142 research outputs found
Pembentukan kecamatan dalam sistem pemerintahan daerah merupakan penunjang dalam meningkatkan peran pemerintah daerah sekaligus pelayanan terhadap masyarakat. Pembentukan kecamatan di (Kabupaten/Kota) merupakan upaya memproporsionalitaskan kelembagaan di tingkat pemerintah daerah. Pembentukan Kecamatan baru akan memberikan pelayanan pada masyarakat setelah peralihan kewenangan dari kecamatan induk sehingga simpul sederhana dengan rentang kendali akan berdampak pada pelayanan yang efektif, efisien dan berkualitas. Jika ditinjau dari persyaratan dasar (jumlah penduduk, luas wilayah, cakupan wilayah dan usia kecamatan), maka terdapat 3 (tiga) kecamatan di Kota Serang yang memiliki potensi dan proyeksi untuk dilakukan pemekaran, yakni Kecamatan Walantaka, Kecamatan Serang, dan Cipocok Jaya. Penelitian hukum normatif ini mengkaji mengenai kebijakan Pemerintah Kota Serang dalam pembentukan kecamatan sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan pelayanan, memperpendek rentang kendali dan memberikan kesejahteraan pada masyarakat sesuai dengan prinsip otonomi daerah dan good governance. Pembahasan diarahkan pada tiga aspek, pertama mengenai konsep otonomi daerah, good governance dan pemerintahan daerah dengan mengacu pada instrumen hukum terkait. Proses pembentukan kecamatan hendaknya tidak hanya ditinjau dari persyaratan dasar saja namun juga termasuk persyaratan teknis dan persyaratan administrasi yang menjadi bagian secara integral dalam pembentukan kecamatan baru.The formation of sub-districts in the local government system is a support in increasing the role of local governments as well as services to the community. The formation of sub-districts at the regional level is intended as an effort to proportionate institutions at the local government level. The establishment of a new sub-district will provide services to the community after the transfer of authority from the main sub-district, so it will have an impact on efficiency and quality services. Based in standart requirements (population, area, area coverage and age of the sub-district), there are 3 (three) sub-districts in Serang City which have the potential and projections for expansion, namely Walantaka District, Serang District and Cipocok Jaya. This normative legal research examines the Serang City Governmentâs policies in the formation of sub-districts as an effort to improve services, shorten the span of control and provide welfare to the community in accordance with the principles of regional autonomy and good governance. The discussion is directed at three aspects, the first is regarding the concept of regional autonomy, good governance and regional government with reference to the related legal instruments. The process of forming a sub-district should not only be viewed from the basic requirements but also includes the technical requirements and administrative requirements that become an integral part in the formation of a new sub-district
Mewabahnya virus Covid-19 yang menyebar ke seluruh dunia telah memberikan dampak dari segi ekonomi, sosial, budaya, dan hukum. Dampak perubahan hukum pun terjadi di Indonesia. Munculnya Perjanjian Kerjasama No. 402/DJU/HM.01.1/4/2020, No. KEP.17/E/Ejp/4/2020 dan No. Pas-06.HH.05.05 Tahun 2020 tentang Pelaksanaan Persidangan Melalui Teleconference menjadi dasar hukum penerapan persidangan melalui media teleconference. Namun, penerapannya berpotensi menimbulkan konflik norma berupa disharmonisasi antara persidangan teleconference dengan norma dalam KUHAP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potensi konflik norma yang terjadi, khususnya antara perjanjian kerjasama dengan KUHAP. Penelitian yuridis normatif ini menggunakan data dari sumber hukum primer dan sekunder yang dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil penelitian adalah pemeriksaan persidangan pemeriksaan terdakwa dengan menggunakan media teleconference menimbulkan konflik norma dengan aturan dalam ketentuan Pasal 154 KUHAP dan adanya ketidaksiapan dari aspek struktur hukum dimana tidak ada aturan hukum yang lebih tinggi dari KUHAP yang menjadi payung hukum, kendala jaringan internet dalam pemeriksaan terdakwa dan kecakapan masyarakat dalam penggunaan teknologi informasi.The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus that has spread throughout the world has had an economic, social, cultural and legal impact. The impact of legal changes also occurred in Indonesia. The emergence of the Cooperation Agreement Number 402/DJU/HM.01.1/4/2020, Number KEP.17/E/Ejp/4/2020 and Number Pas-06.HH.05.05 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Trials Through Teleconference became the legal basis for implementing trials through teleconference media. However, its application has the potential to cause a conflict of norms in the form of disharmony between the teleconference trial and the norms in the Criminal Procedure Code. This study aims to analyze the potential conflicts of norms that occur, especially between the cooperation agreement with the Criminal Procedure Code. This normative juridical research uses data from primary and secondary legal sources which are analyzed using qualitative analysis. The results of the study were that the examination of the defendantâs examination trial using teleconference media caused a conflict of norms with the rules in the provisions of Article 154 of the Criminal Procedure Code and there was an unpreparedness from the aspect of the legal structure where there was no legal rule higher than the Criminal Procedure Code which became the legal umbrella, internet network constraints in the examination of the defendant and community skills in the use of information technology
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of a Community-based Egg Program in Rural Honduras
Young children living in poor rural areas in Honduras are susceptible to suffering from undernutrition. About 1 in every 4 children under age 5 have stunting. Stunting during early childhood has negative consequences on an individual\u27s life that can have short-term and lasting effects. This study\u27s purpose was to explore the perceptions of the mothers of children that participate in a community-based nutrition-agriculture program that offers 1 egg daily to all children ages 6 to 24 months in 13 communities. Methods
Using community-engaged methods, we implemented a SWOT analysis to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats using a semi-structured guide to conduct in-depth interviews in nâ=â14 participating mothers in the Hens Hatching Hope project (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04721197). Interviews were performed by a local community health worker in Spanish, translated to English, and analyzed via content analysis by a researcher. Main themes were identified and synthesized. Results
Some of the identified strengths were the âimproved community access to eggsâ and âfinancial assistance that offset burdening household expensesâ. For weaknesses âexpansion of program age eligibility to accommodate multi-child householdsâ and âno control over parent\u27s use of eggsâ. For opportunities âImplementation of external community resourcesâ and âimprove water and sanitation initiativesâ, for threats âchanges in political climateâ and âfrail farm infrastructureâ. Conclusions
Perception of the program is positive among all mother participants. This analysis identified multiple strengths and opportunities to 1) improve the program locally, and 2) expand the program\u27s scope and reach. Further, this analysis identified weaknesses and potential threats that will serve to modify and improve the delivery and uptake of the intervention. Key messages
âąâExplore program strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats perceived by particpating mothers of a community-based nutrition agriculture program that provides 1 egg a day to their child\u27s diet.
âąâThe swot analysis of participating mothersâ interviews serves in the developing contingency plans to continue the Hens Hatching Hope program
Feasibility of smartphone colorimetry of the face as an anaemia screening tool for infants and young children in Ghana
Background Anaemia affects approximately a quarter of the global population. When anaemia occurs during childhood, it can increase susceptibility to infectious diseases and impair cognitive development. This research uses smartphone-based colorimetry to develop a non-invasive technique for screening for anaemia in a previously understudied population of infants and young children in Ghana. Methods We propose a colorimetric algorithm for screening for anaemia which uses a novel combination of three regions of interest: the lower eyelid (palpebral conjunctiva), the sclera, and the mucosal membrane adjacent to the lower lip. These regions are chosen to have minimal skin pigmentation occluding the blood chromaticity. As part of the algorithm development, different methods were compared for (1) accounting for varying ambient lighting, and (2) choosing a chromaticity metric for each region of interest. In comparison to some prior work, no specialist hardware (such as a colour reference card) is required for image acquisition. Results Sixty-two patients under 4 years of age were recruited as a convenience clinical sample in Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, Ghana. Forty-three of these had quality images for all regions of interest. Using a naĂŻve Bayes classifier, this method was capable of screening for anaemia (<11.0g/dL haemoglobin concentration) vs healthy blood haemoglobin concentration (â„11.0g/dL) with a sensitivity of 92.9% (95% CI 66.1% to 99.8%), a specificity of 89.7% (72.7% to 97.8%) when acting on unseen data, using only an affordable smartphone and no additional hardware. Conclusion These results add to the body of evidence suggesting that smartphone colorimetry is likely to be a useful tool for making anaemia screening more widely available. However, there remains no consensus on the optimal method for image preprocessing or feature extraction, especially across diverse patient populations
FDA-approved disulfiram as a novel treatment for aggressive leukemia
Acute leukemia continues to be a major cause of death from disease worldwide and current chemotherapeutic agents are associated with significant morbidity in survivors. While better and safer treatments for acute leukemia are urgently needed, standard drug development pipelines are lengthy and drug repurposing therefore provides a promising approach. Our previous evaluation of FDA-approved drugs for their antileukemic activity identified disulfiram, used for the treatment of alcoholism, as a candidate hit compound. This study assessed the biological effects of disulfiram on leukemia cells and evaluated its potential as a treatment strategy. We found that disulfiram inhibits the viability of a diverse panel of acute lymphoblastic and myeloid leukemia cell lines (nâ=â16) and patient-derived xenograft cells from patients with poor outcome and treatment-resistant disease (nâ=â15). The drug induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in leukemia cells within hours of treatment and was able to potentiate the effects of daunorubicin, etoposide, topotecan, cytarabine, and mitoxantrone chemotherapy. Upon combining disulfiram with auranofin, a drug approved for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis that was previously shown to exert antileukemic effects, strong and consistent synergy was observed across a diverse panel of acute leukemia cell lines, the mechanism of which was based on enhanced ROS induction. Acute leukemia cells were more sensitive to the cytotoxic activity of disulfiram than solid cancer cell lines and non-malignant cells. While disulfiram is currently under investigation in clinical trials for solid cancers, this study provides evidence for the potential of disulfiram for acute leukemia treatment
Systematic In Vitro Evaluation of a Library of Approved and Pharmacologically Active Compounds for the Identification of Novel Candidate Drugs for KMT2A-Rearranged Leukemia
Patients whose leukemias harbor a rearrangement of the Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL/KMT2A) gene have a poor prognosis, especially when the disease strikes in infants. The poor clinical outcome linked to this aggressive disease and the detrimental treatment side-effects, particularly in children, warrant the urgent development of more effective and cancer-selective therapeutics. The aim of this study was to identify novel candidate compounds that selectively target KMT2A-rearranged (KMT2A-r) leukemia cells. A library containing 3707 approved drugs and pharmacologically active compounds was screened for differential activity against KMT2A-r leukemia cell lines versus KMT2A-wild type (KMT2A-wt) leukemia cell lines, solid tumor cells and non-malignant cells by cell-based viability assays. The screen yielded SID7969543, an inhibitor of transcription factor Nuclear Receptor Subfamily 5 Group A Member 1 (NR5A1), that limited the viability of 7 out of 11 KMT2A-r leukemia cell lines including 5 out of 7 lines derived from infants, without affecting KMT2A-wt leukemia cells, solid cancer lines, non-malignant cell lines, or peripheral blood mononuclear cells from healthy controls. The compound also significantly inhibited growth of leukemia cell lines with a CALM-AF10 translocation, which defines a highly aggressive leukemia subtype that shares common underlying leukemogenic mechanisms with KMT2A-r leukemia. SID7969543 decreased KMT2A-r leukemia cell viability by inducing caspase-dependent apoptosis within hours of treatment and demonstrated synergy with established chemotherapeutics used in the treatment of high-risk leukemia. Thus, SID7969543 represents a novel candidate agent with selective activity against CALM-AF10 translocated and KMT2A-r leukemias that warrants further investigation
The Combination of Curaxin CBL0137 and Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Panobinostat Delays KMT2A-Rearranged Leukemia Progression
Rearrangements of the Mixed Lineage Leukemia (MLL/KMT2A) gene are present in approximately 10% of acute leukemias and characteristically define disease with poor outcome. Driven by the unmet need to develop better therapies for KMT2A-rearranged leukemia, we previously discovered that the novel anti-cancer agent, curaxin CBL0137, induces decondensation of chromatin in cancer cells, delays leukemia progression and potentiates standard of care chemotherapies in preclinical KMT2A-rearranged leukemia models. Based on the promising potential of histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors as targeted anti-cancer agents for KMT2A-rearranged leukemia and the fact that HDAC inhibitors also decondense chromatin via an alternate mechanism, we investigated whether CBL0137 could potentiate the efficacy of the HDAC inhibitor panobinostat in KMT2A-rearranged leukemia models. The combination of CBL0137 and panobinostat rapidly killed KMT2A-rearranged leukemia cells by apoptosis and significantly delayed leukemia progression and extended survival in an aggressive model of MLL-AF9 (KMT2A:MLLT3) driven murine acute myeloid leukemia. The drug combination also exerted a strong anti-leukemia response in a rapidly progressing xenograft model derived from an infant with KMT2A-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukemia, significantly extending survival compared to either monotherapy. The therapeutic enhancement between CBL0137 and panobinostat in KMT2A-r leukemia cells does not appear to be mediated through cooperative effects of the drugs on KMT2A rearrangement-associated histone modifications. Our data has identified the CBL0137/panobinostat combination as a potential novel targeted therapeutic approach to improve outcome for KMT2A-rearranged leukemia
Introduction of organised mammography screening in tyrol: results of a one-year pilot phase
Background: Efficiency and efficacy of organised mammography screening programs have been proven in large randomised trials. But every local implementation of mammography screening has to check whether the well established quality standards are met. Therefore it was the aim of this study to analyse the most common quality indices after introducing organised mammography screening in Tyrol, Austria, in a smooth transition from the existing system of opportunistic screening. Methods: In June 2007, the system of opportunistic mammography screening in Tyrol was changed to an organised system by introducing a personal invitation system, a training program, a quality assurance program and by setting up a screening database. All procedures are noted in a written protocol. Most EU recommendations for organised mammography screening were followed, except double reading. All women living in Tyrol and covered by social insurance are now invited for a mammography, in age group 40-59 annually and in age group 60-69 biannually. Screening mammography is offered mainly by radiologists in private practice. We report on the results of the first year of piloting organised mammography screening in two counties in Tyrol. Results: 56,432 women were invited. Estimated participation rate was 34.5% at one year of follow-up (and 55.5% at the second year of follow-up); 3.4% of screened women were recalled for further assessment or intermediate screening within six months. Per 1000 mammograms nine biopsies were performed and four breast cancer cases detected (N = 68). Of invasive breast cancer cases 34.4% were †10 mm in size and 65.6% were node-negative. In total, six interval cancer cases were detected during one year of follow-up; this is 19% of the background incidence rate. Conclusions: In the Tyrolean breast cancer screening program, a smooth transition from a spontaneous to an organised mammography screening system was achieved in a short time and with minimal additional resources. One year after introduction of the screening program, most of the quality indicators recommended by the European guidelines had been reached. However, it will be necessary to introduce double reading, to change the rule for BI-RADS 3, and to concentrate on actions toward improving the participation rate
Delivery of PEGylated liposomal doxorubicin by bispecific antibodies improves treatment in models of high-risk childhood leukemia
High-risk childhood leukemia has a poor prognosis because of treatment failure and toxic side effects of therapy. Drug encapsulation into liposomal nanocarriers has shown clinical success at improving biodistribution and tolerability of chemotherapy. However, enhancements in drug efficacy have been limited because of a lack of selectivity of the liposomal formulations for the cancer cells. Here, we report on the generation of bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) with dual binding to a leukemic cell receptor, such as CD19, CD20, CD22, or CD38, and methoxy polyethylene glycol (PEG) for the targeted delivery of PEGylated liposomal drugs to leukemia cells. This liposome targeting system follows a "mix-and-match" principle where BsAbs were selected on the specific receptors expressed on leukemia cells. BsAbs improved the targeting and cytotoxic activity of a clinically approved and low-toxic PEGylated liposomal formulation of doxorubicin (Caelyx) toward leukemia cell lines and patient-derived samples that are immunophenotypically heterogeneous and representative of high-risk subtypes of childhood leukemia. BsAb-assisted improvements in leukemia cell targeting and cytotoxic potency of Caelyx correlated with receptor expression and were minimally detrimental in vitro and in vivo toward expansion and functionality of normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells and hematopoietic progenitors. Targeted delivery of Caelyx using BsAbs further enhanced leukemia suppression while reducing drug accumulation in the heart and kidneys and extended overall survival in patient-derived xenograft models of high-risk childhood leukemia. Our methodology using BsAbs therefore represents an attractive targeting platform to potentiate the therapeutic efficacy and safety of liposomal drugs for improved treatment of high-risk leukemia
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