831 research outputs found

    Legitimacy of inequality and the stability of income distributions in Poland

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    The objective of this paper is to apply hypotheses derived from theories of legitimacy and distributive justice to patterns of stability in income distribution in Poland. The hypotheses specify conditions under which income differences become legitimated. The question about the conditions of legitimacy of the differences is especially interesting in the Polish context, given steady increase in the amount of inequality after 1989. Data from Polish General Social Survey are then used to see if the hypotheses are consistent with empirical observation

    The Corpus of Polish Intonational Database (PoInt)

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    High-visibility nonclassical interference of photon pairs generated in a multimode nonlinear waveguide

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    We report measurements of two-photon interference using a cw-pumped type-II spontaneous parametric down-conversion source based on a multimode perodically poled potassium titanyl phosphate waveguide. We have used the recently demonstrated technique of controlling the spatial characteristics of the down-conversion process via intermodal dispersion to generate photon pairs in fundamental transverse modes, thus ensuring their spatial indistinguishability. Good spatial overlap of photon modes within pairs has been verified using the Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer and the preparation of polarization entanglement in the Shih-Alley configuration, yielding visibilities consistently above 90%.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Boris Klimychev’s “Marquis de Tomsk” – an Attempt to Define the Genre

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    W artykule zawarte są rozwaĆŒania teoretycznoliterackie dotyczące okreƛlenia przynaleĆŒnoƛci genologicznej utworu "Markiz de Tomsk" syberyjskiego pisarza Borysa Klimyczewa. Jak udaƂo się ustalić, utwĂłr ten charakteryzuje synkretyzm gatunkowy. W jego poetyce moĆŒna dostrzec elementy powieƛci historycznej i romansu awanturniczego. Autor niniejszej pracy przywoƂuje opinie badaczy oraz dokonuje analizy literackiej tekstu.The author of the paper attempts to define the genre of the novel "Marquis de Tomsk" by Boris Klimychev, a modern (1930-2013) Russian writer from Siberia. His book has not been translated into Polish but neither is Klimychev well known in Russia, his work remaining known mostly to local readers. In the paper an essential emphasis has been placed on the literary analysis of genre characteristics of Klimychev’s romance. "Marquis de Tomsk" proves extremely difficult to describe because it combines the features of several literary genres. The analysis shows that the writer included in his book elements of historical novel, adventure novel and picaresque romance. He also used techniques and themes typical of the poetics of sentimentality. The plot centres on a series of episodes from the life of the characters, both such that have their historical prototypes and fictional ones. The writer relied on historical sources but also described in the novel interesting characters and events, taking into account their attractiveness to potential recipients. Klimychev foregrounded adventurous stories and made love intrigue an important element of the plot. All these components allow us to conclude that the book under discussion is a historical novel with features of picaresque romance

    Humor as a Means of Stratifying the Internet Community

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    ArtykuƂ pokazuje sposoby uĆŒycia humoru do stratyfikacji spoƂecznoƛci uĆŒytkownikĂłw internetu. Autor wymienia rĂłĆŒne typy tekstĂłw humory- stycznych. Analizuje je jako wyznaczniki istniejących podziaƂów oraz jako potencjalne czynniki klasyfikujące

    Language in Action

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    A review of "Reinterpreting Gesture as Language. Language 'in Action'"
