23 research outputs found

    A comprehensive review on small-scale combustion technologies in Southern Africa, what is known, done and emergent knowledge gaps?

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    Abstract: This is a review paper written with the intention to shed light on continued reliance on high polluting energy sources in the Southern Africa. Tn developing countries the use oflow cost fuels including coal, wood, pellets, charcoal and cow dung remains an obstacle in ensuring the right to clean air. Tn this study, several stove to fuel combustion technologies researches, were reviewed for similarities/ commonalities and differences. The review highlights on critical health and environmental effects associated with burning of solid fuels using inefficient cookstoves. The review deepens the understanding on various clean energy interventions and policy formulation in several countries within the Southern Africa Development Communities (SADC) region. Studies indicated the development of stove alone will not be enough in enhancing or reducing air pollution, but emphasis shall be put on stove to fuel combination. Findings also suggest a lack of clear or practical policy intervention to restore household indoor air quality, while single policy intervention proven inadequate in many studies. In sub-Saharan region, policy intervention focuses on energy switch thus from traditional solid fuels to modern energy resources namely electricity and liquid petroleum gas (LPG). This approach is not feasible given the difficulties in electricity generation and supply system, housing infrastructure and cost implication. Tn conclusion, policies which support energy stacking present a viable solution to improved indoor air quality

    Organic binder mediated Co3O4/TiO2 heterojunction formation for heterogeneous activation of Peroxymonosulfate

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    Thesis (Master of Engineering in Chemical Engineering)--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2019.A shortage of water has resulted in the need to enhance the quality of wastewater that is released into the environment. The advanced oxidation process (AOP) using heterogeneous catalysis is a promising treatment process for the management of wastewater containing recalcitrant pollutants as compared to conventional processes. As AOP is a reliable wastewater treatment process, it is expected to be a sustainable answer to the shortage of clean water. AOP using heterogeneous catalysis based on Co3O4 particles and PMS, in particular has been found to be a powerful procedure for the degradation and mineralization of recalcitrant organic contaminants. In addition, due to the growing application of Co3O4 in lithium batteries, large quantities of these particles will be recovered as waste from spent lithium batteries, so there is a need to find a use for them. Although this method has received some promising feedback, challenges still need to be addressed, such as the toxicity of cobalt particles, the poor chemical and thermal stability and particle aggregation, and the prompting of lower catalytic efficiency in long haul application. Furthermore, the removal of the catalyst after the treatment of pollutants is also an issue. In order to be applicable, a novel catalyst must be produced requiring the combination of Co3O4 with a support material in order to inhibit cobalt leaching and generate better particle stability. From the available literature, TiO2 was found to be the best support material because it not only provides a large surface area for well dispersed Co3O4, but it also forms strong Co-O-Ti bonds which greatly reduced cobalt leaching as compared to other support materials. Moreover, it also greatly encourages the formation of surface Co–OH complexes, which is considered a crucial step for PMS activation. Therefore, the issues cited above could be avoided by producing a Co3O4/TiO2 heterojunction catalyst

    Recherche des molécules bioactives antidiabétiques dans les extraits d'écorces de racines de Myrianthus arboreus

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    Myrianthus arboreus est une essence de la forêt tropicale d’Afrique dont les tissus contiennent des molécules bioactives intéressantes. Les données ethnopharmacologiques africaines attribuent à l’extrait aqueux d’écorces de racines de M. arboreus des effets thérapeutiques notamment antidiabétique. Le but de cette thèse était de valider ce potentiel à travers trois séries des bioessais cellulaires in vitro, d’identifier les principes actifs et d’élucider les mécanismes d’actions par lesquels la plante exerce son activité sur le diabète. Une étude préliminaire sur les différents extraits et fractions obtenus à partir de solvants de force de polarité croissante (dichlorométhane, éthanol, méthanol, eau) a été menée et a démontré un excellent potentiel antioxydant de l’extrait éthanolique et de sa fraction acétate d’éthyle comparable à celui de l’Oligopin®, un extrait commercial riche en proanthocyanidines. Ces résultats ont corrélé avec les teneurs en acides hydroxicimiques et en proanthocyanidines, deux classes de polyphénols présentes dans l’extrait et la fraction acétate d’éthyle. Ensuite, les résultats des bioessais cellulaires indiquent qu’aucun extrait ou fraction n’a été capable de stimuler le transport de glucose dans les cellules musculaires C2C12. A l’inverse, l’extrait éthanolique, sa fraction hexanique et sa fraction enrichie en alcaloïdes se sont démarqués par leur effet sur le contrôle de l’homéostasie hépatique du glucose. Parallèlement, la fraction acétate d’éthyle a uniquement démontré un profil plus prometteur en diminuant la production de glucose dans le foie. Plus précisément, ces extraits et fractions ont significativement inhibé l’activité du glucose-6-phostaptase (G6Pase) via la stimulation des voies insulino-dépendante (Akt) et – indépendante (AMPK), à l’exception de la fraction EAc qui n’active que l’AMPK. Ce dernier mécanisme est semblable à celui de la metformine, l’hypoglycémiant oral le plus utilisé dans le monde. D’autre part, les extraits et fractions bioactifs ont également augmenté l’activité de la glycogène synthétase (GS) suite à la phosphorylation de la glycogène synthase kinase-3. Le sous-fractionnement de la fraction hexanique guidé par les deux bioessais a conduit à l’isolation de sept composés majeurs, dont quatre nouveaux triterpènes pentacycliques ayant un fragment férulate. L’acide 3β-O-trans-féruloyl-2α, 19α- dihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oïque (H1), l’acide 2α-acetoxy-3-β-0-trans-féruloryl-19α-hydroxyl- 12-en-28-oïque (H3) et l’acide ursolique (H5) sont responsables, en grande partie, de l’activité antidiabétique de la fraction hexanique. Ils ont démontré le même mécanisme d’action que l’extrait éthanolique en diminuant l’activité de la G6Pase et en augmentant celle de la GS ainsi qu’en activant les voies de signalisation impliquées. Le H3 s’est démarqué par son effet le plus puissant et comparable à celui de l’extrait éthanolique et sa fraction hexanique dans toutes les expériences. D’autre part, le sous-fractionnement de la fraction acétate d’éthyle guidé par les même bioessais a permis d’isoler cinq composés phénoliques, dont deux regioisomères Cglycosyl flavone à savoir isoorientine et orientine, ainsi que trois composés phénoliques très connus tels que l’acide chlorogénique, l’acide protocatéchique et l’aldéhyde protocatéchique. Dans tous les bioessais, isoorientine s’est démarqué avec ses effets remarquables en diminuant l’activité de la G6Pase, et augmentant celle de la GS, comparable à la fraction acétate d’éthyle. En conclusion, les résultats de cette thèse soutiennent le potentiel antidiabétique de M. arboreus rapporté dans la médecine traditionnelle africaine. Cette activité implique essentiellement le contrôle de l’homéostasie de glucose au niveau du foie à travers les voies de signalisation médiées par l’Akt, l’AMPK et la GSK-3. Les composés actifs tels que les dérivés féruliques de triterpène (H1 et H3) ainsi que le C-glycoside du flavones l’isoorientine (E1), avec un potentiel anti-diabétique prometteur pourront servir comme nouveaux candidats thérapeutiques des préparations traditionnelles ou pour des fins thérapeutiques ultérieures. Ces molécules bioactives vont représenter les marqueurs importants pour toute homologation future de cet extrait naturel de l’ethnopharmacologie congolaise.Myrianthus arboreus is a tree of the tropical rainforest of Africa the tissues of which contain promising bioactive compounds. African ethnopharmacological data attribute to the aqueous extract of M. arboreus root bark therapeutic effects including antidiabetic. The aim of this thesis was to validate this potential through three series of cell-bioassays, to identify the principle responsible for this activity and to elucidate the mechanisms of actions by which this plant extract exerts its antidiabetic activity. A preliminary study on different extracts and fractions performed with solvent of increasing polarity (dichloromethane, ethanol, methanol and water) has revealed an excellent antioxidant potential of ethanol extract and of its ethyl acetate fraction comparable to that of Oligopin®, a commercial extract rich in proanthocyanidins. This result was well correlated with the levels of hydroxycinnamic acids and proanthocyanins, two classes of polyphenols present in the extract and its antioxidant fraction. In addition, the results of cell bioassays indicate that no extract or fraction was able to stimulate glucose transport in C2C12 muscle cells. In contrast, the ethanolic extract, its hexane and the alkaloid-enriched fractions stood out by their effect on the control of hepatic glucose homeostasis. Similarly, the ethyl acetate fraction only demonstrated a more promising profile by decreasing glucose production in the liver. Specifically, these extracts and fractions significantly inhibited glucose-6-phostaptase (G6Pase) activity via insulindependent (Akt) and -independent (AMPK) pathway stimulation, except for the ethyl acetate ethanolic fraction which only activated AMPK. The latter mechanism is similar to that of metformin, the most widely used oral hypoglycemic drug in the world. On the other hand, bioactive extracts and fractions also increased the activity of glycogen synthase (GS) through the phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase-3. Sub-fractionation of the hexane fraction guided by the two bioassays resulted in the isolation of seven major compounds, including new pentacyclic triterpenes having a ferulate fragment. 3β-O-trans-feruloyl-2α, 19α-dihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid (H1), 2α-acetoxy-3- β-O-trans-feruloryl-19α-hydroxyl-acid 12-en-28- oic acid (H3) and ursolic acid (H5) which are responsible, to a large extent, for the antidiabetic activity of the hexane fraction. The active constituents exhibit the same mechanism of action as the EtOH extract by decreasing the activity of G6Pase, increasing that of GS and activating signaling pathways involved. The H3 stood out for its most powerful effect which was determined to be comparable to that of the ethanolic extract and to its Hexane fraction in all experiments. On the other hand, bioassay-guided fractionation of ethyl acetate fraction led to the isolation of five phenolic compounds, including two regioisomers C-glycosyl flavons namely isoorientin and orientin, along with three well-known phenolic compounds, chlorogenic acid, protocatechuic acid and protoctehuic aldehyde. In all experiments, isoorientin (E1) stood out with its most powerful effects, by decreasing the activity of G6Pase and increasing the GS. Altogether, the results of the present thesis support the antidiabetic potential of M. arboreus reported by African folk medicine, which involves control of glucose homeostasis in the liver via Akt, AMPK and GSK-3 phosphorylation. The bioactive molecules ferulic derivatives of triterpenes (H1 and H3), and C-glycosyl flavone E1 determined in studied extracts and fractions were determined to have a promising anti-diabetic activity, can be used as new therapeutic candidates for traditional preparations or for future therapeutic purposes. These molecules can also be used as markers for future authentifications of the natural products based on Myrianthus arboreus root bark extracts

    Exposure to wood dust and health effects : a review of epidemiological evidences from developing countries

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    Abstract: In this paper, biomedical literature assessing the risks of nasal cancer and other wood dust exposure related symptoms and diseases in the developing world were reviewed in detail and contrasted with experiences in the developed world. Pollutants arising from industrial processes, including wood processing plants are amongst the leading causes of morbidity and premature deaths in exposed individuals. Industrial and artisanal wood processes are associated with emissions of varied sizes of wood dust particles, toxic chemicals and biological agents including fungi and endotoxins. To identify studies that assessed the risk of nasal cancer and decreased lung functions in wood industry workers; systematic literature reviews were conducted with scholarly search engines including PubMed, and Scopus. A total of 100 studies published after 1999 were scoped and identified in line with the objectives of the present review. The strongest associations between wood dust exposure and ill-health in developing world are: respiratory symptoms, (100%, n= 33) and an increased risk of nasal cancer (17%, n= 14). While, only 8% of the studies in developed world have associated wood dust exposure with nasal cancer, there is a great debate regarding the validity of such studies as their findings are limited to one sector of wood industries, sawmilling and lack basis of true toxicological studies. To confirm the aetiology of nasal cancer in wood industries, future studies should incorporate dose response relationship and potential implications of fine and ultrafine wood particles as well as endotoxins. This could aid to develop sustainable strategies for interventions and reduction of risk of exposure

    A review paper on traditional fuel use, indoor air pollution, and respiratory diseases : lessons for South Africa

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    Abstract: About 90% of the South African population have got access to electricity, yet it is believed that several households continue to rely on traditional fuels such as coal, charcoal, firewood, animal dung as their primary cooking fuels. The combustion of traditional fuels in an inefficient cookstoves results in increased Indoor Air Pollution (IAP), ill respiratory health and several cases of premature deaths. This paper summarizes studies providing evidence of an association between household energy patterns, IAP and of acute or chronic lower and upper respiratory infections in South African households. It is believed that IAP has contributed to about 1400 premature deaths and current interventions programmes to increase access to modern energy services including electricity for poor households could be failing as reports of diseases and deaths continue to be documented. Based on existing evidence, it is that recommended energy practitioners should target achievable, yet health-saving interventions targets for the poor

    Dissemination of free basic electricity in rural settlements

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    Abstract: This paper evaluates the implementation of the Free Basic Electricity (FBE) programme in the needy South African households. A total of 5 governmental sites were used to assess the implementation of the FBE program; while 165 households were surveyed from 2016-2017 to determine the dissemination and use of FBE. The desktop survey revealed that approximately 1.8 million poor South Africans have access to FBE. Furthermore, tariff relief sets at 50 kWh based on 2001 household energy survey was found to differ per implementing agency, ranging from 20 kWh - 100 kWh. However, no data was available regarding the total number of South African who are energy poor. The survey found that 18% of households are employed, while 82% is unemployed and mainly depend on social grants. Majority of the households cannot afford electricity for cooking and heating, consequently spend over 14% of their income on energy budget which include a mixture of clean and dirty fuels such as wood, coal and paraffin. A total of 15 (9%) households are beneficiaries of FBE; while 91% indicated that they do not know about the tariff relief. Findings from this study suggest the need for an improved public communication strategy, especially in rural areas. It can be recommended that the 50-kWh tariff relief be reviewed to qualify the current household energy needs. Furthermore, enhanced community engagement is recommended in rural settlements to improve clean energy adoption strategies, either energy efficiency or FBE utilization

    The catholic church and the « belgian » Congo : historical-legal approach to institutional relations (1885-1960)

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    En 1980, l'Église catholique de la République démocratique du Congo (appelé le Zaïre à l'époque) célébrait le centenaire de l'évangélisation du pays. Aux actions de grâce à Dieu, était associée une vive reconnaissance du labeur apostolique, patient et avisé, des nombreux missionnaires, évêques, prêtres, religieux et religieuses du passé et du présent. Aux uns était reconnu l'amour du Congo au point de consacrer leur vie à initier les populations locales à l'Évangile, à les estimer capables de constituer elles aussi une Église locale et à préparer leurs Pasteurs. Aux autres le Pape Jean-Paul II exprimait, à Kinshasa, le 3 mai 1980, sa reconnaissance pour le bon travail qu'accomplissaient le clergé local et les catéchistes laïcs pour nourrir la foi des fidèles et maintenir la vitalité Église partout dans le pays.On le voit bien, la dimension des relations de l'Église catholique avec l'État est absente. Dans cette thèse, nous essayons de reconstituer, grâce à l'analyse des faits tant diplomatico-juridiques que historico-politiques, l'existence incontestée des relations bilatérales entre l'Église et le Congo dès la fondation de ce dernier. Pour nous, l'évangélisation qui est prise en compte jusqu'à aujourd'hui (c'est-à-dire la phase qui commença en 1880), est le fruit des efforts combinés de l'Église et l'État. Cela tient à deux raisons évidentes. Premièrement, Léon XIII, qui est le pape contemporain de la création de l'État au Congo, avait engagé les relations de l'Église catholique avec les États dans une perspective de sage union et de parfaite harmonie. La centralisation romaine de l'activité missionnaire, tout en jugulant les méfaits du droit de patronat, ouvrait l'Eglise à des ententes et à des accords bilatéraux avec les États des/dans les pays de mission. Deuxièmement, dans le cas du Congo, l'État du Congo, d'abord en gestation et ensuite pleinement constitué, avait toujours affiché sa volonté de s'allier avec l'Église dans l'espoir que leurs missions respectives (civilisatrice et évangélisatrice) portassent les fruits escomptés.Certes, les relations de l'Église avec l'État ont connu des moments d'incompréhension et de conflits. L'Église prit ses distances à un moment donné de l'histoire politique du Congo belge, pour des raisons évidentes liées à sa nature et à sa mission. Mais, l'histoire juridique de ces relations ne reconnaît pas l'existence de la rupture totale entre les autorités religieuses et les pouvoirs civils jusqu'avant la dictature du président Mobutu, vers les années 1974.In 1980, the Catholic Church in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (called Zaire at the time) celebrated the centenary of the evangelization of the country. Thanksgiving to God was associated with a lively recognition of the patient and wise apostolic work of the many missionaries, bishops, priests, men and women religious of the past and present. To some was recognized the love of the Congo to the point of devoting their lives to initiate the local populations to the Gospel, to consider them capable of forming a local Church and to prepare their Pastors. To others, Pope John Paul II expressed, in Kinshasa, on May 3, 1980, his gratitude for the good work accomplished by the local clergy and the lay catechists to nourish the faith of the faithful and maintain the vitality of the Church throughout the country.We can see it well. The dimension of the relations of the Catholic Church with the State is absent. In this thesis we try to reconstruct, through the analysis of both diplomatic-legal and historical-political facts, the undisputed existence of bilateral relations between the Church and the Congo from the foundation of the latter. For us, the evangelization that counts until today (that is, the phase that began in 1880) is the fruit of the combined efforts of Church and State. This is for two obvious reasons. Firstly, Leo XIII, who is the pope contemporary with the creation of the State in the Congo, had engaged the relations of the Catholic Church with the States in a perspective of wise union and perfect harmony. The Roman centralization of missionary activity, while curbing the misdeeds of the right of patronage, opened the Church to agreements and bilateral agreements with the States of/in the mission countries. Secondly, in the case of the Congo, the State of the Congo, first in gestation and then fully constituted, had always displayed its desire to ally itself with the Church in the hope that their respective missions (civilizing and evangelizing) bear the expected fruits.Admittedly, the relations of the Church with the State have known moments of incomprehension and conflict. The Church distanced itself at a given moment in the political history of the Belgian Congo, for obvious reasons related to its nature and its mission. However, the legal history of these relations does not recognize the existence of the total break between the religious authorities and the civil powers until before the dictatorship of President Mobutu, around 1974

    L'église catholique et le Congo « belge » : approche historico-juridique des relations institutionnelles (1885-1960)

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    In 1980, the Catholic Church in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (called Zaire at the time) celebrated the centenary of the evangelization of the country. Thanksgiving to God was associated with a lively recognition of the patient and wise apostolic work of the many missionaries, bishops, priests, men and women religious of the past and present. To some was recognized the love of the Congo to the point of devoting their lives to initiate the local populations to the Gospel, to consider them capable of forming a local Church and to prepare their Pastors. To others, Pope John Paul II expressed, in Kinshasa, on May 3, 1980, his gratitude for the good work accomplished by the local clergy and the lay catechists to nourish the faith of the faithful and maintain the vitality of the Church throughout the country.We can see it well. The dimension of the relations of the Catholic Church with the State is absent. In this thesis we try to reconstruct, through the analysis of both diplomatic-legal and historical-political facts, the undisputed existence of bilateral relations between the Church and the Congo from the foundation of the latter. For us, the evangelization that counts until today (that is, the phase that began in 1880) is the fruit of the combined efforts of Church and State. This is for two obvious reasons. Firstly, Leo XIII, who is the pope contemporary with the creation of the State in the Congo, had engaged the relations of the Catholic Church with the States in a perspective of wise union and perfect harmony. The Roman centralization of missionary activity, while curbing the misdeeds of the right of patronage, opened the Church to agreements and bilateral agreements with the States of/in the mission countries. Secondly, in the case of the Congo, the State of the Congo, first in gestation and then fully constituted, had always displayed its desire to ally itself with the Church in the hope that their respective missions (civilizing and evangelizing) bear the expected fruits.Admittedly, the relations of the Church with the State have known moments of incomprehension and conflict. The Church distanced itself at a given moment in the political history of the Belgian Congo, for obvious reasons related to its nature and its mission. However, the legal history of these relations does not recognize the existence of the total break between the religious authorities and the civil powers until before the dictatorship of President Mobutu, around 1974.En 1980, l'Église catholique de la République démocratique du Congo (appelé le Zaïre à l'époque) célébrait le centenaire de l'évangélisation du pays. Aux actions de grâce à Dieu, était associée une vive reconnaissance du labeur apostolique, patient et avisé, des nombreux missionnaires, évêques, prêtres, religieux et religieuses du passé et du présent. Aux uns était reconnu l'amour du Congo au point de consacrer leur vie à initier les populations locales à l'Évangile, à les estimer capables de constituer elles aussi une Église locale et à préparer leurs Pasteurs. Aux autres le Pape Jean-Paul II exprimait, à Kinshasa, le 3 mai 1980, sa reconnaissance pour le bon travail qu'accomplissaient le clergé local et les catéchistes laïcs pour nourrir la foi des fidèles et maintenir la vitalité Église partout dans le pays.On le voit bien, la dimension des relations de l'Église catholique avec l'État est absente. Dans cette thèse, nous essayons de reconstituer, grâce à l'analyse des faits tant diplomatico-juridiques que historico-politiques, l'existence incontestée des relations bilatérales entre l'Église et le Congo dès la fondation de ce dernier. Pour nous, l'évangélisation qui est prise en compte jusqu'à aujourd'hui (c'est-à-dire la phase qui commença en 1880), est le fruit des efforts combinés de l'Église et l'État. Cela tient à deux raisons évidentes. Premièrement, Léon XIII, qui est le pape contemporain de la création de l'État au Congo, avait engagé les relations de l'Église catholique avec les États dans une perspective de sage union et de parfaite harmonie. La centralisation romaine de l'activité missionnaire, tout en jugulant les méfaits du droit de patronat, ouvrait l'Eglise à des ententes et à des accords bilatéraux avec les États des/dans les pays de mission. Deuxièmement, dans le cas du Congo, l'État du Congo, d'abord en gestation et ensuite pleinement constitué, avait toujours affiché sa volonté de s'allier avec l'Église dans l'espoir que leurs missions respectives (civilisatrice et évangélisatrice) portassent les fruits escomptés.Certes, les relations de l'Église avec l'État ont connu des moments d'incompréhension et de conflits. L'Église prit ses distances à un moment donné de l'histoire politique du Congo belge, pour des raisons évidentes liées à sa nature et à sa mission. Mais, l'histoire juridique de ces relations ne reconnaît pas l'existence de la rupture totale entre les autorités religieuses et les pouvoirs civils jusqu'avant la dictature du président Mobutu, vers les années 1974

    Knowledge and perceptions of hazards associated with traditional cooking and heating fuels

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    Abstract: Dependence on traditional fuels including wood, coal, charcoal, and paraffin is common practice in most developing countries. These fuels are usually burned in poorly designed cookstoves, thus the combination fuel/ stove which results in emissions of several health hazards. This paper uses data from Louiville rural community in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa and semi-urban areas in the city of Mbuji-Mayi in the Democratic Republic of Congo to assess households’ awareness of health hazards from traditional cooking and heating fuels. The survey was conducted using a questionnaire, and a total of 165 households from Louiville and 84 from Mbujimayi participated were included in the final results. Households were categorized according to geographical setting and level of education (primary, secondary and tertiary). The findings revealed that the knowledge of health hazards was equally distributed amongst households in Louiville and Mbujimayi. However, there were variations in the perceptions of health risks, with most respondents associating coughing, runny nose, and eye irritation symptoms with exposure to cooking and heating fuels’ hazards. There needs to be an emphasis on increasing access to clean energy sources, especially for the poor communities, considering current evidence on health risks associated with the domestic burning of traditional fuels

    Study of Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Myrianthus Arboreus (Cecropiaceae) Root Bark Extracts

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    In order to evaluate the therapeutic potential of polyphenolic extracts from root bark of M. arboreus, we have determined the content of various polyphenols in aqueous and ethanol (EtOH) extract as well as two sub-fractions of the latter: ethyl acetate (EAc) and hexane (Hex). The total phenols, flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids and proanthocyanidins have been determined for all studied extracts/fractions by spectrophotometric methods. Both TP content (331.5 ± 2.5 mg GAE/g) and HCA content (201 ± 1.5 mg CAE/g) were determined to be the highest in EAc fraction of EtOH extract. All studied extracts were however determined to have a low content in flavonoids. The determination of antioxidant capacities of the studied extracts has also been performed by the following in vitro antioxidant tests: DPPH scavenging, phosphomolybdenum method and oxygen radical absorbance (ORACFl and ORACPRG) assay. The results of the DPPH free radical and ORACFl assays showed that there is no significant difference between the EAc fraction and Oligopin®, but the EAc fraction exhibited the highest antioxidant capacity as determined by the phosphomolybdenium method. In addition, the EtOH extract was determined to have the same antioxidant efficiency as the synthetic antioxidant BHT or commercial extract Oligopin® by phosphomolybdenum method. On the other hand, a positive correlation (r < 0.6) was found between different classes of polyphenols and the results of the phosphomolybdenum method, ORACFl as well as ORACPRG, except for the DPPH assay, for which a negative correlation was indicated (r < 0.62). Interestingly, it seems that the content in hydroxycinnamic acids played a big role in all assays with r < 0.9. According to the present study, EAc fraction and EtOH extract should be further studied for the potential use in the pharmaceutical and food industry