76 research outputs found

    Optimization approaches to dispensary observation of patients with polymorbid pathology on the metabolic syndrome background

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    Development of new approaches to the implementation of dispensary observation (DO) of patients with polymorbid pathology against the background of the metabolic syndrome (MS) and the evaluation of their efficiency were considere

    Endoscopic Drainage of the Pancreatic Pseudocyst through the Stomach or Duodenal Wall

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    In the article we have presented early outcome and long-term outcome of the usage of various methods of endoscopic drainage of the pancreatic pseudocyst through the stomach or duodenal wall in 56 patient

    Endoscopic biliary stenting for post-cholecystectomy bile leaks

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    This paper deals analyzes the treatment experience of 15 patients with bile leakage after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. All patients have undergone endoscopic transpapillary interventions in the bile ducts, including a retrograde cholangiography, papillotomy, biliary stenting, either individually or in combination with traditional surger

    Bile a-Amylase and Lipase - Possible Predictors of Acute Pancreatitis in Case of Bile Duct Stone Impacted at the Major Duodenal Papilla

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    The results of diagnostics and treatment of 102 patients with bile duct stone impacted at the major duodenal papilla were subject to analysis. The obtained results demonstrate that the level of bile α-amylase and lipase may serve as a predictor of acute biliary pancreatitis progressio

    Diagnostics and Treatment of Acute Biliary Pancreatitis

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    The authors have suggested a new diagnostic algorithm to be applied in case of impacted bile duct stone of major duodenal papilla, based on prognosis of acute pancreatitis according to results of analysis of biochemical bile marker

    Quantitative Estimation of Logging Residues by Line-Intersect Method

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    Line intersect sampling (LIS) is a method used for quantifying forest residues after logging operations. In conventional LIS theory, forest residues are considered as separate pieces of cylindrical shape, they occur horizontally, and are randomly orientated and randomly distributed. In the case of cut-to-length (CTL) logging operation, forest residues represent separate clusters, consisting of pieces of branches, twigs, tips, etc. So the application of the conventional LIS theory for quantifying forest residues after CTL logging is difficult. The purpose of the article was to assess the accuracy of the modified LIS method for quantifying forest residues after CTL logging. The studies were conducted by computer simulations. In the models, the forest residues are represented as clusters in the form of circles. The laws of distribution of the radius of the clusters and their position in the plot were determined by field measurements. In the simulations, 4 types of clusters were considered: Þ type 1 – clusters uniformly distributed within the entire cutting area (Fig. 7) Þ type 2 – clusters uniformly distributed along the X-axis and five stripes on the Y-axis (Fig. 8) Þ type 3 – clusters uniformly distributed along the X-axis and three stripes on the Y-axis (Fig. 9) Þ type 4 – clusters uniformly distributed along the X-axis and one stripes on the Y-axis (Fig. 10) It was determined through simulation that the formula of the modified LIS method estimatedappropriately forest residues after CTL logging. According to the results of simulation experiments,it was found that when the location of the lines of sample are across the area of Fig.7, 8 (across the stripes with clusters), the results are in good agreement with the theoreticalformulas. Differences are within error of 20%

    Simulation Studies on Line Intersect Sampling of Residues Left After Cut-to-Length Logging

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    Upon carrying out logging, residues remain in the cutting area. Logging residues are an additional source of wood raw material for the production of fuel chips to be used in bioenergetics. In order to plan the logging residues collection and processing technology, it is necessary to gather information on the amount of this type of waste and its distribution within the cutting area. The article deals with the line intersect (LIS) method. The aim of this article was to assess the accuracy of the LIS method for quantifying logging residues after cut-to-length logging (CTL), uniformly distributed within the technology traffic lanes (strips) of width b on the cutting area of arbitrary shape S. The studies were conducted using computer simulations. In the models, logging residues are represented as clusters in the form of circles. The laws of distribution of the radius of the clusters and their position in the plot were determined by field measurements. In the simulations, clusters uniformly distributed along the X-axis and stripes on the Y-axis were considered. The samples of lines were the set of lines of different length and mutually perpendicular and parallel to the coordinate axes X, Y. In the simulations, four types of stripes were considered with a different angle to the Y-axis. Type 1 – angle = 0°, type 2 – angle = 15°, type 3 angle = 30°, type 4 – angle = 45°. It was determined through simulation that the estimated mean radius of the clusters is greater by 24% than the true mean radius. The LIS method formula is appropriate for estimating the amount of forest residues after CTL logging provided the true mean radius is taken. According to the results of simulation experiments, it was found that the results are in good agreement with the theoretical formulas if the location of the sample lines is mutually perpendicular and parallel to the coordinate axes X, Y of the area. Differences remain within the limits of 20% error

    Design of pilot training for craft occupations in the northern region

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    The place and role of artisan education and artisan occupations in the contemporary society are analysed in scientific article "Adaptation of european model of artisan education to conditions of north region of Russia". Accumulated in Russia in recent years, German experience of experimental personnel training for small artisan companies is analysed, as well as peculiarities of its using in north regions of the country. Given results and conclusions may influence on the development strategy of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug system of professional education.В статье рассматриваются место и роль ремесленной деятельности и ремесленного образования в современном обществе. Анализируется немецкий опыт реализации экспериментальной подготовки кадров для малых предприятий ремесленного профиля, накопленный за последние годы в России, а также особенности его использования в северных регионах страны. Мультипликация представленной модели ремесленного образования может оказать влияние на стратегию развития системы профессионального образования Ямало-Ненецкого автономного округа

    A case report of successful endovascular treatment of "sentinel bleeding" in patient with adverse anatomy

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    Surgical treatment of pancreatic cancer, has a high risk of postoperative complications (up to 30-70%) due to its difficulty, one of such undesirable outcomes is bleeding (up to 10% of all post PDE complication. Since 1991, a non-fatal gastrointestinal bleeding or bleeding through drainage that follows PDE, is called - “sentinel bleeding”; and it is a predictor of further massive fatal bleedin

    Endoscopic surgical interventions in the treatment of periampullary cancer

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    In this paper retrospective treatment result analysis of 386 patients with periampullary cancer, complications are carried out by obstructive jaundice. Patients were organized into two groups: the first group patients to whom traditional surgical interventions were applied, and entered the second – treated with endoscopic transpapillary surgeries. We have shown that at the nonresectable cancer of bodies of a pancreatoduodenal zone complicated by obstructive jaundice, endoscopic transpapillary interventions are the main method of decompression of a biliary tree, thus allowing complete avoidance of traditional surgical intervention