87 research outputs found

    Machine learning method for the classification of the state of living organisms’ oscillations

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    The World Health Organization highlights the urgent need to address the global threat posed by antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Efficient and rapid detection of bacterial response to antibiotics and their virulence state is crucial for the effective treatment of bacterial infections. However, current methods for investigating bacterial antibiotic response and metabolic state are time-consuming and lack accuracy. To address these limitations, we propose a novel method for classifying bacterial virulence based on statistical analysis of nanomotion recordings. We demonstrated the method by classifying living Bordetella pertussis bacteria in the virulent or avirulence phase, and dead bacteria, based on their cellular nanomotion signal. Our method offers significant advantages over current approaches, as it is faster and more accurate. Additionally, its versatility allows for the analysis of cellular nanomotion in various applications beyond bacterial virulence classification

    Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging of Living Cells

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    Over the last two decades, Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) has emerged as the tool of choice to image living organisms in a near-physiological environment. Whereas fluorescence microscopy techniques allow labeling and tracking of components inside cells and the observation of dynamic processes, AFM is mainly a surface technique that can be operated on a wide range of substrates including biological samples. AFM enables extraction of topographical, mechanical and chemical information from these sample

    Modulation of the nanoscale motion rate of Candida albicans by X-rays

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    IntroductionPatients undergoing cancer treatment by radiation therapy commonly develop Candida albicans infections (candidiasis). Such infections are generally treated by antifungals that unfortunately also induce numerous secondary effects in the patient. Additional to the effect on the immune system, ionizing radiation influences the vital activity of C. albicans cells themselves; however, the reaction of C. albicans to ionizing radiation acting simultaneously with antifungals is much less well documented. In this study, we explored the effects of ionizing radiation and an antifungal drug and their combined effect on C. albicans.MethodsThe study essentially relied on a novel technique, referred to as optical nanomotion detection (ONMD) that monitors the viability and metabolic activity of the yeast cells in a label and attachment-free manner.Results and discussionOur findings demonstrate that after exposure to X-ray radiation alone or in combination with fluconazole, low-frequency nanoscale oscillations of whole cells are suppressed and the nanomotion rate depends on the phase of the cell cycle, absorbed dose, fluconazole concentration, and post-irradiation period. In a further development, the ONMD method can help in rapidly determining the sensitivity of C. albicans to antifungals and the individual concentration of antifungals in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy

    Discrete reduction patterns of parvalbumin and calbindin D-28k immunoreactivity in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus and the striate cortex of adult macaque monkeys after monocular enucleation

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    We analyzed the immunohistochemical distribution of the two calcium-binding proteins, parvalbumin (PV) and calbindin D-28k (CB), in the primary visual cortex and lateral dorsal geniculate nucleus (dLGN) of monocularly enucleated macaque monkeys (Macaca fascicularis and Macaca nemestrind) in order to determine how the expression of PV and CB is affected by functional inactivity. The monkeys survived 1-17 weeks after monocular enucleation. The distribution pattern of each of the proteins was examined immunocytochemically using monoclonal antibodies and compared with that of the metabolic marker cytochrome oxidase (CO). We recorded manually the number of immunostained neurons and estimated the concentration of immunoreactive staining product using a computerized image-acquisition system. Our results indicate a decrease of approximately 30% in the labeling of PV-immunoreactive (ir) neuropil particularly in those layers of denervated ocular-dominance columns receiving the geniculocortical input. There was no change in the number of PV-ir neurons in any compartment irrespective of the enucleation interval. For CB-ir, we found a 20% decrease in the neuropil labeling in layer 2/3 of the denervated ocular-dominance columns. In addition, a subset of pyramidal CB-ir neurons in layers 2 and 4B, which are weakly stained in control animals, showed decreased labeling. In the dLGN of enucleated animals, PV-ir and CB-ir were decreased only in the neuropil of the denervated layers. From these results, we conclude that cortical interneurons and geniculate projection neurons still express PV and CB in their cell bodies after disruption of the direct functional input from one eye. The only distinct decrease of PV and CB expression is seen in axon terminals from retinal ganglion cells in the dLGN, and in the axons and terminals of both geniculocortical projection cells and cortical interneurons in the cerebral corte


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    ABSTRACT: The temporal order in which the lines are written can, in most cases, be established by optical and electron microscopy techniques. During the last years, new, non-destructive microscopical technologies, such as scanning probe microscopy [5], have been developed which offer new possibilities for surfaces analysis at high magnification. The aim of this study was to explore if such a technique could be used to line crossing problems. According to the nature of the ink lines, the exploration of this technique has been performed by an atomic force microscope (AFM

    Adaptation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa to constant sub-inhibitory concentrations of quaternary ammonium compounds

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    Quaternary ammonium compounds (QACs) are widely used in consumer products for disinfection purposes. QACs are frequently detected in aquatic systems at sub-inhibitory concentrations and were found to affect the development of antimicrobial resistance if bacteria are exposed to increasing concentrations. However, the effect of a constant sub-inhibitory concentration on the development of bacterial resistance is unknown. A constant exposure to 88% of the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of benzalkonium chloride (BAC) led to an increase of the MIC of P. aeruginosa. It increased from 80 mg l(-1) to 150 mg l(-1) after 10 cycles of exposure and remained stable after removal of BAC. When exposed to cetyltrimethyl ammonium chloride (CTMA), P. aeruginosa's MIC increased from 110 mg l(-1) to 160 mg l(-1) after 10 cycles of exposure and decreased to 120 mg l(-1) after removal of CTMA. Additionally, cross-resistance between the QACs was observed. When exposed to BAC, the MIC for CTMA increased from 110 mg l(-1) to 200 mg l(-1), and when exposed to CTMA, the MIC for BAC increased from 80 mg l(-1) to 160 mg l(-1). In contrast, the susceptibility to 16 antibiotics was not significantly affected by exposure to QACs. Finally, analyses of the membranes' nanomechanical properties of P. aeruginosa with atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed increases in cell roughness, adhesion and stiffness after treatment with CTMA. Since sub-inhibitory concentrations of QACs can be detected in (technical) aquatic systems including sediments, this may lead to a dissemination of bacteria with higher QAC resistance in the environmen

    Mitochondrial nanomotion measured by optical microscopy.

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    Nanometric scale size oscillations seem to be a fundamental feature of all living organisms on Earth. Their detection usually requires complex and very sensitive devices. However, some recent studies demonstrated that very simple optical microscopes and dedicated image processing software can also fulfill this task. This novel technique, termed as optical nanomotion detection (ONMD), was recently successfully used on yeast cells to conduct rapid antifungal sensitivity tests. In this study, we demonstrate that the ONMD method can monitor motile sub-cellular organelles, such as mitochondria. Here, mitochondrial isolates (from HEK 293 T and Jurkat cells) undergo predictable motility when viewed by ONMD and triggered by mitochondrial toxins, citric acid intermediates, and dietary and bacterial fermentation products (short-chain fatty acids) at various doses and durations. The technique has superior advantages compared to classical methods since it is rapid, possesses a single organelle sensitivity, and is label- and attachment-free

    Nanomotion Detection-Based Rapid Antibiotic Susceptibility Testing

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    Rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing (AST) could play a major role in fighting multidrug-resistant bacteria. Recently, it was discovered that all living organisms oscillate in the range of nanometers and that these oscillations, referred to as nanomotion, stop as soon the organism dies. This finding led to the development of rapid AST techniques based on the monitoring of these oscillations upon exposure to antibiotics. In this review, we explain the working principle of this novel technique, compare the method with current ASTs, explore its application and give some advice about its implementation. As an illustrative example, we present the application of the technique to the slowly growing and pathogenic Bordetella pertussis bacteria.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada

    Gradient of Rigidity in the Lamellipodia of Migrating Cells Revealed by Atomic Force Microscopy

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    Changes in mechanical properties of the cytoplasm have been implicated in cell motility, but there is little information about these properties in specific regions of the cell at specific stages of the cell migration process. Fish epidermal keratocytes with their stable shape and steady motion represent an ideal system to elucidate temporal and spatial dynamics of the mechanical state of the cytoplasm. As the shape of the cell does not change during motion and actin network in the lamellipodia is nearly stationary with respect to the substrate, the spatial changes in the direction from the front to the rear of the cell reflect temporal changes in the actin network after its assembly at the leading edge. We have utilized atomic force microscopy to determine the rigidity of fish keratocyte lamellipodia as a function of time/distance from the leading edge. Although vertical thickness remained nearly constant throughout the lamellipodia, the rigidity exhibited a gradual but significant decrease from the front to the rear of the lamellipodia. The rigidity pro. le resembled closely the actin density pro. le, suggesting that the dynamics of rigidity are due to actin depolymerization. The decrease of rigidity may play a role in facilitating the contraction of the actin-myosin network at the lamellipodium/cell body transition zone

    Nanomotion Spectroscopy as a New Approach to Characterize Bacterial Virulence

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    Atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based nanomotion detection is a label-free technique that has been used to monitor the response of microorganisms to antibiotics in a time frame of minutes. The method consists of attaching living organisms onto an AFM cantilever and in monitoring its nanometric scale oscillations as a function of different physical-chemical stimuli. Up to now, we only used the cantilever oscillations variance signal to assess the viability of the attached organisms. In this contribution, we demonstrate that a more precise analysis of the motion pattern of the cantilever can unveil relevant medical information about bacterial phenotype. We used B. pertussis as the model organism, it is a slowly growing Gram-negative bacteria which is the agent of whooping cough. It was previously demonstrated that B. pertussis can expresses different phenotypes as a function of the physical-chemical properties of the environment. In this contribution, we highlight that B. pertussis generates a cantilever movement pattern that depends on its phenotype. More precisely, we noticed that nanometric scale oscillations of B. pertussis can be correlated with the virulence state of the bacteria. The results indicate a correlation between metabolic/virulent bacterial states and bacterial nanomotion pattern and paves the way to novel rapid and label-free pathogenic microorganism detection assays.Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Fermentaciones IndustrialesInstituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada