15 research outputs found


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    Upaya dalam memberdayakan masyarakat melalui pengembangan potensi lokal terkait dengan kesiapan masyarakat Indonesia menghadapi Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN dan Dunia urgen untuk dilakukan. Hal tersebut merupakan tanggung jawab semua lapisan masyarakat, mulai dari institusi pemerintah sampai dengan swasta, asosiasi, pelaku industri, unsur akademisi, hingga masyarakat itu sendiri. Harus ada integrasi dan kolaborasi yang komprehensif antara pemangku kepentingan. Ilmu dan keterampilan yang diperoleh selama perkuliahan di perguruan tinggi wajib diaplikasikan dalam kegiatan pengabdian untuk mendukung pemberdayaan masyarakat. di desa Gedongkedo’an menyusun kegiatan untuk menfasilitasi tujuan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengembangan potensi lokal sekaligus berupaya untuk memenuhi tuntutan revolusi industri 4.0. Tema karakteristik budi luhur, kreativitas, dan konsep sehat merupakan tema yang menaungi tujuh program kerja yang disusun. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode riset kualitatif melalui observasi, dan disampaikan dengan metode ceramah dan simulasi games kepada warga desa

    Skrining Hipertensi pada Pendonor Darah di Kabupaten Rembang

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    Hypertension is one of the non-communicable diseases that is the cause of death in the world. WHO estimates the prevalence of hypertension is 22% of the total world population. Patients with hypertension often do not realize that they have hypertension and only find out after experiencing complications, so health screening is necessary. Blood donation in Rembang Regency also check their blood pressure before donating their blood. This can be a positive effort to improve health, control and manage signs and symptoms that arise. The purpose of this study was to screening blood donation for hypertension in Rembang Regency. This research is an observational study with a cross sectional design. The population in this study were voluntary blood donation who donated their blood during the month of Ramadhan at PMI Rembang Regency in 2018-2020 with a total sample of 260 blood donations. The sampling technique used in this research is simple random sampling. Based on data from blood donation in Rembang Regency, the results showed that most of the blood donation were male, as many as 221 (85.0%) blood donations and most of them aged 25-34 years, namely 81 (31.2%) blood donations. Most of the blood donation were included in the pre-hypertension category as many as 226 (86.0%) blood donations, and there were 12 (4.6%) blood donations included in the hypertension I category.Hipertensi merupakan salah satu penyakit tidak menular yang menjadi penyebab kematian di dunia. WHO memperkirakan prevalensi hipertensi sebesar 22% dari total penduduk dunia. Penderita hipertensi seringkali tidak menyadari bahwa dirinya menderita hipertensi dan baru mengetahui setelah mengalami komplikasi, sehingga perlu dilakukan skrining kesehatan. Pendonor darah di kabupaten Rembang juga melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap tekanan darah sebelum mendonorkan darahnya. Hal tersebut dapat menjadi salah satu usaha positif untuk meningkatkan kesehatan, mengontrol dan menangani tanda dan gejala yang muncul. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan skrining hipertensi pendonor darah di Kabupaten Rembang. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancang bangun cross sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah pendonor darah sukarela yang mendonorkan darahnya saat bulan ramadhan di PMI Kabupaten Rembang tahun 2018-2020 dengan total sampel sebanyak 260 pendonor darah. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah simple random sampling. Berdasarkan data pendonor darah di Kabupaten Rembang, diperoleh hasil penelitian bahwa sebagian besar pendonor darah berjenis kelamin laki-laki yaitu sebanyak 221 (85,0%) pendonor darah dan sebagian besar berusia 25-34 tahun yaitu sebanyak 81 (31,2%) pendonor darah. Sebagian besar pendonor darah termasuk dalam kategori pre-hipertensi sebanyak 226 (86,0%) pendonor darah, serta terdapat 12 (4,6%) pendonor darah termasuk dalam kategori hipertensi I

    Profil Pendonor Darah Sukarela Saat Bulan Ramadhan

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    During the month of Ramadan, people choose not to donate blood, because they do not know that blood donation is allowed and does not interfere with fasting activities. The amount of blood available at the beginning of the month of Ramadan at Blood Donation Unit in  Indonesian Red Cross Rembang Regency accumulated as many as 373 bags of blood. The availability is only sufficient to meet the availability of needs for the first week during the month of Ramadan. The Purpose of the research is to describe the profile of voluntary blood donation during the month of Ramadan 2018 – 2020 at at Blood Donation Unit in  Indonesian Red Cross Rembang Regency, The method of the research is This type of quantitative descriptive research, with a retrospective research design, and the Quota Sampling research technique, uses the solvin formula ,the sample for the 2018 sampling quota is 85 samples, in 2019 90 samples, and in 2020 85 samples, The results showed that the most voluntary blood donation during the month of Ramadan were male as much as 85.5%, the blood group of the most blood donation was blood type O Positive as much as 45,7%, the highest blood pressure category of blood donaton, namely 86,0% of pre-hypertensives and 98,8% of voluntary blood donation live in Rembang.Saat bulan Ramadhan orang memilih untuk tidak mendonorkan darahnya, karena tidak mengetahui bahwa donor darah diperbolehkan dan tidak mengganggu aktifitas puasa. Jumlah ketersediaan darah pada saat awal bulan Ramadhan di PMI Kabupaten Rembang diakumulasikan sebanyak 373 kantong darah. Ketersediaan tersebut hanya cukup untuk memenuhi ketersediaan kebutuhan selama satu minggu pertama saat bulan Ramadhan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mendeskripsikan profil pendonor darah sukarela saat bulan Ramadhan tahun 2018-2020 di PMI Kabupaten Rembang. Jenis penelitian Deskriptif Kuantitatif, dengan rancangan penelitian Retrospektif, dan dan Teknik penelitian Quota Sampling, menggunakan rumus solvin sehingga didapatkan sampel untuk Quota sampling tahun 2018 85 sampel,tahun 2019 90 sampel, dan tahun 2020 85 sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa di PMI Kabupaten Rembang didapatkan pendonor darah sukarela saat bulan Ramadhan terbanyak berjenis kelamin laki – laki sebanyak 85,5%, golongan darah pendonor darah terbanyak adalah golongan darah O sebanyak 45,7%, pendonor memiliki kategori tekanan darah terbanyak yaitu pre – hipertensi sebanyak 86,0% dan pendonor darah sukarela sebanyak 98,8% berdomisili di Rembang

    Kandungan Nutrisi dan Aktivitas Antimikroba Ekstrak Beras Merah

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    Red rice is an important commodity with antioxidant activity. The antioxidant content in red rice can help to overcome various health problems. Red rice extract has the potential to be a functional drink that is rich in nutrients and antioxidants. In Indonesia, studies regarding the nutritional content and antimicrobial activity of red rice extract are still few and poorly explored. This study aims to determine nutritional content and potency of antimicrobial red rice extract. Four types of commercial red rice were extracted using a treatment of 90°C of temperature, 15 minutes, with the ratio of water: rice 1: 20 ml/g. The conventional extraction method using methanol was used as a comparison. The extract was measured for protein content, iron, and antimicrobial activity. Red rice extract's total protein and iron content were 0.3305-0.5660% and 0.0090-0.0141%, respectively. Red rice extract concentrated up to 100 µl can inhibit Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli growth with the largest inhibition zone of 3 mm and an antimicrobial index of 0.5. The protein content of red rice extracted with our method showed a higher value when compared to conventional extraction using methanol. The presence of protein, iron, and antimicrobial activity in red rice extract can be potential as a functional drink that is good for health because the presence of iron in red rice extract has the potential to overcome iron deficiency. Moreover, the antimicrobial activity in red rice can be beneficial to inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause foodborne diseases such as S. aureus and E. coli

    Analisis Kebutuhan Tenaga Rekam Medis dengan Metode Workload Indicator Staffing Need (WISN)

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    As the enacment of National Healt Coverage (JKN), certaintly the number of patients who seek treatment in hospitals has increase due to the patient no longer think about the cost of an expensive problem. The occurrence of the coopertion between the BPJS Paru Hospital Surabaya, certainly made a number of cisits increases it can be seen in the increase in the number of cisits the patient in Paru Hospitals Surabaya years 2014 to 2016. Calculatio of the new workforce needs in the unit procedures is indispensable in order to improve the quality of service. If the increasing number of visits certainly have an effect on basic tasks performed by officers of the procedures. Therefore required the calculation of labbor needs on the Unit Procedures Paru Hospital Surabaya. Type of this research is descriptive, by describing the calculation of labor needs medical record on the Unit Procedures tah the Paru Hospital Surabaya. Data collection methods used in this study. Interview Procedures and observations officer to find out the acerage time taken at each activity. From the results of research on workforce needs calculation Unit Procedures Paru Hospital Surabaya found to shift the morning amoun ted to 3 officers. Ther result is greater compared to the number of staff available at this time. If the number of officers alreay according to needs will facilitate the pro cess of service to patients and improven the quality of work


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    The specific purpose and target of this research is to determine the role of family welfare empowerment organizations (PKK) in the prevention and early handling of women and children victims of violence. The reason for researching this topic is the increase in the number of victims of violence against women and children every year. Based on data from the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection, it is shown that since 2012 it has increased from 18,718 to 54,041 cases in June 2017 and until February 2018 it has shown 374 cases of violence against women and children. In this case, the Government is responsible for providing optimal services needed by victims, both medical, psychological, and legal assistance in an effort to recover their condition. The government in providing services to victims should cooperate and partner with the community, especially in the prevention and early handling of victims of violence. Prevention and early handling of victims of violence at the village level can empower family welfare empowerment organizations (PKK) which are government partners that are considered effective in the prevention and early handling of women and children victims of violence in their areas. Based on these reasons, it is necessary to study in depth the role of the PKK organization in preventing and early handling of women and children victims of violence. To achieve specific goals and targets in this study, the research method used is a normative research method with a statue approach and a conceptual approach.The results of the study provide an overview 1) there is a clear regulation in the laws and regulations related to the participation of the PKK in preventing and early handling of victims of violence, what needs to be further regulated is regulation in the form of Village Regulations and customary law (awig-awig) related to the participation of PKK and indigenous women in the prevention and early handling of victims of violence. 2) the procedures for preventing and early handling of victims of violence need to be stated in the operational standards in the village and the traditional village paparem

    KARAKTERISTIK PATI BERPORI MIKRO DARI TAPIOKA HASIL PERLAKUAN AMILASE SEBAGAI AGEN PENJERAPAN MINYAK [The Characteristic of Microporous Tapioca Starch After Amylase Treatment For Oil Adsorbent Agent]

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    Microporous starch can be used as oil adsorbent agent. The microporous starch can be produced through partial hydrolysis at temperature below gelatinization point using amylase. On the other hand, the study of amylase produced from Indonesian sea microbe, especially Brevibacterium sp. was rarely studied. Therefore, this paper discusses the tapioca characteristic made from Brevibacterium sp. amylase (treatment A) and commercial amylase (treatment B) as oil adsorbent agent. The result showed that the yield from treatment A and B was 74.65% and 12.75% while the starch granule size was 14.60 μm and 12,59 μm. The adsorbent test showed adsorption level of oil palm were 91,08% and 142,14% while for olive oil were 94,70% and 133,17%, for treatment A and B, respectively. The morphological test showed the presence of pori on the granule surface for both treatments with FTIR assessment showed no significant change in chemical functional group for both treatments. The color analysis showed almost similar brightness level between two treatments. In the end, microporous starch of treatment A has prospect as oil adsorbent agent like the one from commercial amylas