680 research outputs found

    Comprehensive Clinical Approach to Fecal Incontinence

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    Fecal incontinence is a disturbing condition, which reduces the quality of life of patients. Prevalence of this apprehensive problem is usually underestimated. However, it is more common in female, elderly, and institutionalized subjects. Factors that may be associated are urinary incontinence, diabetes mellitus, depression, diarrhea, history of anorectal surgery, anorectal trauma, pelvic organ surgery, and pelvic irradiation. To improve this condition, physicians should have insight into the individual’s pathophysiology through the process of careful history taking, severity, and quality of life assessment, thorough physical examination and comprehensive anatomic and neurophysiologic evaluation. These tests include imaging, anorectal manometry, and neural conduction tests. Finally, by these gathered information, individualized treatment for the patient is designed. Patient’s education and judicious follow-up are also parts of the plan

    The Tokugawa Bakufu\u27s Policies for the National Production of Medicines and Dodonaæus\u27 \u27\u27Cruijdeboeck\u27\u27

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    Translation of Culture and Culture of Translation, ベルギー, ルーヴァン・カトリック大学, 1998年10月12日-15

    Applications of Anorectal Ultrasound in Anorectal Disorders

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    Endoanal ultrasound (EAUS) and endorectal ultrasound (ERUS) have been introduced to clinical use since the 1980s. The techniques have been used to assess various anorectal disorders and conditions, including anorectal abscess and fistula, fecal incontinence, anorectal tumor, anorectal pain and occasionally evaluation of adjacent pelvic pathology. Information acquired includes anatomical location of disease, extent of disease, involvement of anal sphincter by disease and the status of anal sphincter. This information is valuable for treatment planning, prevention of disease recurrence, prevention and/or correction of sphincter defect and follow-up evaluation. The technique is cheap, simple, well tolerated, and repeatable with acceptable accuracy. Although the interpretation is operator-dependent, technology has developed to improved image quality such as 3D-reconstruction, peroxide-enhanced technique and volume render mode. This chapter reviews the current application of anorectal ultrasound in the common anorectal disorders

    The Identity of \u27\u27Samurai\u27\u27 in the Tokugawa Period

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    オランダ, ライデン, 1999年10月 27日-29

    Single crystal growth and anisotropy of CeRuPO

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    We report on the single crystal growth of the ferromagnetic Kondo lattice system CeRuPO using a Sn flux method. Magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity measurements indicate strong anisotropy of this structurally layered compound. They evidence that the magnetic moments order ferromagnetically along the c-direction of the tetragonal unit cell, whereas the crystal electric field (CEF) anisotropy favors the ab-plane. Therefore, CeRuPO presents the unusual case within rare earth systems, where the anisotropy of the interionic exchange interaction overcomes the single ion anisotropy due to the CEF interaction.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, high quality figures: http://www.cpfs.mpg.de/~krellner

    Short-range antiferromagnetic correlations in Kondo insulators

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    We study the influence of short range antiferromagnetic correlations between local ff-electrons on the transport and thermodynamic properties of Kondo insulators, as first proposed by Coqblin et al. for metallic heavy fermions. The inter-site magnetic correlations produce an effective bandwidth for the ff-electrons. They are treated on the same footing as the local Kondo correlations such that two energy scales appear in our approach. We discuss the competition between these two scales on the physical properties.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures. To be published in Physics Letters


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    Physical properties of portland cement based concrete exposed at a depth of 3520 m in the Nankai Trough

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    Concrete is widely used in large-scale construction of submarine infrastructure because of its high strength, durability, and ease of handling. However, knowledge of its durability in deep seawater is lacking. In the deep sea, materials are exposed to high pressures and low temperatures, which may cause early deterioration of concrete over time. Concrete materials may also be affected by the chemical composition of seawater, which induces the leaching of calcium. In situ exposure tests are therefore important for understanding degradation processes in the deep sea. In this study, Portland cement based concrete specimens were placed at a depth of 3520 m on the northern edge of the Nankai Trough in 2018 and retrieved in 2019, in the deepest exposure testing conducted to date. Here we provide an outline of the tests, describe the physical properties of materials exposed to deep seawater, freshwater, and air, and discuss possible concrete degradation mechanisms

    Optical conductivity of the Kondo insulator YbB_12: Gap formation and low-energy excitations

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    Optical reflectivity experiments have been conducted on single crystals of the Kondo insulator YbB_12 in order to obtain its optical conductivity, \sigma(\omega). Upon cooling below 70 K, a strong supression of \sigma(\omega) is seen in the far-infrared region, indicating the opening of an energy gap of ~ 25 meV. This gap development is coincident with a rapid decrease in the magnetic susceptibility, which shows that the gap opening has significant influence on magnetic properties. A narrow, asymmetric peak is observed at ~40 meV in \sigma(\omega), which is attributed to optical transitions between the Yb 4f-derived states across the gap. In addition, a broad peak is observed at ~0.25 eV. This peak is attributed to transitions between Yb 4f-derived states and p-d band, and is reminiscent of similar peaks previously observed for rare-earth hexaborides.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Marine self-potential survey for exploring seafloor hydrothermal ore deposits

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    We conducted a self-potential survey at an active hydrothermal field, the Izena hole in the mid-Okinawa Trough, southern Japan. This field is known to contain Kuroko-type massive sulphide deposits. This survey measured the self-potential continuously in ambient seawater using a deep-tow array, which comprises an electrode array with a 30-m-long elastic rod and a stand-alone data acquisition unit. We observed negative self-potential signals not only above active hydrothermal vents and visible sulphide mounds but also above the flat seafloor without such structures. Some signals were detectable >50 m above the seafloor. Analysis of the acquired data revealed these signals’ source as below the seafloor, which suggests that the self-potential method can detect hydrothermal ore deposits effectively. The self-potential survey, an easily performed method for initial surveys, can identify individual sulphide deposits from a vast hydrothermal area.CC-BY 4.0http://www.godac.jamstec.go.jp/darwin/cruise/yokosuka/yk15-06/