17 research outputs found

    Arena of traits: The writings of Carl von Martius and Francisco Freire Alemão in the composition of a national historiography

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    Partindo das afinidades intelectuais entre os botânicos Carl Friedrich von Martius e Francisco Freire Alemão, este artigo tem como propósito investigar o papel da escrita da história preconizado por Martius na formatação de um projeto histórico e ideológico para a nação brasileira. Num período em que a intelectualidade se debruçava sobre a possibilidade de estabelecer marcos históricos para uma nação neófita à luz da cultura oitocentista, Martius defende que a natureza seria a chave de leitura para entender as descontinuidades nas experiências do tempo e de civilidade nos trópicos. Num período em que as viagens exploratórias ao Novo Mundo tinham um relevante papel econômico, político e estratégico, o envio de uma comissão formada exclusivamente por cientistas brasileiros ao interior do Brasil evoca a busca na inserção no conjunto de nações civilizadas. O relato dessa viagem, feito por Freire Alemão, demonstra o poder da escrita como operador discursivo, ao organizar visões e sentidos numa narrativa que busca integrar os sertões ao restante do Império brasileiro.Palavras-chave: escrita da história, relato de viagem, cultura oitocentista.Starting from the intellectual affinities among botanists Carl Friedrich von Martius and Francisco Freire Alemão, this article aims to investigate the role of the history writing advocated by Martius in formatting a historical and ideological project to the Brazilian nation. In a period in which the intelligentsia focused on the possibility of establishing landmarks for an emerging nation in the light of nineteenth-century culture, Martius argues that nature would be the reading key to understand the discontinuities in the experiences of time and civility in the tropics. In a period in which the exploratory voyages to the New World had an important economic role, politically and strategically, sending a committee formed exclusively by Brazilian scientists to the interior of Brazil conjures up the search for insertion in the set of civilized nations. The account of this journey, made by Freire Alemão, demonstrates the power of writing as a discursive operator as it arranges viewings and senses in a narrative that seeks to integrate the hinterlands to the rest of the Brazilian empire.Keywords: history writing, travel report, nineteenth-century culture

    Arena de traços: os escritos de Carl Von Martius e Francisco Freire Alemão na composição de uma historiografia nacional

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    Starting from the intellectual affinities among botanists Carl Friedrich von Martius and Francisco Freire Alemão, this article aims to investigate the role of the history writing advocated by Martius in formatting a historical and ideological project to the Brazilian nation. In a period in which the intelligentsia focused on the possibility of establishing landmarks for an emerging nation in the light of nineteenth-century culture, Martius argues that nature would be the reading key to understand the discontinuities in the experiences of time and civility in the tropics. In a period in which the exploratory voyages to the New World had an important economic role, politically and strategically, sending a committee formed exclusively by Brazilian scientists to the interior of Brazil conjures up the search for insertion in the set of civilized nations. The account of this journey, made by Freire Alemão, demonstrates the power of writing as a discursive operator as it arranges viewings and senses in a narrative that seeks to integrate the hinterlands to the rest of the Brazilian empire.Keywords: history writing, travel report, nineteenth-century culture.Partindo das afinidades intelectuais entre os botânicos Carl Friedrich von Martius e Francisco Freire Alemão, este artigo tem como propósito investigar o papel da escrita da história preconizado por Martius na formatação de um projeto histórico e ideológico para a nação brasileira. Num período em que a intelectualidade se debruçava sobre a possibilidade de estabelecer marcos históricos para uma nação neófita à luz da cultura oitocentista, Martius defende que a natureza seria a chave de leitura para entender as descontinuidades nas experiências do tempo e de civilidade nos trópicos. Num período em que as viagens exploratórias ao Novo Mundo tinham um relevante papel econômico, político e estratégico, o envio de uma comissão formada exclusivamente por cientistas brasileiros ao interior do Brasil evoca a busca na inserção no conjunto de nações civilizadas. O relato dessa viagem, feito por Freire Alemão, demonstra o poder da escrita como operador discursivo, ao organizar visões e sentidos numa narrativa que busca integrar os sertões ao restante do Império brasileiro.Palavras-chave: escrita da história, relato de viagem, cultura oitocentista

    1.12 Selection matrix for Brazilian bee species to risk assessment of pesticides

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    Many countries are using honeybee (Apis mellifera) as a surrogate to evaluate the risk of pesticides to all bee species. However, there is uncertainty regarding the extent honey bees can be used as surrogates for non‐Apis species in pesticides risk assessment. A selection matrix for Brazilian bee species was built to support the selection process. To be considered as a candidate representative species in the Brazilian agricultural scenario a bee should have a wide geographic distribution, and be recorded in at least 4 agricultural crops. The selection matrix provides a foundation to elect meliponines (stingless bees) as a priority group. Therefore, in the near future Ibama intends to assess the need for changes in the risk assessment procedure for bees, eventually including a stingless bee as a representative species.Many countries are using honeybee (Apis mellifera) as a surrogate to evaluate the risk of pesticides to all bee species. However, there is uncertainty regarding the extent honey bees can be used as surrogates for non‐Apis species in pesticides risk assessment. A selection matrix for Brazilian bee species was built to support the selection process. To be considered as a candidate representative species in the Brazilian agricultural scenario a bee should have a wide geographic distribution, and be recorded in at least 4 agricultural crops. The selection matrix provides a foundation to elect meliponines (stingless bees) as a priority group. Therefore, in the near future Ibama intends to assess the need for changes in the risk assessment procedure for bees, eventually including a stingless bee as a representative species

    Toxicological studies in poultry consuming fumonisin from corn contaminated with Brazilian Amazonian flora

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    The fungus Fusarium verticillioides produces fumonisins (FB1 and FB2), characterized by being the most frequently produced molecular forms and with greater toxicity. Fumonisin contamination is responsible for substantial losses during the meat production chain, so the safe levels of these compounds must be determined. The study was directed to establish safe levels of FB1 in poultry production; for this purpose, were used COBB 500® birds on experimental lots of infected corn during the 2015/2016 season in Brazil. The experimental group included 160 animals, divided into two groups: The T1 without fumonisin in the diet (control); and the T2 group in which corn was contaminated with 2.78 μg/g of fumonisin FB1. Histopathological effects of liver, heart, and small intestine, and zootechnical parameters were measured in birds treated. We found that there were no significant differences between the birds treated and untreated after 21 days of exposure to each treatment; F-values > P-values (P<0,05) for feed intake and weekly weight gain. Taken together, our data showed that the concentration evaluated is safe in poultry and will contribute to the design of future clinical studies

    Perspectivas Terapêuticas para a Doença de Parkinson: Investigando Neuroprotetores e Modificadores de Progressão

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    This review addressed advances in the development of neuroprotective and progression-modifying therapies in Parkinson's disease (PD). Literature analysis highlighted the potential of therapeutic strategies based on antioxidants, gene therapy, and other innovative approaches to slow down PD progression. The results of reviewed studies suggest that these therapies show significant promise in reducing motor symptoms and preserving dopaminergic function. However, challenges such as PD heterogeneity and lack of robust biomarkers remain significant obstacles to translating these findings into effective therapies. Ongoing research and interdisciplinary collaboration are essential to drive innovation and transform these promising therapeutic perspectives into clinical reality.Esta revisão abordou os avanços no desenvolvimento de terapias neuroprotetoras e modificadores da progressão na doença de Parkinson (DP). A análise da literatura destacou o potencial de estratégias terapêuticas baseadas em compostos antioxidantes, terapia genética e outras abordagens inovadoras para retardar a progressão da DP. Os resultados dos estudos revisados sugerem que essas terapias mostram promessas significativas na redução dos sintomas motores e na preservação da função dopaminérgica. No entanto, desafios como a heterogeneidade da DP e a falta de biomarcadores robustos permanecem obstáculos importantes para a tradução dessas descobertas em terapias eficazes. A pesquisa contínua e a colaboração interdisciplinar são essenciais para impulsionar a inovação e transformar essas promissoras perspectivas terapêuticas em realidade clínica

    Seduções da ordem: propaganda e estatuto fílmico nos documentários Triunfo da Vontade e Olympia, de Leni Riefenstahl

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    Cet article traite de l�importance du genre documentaire dans la construction de l�image de l�Allemagne hitlérienne. Dans un régime dans lequel le film a été totalement contrôlé par l�Etat, j�ai l�intention d�approfondir l�analyse sur l�état du genre documentaire et de sa relation, pas toujours bien délimités, avec d�autres modes de films, son utilisation dans la propagande nazie et essayer de définir les limites de la production filmique de Leni Riefenstahl.This article discusses the significance of the documentary genre in the construction of the image of Hitler�s Germany. In a system in wich film production was completely controlled by the state, I seek to deepen the analysis of the status of the documentary genre and its relationship, not always well demarcated, with other modes of film, its use in Nazi propaganda and I attempt to define the boundaries for Leni Riefenstahl�s film production.Este artigo busca discutir a importância e o significado do gênero documentário na construção da imagem da Alemanha hitlerista. Num regime em que a produção cinematográfica era totalmente controlada pelo Estado, busco aprofundar a análise sobre o estatuto do gênero documentário e sua relação, nem sempre bem demarcada, com os demais modos de filmar; seu uso na propaganda nazista e a tentativa de se demarcar os limites em relação à produção fílmica de Leni Riefenstahl.En este artículo se discute la importancia del género documental en la construcción de la imagen de la Alemania de Hitler. En un sistema en que se controlaba la producción de películas totalmente por el Estado, mi intenció es profundizar el análisis sobre la situación del género documental y su relación, no siempre bien delimitada, con otros modos de grabación en película, su uso en la propaganda Nazi y intento marcar los límites para la producción fílmica de Leni Riefenstahl

    A seiva e o traço: história, natureza e narrativa no diário de viagem de Francisco Freire Alemão (1859-1861)

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    A seiva e o traço: história, natureza e narrativano diário de viagem de Francisco FreireAlemão (1859-1861