882 research outputs found

    Mobile learning with videos in Online Communities: The example of draufhaber.tv

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    The article discusses processes of learning with user-generated video within social communities and its implementation through the online video platform daufhaber.tv. User-generated video, especially explanatory video and its organisation within online communities of practice, is seen as one of the major means of self-expression and learning of the future. Through six scenarios the article exemplifies the relevance of location and spatial orientation for learning and how this is might be used within draufhaber.tv.The article discusses processes of learning with user-generated video within social communities and its implementation through the online video platform daufhaber.tv. User-generated video, especially explanatory video and its organisation within online communities of practice, is seen as one of the major means of self-expression and learning of the future. Through six scenarios the article exemplifies the relevance of location and spatial orientation for learning and how this is might be used within draufhaber.tv

    Improving Data Quality by Rules: A Numismatic Example

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    The archaeological data dealt with in our database solution Antike Fundmünzen in Europa (AFE), which records finds of ancient coins, is entered by humans. Based on the Linked Open Data (LOD) approach, we link our data to Nomisma.org concepts, as well as to other resources like Online Coins of the Roman Empire (OCRE). Since information such as denomination, material, etc. is recorded for each single coin, this information should be identical for coins of the same type. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, mostly due to human errors. Based on rules that we implemented, we were able to make use of this redundant information in order to detect possible errors within AFE, and were even able to correct errors in Nomimsa.org. However, the approach had the weakness that it was necessary to transform the data into an internal data model. In a second step, we therefore developed our rules within the Linked Open Data world. The rules can now be applied to datasets following the Nomisma. org modelling approach, as we demonstrated with data held by Corpus Nummorum Thracorum (CNT). We believe that the use of methods like this to increase the data quality of individual databases, as well as across different data sources and up to the higher levels of OCRE and Nomisma.org, is mandatory in order to increase trust in them

    Behavioral Constraints for Services

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    Recently, we introduced the concept of an operating guideline of a service as a structure that characterizes all its properly interacting partner services. The hitherto considered correctness criterion is deadlock freedom of the composition of both services. In practice, there are intended and unintended deadlock-freely interacting partners of a service. In this paper, we provide a formal approach to express intended and unintended behavior as behavioral constraints. With such a constraint, unintended partners can be “filtered" yielding a customized operating guideline. Customized operating guidelines can be applied to validate a service and for service discovery

    Medienbildung als Prozess der Unsgestaltung zwischen formaler Medienerziehung und informeller Medienaneignung

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    Ausgehend von aktuellen medialen Entwicklungen und den Veränderungen der Mediennutzungsmuster von Jugendlichen versucht der Artikel den Medienbildungsbegriff systematisch mit den Komplexen Medienerziehung, Medienaneignung, Medienliteralität und Medienkompetenz zu verbinden, indem Medienbildung mit jeweils zwei dieser Komplexe in Beziehung gesetzt wird. Als zentrales Ergebnis dieser Betrachtung scheint es notwendig, den individuen-zentrierten und vorwiegend institutionalisierten Ansatz der Selbstgestaltung innerhalb der Medienbildung um vielfältige und informelle Formen selbstorganisierten sozialen Lernens in Online-Vergemeinschaftungen wie Social Networks zu erweitern. Beim Medienhandeln in einer partizipativen und kollektiven (Online-)Kultur geht es nicht mehr vornehmlich um die Gestaltung des eigenen Selbst, sondern um eine relationale und gemeinsame Gestaltung im Sinne einer Unsgestaltung der Teilnehmenden

    Management of elderly patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia: progress and problems

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    Despite substantial progress in the management and outcome of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) during the last decades, older age remains a prominent negative prognostic factor. The improvement of long-term stabilization and cure of older APL patients is therefore a particular challenge. Data of unselected population-based studies suggest a high rate of exclusion from clinical trials in older age. The comparison of registry and study data indicates that study patients represent a positive selection. Older APL patients seem as sensitive to therapy as younger patients. With conventional therapy, based on all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) and chemotherapy, over 50 % of older APL patients can probably be cured. Special problems of advanced age are the high rate of early death before or during induction therapy and the high frequency of death in remission with negative influence on the outcome. Both may be related in part to a higher vulnerability against the common treatment with ATRA and chemotherapy. Alternative less toxic approaches including arsenic trioxide (ATO) with or without ATRA and combinations with gemtuzumab ozogamicin or with reduced chemotherapy can induce long-lasting remission in all stages of APL. Considering the high curative potential and the excellent tolerance of ATO in newly diagnosed and relapsed APL, older patients are probably a particular target group for a chemotherapy-free approach with ATO

    Strategische Reserve zur Absicherung des Strommarkts

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    Derzeit wird diskutiert, ob der deutsche Strommarkt genügend Anreize für Investitionen in Kraftwerke und deren Verbleiben am Netz bietet, um die Versorgungssicherheit zu gewährleisten. Vorschläge, die Energieversorgung weiter abzusichern, beinhalten zum Teil umfassende Zahlungen an die Kraftwerksbetreiber - parallel zu Energieerlösen und basierend auf deren Erzeugungskapazität (Kapazitätsmärkte). Andere Vorschläge empfehlen die Vorhaltung einzelner Kraftwerke, die nur bei Knappheit und hohen Preisen zum Einsatz kommen (Strategische Reserve). In der vorliegenden Studie werden die verschiedenen Gründe, die zu fehlenden Investitionsanreizen führen könnten, analysiert und Handlungsoptionen diskutiert. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass eine Strategische Reserve zur Absicherung der Energieversorgung ausreicht.There is an ongoing discussion about whether the German electricity market offers sufficient incentives for investment in power plants and for keeping them connected to the grid, thus ensuring sufficient security of supply. Recommendations for further securing power supply include payments, some of them comprehensive, to power plant operators - in addition to energy revenues and based on their generating capacity (capacity mechanisms). Other suggestions are to keep individual power plants available that are used only during times of scarcity and high prices (strategic reserve). The present article analyzes the various reasons that could lead to a lack of incentives for investment and the extent to which they legitimize employing capacity mechanisms or require other approaches. It is concluded that a strategic reserve would suffice for securing generation adequacy, and finally, design options are discussed

    Novel role of Ras-GTPase Activating Protein SH3 Domain-Binding Protein G3BP in adhesion and migration of 32D myeloid progenitor cells

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    Rho GTPases are involved in homing and mobilization of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells due to their impact on cytoskeleton remodeling. We have previously shown that inhibition of Rho, Rac and Cdc42 clearly impairs adhesion of normal and leukemic hematopoietic progenitor cells (HPC) to fibronectin and migration in a three-dimensional stromal cell model. Here, we identified the Ras GTPase-Activating Protein SH3 Domain-Binding Protein (G3BP) as a target gene of Rho GTPases and analysed its role in regulating HPC motility. Overexpression of G3BP significantly enhanced adhesion of murine 32D HPC to fibronectin and human umbilical vein endothelial cells, increased the proportion of adherent cells in a flow chamber assay and promoted cell migration in a transwell assay and a three-dimensional stromal cell model suggesting a strong impact on the cytoskeleton. Immunofluorescent staining of G3BP-overexpressing fibroblasts revealed a Rho-like phenotype characterized by formation of actin stress fibers in contrast to the Rac-like phenotype of control fibroblasts. This is the first report implicating a role for G3BP in Rho GTPase-mediated signalling towards adhesion and migration of HPC. Our results may be of clinical importance, since G3BP was found overexpressed in human cancers

    Myelodysplastic syndromes: Aspects of current medical care and economic considerations in Germany

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a heterogeneous group of diseases mainly affecting older people. The use of an increasing number of therapeutic options depends on a systematic risk stratification of the patients. A high percentage of MDS patients need blood transfusions as supportive care, which influence quality of life and cause a great part of the costs generated by MDS therapy. In this article which is based on a workshop about the burden of MDS held in October 2006 in Munich, MDS is discussed with regard to different aspects: current therapies, transfusion medicine, geriatrics, quality of life, and health economic aspects

    Erneuerbare Energien: Quotenmodell keine Alternative zum EEG

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    Das Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) hat sich als wirkungsvolles Instrument zur Förderung von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien erwiesen und ist in seiner Grundstruktur von einer großen Anzahl anderer Länder übernommen worden. Beim EEG besteht die Förderung insbesondere aus einer garantierten festen Vergütung beziehungsweise seit 2012 aus einer optionalen Marktprämie, die nahezu äquivalent zur Festvergütung ist. Als Alternative zum Fördermodell des EEG wird ein Quotenmodell diskutiert, bei dem die Stromlieferanten zu einem bestimmten Anteil von Strom aus erneuerbaren Energien verpflichtet werden. Der Umstieg auf ein solches Fördermodell stellt jedoch keine Lösung für die derzeit diskutierten Probleme dar, die zu einem großen Teil außerhalb des EEG anzusiedeln sind, beispielsweise im Bereich der Netzregulierung, des Strommarktdesigns und der Innovationsförderung. Vielmehr würden mit der Einführung eines Quotenmodells das Investitionsrisiko und somit die letztlich vom Endkunden zu tragenden Förderkosten steigen. Aufgrund mangelnder Differenzierung nach Technologiebereichen wäre die Einführung eines Quotensystems zudem mit der Gefahr verbunden, dass die langfristigen Ziele zur Nutzung erneuerbarer Energien nicht erreicht werden und die Belastungen für die Stromverbraucher nicht sinken, sondern sich zusätzlich erhöhen. Ein grundlegender Wechsel des Fördersystems ist daher nicht zu empfehlen. Vielmehr sollten die Anstrengungen zur Weiterentwicklung des bisherigen Fördermodells in Richtung auf Kostensenkung und Systemintegration intensiviert werden.The German Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) has proven to be an effective instrument in promoting electricity from renewable resources, and the same basic structure has been adopted by a large number of other countries. The support provided for in the EEG consists particularly of a guaranteed fixed feed-in tariff or, since 2012, an optional market premium which is almost identical to the fixed feed-in tariff. As an alternative to the EEG model, there is some discussion about a quota mechanism that would oblige energy companies to supply a certain percentage of their power from renewable energies. However, switching to a system of this type would not resolve the problems that are currently being debated which are mainly not directly related to the EEG, for example, in the field of network regulation, electricity market design, and the promotion of innovation. Rather the introduction of a quota model would result in a higher investment risk and, in turn, an increase in promotion costs which are ultimately borne by the end user. Furthermore, due to a lack of differentiation between technology sectors, the introduction of a quota system would also be associated with the risk that the long-term goals for use of renewable energies would not be attained and electricity costs for consumers would not fall but rise further. Thus, a radical change in the support system is not recommended. It would make more sense to step up efforts to develop the current model with a focus on cost reduction and system integration
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