68 research outputs found

    Intimate partner violence at a tertiary institution

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    Background. Intimate partner violence (IPV) is actual or threatened physical, sexual, psychological, emotional or stalking abuse by an intimate partner. Despite the high prevalence of IPV in South Africa (SA), there is a paucity of data on university students training in fields where they are likely to have to manage the after-effects of such events in their personal capacity in the future.Objectives. To ascertain the prevalence of IPV in an SA tertiary institution population with a diverse demographic profile.Methods. Students from the faculty of health sciences and the faculty of humanities, social work department, completed an anonymousquestionnaire. Students were made aware of psychological counselling available to them.Results. Responses were obtained from 1 354 of 1 593 students (85.0%) (67.8% female, 45.9% black, 32.7% white, 16.6% Indian, 4.8% coloured). Of the respondents, 53.0% indicated that they were in a relationship. The prevalence of any type of IPV (sexual, physical or emotional abuse) among all respondents was 42.6%. Emotional abuse was reported by 54.9% of respondents, physical abuse by 20.0% and sexual abuse by 8.9%. Thirty-five females (6.5% of respondents who had suffered IPV) indicated that they had been emotionally, physically and sexually abused. Fourteen percent identified themselves as perpetrators of abuse, but only three perpetrators of sexual abuse reported having also been victims of sexual abuse. Most respondents (58.7%) knew where to get help.Conclusion. The extent of IPV among the medical and social work students sampled was found to be unacceptably high, both as victims and as perpetrators. As a result of their exposure to IPV, these individuals may have difficulty in managing patients who have been subjected to abuse

    Women Climbing the Political Leadership Ladder in Africa: Does Policy Guide Practice?

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    This paper is largely based on literature review. Its aim is to explore the hurdles that women face in their quest for political leadership in their communities in Africa. The paper is guided by feminist philosophical thinking that argues for the interests of women. The major aim is to remind the world that they are paying leap services to the feminist course. The paper argues that although the world has passed and ratified progressive conventions and laws to ensure that there is social, political and economic fairness and justice in the treatment of women, there are serious gaps in the implementation of these policy and legal frameworks throughout the world, especially in Africa and other poor countries. The paper, thus, argues for a global audit and policing mechanism that ensures that governments abide by the gender rules and regulations that they claim to be their guiding frameworks. In fact, a complete overhaul of the prevailing mindset is required if anything close to fair and just representation of women in political leadership is to be realized. The challenge is on how to change this mindset as there are vested interests and centuries of social experiences. Keywords: women, political leadership, policy, practice, feminist philosophical thinking, gender

    Challenges for Ecological Sanitation Systems in Urban Areas: The Case of Victoria Ranch Residential Area, City of Masvingo

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    This study sought to evaluate the effectiveness of the ecological sanitation toilets in Victoria Ranch high density suburb in the city of Masvingo. The research was done so as to understand the challenges faced by residents in the adoption of ecological sanitation toilet systems in urban high density areas. The specific objectives of the study were to determine respondents’ understanding of the link between sanitation, hygiene and health; investigate the characteristics of ecological sanitation toilet systems in Victoria Ranch residential area; identify the challenges of adopting ecological sanitation toilet systems in Victoria Ranch; and examine the appropriateness of ecological sanitation toilet systems in Victoria Ranch residential area. Sixty of the five hundred residents of Victoria Ranch were sampled as questionnaire respondents. Five of the sixty respondents were further sampled for follow-up interviews. Case study and descriptive survey were used as the main research methods. The study established that residents of Victoria Ranch were aware that poor sanitation and poor hygiene lead to poor health and diseases. Nonetheless, this was not put into practice. There were faeces and urine smell in open spaces and the surrounding bushes. The toilets were dirty and there was no water and soap in the toilet to wash hands after use. Culture was found to be a major hurdle in the adoption of ecological sanitation toilets in the Victoria Ranch residential area. At household level, investment costs of an ecological sanitation toilet were found to be higher than those of a flush toilet room. The study recommends intensive awareness campaigns and advocacy to remove negative attitudes towards ecological sanitation toilets; training in ecological sanitation toilets operation; regular reviews and check-ups by authorities; and further studies in other big cities like Harare. Keywords: ecological sanitation, toilets, challenges, Victoria Ranch, Masvingo, hygiene, health, residents

    Gender, Women Participation and Representation in Local Governance: The Case of Chivi Communal Areas in Masvingo

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    This study sought to assess gender, women participation and representation in local governance in Chivi communal areas. This study sought to discover the factors that condition the effectiveness of decentralisation policies and strategies in empowering women to actively participate in local governance. Qualitative research was chosen to guide this investigation as the approach would give room for an opportunity to gain insight into the phenomenological perspectives and unique experiences of rural women in Chivi communal areas with regard to their political participation and representation in local governance. The study made use of questionnaires, interviews, qualitative document analysis and observations to gather data relevant to the understanding of the topic under investigation. The study established that decentralisation policies and strategies had made insignificant contribution to involving women in the political processes of their communities. Patriarchy was found to be the biggest socio-cultural factor impeding the successful implementation of decentralisation policies and strategies. It was also established that lack of political will and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms on the part of policy-makers translated to policies and strategies being formulated but hardly implemented. The study recommends that gender sensitisation be used as a weapon against patriarchy. Policy makers are encouraged to ensure that policies are implemented and that they achieve their objectives. Keywords: gender, women, decentralisation, participation, representation, local governance, communal areas, Chivi, Masving

    Women Climbing the Political Leadership Ladder in Africa: Does Policy Guide Practice?

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    This paper is largely based on literature review. Its aim is to explore the hurdles that women face in their quest for political leadership in their communities in Africa. The paper is guided by feminist philosophical thinking that argues for the interests of women. The major aim is to remind the world that they are paying leap services to the feminist course. The paper argues that although the world has passed and ratified progressive conventions and laws to ensure that there is social, political and economic fairness and justice in the treatment of women, there are serious gaps in the implementation of these policy and legal frameworks throughout the world, especially in Africa and other poor countries. The paper, thus, argues for a global audit and policing mechanism that ensures that governments abide by the gender rules and regulations that they claim to be their guiding frameworks. In fact, a complete overhaul of the prevailing mindset is required if anything close to fair and just representation of women in political leadership is to be realized. The challenge is on how to change this mindset as there are vested interests and centuries of social experiences. Keywords: women, political leadership, policy, practice, feminist philosophical thinking, gender

    Mining and Minerals Revenue Distribution in Zimbabwe: Learning from Our Surroundings and Past Mistakes

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    The distribution of mining revenue in Zimbabwe has attracted a lot of attention especially with the discovery of diamonds. The mining sector itself plays a very important role in the development of any country. In Zimbabwe it has become one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy since 2009. The overall objective of this paper is to investigate the distribution of mining revenue in Zimbabwe. The study was conducted through consultative workshops, focus groups and interviews of key informants from different provinces. Secondary document review was also done to support information gathered from the consultations. The study indicated that there should be specific laws and policies on how mining companies give corporate social responsibility (CSR); the operation of community trusts which were stipulated in the Indigenization and Empowerment Act (Chapter 14:33) should be clear and transparent; and the needs of small scale miners should be taken into consideration so that they can also effectively contribute to the revenue of the country and the communities they are operating in. Several recommendations came out of these discussions and some of the major recommendations included that corporate social responsibility (CSR) be regulated so that all mining companies are bound by law to plough back into the community. It was also recommended that there be a special fund for mining revenue like in other African countries (Botswana, Nigeria, and South Africa. Keywords: distribution, mining revenue, empowerment, communities, indigenization


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    Asphalt Concrete-Binder Course (AC-BC) atau Laston (Lapis aspal beton-lapis antara). Campuran ini terdiri dari agregat kasar, agregat halus dan filler (bahan pengisi). Menurut Spesifikasi Bina Marga 2010 revisi 3, filler adalah bahan yang 100% lolos saringan No.100 dan tidak kurang 75% lolos saringan No.200. Dalam pelaksanaan pembuatan campuran beraspal panas menggunakan alat AMP (Asphalt Mixing Plant) kemungkinan terjadi fluktuasi kandungan filler. Pengaruh dari variasi kandungan filler dalam campuran ini yang akan diteliti terhadap kriteria Marshall. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan material agregat yang berasal dari desa Lolan dan telah melalui proses pemeriksaan sesuai dengan persyaratan agregat dalam campuran. Berdasarkan gradasi dicari komposisi campuran agregat dengan variasi kadar aspal kemudian diuji Marshall untuk mendapatkan kadar aspal terbaik. Berdasarkan gradasi yang diperoleh dan kadar aspal terbaik dibuat campuran yang mengikuti gradasi ideal, tetapi untuk membuat variasi filler pada ukuran saringan terbawah filler dan dua saringan sebelumnya turut divariasikan, setelah itu dibuat benda uji dengan variasi filler 2%,4%,6%,8%,10% terhadap berat total agregat kering. Hasil pengujian Marshall menunjukkan bahwa pada kadar filler 2% sampai dengan 10% nilai stabilitas adalah 1604 kg sampai dengan 2496 kg, nilai flow adalah 3,27 mm sampai dengan 4,35 mm, nilai VFB adalah 60,85% sampai dengan 83,09%, nilai ratio filler-bitumen efektif adalah 0,41 sampai dengan 2,03, hasil tersebut menunjukkan semakin tinggi kadar filler nilai stabilitas, flow, VFB dan ratio filler-bitumen efektif meningkat. Sedangkan pada kadar filler 2% sampai dengan 10% nilai VIM adalah 7,58% sampai dengan 2,56% dan nilai VMA adalah 19,35% sampai dengan 15,14%, menunjukkan semakin tinggi kadar filler nilai VIM dan VMA menurun. Kadar filler yang terbaik memenuhi seluruh kriteria Marshall ada pada range tertentu dan dalam penelitian ini dibatasi oleh persyaratan nilai ratio filler-bitumen efektif, maka range kadar filler terbaik berada antara 5% sampai dengan 7%. Kata Kunci : AC-BC, Filler (Bahan Pengisi), Kriteria Marshal

    Planning to Teach: Interrogating the Link among the Curricula, the Syllabi, Schemes and Lesson Plans in the Teaching Process

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    This paper was triggered by the confusion in learning institutions where most teachers and their students cannot distinguish between curriculum and syllabus. In a preliminary informal discussion with seven seasoned teachers and five pre-service student teachers at one of the secondary schools in Masvingo Rural the writers established that most teachers could not distinguish between the terms curriculum and syllabus. Yet they have passed through teachers training programme at college or university. The paper is based on the philosophy that teaching and learning are highly complex and pervasive phenomena, and therefore in a formal setting they have to be well structured for efficiency and effectiveness. A successful formal teaching and learning process, thus, requires proper selection and arrangement of the teaching items or materials. Selection and sequencing of learning content and methodologies thereof take place in the curriculum, syllabus, scheme of work and lesson plan stages. Thus, this paper argues that the distinction between these educational terms is largely on the degree of generalness, specificity and the stage at which it occurs. Keywords: Curriculum, syllabus, scheme of work, lesson plan, teaching and learning, students, school


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    Berat jenis agregat dari berbagai sumber tidak akan sama, tergantung pada sifat fisik dan mekanik. Campuran beraspal panas dari berbagai sumber itu akan berbeda satu sama lain, Berat jenis akan mempengaruhi parameter-parameter pengujian Marshall berupa Stabilitas, Flow, VIM, VMA, VFB, kepadatan, (Spesifikasi Bina Marga tahun 2010 revisi 3). Penelitian ini akan mengkaji perbedaan campuran beraspal panas yang menggunakan bahan agregat dengan berat jenis (spesifik grafity) yang berbeda. Benda uji Marshall dibuat dengan menggunakan material batu pecah yang bersumber dari tiga tempat yaitu Kakaskasen Tomohon, Tateli Minahasa dan Matali Kotamobagu, dengan aspal penetrasi 60/70 ex Pertamina sebagai bahan pembentuk campuran beraspal panas. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan bahan selanjutnya dicari komposisi agregat yang memenuhi syarat untuk masing-masing campuran yaitu AC-WC dan dibuat campuran benda uji untuk 5 variasi kadar aspal untuk setiap sumber material. Hasil penelitian untuk ketiga material yang kadar aspalnya dibuat sama dan penambahan PC sebesar 1%, Maka nilai-nilai marshall menunjukkan angka yang berbeda, seperti berat jenis material Matali termasuk tinggi, sehingga berada di angka 2.7. pada pengujian Marshall di kadar aspal 6.5%, nilai stabilitas di dapat sebesar 2045 kg; flow = 2.70 mm; VIM = 3.53%; VMA = 17.67%; VFB = 80.10%; density =2.40 gr/cc; rasio filler = 0.85. Berat jenis material Tateli termasuk rendah, sehingga berada di angka 2.4 dan 2.3. pada pengujian Marshall di kadar aspal 6.5%, nilai stabilitas di dapat sebesar 1450 kg; flow= 3.01mm; VIM = 3.67%; VMA = 15.43%; VFB = 76.24%; density = 2.18 gr/cc; rasio filler = 1.41. Berat jenis material Kakaskasen termasuk rendah, sehingga berada di angka 2.4 dan 2.3. pada pengujian Marshall di kadar aspal 6.5%, nilai stabilitas di dapat sebesar 1535 kg, flow = 3.49mm; VIM = 4.58%; VMA=15.10%; VFB = 69.71%, density= 2.15 gr/cc; rasio filler = 1.07. Jika harga satuan pekerjaan Hotmix aspal diukur dalam satuan berat, maka dalam 1ton/m³ campuran yang dikalikan dengan harga satuan pekerjaan masih relatif menguntungkan.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa material Matali merupakan material yang memiliki nilai density terbesar yaitu kisaran 2.40 sedangkan material Tateli dan material Kakaskasen memiliki nilai density yang relatif rendah sehingga menghasilkan nilai yang hampir sama yaitu sebesar 2.18 dan 2.15. hal ini disebabkan semakin tinggi nilai berat jenis pada material maka nilai density semakin tinggi. Jika satuan pembayaran dari campuran beraspal panas diukur dari satuan berat, maka menggunakan agregat yang mempunyai berat jenis yang lebih besar relatif lebih mengguntungkan. Dari kesimpulan tersebut disarankan pada pekerjaan perkerasan jalan, jika sebaiknya menggunakan material yang berat jenis tinggi seperti material Matali Kata kunci: Besaran Marshall, Berat jenis, AC-WC, Material, Densit