2,791 research outputs found

    Germination of pine seed in weightlessness (investigation in Kosmos 782)

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    An investigation was made of the orientation of aboveground and underground organs of pine plants grown from seed in weightlessness. Orientation was found to be caused by the position of the seeds relative to the substrate surface. Normal growth was manifest only for the plants grown from seed oriented with embryo toward the substrate. Differences were noted between experiment and control as to the quantitative content of nucleoli in the meristematic cells of the rootlets and the shape of cells in the cotyledonous leaflets. No complete agreement was found between data obtained in weightlessness and when gravity was compensated (clinostat treatment with horizontal rotation)

    Pine seed germination under weightlessness (a study of the Kosmos 782 satellite)

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    Orientation of the above and underground organs of pine plants, grown from seeds under weightlessness, was found to be determined by seed position on the substrate. Normal plant growth was observed only if the seed embryos were oriented toward the substrate. Some differences were noted between the experimental and control plants concerning the amount of nucleoli in the root meristematic cells and the cell shape in cotyledonous leaves. No complete similarity was found in experimental results obtained with plants under weightlessness and under compensated gravity. The seeds were obtained from Pinus silvestris, considered to be particularly suitable for this experiment

    The problem of cognitive-semantic grounds for verbs polysemy in English

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    The given article considers the problem of the cognitive and semantic basis for polysemanticism of verbs in English as one of the main mental processes that promotes changes and development of the meaning of words, the verbs in particula

    Methods of the development strategy of service companies: Logistical approach

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    The urgency of the analyzed issue is due to lack of attention of heads of service companies to the theory and methodology of strategic management, methods and models of management decision-making in times of economic instability. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical positions and methodical recommendations on the formation of the logistical approach to the development strategy of service companies. The leading approach to the study of this issue is the logistical approach, which allows identifying the most significant factors, carrying out the quantitative assessment of their interaction with each other and determining the extent of their influence on the parameters of the system under research. This research presents a methodology for the selection of optimal functional business strategies of service companies from the alternative, based on the use of economic and mathematical modeling techniques. The authors assess the parameters of the micro, macro and internal environment of the company, represent the company’s business profile, a general development strategy of based on the determination of optimal logistics, marketing, production, financial and human resource management strategies for individual strategic business areas. The contents of the article may be useful for managers of service companies, auto-transport enterprises in making rational decisions on the formation of the optimal business development strategy in uncertain environmental conditions. © 2016 Toymentseva et al

    The use of logistics n the quality parameters control system of material flow

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    The relevance of the research problem is conditioned on the need to justify the use of the logistics methodologies in the quality parameters control process of material flows. The goal of the article is to develop theoretical principles and practical recommendations for logistical system control in material flows quality parameters. A leading approach to study this problem is a set of scientific knowledge and special methods, allowing identifying the main trends and features for the quality parameters control of material flows. The main results of the research with the scientific novelty are the following: - grounded conceptual framework for the qualitative parameters management of material flows and business processes; - defined the relationship of the evaluation criteria to characterize products and processes, and to highlight typical and assigned material flow characteristics; - proved the necessity of quality parameters logistical system control of material flows. The article can be useful to set up the quality parameters control system of material flow in the micro – mesa-logistics systems to optimize total costs, improve quality, material flow and processes and, as a consequence, improve the products competitiveness. © 2016 Karpova et al

    Organizational model of the congress and exhibition cluster in the field of business travel

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    The relevance of the analyzed issue is caused by the growth of the international trade in the intensity of business travel services, including in the field of the congress and exhibition business, which necessitates the formation of the effective management model of business travel services at the destination level. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the formation algorithm of the cluster development strategy of tourism and the development of organizational functioning models of the congress and exhibition cluster in the destination. The leading approach to the study of this issue is the method of modeling, which allowed considering the practice of clusters functioning as a sequence of stages of its formation and development, taking into account the resource potential of destinations. Results: the article presents a stepwise algorithm for creating the congress and exhibition cluster in the destination and proves the fundamental organizational model for its functioning in the business tourism market; isolates and systematized criteria and indicators for assessing the contribution of participants of the tourism cluster in the destination development. The contents of this article may be useful for researchers, interested in the use of the cluster approach in the services sector, as well as to regional authorities, responsible for the development of tourism. © 2016 Karpova et al

    Comparative analysis of the ftness of Drosophila virilis lines contrasting in response to stress

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    One of the crucial elements contributing to the adaptation of organisms to unfavorable environmental conditions is the reaction of stress. The study of its genetic control and role in adaptation to unfavorable conditions are of special interest. The juvenile hormone (JH) acts as a gonadotropic hormone in adult insects controlling the development of the ovaries, inducing vitellogenesis and oviposition. It was shown that a decrease in JH degradation in individuals reacting to adverse conditions by stress reaction (R­individuals) causes delay in egg laying and seems to allow the population to “wait out” the unfavorable conditions, thereby contributing to the adaptation at the population level. However, monitoring natural populations of D. melanogaster for the capability of stress reaction demonstrated that they have a high percentage of individuals incapable of it (NR­individuals). The study of reproductive characteristics of R­ and NR­individuals showed that under normal conditions R­individuals have the advantage of procreating offspring. Under unfavorable conditions, if the stressor is intense enough, NR­individuals die, but if its intensity is low, then they, unlike R­individuals, continue to produce offspring. Based on these data, it was hypothesized that the balance of R­ and NR­alleles in the population ensures its adaptation under frequent stresses of low intensity. To verify the hypothesis by an experiment, the ftness characteristics (lifespan, fecundity) of the R and NR lines of D. virilis were studied under normal conditions and under regular heat stress of various frequency