1,464 research outputs found

    Discretized Thermal Green's Functions

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    We present a spectral weight conserving formalism for Fermionic thermal Green's functions that are discretized in imaginary time and thus periodic in imaginary ("Matsubara") frequency. The formalism requires a generalization of the Dyson equation and the Baym-Kadanoff-Luttinger-Ward functional for the free energy. A conformal transformation is used to analytically continue the periodized Matsubara Green's function to the continuous real axis in a way that conserves the discontinuity at t=0 of the corresponding real-time Green's function. For given discretization the method allows numerical Green's function calculations of very high precision and it appears to give a well controlled convergent approximation as we decrease the discretization interval. The ideas are tested on Dynamical Mean Field Theory calculations of the paramagnetic Hubbard model

    Do Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponents Detect Coherent Structures?

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    Ridges of the Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponent (FSLE) field have been used as indicators of hyperbolic Lagrangian Coherent Structures (LCSs). A rigorous mathematical link between the FSLE and LCSs, however, has been missing. Here we prove that an FSLE ridge satisfying certain conditions does signal a nearby ridge of some Finite-Time Lyapunov Exponent (FTLE) field, which in turn indicates a hyperbolic LCS under further conditions. Other FSLE ridges violating our conditions, however, are seen to be false positives for LCSs. We also find further limitations of the FSLE in Lagrangian coherence detection, including ill-posedness, artificial jump-discontinuities, and sensitivity with respect to the computational time step.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, v3: corrects the z-axis labels of Fig. 2 (left) that appears in the version published in Chao

    Dynamical phase transitions after quenches in non-integrable models

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    We investigate the dynamics following sudden quenches across quantum critical points belonging to different universality classes. Specifically, we use matrix product state methods to study the quantum Ising chain in the presence of two additional terms which break integrability. We find that in all models the rate function for the return probability to the initial state becomes a non-analytic function of time in the thermodynamic limit. This so-called `dynamical phase transition' was first observed in a recent work by Heyl, Polkovnikov, and Kehrein [Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 135704 (2013)] for the exactly-solvable quantum Ising chain, which can be mapped to free fermions. Our results for `interacting theories' indicate that non-analytic dynamics is a generic feature of sudden quenches across quantum critical points. We discuss potential connections to the dynamics of the order parameter

    Approaching Many-Body Localization from Disordered Luttinger Liquids via the Functional Renormalization Group

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    We study the interplay of interactions and disorder in a one-dimensional fermion lattice coupled adiabatically to infinite reservoirs. We employ both the functional renormalization group (FRG) as well as matrix product state techniques, which serve as an accurate benchmark for small systems. Using the FRG, we compute the length- and temperature-dependence of the conductance averaged over 10410^4 samples for lattices as large as 10510^{5} sites. We identify regimes in which non-ohmic power law behavior can be observed and demonstrate that the corresponding exponents can be understood by adapting earlier predictions obtained perturbatively for disordered Luttinger liquids. In presence of both disorder and isolated impurities, the conductance has a universal single-parameter scaling form. This lays the groundwork for an application of the functional renormalization group to the realm of many-body localization

    Entanglement scaling of excited states in large one-dimensional many-body localized systems

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    We study the properties of excited states in one-dimensional many-body localized (MBL) systems using a matrix product state algorithm. First, the method is tested for a large disordered non-interacting system, where for comparison we compute a quasi-exact reference solution via a Monte Carlo sampling of the single-particle levels. Thereafter, we present extensive data obtained for large interacting systems of L~100 sites and large bond dimensions chi~1700, which allows us to quantitatively analyze the scaling behavior of the entanglement S in the system. The MBL phase is characterized by a logarithmic growth (L)~log(L) over a large scale separating the regimes where volume and area laws hold. We check the validity of the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis. Our results are consistent with the existence of a mobility edge

    Luttinger liquid physics from infinite-system DMRG

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    We study one-dimensional spinless fermions at zero and finite temperature T using the density matrix renormalization group. We consider nearest as well as next-nearest neighbor interactions; the latter render the system inaccessible by a Bethe ansatz treatment. Using an infinite-system alogrithm we demonstrate the emergence of Luttinger liquid physics at low energies for a variety of static correlation functions as well as for thermodynamic properties. The characteristic power law suppression of the momentum distribution n(k) function at T=0 can be directly observed over several orders of magnitude. At finite temperature, we show that n(k) obeys a scaling relation. The Luttinger liquid parameter and the renormalized Fermi velocity can be extracted from the density response function, the specific heat, and/or the susceptibility without the need to carry out any finite-size analysis. We illustrate that the energy scale below which Luttinger liquid power laws manifest vanishes as the half-filled system is driven into a gapped phase by large interactions
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