5 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Pemborosan Aktivitas di Lantai Produksi PSR Menggunakan Process Activity Mapping dan Waste Assessment Model

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    Salah satu produsen ban terbesar di Indonesia dalam proses produksinya memiliki beberapa family produk seperti Passenger Tires, Commercial Tires, dan Industrial Tires. Passenger Tires atau PSR merupakan family produk dengan penjualan terbesar, akan tetapi dalam perkembangannya terdeteksi adanya penurunan performa produksi yang mempengaruhi optimalisasi penjualan perusahaan. Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan teridentifikasi adanya beberapa aktivitas pemborosan di lini produksi ban PSR. Mapping aktivitas bertujuan untuk menemukan jenis waste yang tepat pada setiap departemen produksi maupun workstation. Mapping dilakukan dengan menggunakan diagram Swimlane dan Process Activity Mapping (PAM). Hasil mapping mengidentifikasi aktivitas yang tidak memberikan nilai tambah dengan persentase aktivitas sebesar 48%. Waste assessment model (WAM) dipakai untuk menentukan peringkat seven waste. Dari hasil analisis dengan menggunakan metode WAM diperoleh tiga waste kritis utama yaitu waiting, motion, dan overproduction dengan proporsi masing-masing waste sebesar 22%, 18%, dan 16%. Setelah diketahui waste kritis maka dilakukan analisis akar masalah penyebab waste dengan menggunakan fishbone chart diagram dan root cause analysis

    Solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Heterogeneous Fleet Using Heuristic Algorithm in Poultry Distribution

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    The problem that is often experienced in the delivery of goods from distributor to the destination is the delivery route that is not sufficient with the vehicle's capacity. This matter is crucial because it can affect the clients' trust on the shippers in the distributor. This problem can be analyzed using Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) with Clarke and Wright Algorithm. This research begins with determining the distance between all coordinates with Euclidean Distance, making the distance matrix between places to go. After that, the calculation CVRP using Clarke and Wright Algorithm is exected in this study, a calculate CVRP using Clarke and Wright algorithm can help of Python. The study was conducted at 16 customers coordinates, the results obtained by 4 routes with total load 4751 kg and distance 436 km. Route of delivery the first route 924 kg load and distance 80 km, second route 962 kg load and distance 112 km, third route 1450 kg load and distance 144 km, and the fourth route 1415 kg load and distance 100 km

    Penerapan Lean Manufacturing Untuk Meminimasi Waste Delay Pada Workstation Curing di PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia

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    Lean Manufacturing is a method used to increased productivity and costs reduction by minimizing waste in the production process. This study describe the use of lean manufacturing with Single Minutes Exchange Of Dies tools on the PSRā€™s production floor in PT XYZ, which is engaged in automotive manufacture form making of car tires. Research stage begins by analyzing waste using mapping tool and identification causes of waste in workstation curing. The next stage is analyzing every step of machine setup that occurs are workpiece setup, mold setup, curing setup, and finishing setup. Based on observations, the amount of the initial state setup time is 194,05 minutes. The improvement begin by convert internal activities setup into external setup, reduction of operator displacement activity, elimination of adjusment, and apply a parallel operation by using two operators. So the total setup time can be reduced is equal to 127,41 minutes.Ā Lean Manufacturing merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk meningkatkkan produktivitas dan pengurangan biaya dengan cara meminimasi pemborosan dalam proses produksi. Penelitian ini menjelaskan penggunaan Lean Manufacturing dengan tool Single Minutes Exchange Of Dies (SMED) pada lantai produksi PSR di PT XYZ, yang bergerak dalam bidang Automotive Manufacture berupa pembuatan ban mobil. Tahap penelitian diawali dengan melakukan analisis waste dengan Mapping tools dilanjutkan dengan mengidentifikasi penyebab pemborosan pada workstation curing. Tahap Selanjutnya adalah menganalisis tahapan proses setup mesin curing yang terdiri dari setup benda kerja, setup mold, setup curing, dan setup finishing. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan, jumlah waktu setup keadaan awal adalah 194,05 menit. Perbaikan yang dilakukan adalah dengan mengkonversi aktivitas internal setup menjadi eksternal setup, pengurangan aktivitas perpindahan operator, eliminasi adjusment, dan menerapkan operasi paralel yaitu dengan menggunakan 2 operator. Sehingga total waktu setup yang dapat direduksi adalah 127,41 menit

    Inventory Optimization in Pharmacy Using Inventory Simulation-Based Model During the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The problem that often occurs in raw material inventory is overstock or stockout conditions. The healthcare industry, including pharmaceuticals, has been experiencing uncertainty since the Covid-19 pandemic. Then impacts panic buying and stockpiling, which can lead to unpredictable spikes in demand, stockouts, and disruptions to the inventory system. The research was conducted at ABC Pharmacy in Yogyakarta, which experienced this problem. In this study, optimization of drug supply was carried out by measuring wareĀ­house capacity, and safety stock, increasing the number of orders and reorder points using the Min-Max and the economic order quantity models. A simulation of inventory optimiĀ­zation planning was carried out using Monte Carlo to see inventory projections for the next three months. Overall, the EOQ model simulation shows the most optimal results by showing the average total inventory cost of Rp. 103,579, where this number represents the lowest number of total inventory costs when compared to other simulation models. It also shows that the EOQ model is 86% more efficient in inventory cost than the Min-Max model. Comparison of the total cost of inventory The results of the three methods are calcuĀ­lated according to current demand and simulation of the EOQ method, which produces the minimum total inventory cost, followed by the company's initial model and the Min Max inventory method

    Pengembangan Model Strategi Pembinaan Sentra UKM Kerajinan Bambu Kabupaten Sleman

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    Keberhasilan UKM dalam meningkatkan nilai ekspor dan nilai tambah dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor yakni faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal yang terdiri atas aspek sumber daya manusia, aspek keuangan, aspek teknik produksi/operasional, aspek pasar dan pemasaran mempunyai, serta aspek lain yang mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan dan positif terhadap kinerja usaha mikro dan kecil. Faktor dominan yang menjadi penunjang utama dalam menentukan kinerja UKM harus diidentifikasi, serta peran pemerintah dalam mendukung kinerja UKM harus di evaluasi sehingga pembinaan yang tepat dapat diberikan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi variabel-variabel yang berpengaruh terhadap kinerja produksi sentra kerajinan bambu mengembangkan model skenario alternatif yang mampu mengakomodasi kesinambungan antar faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja Sentra UKM kerajinan bambu