71 research outputs found

    Assessment of China’s Macro-Readiness for Integrated Innovative Management Technologies Employment

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    Introduction. Economic entities should constantly apply various forms of innovation, including managerial and organizational innovations, to ensure the processes of developing and acquiring adaptive capacity. One of these innovations is integrated management technologies covering several interacting heterogeneous technological, economic, organizational, social, and psychological processes or several management functions. Aim and tasks. The study aims to elaborate a procedure for assessing a country’s macro-readiness to apply integrated innovative management technologies and qualitatively characterise its level. Results. An assessment of macro-readiness to apply integrated innovative management technologies was conducted using the case of China. In order to obtain a generalized evaluation of the country’s macro-readiness to apply integrated innovative management technologies, synthetic taxonomic indicators based on readiness components and a general synthetic indicator were generated. The synthetic human capital and research indicator changed from low (0.243) in 2016 to high (0.647) in 2020. The same trend is inherent in the synthetic indicator of ICT availability and use, which increased from 0.367 to 0.920, and in the synthetic indicator of institutional and business environment, which increased from 0.310 to 0.876. Although it has improved from 0.205 to 0.451, the synthetic indicators of financial resources and development have not yet reached a high level. Conclusion. The suggested procedure for assessing macro-readiness to apply integrated innovative management technologies is based on constructing a synthetic indicator of readiness, combining the taxonomic indicators of human, digital, financial, and institutional readiness. This procedure, implying the determination of their qualitative levels, enables us to determine a country’s readiness to support business entities’ adoption of new management technologies. The assessment of China's readiness for applying integrated innovative management technologies using the developed approach revealed that the ICT component is the best developed, while the financial component is the most underdeveloped

    Realization of potential of enterprise structure development as the criterion of ensuring the object-differentiated approach to rendering the state support : the Russian Federation

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    The objective of the research. Undertaken in the conditions of an economic crisis and sanctions restrictions the attempts of system optimization of business activity state regulation in Russia still don't contribute to increase in business sector efficiency and to full accomplishment of all assigned social and economic functions. In the article the author rationalizes the point, assuming that in the basis of state regulation system the implementation level of entrepreneurial structure capacity, as the most adequate criterion of rendering the state support of business activity, which besides shall carry an object-differentiated nature, shall be laid. Short description of methodology. In the article authors offer an original interpretation of the concept "potential of enterprise structure development" and a method to calculate an indicator "the realization level of potential of enterprise structure development" as key criterion at realizing an object-differentiated approach to rendering the state support of enterprise structures. Compilation of the most important research results and their significance. In the article based on the formed differentiation criteria of measures of the state support of entrepreneurial structures authors offer the measures system differentiated on the bases of the implementation level of potential of entrepreneurial structures development and the importance of this structure in strategic priorities system of territorial development on preferential creation of institutional conditions for an entrepreneurship development; on internal capacity development of entrepreneurial structures; on direct support of business activity.peer-reviewe

    Influence of polyamines of bacterial origin on the production of key cytokines in the culture of human mononuclear leukocytes

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    To date, participation of biogenic polyamines has been studied in details, with respect to regulation of microbial gene expression, interrelations between bacteria, development of their persistence state. Opportunity of their use as markers of human pathological conditions is being actively evaluated. The aim of our study was to assess the effect of bacterial diamines, i.e., cadaverine and putrescine, upon production of key cytokines (IFNγ and IL-4) in the culture of human mononuclear leukocytes. We studied leukocytes of peripheral venous blood obtained from 18 healthy male volunteers (mean age 24.0±0.6 years). The leukocytes were isolated by means of gradient centrifugation using a Ficoll-Verografin mixture. For the cultivation of lymphocytes, a micro-method and plastic round-bottom 96-well plates were used. Concanavalin A at a concentration of 5 μg/ml was used as a T cell mitogen. Polyamines were used at final concentrations of 5, 25, 50, 75 and 100 μM/L. The cultivation was carried out in humidified atmosphere with 5% CO2, at 37 °C for 72 hours. At the end of incubation, the culture medium was collected and frozen for subsequent quantitative enzyme immunoassays of cytokine concentrations (IFNγ and IL-4) (Russia). Viable cells were counted using Goryaev chamber after staining with 0.1% trypan blue solution. Statistical analysis was performed using Student’s t test or Mann–Whitney test. Addition of cadaverine at all concentrations reduced IFNγ production in the culture of mitogen-activated cells. When culturing leukocytes supplied with putrescine (5 to 50 μM/L), a dose-dependent decrease of IFNγ was observed. Upon further increase of putrescine concentrations, the IFNγ production is restored to the values of the control samples. Direct toxic effect of polyamines upon the cells was revealed. Both the diamines, at the doses of 50, 75, and 100 μM/L, caused increase of IL-4 production by the mitogen-activated cells. Such changes can be associated both with direct cytotoxic effect of cadaverine and putrescine, being mediated by changes of some metabolic pathways. In addition, the effects of polyamines upon monocytes present in culture can include their anti-inflammatory state, e.c., an increased IL-4 production. In general, cadaverine and putrescine, produced by microorganisms of various taxonomic groups, regulate the effectiveness of compensatory-adaptive reactions that ensure adaptation of microbial populations to changing or unfavorable environmental conditions


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    The study was carried out to assess the prospects for the combined use of leukocyte and cytokine indices in the bile duct obstruction of different genesis.We have performed a study of the patients with mechanical jaundice, either due to tumor (14 persons), or non-tumor genesis (16 persons). Concentrations of cytokines (IL-1, IL-4, IL-8, TNFα) were determined in blood serum before surgical intervention. The total activity of endogenous inflammatory mediators in the serum of patients was estimated as an index of inflammatory activity (IVA), which was calculated using the following formula: IVA = (IL-1 + TNFα)/IL-4. In addition, a number of leukocyte indices were calculated. The cellular component in the index estimation makes it possible to clarify the intensity of the inflammatory reaction, and to suggest the direction of the functional changes among the  immunocompetent cells.It was shown that IVA in presence of malignancy is significantly higher than in benign conditions. Overactivation of immune response in tumors may be caused by a significant predominance of pro-nflammatory cytokines. Moreover, in cases of malignant tumor growth, both with or without cholangitis, the index scores of humoral and cellular components let us suggest the some problems with regeneration, due to pro-inflammatory domination of immune response, which does not ensure activation of the corresponding reactions. It has been established that the leukocyte intoxication index (LII) is increased,in patients with a combination of malignant disorder and cholangitis, and the immunoreactivity index (MDI) is lowered. In absence of cholangitis, the opposite pattern is observed, when LII is slightly lowered and MDI is elevated. Correlation analysis for the patients with cholangitis revealed a high association of cytokine imbalance and endogenous intoxication. A complex of cytokine and leukocyte indices is promising, when each of them reflects a certain part of the process, and their combination gives an integral picture of the pathology and allows to predict development of the disease. Such an approach, seems to increase the diagnostic significance of these immunological indices, primarily, the cytokine production, and may be used when predicting currence of complications in the surgical treatment of the disease

    O impacto da digitalização no desenvolvimento do trabalho social e pedagógico

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    The article presents the results of an empirical study conducted by the authors according to the method of an online questionnaire survey (n = 157) in 2020. The respondents are Russian social workers. The study is aimed at identifying the specifics of the use of digital technologies in the professional activities of social workers and managers in the social sphere. The article analyses the effectiveness of the use of digital tools and highlights the problems in this activity. The authors also try to identify ways of solving these problems for the possible increase of the efficiency of digitalization in social work. The analysis of the respondents’ opinions has shown that among the main advantages are the increase in the efficiency of a labour organization (acceleration of data processing, automation of document management, online purchases and delivery) and obtaining the necessary information, including from other departments.El artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio empírico realizado por los autores en una encuesta de cuestionario en línea (n = 157) en 2020 con trabajadores sociales rusos. El estudio tiene como objetivo identificar las especificidades del uso de las tecnologías digitales en las actividades profesionales de los trabajadores sociales y administradores en el ámbito social. El artículo analiza la efectividad del uso de herramientas digitales y destaca los problemas en esta actividad e intenta identificar formas de resolver estos problemas para el posible aumento de la eficiencia de la digitalización en el trabajo social. El análisis de las opiniones de los encuestados ha mostrado que entre las principales ventajas se encuentran el aumento de la eficiencia de una organización laboral (aceleración del procesamiento de datos, automatización de la gestión documental, compras y entregas en línea) y la obtención de la información necesaria, incluso de otros departamentos.O artigo apresenta os resultados de um estudo empírico realizado pelos autores de acordo com o método de um questionário online (n = 157) em 2020. Os entrevistados são assistentes sociais russos. O estudo visa identificar as especificidades do uso das tecnologias digitais nas atividades profissionais de assistentes sociais e gestores na esfera social. O artigo analisa a eficácia do uso de ferramentas digitais e destaca os problemas nessa atividade. Os autores também tentam identificar formas de resolver esses problemas para o possível aumento da eficiência da digitalização no serviço social. A análise das opiniões dos respondentes mostrou que entre as principais vantagens estão o aumento da eficiência de uma organização trabalhista (aceleração do processamento de dados, automação da gestão de documentos, compras e entregas online) e a obtenção das informações necessárias, inclusive de outros departamentos

    Cytokine production in blood cells and the level of serum C-rp in patients with cardiovascular diseases

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    The aim of the investigation was to study the peculiarities of cytokine production in blood cells in correlation with the serum C-RP level in patients with different cardiovascular diseases. 11 patients with arterial hypertension (1st group), 10 patients with stable angina ll-IIIFC (2nd group), 55 healthy volunteers (3rd group) together with 5 patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), middle-aged 52,1+10,00 years, were under observation. Their blood was taken for the determining of serum level of C-RP and both, spontaneous and mytogene-stimulated cytokine production in blood cells. They were evaluated by the immunoenzyme method. There were no significant differences between the patients of the 1st and the 3rd groups in all parameters, except C-RP. Patients with the stable angina had lower stimulated production of IL-1 p in comparison with those from the 1st group, but significantly higher C-RP level in comparison with the 3rd group. Small number of AF cases demonstrated the highest spontaneous production of IL -ip and TNF-a. Correlations between cytokine-production and heart anatomy were found. No correlations between cytokine-production and C-RP level were described. These results demand further investigation.Цель - изучить особенности цитокиновой продукции клетками цельной крови больных различными сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями во взаимосвязи с уровнем сывороточного С-реактивного протеина (СРП). Обследовано 11 больных гипертонической болезнью (1-я группа), 10 - со стенокардией напряжения ll-ШФК (2-я группа), 55 практически здоровых (3-я группа), средний возраст -52,1±10,00г. Иммуноферментным методом определяли спонтанную и митоген-стимулированную продукцию цитокинов, (INF-γ, TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-17), уровень СРП. Достоверных различий по изучаемым параметрам, за исключением СРП. у пациентов первой группы в сравнении со здоровыми не установлено. В отличие от гипертоников, пациенты с СH ll-IIIФК отличались более низкой индуцированной продукцией IL-1p. По величине СРП их показатели также были значимо выше, чем в группе контроля. На небольшом количестве пациентов с ПФП установлено, что у них спонтанная продукция IL-1β и TNF-α была максимальной. Определена взаимосвязь между продукцией цитокинов и анатомическими параметрами сердца. Продукция цитокинов не коррелировала с уровнем СРП в сыворотке. Результаты свидетельствуют о некоторых аномалиях в цитокиновом профиле, требующих дальнейшего изучения

    Биогенные полиамины при генитальной гонококковой инфекции: факты и гипотезы

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    Genital gonorrhea is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases with significant gender differences in its clinical course. Laboratory verification of the diagnosis is associated with great difficulties in the cultivation and identification of the pathogen. Moreover, the diagnosis of female gonorrhea is a serious problem due to mild symptoms of the disease. Currently, a promising trend in the diagnosis of inflammatory diseases of reproductive organs is biochemical analysis of vaginal and sperm fluids, which have a rich component composition. Biogenic polyamines can be synthesized by both pro- and eukaryotic cells. These polycations are present in semen and vaginal fluid and can have a significant effect on various cell structures and functions. In this regard, the qualitative and quantitative composition, the level and ratio of these components and their changes can have a diagnostic value for infections of the genital tract.The aim of the review was to analyze current information on the role of biogenic polyamines in the physiological and biochemical potential of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and their participation in the development of genital gonococcal infection, taking into account the influence of sexual differences and a number of related factors. Special attention was paid to the origin and possible functional role of polyamines in the genital tract of men and women. As a result, taking into account the spectrum, origin and ratio of polyamines in the corresponding fluids, we formulated a hypothesis: the manifestation of the process in case of infection in men is largely determined by the reactivity of eukaryotic cells, but not the metabolic activity of the microbiota of the reproductive tract. At the same time, the development of “female” gonorrhea is primarily determined by the state of the microbiocenosis of the cervical vaginal biotope.Генитальная гонорея является одним из наиболее распространенных венерических заболеваний и характеризуется существенными гендерными различиями в его клиническом течении. Лабораторное подтверждение диагноза сопряжено с большими сложностями культивирования и идентификации возбудителя, а диагностика «женской» гонореи представляет серьезную проблему еще и в связи со стертой симптоматикой инфекционного процесса. На современном этапе перспективным направлением для диагностики воспалительных заболеваний репродуктивных органов признается изучение биохимического состава влагалищной и спермальной жидкостей, имеющих богатейший компонентный состав. Биогенные полиамины, которые могут синтезироваться как про-, так и эукариотическими клетками и в значительных количествах обнаруживаться в этих секретах, являются низкомолекулярными соединениями, оказывающими разнообразные эффекты на жизненно важные структуры и функции клеток обоих типов. В этой связи качественный и количественный состав, уровень и соотношение этих компонентов в секретах, с учетом изменения соответствующих показателей в динамике, могут иметь диагностический смысл при инфекционной патологии генитального тракта. Целью обзора явилось рассмотрение накопленной к настоящему времени информации о возможной роли биогенных полиаминов в физиолого-биохимическом потенциале Neisseria gonorrhoeae и их участии в развитии генитальной гонококковой инфекции с учетом влияния половых различий и ряда сопутствующих факторов. Особое внимание уделено происхождению и возможной функциональной роли полиаминов в генитальном тракте мужчин и женщин. В результате, с учетом спектра, происхождения и соотношения полиаминов, доминирующих в составе соответствующих секретов, сформулирована гипотеза о том, что манифестация процесса в случае инфицирования мужчин в большей степени обусловлена реактивностью эукариотических клеток, но не метаболической активностью микробиоты их репродуктивного тракта. В то время как развитие «женской» гонореи в первую очередь определяет состояние микробиоценоза цервикально-вагинального биотопа

    The condition of cardiovascular system in employers of metallurgical works

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    The aim was to evaluate the prevalence and peculiarities of cardiovascular diseases in employers of metallurgical works. We observed 128 people, average age - 47,6+9,6 years, men - 51 %. Observation included height, body mass, ECG, echocardiography and questionnaire. The body mass index was 27,07 + 4,72 kg/m2, normal body mass was in 34% of employers. The percentage of smokers was 26,6%. Normal cholesterol had 41% of people without cardiovascular diseases and only 8% of people with proved cardiovascular disease. But statins accepted 1% of workers with dislipidemia. The prevalence of hypertension was for 10,5% higher than in Russia generally. Only 40% of people with high blood pressure used drugs, but normal blood pressure had 14,5% of them. 40% of accepted drugs were not really antihypertensive. So, the investigation showed the necessity of regular observations to reveal the risk factors and to start early the proper therapy in people of able-bodied age.Цель работы - определить распространенность и особенности течения сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний у сотрудников металлургического предприятия. Под наблюдением находились 128 работников в возрасте 47,6+9,6 года, 51% из них - мужчины. Определяли антропометрические данные, проводили анкетирование, ЗКГ, ультразвуковое исследование сердца. ИМТ в исследуемой когорте составил 27,07 ± 4,72 кг/м2. Нормальную массу тела имели лишь 34% обследованных. Количество курящих составило в среднем 26,6%. Целевой уровень общего холестерина зарегистрирован у 41 % лиц без признаков сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний (ССЗ) и лишь у 8% пациентов с диагностированным ССЗ. При этом статины принимали не более 1 % сотрудников с дислипидемией. Обращает внимание более высокая распространенность АГ (на 10,5% выше, чем в России). Среди гипертоников медикаментозную терапию получали 40% пациентов, из них целевого уровня АД достигали только 14,5%. Доля средств, не относящихся к антигипертензивным, составила 40%. В исследовании подтверждается необходимость плановых профилактических осмотров с целью выявления факторов риска, профилактики и своевременного лечения сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний у лиц трудоспособного возраста

    Towards sustainable development through bridging digital penetration gaps

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    The aim of the article is to study the impact of the digital environment on the economic conditions of economic entities, as well as to assess the gaps between economic development, changes in social relations and environmental well-being. It is proved that gaps in digital penetration can cause the deepening of existing inequalities and risks: digital inequality, social inequality, inequality in the appropriation of benefits, environmental risks. Approaches to assessing the impact of digital artifacts on the environment (in the context of the concept of "circular economy") and sustainable development of the economic system are investigate