraoperatively and during observation of the patient in the postoperative period, when breast tissue is healing. The significant effect of subcutaneous adipose tissue on the shape of diffuse reflectance spectra due to scattering leads to a decrease in the accuracy of determining hemoglobin oxygen saturation and hemoglobin concentration from them. The variability of the subcutaneous adipose tissue layer is quite high, which also leads to a high variability of the spectra within a class of tissues that are in the same physiological state, which implies that the intraclass variability due to this factor should be assessed for a specific problem, not considering it random. For this purpose, in our work, we constructed optical phantoms simulating various thicknesses of the subcutaneous adipose tissue in order to determine the effect of its light scattering on the diffuse reflectance spectrum and to select the optimal configuration of optical fibers

    "Flora of Russia" on iNaturalist: a dataset

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    The "Flora of Russia" project on iNaturalist brought together professional scientists and amateur naturalists from all over the country. Over 10,000 people are involved in the data collection.Within 20 months the participants accumulated over 750,000 photo observations of 6,853 species of the Russian flora. This constitutes the largest dataset of open spatial data on the country’s biodiversity and a leading source of data on the current state of the national flora. About 85% of all project data are available under free licenses (CC0, CC-BY, CC-BY-NC) and can be freely used in scientific, educational and environmental activities