111 research outputs found

    In situ ac Stark shift detection in light storage spectroscopy

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    We report on a method for measuring ac Stark shifts observed in stored light experiments while simultaneously determining the energetic splitting between the electronic ground states involved in the two-photon transition. To this end, we make use of the frequency matching effect in light storage spectroscopy. We find a linear dependence on the intensity of the control field applied during the retrieval phase of the experiment. At the same time, we observe that the light shift is insensitive to the intensity of the signal field which is in contrast to continuously operated electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) or coherent population trapping (CPT) experiments, where the light shifts induced by all participating optical fields have to be taken into account. Our results may be of importance for future precision measurements in addition to or in combination with current EIT and CPT-type devices which are largely compatible with our approach and could benefit from the inherent robustness regarding operational conditions, shape of the resonances or intensity fluctuations in the signal field

    Deflection of Slow Light by Magneto-Optically Controlled Atomic Media

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    We present a semi-classical theory for light deflection by a coherent Λ\Lambda-type three-level atomic medium in an inhomogeneous magnetic field or an inhomogeneous control laser. When the atomic energy levels (or the Rabi coupling by the control laser) are position-dependent due to the Zeeman effect by the inhomogeneous magnetic field (or the inhomogeneity of the control field profile), the spatial dependence of the refraction index of the atomic medium will result in an observable deflection of slow signal light when the electromagnetically induced transparency happens to avoid medium absorption. Our theoretical approach based on Fermat's principle in geometrical optics not only provides a consistent explanation for the most recent experiment in a straightforward way, but also predicts the new effects for the slow signal light deflection by the atomic media in an inhomogeneous off-resonant control laser field.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure


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    The article characterizes the relationship between capital investments and corporate income tax preferences. It determines the low potential of the benefits from the corporate tax preferences in the financial investments of economic entities. The article proves that tax deduction of the personal income tax significantly affects the financial investments of individuals and investment in the development of human capital. Based on the calculation of correlation indicators, the article determines that it is worth paying attention to the mechanism of tax incentives for individuals' investment activity as to the only real incentive to invest for the population. The article emphasizes that the question of the effectiveness of preferential taxation has always been in the focus of theoretical research and practical measures, as it causes the non-receipt of certain sums to budgets of different levels and, at first glance, seems ineffective. The study expresses the view that it is unreasonable to cancel tax privileges. In particular, tax exemptions for VAT, in addition to mitigating its regressive impact on less affluent and socially vulnerable segments of the population, stimulate investment.The article mathematically grounds and systematizes the indicators of regression dependence between the size of tax privileges and capital and financial investment, and investment in the development of human capital. The article determines that in general the size of tax privileges does not affect the volume of tax revenues and does not lead to the significant losses of the state budget. Taking this into account, VAT and land tax deductions for agricultural producers, aircraft, shipbuilding and other strategically important industries need to be preserved and optimized in order to eliminate tax evasion practices. The potential of corporate income tax benefits is not utilized and it does not stimulate the capital investment of legal entities. The article suggests the list of measures for its optimization.Охарактеризованы зависимость между капитальными инвестициями и льготами по налогу на прибыль предприятий. Определены низкий потенциал льгот по налогу на прибыль предприятий в финансовых инвестициях субъектов хозяйствования. Доказано, что налоговая скидка с налога на доходы физических лиц в значительной степени влияет на финансовые инвестиции физических лиц и инвестиции в развитие человеческого капитала. На основе расчета корреляционных показателей определено, что следует уделить внимание механизму налогового стимулирования инвестиционной деятельности физических лиц как единому реальному стимулу к осуществлению инвестиций населением. Отмечено, что вопрос эффективности льготного налогообложения всегда находился в поле зрения теоретических исследований и практических мероприятий, поскольку они оговаривали недопоступления определенных сумм в бюджеты различных уровней и, на первый взгляд кажутся неэффективными. В исследовании высказано мнение, что однозначно не стоит отменять налоговые льготы. В частности, налоговые льготы по НДС, кроме того, направленных на ослабление его регрессионного влияния на менее состоятельных и социально незащищенных слоев населения, стимулируют инвестиции.Математически обоснованно и систематизировано показатели регрессионной зависимости между размерами налоговых льгот и капитальными, финансовыми и инвестициями в развитие человеческого капитала. Определено, что в целом размер налоговых льгот не влияет на объемы налоговых поступлений, а также не приводит к значительным потерям госбюджета. Учитывая это, налоговые льготы по НДС и плату за землю сельскохозяйственным производителям, самолето-, судостроению и другим стратегически важным отраслям необходимо оставить и оптимизировать с целью устранения практики уклонения от налогообложения. Потенциал льгот по налогу на прибыль предприятий не использован и не является стимулятором для капитальных инвестиций юридических лиц. Предложен перечень мер по их оптимизации.Oхарактеризовано залежність між капітальними інвестиціями та пільгами з податку на прибуток підприємств. Визначено низький потенціал пільг з податку на прибуток підприємств у фінансових інвестиціях суб’єктів господарювання. Доведено, що податкова знижка з податку на доходи фізичних осіб значною мірою впливає на фінансові інвестиції фізичних осіб та інвестиції в розвиток людського капіталу. На основі розрахунку кореляційних показників визначено, що варто приділити увагу механізму податкового стимулювання інвестиційної діяльності фізичних осіб як єдиному реальному стимулу до здійснення інвестицій населенням. Наголошено, що питання ефективності пільгового оподаткування завжди перебувало в полі зору теоретичних досліджень і практичних заходів, позаяк вони обумовлювали недонадходження певних сум до бюджетів різних рівнів і, на перший погляд видаються неефективними. У дослідженні висловлено думку, що однозначно не варто скасовувати податкові пільги. Зокрема, податкові пільги з ПДВ, окрім того, що спрямовані на послаблення його регресійного впливу на менш заможних і соціально незахищених верств населення, стимулюють інвестиції.Математично обґрунтовано і систематизовано показники регресійної залежності між розмірами податкових пільг та капітальними, фінансовими і інвестиціями в розвиток людського капіталу. Визначено, що в цілому розмір податкових пільг не впливає на обсяги податкових надходжень і не призводить до значних втрат держбюджету. З огляду на це податкові пільги з ПДВ і плати за землю сільськогосподарським виробникам, літако-, суднобудуванню та іншим стратегічноважливим галузям потрібно залишити та оптимізувати з метою усунення практики ухилення від оподаткування. Потенціал пільг з податку на прибуток підприємств не використаний і не є стимулятором для капітальних інвестицій юридичних осіб. Запропоновано перелік заходів для їх оптимізації

    The Big Ten IPE Academic Alliance: A regional approach to developing Interprofessional Education and practice

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    Interprofessional practice and education (IPE) efforts has greatly increased in the past few years, primarily through the leadership of several national and international organizations. These organizations have sponsored forums for information exchange and best practices, which has significantly influenced the development of programs across various educational institutions and practice environments. Several regional groups have emerged, organized around a common purpose and geographic proximity, to share ideas and implement new IPE programs across the cooperating organizations. This article describes the history and growth of one of the newer regional groups, the Big Ten IPE Academic Alliance. Included in this discussion is how the group was created, its governing structure and the various results of its efforts. The intent is to provide expanded guidance how to develop regional groups that are effective vehicles for the successful implementation of IPE within educational and health settings

    The Importance and Potential Value of a Regional Midsize Arthropod Collection: An Example of IBULC

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    During the last three centuries, people involved in natural history sciences have produced thousands of natural history collections worldwide. Specimens have been used for scientific proof of various discoveries and for gaining new knowledge in many disciplines of science not only in the area of biodiversity but also in taxonomy, species biology and ecology, parasitology, evolution, organisms’ responses to climate change, nature conservation and many other biological sub-disciplines. Despite never-ending financial struggles, the world’s largest collections as well as many regional midsize collections contain billions of specimens. This provides an enormous database for present and future studies. This article presents a critical description of the material of the Institute of Biology, University of Latvia collection (IBULC) containing roughly 59,000 identified arthropod individuals of about 3,700 species, including twenty-eight primary types as a part of around ninety type specimens, to illustrate the importance of midsize regional natural history collections in detail.Some Rights Reserved. Public Licensed Material: Available under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The use of this material is permitted for non-commercial use provided the creator(s) and publisher receive attribution. No derivatives of this version are permitted. Official terms of this public license apply as indicated here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/legalcod

    From Anderson to anomalous localization in cold atomic gases with effective spin-orbit coupling

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    We study the dynamics of a one-dimensional spin-orbit coupled Schrodinger particle with two internal components moving in a random potential. We show that this model can be implemented by the interaction of cold atoms with external lasers and additional Zeeman and Stark shifts. By direct numerical simulations a crossover from an exponential Anderson-type localization to an anomalous power-law behavior of the intensity correlation is found when the spin-orbit coupling becomes large. The power-law behavior is connected to a Dyson singularity in the density of states emerging at zero energy when the system approaches the quasi-relativistic limit of the random mass Dirac model. We discuss conditions under which the crossover is observable in an experiment with ultracold atoms and construct explicitly the zero-energy state, thus proving its existence under proper conditions.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figure

    One-dimensional array of ion chains coupled to an optical cavity

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    We present a novel system where an optical cavity is integrated with a microfabricated planar-electrode ion trap. The trap electrodes produce a tunable periodic potential allowing the trapping of up to 50 separate ion chains aligned with the cavity and spaced by 160 μm in a one-dimensional array along the cavity axis. Each chain can contain up to 20 individually addressable Yb+ ions coupled to the cavity mode. We demonstrate deterministic distribution of ions between the sites of the electrostatic periodic potential and control of the ion–cavity coupling. The measured strength of this coupling should allow access to the strong collective coupling regime with lesssim10 ions. The optical cavity could serve as a quantum information bus between ions or be used to generate a strong wavelength-scale periodic optical potential.United States. Army Research OfficeNational Science Foundation (U.S.)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship Program (0645960)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Interdisciplinary Quantum Information Science and Engineering (iQuISE) Program 0801525

    The Synthesis Telescope at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory

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    We describe an aperture synthesis radio telescope optimized for studies of the Galactic interstellar medium (ISM), providing the ability to image extended structures with high angular resolution over wide fields. The telescope produces images of atomic hydrogen emission using the 21-cm HI spectral line, and, simultaneously, continuum emission in two bands centred at 1420 MHz and 408 MHz, including linearly polarized emission at 1420 MHz, with synthesized beams of 1 degree and 3.4 degrees at the respective frequencies.Comment: Accepted for publication by Astronomy and Astrophysics, Supplement Serie