29 research outputs found

    The first record of the peacock fly Callopistromyia annulipes Macquart, 1855 (Diptera: Ulidiidae) in Croatia revealed by social media

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    In Europe Callopistromyia annulipes Macquart, 1855 is an alien species. It was introduced from North America in 2007 and has spread to more than ten European countries. The spread of the species has been observed since 2007 and the trend isstill continuing, the species having recently been found in Croatia. Using social networks such as Facebook and iNaturalist, we can spot the spread of alien species to new areas, learn more about their ecology and speculate on the direction of potential expansion. Citizen science is an excellent tool for obtaining new knowledge, but as of today, its potentials are greatly underutilized

    Aryalidonta itishreea, a new genus and species of Thoradontini (Orthoptera, Tetrigidae) from Nepal honors the Emperor of Laughter

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    Aryalā€™s Ten Avatar Groundhopper, Aryalidonta itishreea gen. et sp. nov., named in honor of the late Bhairav Aryal, an iconic Nepali satirist, is a new genus and species of Tetrigidae described as a part of the tribe Thoradontini. The species is native to Nepal, a country with a rich tetrigid fauna in need of taxonomic revisions. This monotypic genus can be easily separated from other Thoradontini genera by its enlarged proximal halves of middle femora, a peculiar lateral lobe morphology (small caudal protrusion in its caudal part and a sharp lateral tip), a triangular, anteriorly narrowing vertex, and by its unique head morphology. The species was observed in its natural habitat. It was found to harbor many color variations that are cryptic in nature. It feeds on detritus, algae, lichen, and moss. Specimens heavily infested by mites were found, as well as those in interaction with wasps (possibly Eulophidae), but the nature of the latter could not be determined

    Caribbean pygmy jumping leaves (Tetrigidae, Cladonotinae, Choriphyllini)

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    The tribe Choriphyllini Cadena-CastaƱeda & Silva, 2019 consists of only two genera, Choriphyllum Serville, 1838 and Phyllotettix Hancock, 1902b, combining leaf-like Caribbean wide-nosed pygmy grasshoppers (Tetrigidae, Cladonotinae). The genus Choriphyllum has four species, C. bahamense Perez-Gelabert & Otte, 1999 from the Bahamas (Hummingbird Cay Island), and C. sagrai Serville, 1838, C. saussurei BolĆ­var, 1887 and C. wallaceum Skejo, Kasalo & Yong, sp. nov. from Cuba. The gender of C. bahamensis is changed to C. bahamense in order to match the grammatical gender of the genus, which is neuter. Silvaā€™s designation of C. sagrai, the type species of Choriphyllum, as nomen dubium in 2019 was incorrect as Servilleā€™s drawing clearly points to this species, endemic to Cuba, so nothing about its identity is doubtful. The genus Phyllotettix is endemic to Jamaica, where four species live: P. rhombeus (Felton, 1765), P. foliatus (Hancock, 1902a), P. compressus (Thunberg, 1815) and P. plagiatus (Walker, 1871), comb. nov. of Choriphyllum plagiatum. Choriphyllum westwoodi Hancock, 1902a, syn. nov. is synonymous with Phyllotettix rhombeus and not with P. compressus. A new subgenus is established, Phyllotettix (Rhombotettix) subgen. nov. for P. (R.) plagiatus comb. nov. and P. (R.) rhombeus. A new species complex, Phyllotettix (compressus) sp. complex nov. is established for two morphologically close species, P. compressus, and P. foliatus; while another new species complex, Choriphyllum (sagrai) sp. complex nov. includes C. sagrai and C. wallaceum sp. nov. An annotated key to genera, subgenera, species groups and species is provided

    Endangered Transsylvanian wingless groundhopper (Tetrix transsylvanica) is not extinct in Croatia and requires urgent protection

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    The Transsylvanian wingless groundhopper, Tetrix transsylvanica (Bazyluk et Kis, 1960) is a flightless pygmy grasshopper (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) known only from a few fragmented localities and thus considered an endangered (EN) species in the IUCN Red List. The species consists of two subspecies, the nominal T. t. transsylvanica inhabiting the southern Carpathians in Romania, and T. transsylvanica hypsocorypha Skejo, 2014, until now known from a single locality in Slovenia (Mt Boč) and a single locality in Croatia where it was caught last time in the 1940s in Hrvatsko Zagorje (Gornja Pačetina, Trnovec). It is possible that the two subspecies represent separate species. The species has been considered extinct in Croatia. In this paper, we report the discovery of several subpopulations in Croatia, the largest one being at Siljevec on IvanŔčica mountain. In addition, small subpopulations are reported on three other mountains (Strahinjčica, Medvednica and Zelinska gora), and two of them are suspected to be under threat of extinction: the subpopulation on the peak of Medvednica, Sljeme, and the subpopulation on Strahinjčica. The latter was discovered in a proximity of a quarry. The species is a (Pleistocene) relic and may be the only groundhopper endemic to Central Europe. Herewith, we appeal for its inclusion in the Ordinance on Strictly Protected Species of the Republic of Croatia, and for T. transsylvanica to be proposed as a candidate for the list of species protected through the Habitats Directive

    The evolution of insect (Arthropoda: Insecta) life cycle

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    Kukci su najbrojnija skupina životinja na Zemlji. Naseljavaju gotovo sva staniÅ”ta, a raznolikoŔću svog izgleda i ponaÅ”anja zadivljuju i entomologe i laike. Životni ciklusi različitih kukaca ogledaju se u njihovoj morfologiji ā€“ svaka modifikacija krila, nogu, usnog aparata, leglice, ticala, očiju, kao i razlike u obrascima ponaÅ”anja poput mjesta i načina odlaganja jaja, migracija, hranjenja ili glasanja upućuju na osobitost pojedinog životnog ciklusa. Cilj ovog rada bio je prikupiti podatke o morfologiji i ponaÅ”anju kukaca na razini redova te na temelju njih rekonstruirati evolucijsku povijest kukaca. Iz dobivenog kladograma mogu se ugrubo iŔčitati međuodnosi pojedinih skupina, ali je vrlo bitno uočiti da se isključivo morfoloÅ”kom analizom temeljenoj na relativno malom uzorku svojstava ne može dobiti precizan kladogram na ovoj razini.Insects are the most numerous animals on the Earth. They inhabit almost all habitats and the diversity of their appearance continues to fascinate entomologists and laymen alike. Life cycles of different insects are reflected in their morphologyā€”every modification of wings, legs, mouthparts, ovipositor, antennae, eyes and the differences in their patterns of behaviour such as the location and mode of oviposition, migrations, feeding or sound production point to the peculiarities of a particular life cycle. The goal of this thesis was to gather data on morphology and behaviour of insects at the level of orders and use it to reconstruct the evolutionary history of insects. The resulting cladogram roughly represents the relations between certain groups. It is important to note that a morphological analysis based on a relatively small sample of characters cannot produce an accurate cladogram at this level

    Diversity and distribution of grasshoppers and crickets (Orthoptera: Caelifera, Ensifera) of Dinara and Svilaja Mountains

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    Ravnokrilci (Orthoptera) su red kukaca koji obuhvaća podredove skakavaca (Caelifera) i zrikavaca (Ensifera). Radi se o ekoloÅ”ki izuzetno važnoj skupini, Å”to je čini jasnim ciljem istraživanja. Dinara i Svilaja su planine koje pripadaju dinarskoj regiji Hrvatske koja sadrži veliki broj raznolikih lokaliteta te kao takva podržava veliki broj vrsta ravnokrilaca. Ciljevi ovog rada bili su: popisati raznolikost ravnokrilaca Dinare i Svilaje uz procjenu brojnosti vrsta na različitim lokalitetima, korelirati određene vrste sa lokalitetima te ponuditi pregled rasprostranjenosti, učestalosti i bioakustike dinaridskog endema Rammeihippus dinaricus (Gƶtz, 1970). Ovim radom daje se nadopunjeni popis vrsta ravnokrilaca Dinare i prvi popis vrsta Svilaje. Gustoće populacija procijenjene su izravno na terenu koriÅ”tenjem metode 1-3-7 te su ti podaci koriÅ”teni za provedbu PCA i heatmap analiza. Heatmap analizaom dobiveni su dendrogrami koji slične lokalitete grupiraju zajedno. Te grupe interpretirane su kao visinsko-klimatske zone, Å”to je podržano i literaturom. Korelaciju vrsta preko lokaliteta nemoguće je napraviti zbog manjeg broja lokaliteta u odnosu na broj vrsta. Kao posebna cjelina obrađena je distribucija vrste Rammeihippus dinaricus, kao i njena morfoloÅ”ka varijabilnost i pjev.The insect order Orthoptera encompasses grasshoppers (Caelifera) and crickets (Ensifera). This is an ecologically important taxon, which makes it the goal of many research efforts. Dinara and Svilaja are mountains belonging to the Dinaric region of Croatia, a region rich in species due to the diverse localities it contains. The aims of this thesis were to: record the diversity of Orthoptera on Dinara and Svilaja Mountains together with abundance estimations for different localities, correlate species with localities, and give an overview of distribution, abundance and distribution of a species endemic to Dinarides, Rammeihippus dinaricus (Gƶtz, 1970). This thesis offers an updated checklist of Orthoptera for Dinara Mt. and the first checklist for Svilaja Mt. Population densities were estimated in the field using the 1-3-7 method, and the collected data was used in conducting the PCA and heatmap analyses. The heatmap analysis produced cladograms that relate localities to each other by similarity. The groups on the cladograms are interpreted to represent regions of altitudinal zonation, which is supported by literature. Considering the small number of sampled localities as opposed to the number of species, the correlation of species by localities could not be performed. A special segment of this thesis is dedicated to the distribution, morphological variability, and song of Rammeihippus dinaricus

    Diversity and distribution of grasshoppers and crickets (Orthoptera: Caelifera, Ensifera) of Dinara and Svilaja Mountains

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    Ravnokrilci (Orthoptera) su red kukaca koji obuhvaća podredove skakavaca (Caelifera) i zrikavaca (Ensifera). Radi se o ekoloÅ”ki izuzetno važnoj skupini, Å”to je čini jasnim ciljem istraživanja. Dinara i Svilaja su planine koje pripadaju dinarskoj regiji Hrvatske koja sadrži veliki broj raznolikih lokaliteta te kao takva podržava veliki broj vrsta ravnokrilaca. Ciljevi ovog rada bili su: popisati raznolikost ravnokrilaca Dinare i Svilaje uz procjenu brojnosti vrsta na različitim lokalitetima, korelirati određene vrste sa lokalitetima te ponuditi pregled rasprostranjenosti, učestalosti i bioakustike dinaridskog endema Rammeihippus dinaricus (Gƶtz, 1970). Ovim radom daje se nadopunjeni popis vrsta ravnokrilaca Dinare i prvi popis vrsta Svilaje. Gustoće populacija procijenjene su izravno na terenu koriÅ”tenjem metode 1-3-7 te su ti podaci koriÅ”teni za provedbu PCA i heatmap analiza. Heatmap analizaom dobiveni su dendrogrami koji slične lokalitete grupiraju zajedno. Te grupe interpretirane su kao visinsko-klimatske zone, Å”to je podržano i literaturom. Korelaciju vrsta preko lokaliteta nemoguće je napraviti zbog manjeg broja lokaliteta u odnosu na broj vrsta. Kao posebna cjelina obrađena je distribucija vrste Rammeihippus dinaricus, kao i njena morfoloÅ”ka varijabilnost i pjev.The insect order Orthoptera encompasses grasshoppers (Caelifera) and crickets (Ensifera). This is an ecologically important taxon, which makes it the goal of many research efforts. Dinara and Svilaja are mountains belonging to the Dinaric region of Croatia, a region rich in species due to the diverse localities it contains. The aims of this thesis were to: record the diversity of Orthoptera on Dinara and Svilaja Mountains together with abundance estimations for different localities, correlate species with localities, and give an overview of distribution, abundance and distribution of a species endemic to Dinarides, Rammeihippus dinaricus (Gƶtz, 1970). This thesis offers an updated checklist of Orthoptera for Dinara Mt. and the first checklist for Svilaja Mt. Population densities were estimated in the field using the 1-3-7 method, and the collected data was used in conducting the PCA and heatmap analyses. The heatmap analysis produced cladograms that relate localities to each other by similarity. The groups on the cladograms are interpreted to represent regions of altitudinal zonation, which is supported by literature. Considering the small number of sampled localities as opposed to the number of species, the correlation of species by localities could not be performed. A special segment of this thesis is dedicated to the distribution, morphological variability, and song of Rammeihippus dinaricus

    The evolution of insect (Arthropoda: Insecta) life cycle

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    Kukci su najbrojnija skupina životinja na Zemlji. Naseljavaju gotovo sva staniÅ”ta, a raznolikoŔću svog izgleda i ponaÅ”anja zadivljuju i entomologe i laike. Životni ciklusi različitih kukaca ogledaju se u njihovoj morfologiji ā€“ svaka modifikacija krila, nogu, usnog aparata, leglice, ticala, očiju, kao i razlike u obrascima ponaÅ”anja poput mjesta i načina odlaganja jaja, migracija, hranjenja ili glasanja upućuju na osobitost pojedinog životnog ciklusa. Cilj ovog rada bio je prikupiti podatke o morfologiji i ponaÅ”anju kukaca na razini redova te na temelju njih rekonstruirati evolucijsku povijest kukaca. Iz dobivenog kladograma mogu se ugrubo iŔčitati međuodnosi pojedinih skupina, ali je vrlo bitno uočiti da se isključivo morfoloÅ”kom analizom temeljenoj na relativno malom uzorku svojstava ne može dobiti precizan kladogram na ovoj razini.Insects are the most numerous animals on the Earth. They inhabit almost all habitats and the diversity of their appearance continues to fascinate entomologists and laymen alike. Life cycles of different insects are reflected in their morphologyā€”every modification of wings, legs, mouthparts, ovipositor, antennae, eyes and the differences in their patterns of behaviour such as the location and mode of oviposition, migrations, feeding or sound production point to the peculiarities of a particular life cycle. The goal of this thesis was to gather data on morphology and behaviour of insects at the level of orders and use it to reconstruct the evolutionary history of insects. The resulting cladogram roughly represents the relations between certain groups. It is important to note that a morphological analysis based on a relatively small sample of characters cannot produce an accurate cladogram at this level

    The evolution of insect (Arthropoda: Insecta) life cycle

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    Kukci su najbrojnija skupina životinja na Zemlji. Naseljavaju gotovo sva staniÅ”ta, a raznolikoŔću svog izgleda i ponaÅ”anja zadivljuju i entomologe i laike. Životni ciklusi različitih kukaca ogledaju se u njihovoj morfologiji ā€“ svaka modifikacija krila, nogu, usnog aparata, leglice, ticala, očiju, kao i razlike u obrascima ponaÅ”anja poput mjesta i načina odlaganja jaja, migracija, hranjenja ili glasanja upućuju na osobitost pojedinog životnog ciklusa. Cilj ovog rada bio je prikupiti podatke o morfologiji i ponaÅ”anju kukaca na razini redova te na temelju njih rekonstruirati evolucijsku povijest kukaca. Iz dobivenog kladograma mogu se ugrubo iŔčitati međuodnosi pojedinih skupina, ali je vrlo bitno uočiti da se isključivo morfoloÅ”kom analizom temeljenoj na relativno malom uzorku svojstava ne može dobiti precizan kladogram na ovoj razini.Insects are the most numerous animals on the Earth. They inhabit almost all habitats and the diversity of their appearance continues to fascinate entomologists and laymen alike. Life cycles of different insects are reflected in their morphologyā€”every modification of wings, legs, mouthparts, ovipositor, antennae, eyes and the differences in their patterns of behaviour such as the location and mode of oviposition, migrations, feeding or sound production point to the peculiarities of a particular life cycle. The goal of this thesis was to gather data on morphology and behaviour of insects at the level of orders and use it to reconstruct the evolutionary history of insects. The resulting cladogram roughly represents the relations between certain groups. It is important to note that a morphological analysis based on a relatively small sample of characters cannot produce an accurate cladogram at this level

    DNA Barcoding of Pygmy Hoppersā€”The First Comprehensive Overview of the BOLD Systemsā€™ Data Shows Promise for Species Identification

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    The COI gene is widely used as a DNA barcode in animals that can assist in the identification of species. One of the widely used aggregators of DNA barcodes is the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD Systems), which contains around 2500 sequences of Tetrigidae, an understudied orthopteran family with unresolved taxonomy and species that are difficult to identify. In this paper, we provide a summary of the metadata provided with the COI sequences and present a phylogenetic analysis of photographically vouchered sequences using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian analysis. We found that (1) the subfamily Tetriginae is disproportionately represented in the dataset, (2) most of the records are not identified beyond the family level, (3) most regions, except for Costa Rica, are undersampled, (4) most of the sequences do not have photographic vouchers, and (5) the taxonomic backbone of BOLD is out of date. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the clusters of COI barcodes mostly correspond to species, but some clusters remain ambiguous. The deeper nodes in the phylogenetic trees are not well-supported, indicating that this gene has a very weak phylogenetic signal beyond the specific level