64 research outputs found

    Optimization problems for control of distributed resources

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    We consider a two-level optimization problem of resource allocation in communication networks, which is based on profit maximization of the network subject to capacity constraints. The cost function of the upper level problem involves a sum of non-differentiable functions whose values are computed algorithmically. The corresponding solution methods utilize duality theory and decomposition technique for optimization problems. © 2009 American Institute of Physics

    Optimization based flow control in communication networks

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    In this paper, we consider several optimization flow control problems for wireless networks and propose the corresponding solution techniques. We treat the nodes of a wireless network as moving objects located in some bounded plane area. We focus on evaluating the network parameters which provide the opportunity for thorough analysis and elaborating effective procedures for network optimization

    Dual decomposition scheme for resource allocation problem in networks with moving nodes

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    We consider a two-level, two criteria, optimization problem of resource allocation in communication networks, which consists of maximizing the total network utility, i.e., the fee paid by the consumers, and minimizing the costs of implementing these resources. In this paper we present a new dual iterative method for solving this problem, which enables us to utilize its decomposable structure via sequential solution of families of one-dimensional problems. We compare our new dual method to known methods for solving this problem. In general, we give a new promising approach in the paper to solve resource allocation problems in communication networks. Moreover, we suggest a new way to adjust the basic model to networks with moving nodes. We present numerical results about the computational efficiency of the methods considered. © 2012 IEEE

    Genetic diversity in table grapes based on RAPD and microsatellite markers

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a diversidade genética de 47 acessos de uvas de mesa, procedentes do Banco de Germoplasma de Videira da Embrapa Semiárido, por meio de 20 marcadores moleculares RAPD e sete marcadores microsatélites. Distâncias genéticas entre pares de acessos foram obtidas com base no índice de similaridade de Jaccard para marcadores RAPD e no complemento aritmético do índice ponderado para dados de microsatélites. Os grupos foram formados de acordo com a análise de agrupamento de Tocher e com o método de agrupamento não ponderado (UPGMA). Os marcadores microsatélites foram mais eficientes do que os RAPD na identificação das relações de parentesco. As informações de distância genética, baseadas em características moleculares e aliadas ao desempenho agronômico das cultivares, permitiram a recomendação de parentais para cruzamentos, para a obtenção de híbridos superiores nas populações segregantes do programa de melhoramento de videira da Embrapa Semiárido.The objective of this work was to analyze the genetic diversity of 47 table grape accessions, from the grapevine germplasm bank of Embrapa Semiárido, using 20 RAPD and seven microsatellite markers. Genetic distances between pairs of accessions were obtained based on Jaccard's similarity index for RAPD data and on the arithmetic complement of the weighted index for microsatellite data. The groups were formed according to the Tocher's cluster analysis and to the unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA). The microsatellite markers were more efficient than the RAPD ones in the identification of genetic relationships. Information on the genetic distance, based on molecular characteristics and coupled with the cultivar agronomic performance, allowed for the recommendation of parents for crossings, in order to obtain superior hybrids in segregating populations for the table grape breeding program of Embrapa Semiárido.

    Optimization of wireless networks performance: An approach based on a partial penalty method

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    © 2017, North Atlantic University Union. All rights reserved.We study an optimization problem for a wireless telecommunication network stated as a generalized transportation problem (TP), where m (the number of “sellers”) is the number of network providers, and n (the number of “buyers”) is the number of connections established at a given time moment. Since in practice initial data of such problems are, generally speaking, inexact and/or vary rather quickly, it is more important to obtain an approximate solution of the problem (with a prescribed accuracy) within a reasonable time interval rather than to solve it precisely (but in a longer time). We propose to solve this problem by a technique that explores the idea of penalty functions, namely, the so-called Partial Penalty Method (PPM, for short). As distinct from exact solution methods for TP (e.g., the method of potentials), our approach allows us to further extend the class of considered problems by including to it TP with nonlinear objective functions. As an example, we consider a TP, where the objective function (expenses connected with resource allocation) is such that the price of the unit amount of the resource is not constant but depends on the total purchase size. In addition, we study the limit behavior of solutions to TP whose data are subject to fading disturbances. Since in our approach the initial point is not necessarily admissible, we use an approximate solution of each problem as the initial point for the next one. As expected, under certain requirements to disturbances the sequence of solutions to “disturbed” problems tends to a solution of the limit problem. We prove experimentally that PPM is more efficient than the usual variant of the Penalty Function Method (the Full Penalty Method, or FPM). The preference of PPM over FPM is more evident for n much greater than m

    Optimization problems for distribution of resources in spatial systems

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    We consider a problem of optimal allocation of a homogeneous resource in spatially distributed systems such as communication networks, where both utilities of consumers and network expenses must be taken into account. This approach leads to a two-objective optimization problem, which involves non-differentiable functions whose values are computed algorithmically. We propose several approaches to define a solution and to construct corresponding solution methods for such problems. In particular, new subgradient methods for non-differentiable Pareto optimization problems are suggested. Their work is illustrated by computational results on test problems

    Vector resource allocation problems in communication networks

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    We consider a problem of optimal allocation of a homogeneous resource in spatially distributed systems such as communication networks, where both utilities of users and network expenses must be taken into account. The network is divided into zones which leads to a two-level vector optimization problem and involves non-differentiable functions whose values are computed algorithmically. We propose several approaches to find a solution. Also, new simple subgradient type methods for non-differentiable Pareto optimization problems are suggested. Their performance is illustrated by computational results on test problems. © 2013 IFIP

    Optimisation problems for control of distributed resources

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    We consider a two-level optimisation problem of resource allocation in communication networks, which is based on profit maximisation of the network subject to capacity constraints. The cost function of the upper level problem involves a sum of non-differentiable functions whose values are computed algorithmically. The corresponding solution methods utilise duality theory and decomposition technique for optimisation problems. Copyright © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd

    Evaluating the effectiveness of public health financing based on financial and non-financial indicators in terms of the knowledge economy

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    In conditions of the knowledge economy human capital, human value are the main factors of economic growth and prosperity of the state. Qualitative characteristics of human capital are indicators of public health. Therefore, one of the most important tasks of the state is to assess the effectiveness of financing public health expenditures. The methodological base of the research was the methods of system and economic analysis, mathematical statistics and decision optimization, which resulted in the identification of factors influencing the resource supply, availability and quality of public health. The formation of a comprehensive indicator of the effectiveness of the public health system based on the system of financial and non-financial indicators will allow to form numerically an assessment of the effectiveness of investments in public health and draw conclusions about the resources' provision, level of development, accessibility and quality of public health. The obtained results can be used in making effective public financial decisions, which allow to achieve an increase of accessibility and quality of health care, focusing on the human capital in conditions of knowledge economy.peer-reviewe

    Microstructure and properties of a silicon coating deposited on a titanium nickelide substrate using molecular-beam epitaxy equipment

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    The microstructure and properties of a silicon coating on a titanium nickelide substrate were studied to assess the possibility of using such a coating to improve the biocompatibility of medical implants. The silicon coating with thickness of 4.0±0.5 microns was applied to the TiNi substrate on a molecular beam epitaxy unit. The coating had a submicrocrystalline structure with a crystallite size of 0.1...0.2 microns, a developed surface, and high crack resistance