53 research outputs found

    In vivo validation of the electronic depth control probes.

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    In this article, we evaluated the electrophysiological performance of a novel, high-complexity silicon probe array. This brain-implantable probe implements a dynamically reconfigurable voltage-recording device, coordinating large numbers of electronically switchable recording sites, referred to as electronic depth control (EDC). Our results show the potential of the EDC devices to record good-quality local field potentials, and single- and multiple-unit activities in cortical regions during pharmacologically induced cortical slow wave activity in an animal model

    Design of Hardware Accelerators for Optimized and Quantized Neural Networks to Detect Atrial Fibrillation in Patch ECG Device with RISC-V

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    Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is one of the most common heart arrhythmias. It is known to cause up to 15% of all strokes. In current times, modern detection systems for arrhythmias, such as single-use patch electrocardiogram (ECG) devices, have to be energy efficient, small, and affordable. In this work, specialized hardware accelerators were developed. First, an artificial neural network (NN) for the detection of AF was optimized. Special attention was paid to the minimum requirements for the inference on a RISC-V-based microcontroller. Hence, a 32-bit floating-point-based NN was analyzed. To reduce the silicon area needed, the NN was quantized to an 8-bit fixed-point datatype (Q7). Based on this datatype, specialized accelerators were developed. Those accelerators included single-instruction multiple-data (SIMD) hardware as well as accelerators for activation functions such as sigmoid and hyperbolic tangents. To accelerate activation functions that require the e-function as part of their computation (e.g., softmax), an e-function accelerator was implemented in the hardware. To compensate for the losses of quantization, the network was expanded and optimized for run-time and memory requirements. The resulting NN has a 7.5% lower run-time in clock cycles (cc) without the accelerators and 2.2 percentage points (pp) lower accuracy compared to a floating-point-based net, while requiring 65% less memory. With the specialized accelerators, the inference run-time was lowered by 87.2% while the F1-Score decreased by 6.1 pp. Implementing the Q7 accelerators instead of the floating-point unit (FPU), the silicon area needed for the microcontroller in 180 nm-technology is below 1 mm²

    Анализ технологии предварительной подготовки нефти на месторождении "Н" (Красноярский край)

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    Объектом исследования является технология предварительной подготовки нефти на "Н" нефтегазоконденсатном месторождении. Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является анализ технологии предварительной подготовки нефти и подбор аппарата для отделения воды. В процессе выполнения выпускной квалификационной работы были изучены причины образования нефтяной эмульсии и способы ее разрушения; рассмотрены наиболее распространение устройства для отделения воды. Собраны данные по характеристике месторождения, составам пластовой нефти, газа и воды, технологии предварительной подготовки обводненной нефти.The object of the study is the technology of preliminary oil treatment at the" N " oil and gas condensate field. The purpose of the final qualification work is to analyze the technology of preliminary preparation of oil and the selection of a device for separating water. In the course of the final qualification work, the reasons for the formation of an oil emulsion and the methods of its destruction were studied; the most common devices for separating water were considered. Data on the characteristics of the field, the composition of reservoir oil, gas and water, and the technology of preliminary preparation of watered oil are collected

    Sicherung von Dämmen, Deichen und Stauanlagen : Handbuch für Theorie und Praxis ; Vol. V - 2015

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    Die Universität Siegen beschäftigt sich seit über 15 Jahren wissenschaftlich und im Bereich der anwendungsorientierten Forschung mit diesem Thema und hat dazu mittlerweile fünf Symposien durchgeführt. Mit der Veröffentlichung soll die langjährige Tradition als etablierte wissenschaftliche Plattform mit einem Wissensaustausch auf europäischer Ebene fortgesetzt werden. Die Bearbeitung dieser Thematik erfolgt auf der Basis der bewährten Kooperation zwischen Geotechnik und Wasserbau an der Universität Siegen. Aktuelle Ereignisse, wie z.B. die aus England oder Australien im Februar des Jahres 2014, machen uns aber auch deutlich, dass ein absoluter Schutz gegen Extremereignisse nicht möglich ist. Sie zeigen aber auch, dass dort wo technischer Hochwasserschutz konsequent umgesetzt wurde Schäden vermieden werden konnten. Wir sind nach den Ereignissen in den vergangenen Jahren aufgefordert wissenschaftlich noch leistungsfähigere und duktilere Systeme zu entwickeln. Weiter ist die Wissenschaft in der Pflicht, die Zivile Sicherheit im Hochwasser-schutz permanent zu bewerten, zu bearbeiten und ganzheitliche-interdisziplinäre und länderübergreifende Lösungen für die Zivilgesellschaft einzufordern

    Depth-Based Measurement of Respiratory Volumes: A Review

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    Depth-based plethysmography (DPG) for the measurement of respiratory parameters is a mobile and cost-effective alternative to spirometry and body plethysmography. In addition, natural breathing can be measured without a mouthpiece, and breathing mechanics can be visualized. This paper aims at showing further improvements for DPG by analyzing recent developments regarding the individual components of a DPG measurement. Starting from the advantages and application scenarios, measurement scenarios and recording devices, selection algorithms and location of a region of interest (ROI) on the upper body, signal processing steps, models for error minimization with a reference measurement device, and final evaluation procedures are presented and discussed. It is shown that ROI selection has an impact on signal quality. Adaptive methods and dynamic referencing of body points to select the ROI can allow more accurate placement and thus lead to better signal quality. Multiple different ROIs can be used to assess breathing mechanics and distinguish patient groups. Signal acquisition can be performed quickly using arithmetic calculations and is not inferior to complex 3D reconstruction algorithms. It is shown that linear models provide a good approximation of the signal. However, further dependencies, such as personal characteristics, may lead to non-linear models in the future. Finally, it is pointed out to focus developments with respect to single-camera systems and to focus on independence from an individual calibration in the evaluation

    Advantages and Limitations of Fluorescence Lifetime Measurements Using Single-Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) Array Detector: A Comprehensive Theoretical and Experimental Study

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    Fast fluorescence lifetime (FL) determination is a major factor for studying dynamic processes. To achieve a required precision and accuracy a certain number of photon counts must be detected. FL methods based on single-photon counting have strongly limited count rates because of the detector’s pile-up issue and are suffering from long measurement times in the order of tens of seconds. Here, we present an experimental and Monte Carlo simulation-based study of how this limitation can be overcome using array detectors based on single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs). We investigated the maximum count rate per pixel to determine FL with a certain precision and accuracy before pile-up occurs. Based on that, we derived an analytical expression to calculate the total measurement time which is proportional to the FL and inversely proportional to the number of pixels. However, a higher number of pixels drastically increases data rate. This can be counteracted by lowering the time resolution. We found that even with a time resolution of four times the FL, an accuracy of 10% can be achieved. Taken all together, FLs between 10 ns and 3 ns can be determined with a 300-pixel SPAD array detector with a measurement time and data rate less than 1 µs and 700 Mbit/s, respectively. This shows the enormous potential of SPAD array detector for high-speed applications requiring continuous data read out

    Formation of parallel (111) twin boundaries in silicon growth from the melt explained by molecular dynamics simulations

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    Twin formation in silicon growth from the melt is examined by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. For a moderate undercooling of 25 K. we find that twins do not nucleate on (111) microfacets in the perfect crystal, but exclusively occur in the vicinity of grain boundaries. Only at an undercooling of 150 K, we observe the formation of metastable twin bounded loops with incoherent interfaces to the matrix consisting of coherency and anticoherency dislocations. In conclusion, the nucleation of stable twins in silicon growth requires the presence of a grain boundary or more general of a three-phase boundary, but is unlikely to occur on ideal (111) facets because of the excess energy of the interfacial area between matrix and twinned crystal. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Contactless camera-based AHI score estimation in SAS patients

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    Sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) is a common sleeprelated breathing disorder characterized by recurring cessations of airflow during sleep. The gold standard for diagnosing SAS is polysomnography (PSG) which requires the patient to spend one or several nights in a sleep clinic. A PSG involves a significant amount of contact-based sensors, which leads to discomfort and deviations in sleep behavior. In this work, a contactless, multispectral camera-based approach for the autonomous detection of events of nocturnal airflow reduction is presented. The detected events are further employed in estimators of sleep diagnostic metrics, such as the apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) and the SAS stage. The AHI estimation resulted in a Pearson correlation coefficient of r = 0.9993. The SAS stage estimator correctly predicted the SAS stage for all three recruited patients