54 research outputs found

    Myofascial Trigger Points Therapy Modifies Thermal Map of Gluteal Region

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    Background. (ermal imaging may be effectively used in musculoskeletal system diagnostics and therapy evaluation; thus, it may be successfully applied in myofascial trigger points assessment. Objective. Investigation of thermal pattern changes after myofascial trigger points progressive compression therapy in healthy males and females. Methods. (e study included 30 healthy people (15 females and 15 males) with age range 19–34 years (mean age: 23.1 ± 4.21). (ermograms of myofascial trigger points were taken pre- and posttherapy and consecutively in the 15th and 30th minutes. Pain reproducible by palpation intensity was assessed with numeric rating scale. Results. Progressive compression therapy leads to myofascial trigger points temperature (p 0.02) and surface (p 0.01) in males. In females no statistically significant changes were observed. Manual treatment leads to a decrease in intensity of pain reproducible by palpation in males (p 0.03) and females (p 0.048). Conclusions. (e study indicates that myofascial trigger points reaction to applied therapy spreads in time and space and depends on participants’ sex

    Effects of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Field on Oxidative Stress in Selected Structures of the Central Nervous System

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of a 28-day exposure to a 50 Hz electromagnetic field of 10 kV/m on the oxidative stress in selected rat central nervous system (CNS) structures. Material and Methods. Twenty male Wistar rats served as experimental subjects. Ten rats were exposed to an electromagnetic field with a frequency of 50 Hz, intensity of 10 kV/m, and magnetic induction of 4.3 pT for 22 hours a day. The control group of ten rats was subject to sham exposure. Homogenates of the frontal cortex, hippocampus, brainstem, hypothalamus, striatum, and cerebellum were evaluated for selected parameters of oxidative stress. Results. Following the four-week exposure to a low-frequency electromagnetic field, the mean malondialdehyde levels and total oxidant status of CNS structures did not differ significantly between the experimental and control groups. However, the activities of antioxidant enzymes in brain structure homogenates were decreased except for frontal cortex catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and hippocampal glutathione reductase. The low-frequency electromagnetic field had no effect on the nonenzymatic antioxidant system of the examined brain structures except for the frontal cortex. Conclusion. The four-week exposure of male rats to a low-frequency electromagnetic field did not affect oxidative stress in the investigated brain structures

    Increased levels of oxidative stress markers, soluble CD40 ligand, and carotid intima-media thickness reflect acceleration of atherosclerosis in male patients with ankylosing spondylitis in active phase and without the classical cardiovascular R

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    Objective. The primary aim of the study was to assess levels of oxidative stress markers, soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L), serum pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A), and placental growth factor (PlGF) as well as carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) with active phase without concomitant classical cardiovascular risk factors. Material and methods. The observational study involved 96 male subjects: 48 AS patients and 48 healthy ones, who did not differ significantly regarding age, BMI, comorbid disorders, and distribution of classical cardiovascular risk factors. In both groups, we estimated levels of oxidative stress markers, lipid profile, and inflammation parameters as well as sCD40L, serum PAPP-A, and PlGF. In addition, we estimated carotid IMT in each subject. Results. The study showed that markers of oxidative stress, lipid profile, and inflammation, as well as sCD40L, PlGF, and IMT, were significantly higher in the AS group compared to the healthy group. Conclusion. Our results demonstrate that ankylosing spondylitis may be associated with increased risk for atherosclerosis

    Two cases of dysplasia in heterotopic gastric mucosa in upper oesophagus

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    Ektopowa (heterotopowa) błona śluzowa żołądka w górnej części przełyku (HGMUE, heterotopic gastric mucosa in upper esophagus), często opisowo określana w piśmiennictwie jako „plama na wejściu” („inlet patch”), jest dostrzegana bezpośrednio pod górnym zwieraczem przełyku podczas powolnego wycofywania endoskopu ze zmienną częstotliwością od 0,1 do 10%. Wydaje się, że znaczenie kliniczne tej najczęściej bezobjawowej anomalii jest niedoceniane. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono 2 przypadki dysplazji w obrębie makroskopowo typowej HGMUE, poruszając problem potencjalnej transformacji nowotworowej tej wrodzonej zmiany. Opisy przypadków 1. U 65-letniej pacjentki w badaniu endoskopowym stwierdzono w górnej części przełyku wygładzony, nieco zapadnięty obszar zaczerwienionej i połyskliwej błony śluzowej o wymiarach około 20 × 20 mm i ostrych granicach, wysuwając podejrzenie ektopii błony śluzowej żołądka w górnej części przełyku. W badaniu histopatologicznym stwierdzono ognisko dysplazji w obrębie HGMUE. 2. U drugiej, również 65-letniej chorej, po 2 tygodniach leczenia nadżerkowego zapalenia przełyku (Los Angeles) w badaniu kontrolnym stwierdzono wygojenie nadżerek, natomiast przy powolnym wycofywaniu endoskopu uwidoczniono bezpośrednio pod górnym zwieraczem przełyku dobrze ograniczone 2 obszary zmienionej w stosunku do otoczenia śluzówki, połyskliwej, wygładzonej i zaczerwienionej. W badaniu histopatologicznym rozpoznano 2 ektopie błony śluzowej żołądka w przełyku i wykryto w jednym z wycinków dysplazję małego stopnia. Wnioski: Mimo że w większości przypadków ektopia błony śluzowej żołądka pozostaje anomalią asymptomatyczną, to przedstawione 2 przypadki pacjentek z dysplazją w jej obrębie wskazują na możliwość transformacji nowotworowej.Ectopic (heterotopic) gastric mucosa in the upper esophagus (HGMUE), frequently referred to as an “inlet patch” in the literature, is visible directly under the upper oesophageal sphincter during a slow retraction of an endoscope with a variable frequency ranging from 0.1 to 10%. It seems that the clinical significance of this anomaly, most frequently asymptomatic, remains underestimated. By presenting 2 cases of dysplasia within the macroscopically typical HGMUE in this paper we would like to bring up the important problem of potential neoplastic transformation of this congenital change. Case study 1. An endoscopic examination carried out on a 65 year old female patient, complaining of a recurrence of heavy heartburn, discomfort in the epigastrum and other ailments of a dyspeptic character, revealed a slightly collapsed smooth area of reddened and shiny mucosa sized app. 20 × 20 mm, with well-marked borders, suspected to be HGMUE. Results of histopathological examination of the specimen collected in the upper oesophagus disclosed a focus of low grade dysplasia in the heterotopic gastric mucosa. 2. The second patient, also a 65 year old female, was treated for esophagitis erosiva (Los Angeles). A supervisory endoscopic examination carried out after 2 weeks of intensive conservative treatment, introduced with lansoprazole in a dose 2 × 30 mg, revealed almost completely healed erosions. However, it also revealed two well-defined, shiny, smooth and reddened areas of mucosa, different comparing to their surroundings, just below the upper oesophageal sphincter during a slow retraction of the endoscope. Results of the histopathological examination of the bifocal change of the mucosa revealed two ectopies. One of them contained a focus of low grade dysplasia. Conclusion: Despite the fact, that most HGMUE lesions remain asymptomatic anomalies, the two above-presented cases of patients with dysplasia in heterotopic gastric mucosa indicate the possibility of neoplastic transformation

    How to use thermal imaging in venous insufficiency?

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    This paper is intended to provide studies performer on usefulness of thermal imaging for the insufficiency of superficial veins in the lower limbs. The results are a continuation of the previous research and show a new way of analysis and better correlation between standard methods of parameters like duplex ultrasonography and parameters derived from thermal imaging. In particular promised seems to be using the mean whole limb temperaturę of healthy volunteers at a proper age as a threshold to count the isotherm area, and in isotherm analysis should be taken for the whole lower limb—the sum of thermal images from anterior and posterior views (Method II). The study was performed by the use of a Thermovision E60 camera by Flir Systems. All studies (duplex ultrasonography as well as thermal imaging) were performed in a research room with a stabilized temperature on two groups of patients, a group of healthy people and patients suffering from chronic venous disease. During the study, the correlation parameters were obtained with ultrasound and thermal parameters. The results showed that temperaturę changes observed in the lower extremities of the thermal skin map are associated with a healthy state of blood supply which might be connected with blood stasis, inflammatory states and swelling that occurs in the soft tissues. We found the mean and higher correlations between thermal and ultrasound parameters, for example, a good positive correlation (r = 0.63) between the thermal range to the total limb length radio and the range of reflux was obtained. The correlation between thermal imaging parameters and duplex ultrasound parameters may show that thermovision is an extremely promising method, and it can be useful in the screening of diagnosis of superficial vein insufficiency

    Polyp of jejunum detected by endoscopy as a reason of chronic anemia in a patient with polyps of stomach. A case report

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    Wstęp: Polipy jelita cienkiego stanowią bardzo rzadką patologię i równie rzadko są przyczyną krwawienia w obrębie przewodu pokarmowego. Opis przypadku: Przedstawiono przypadek chorego z przewlekłą niedokrwistością, okresowo zaostrzającą się, wymagającą wielokrotnych przetoczeń masy erytrocytarnej i suplementacji żelaza, u którego rozpoznano endoskopowo dużego polipa hiperplastycznego w jelicie czczym jako źródło przewlekłego krwawienia do przewodu pokarmowego. Wnioski: Polipy w jelicie czczym mogą być rzadką przyczyną przewlekłych krwawień do przewodu pokarmowego. Aby znaleźć miejsce krwawienia, wykonuje się badanie endoskopowe górnego odcinka przewodu pokarmowego. W badaniu tym należy także ocenić jelito znajdujące się poza częścią zstępującą dwunastnicy, najdalej jak tylko jest to możliwe w zasięgu endoskopu.Background: Polyps of the small intestine are a very rare pathology and they are also a reason for rare gastrointestinal bleeding. Case report: A case of a patient with chronic anemia, periodically becoming aggravated requiring multiple blood transfusions and iron supplementation, with a large hyperplastic polyp of jejunum detected by endoscopy as a source of chronic gastrointestinal bleeding, is described. Conclusions: Polyps of the small intestine can be a rare reason for gastrointestinal bleeding. A gastrointestinal upper endoscopy should be performed in every case of searching for gastrointestinal bleeding, with an attempt to estimate the small intestine beside the descendent part of the duodenum as far as possible

    Does local cryotherapy improve thermal diagnosis similar to whole-body cryotherapy in spinal diseases?

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    Thermal imaging has been used for patients with spinal diseases who were qualified by their physicians for whole-body treatment or local cryotherapy. The experimental groups of patients consisted of 20 males aged 51.6 ± 9.0 (12 treated by whole-body cryotherapy and 8 by local cryotherapy). The distribution of the skin surface temperature was monitored by using a Thermovision Camera E60 before and immediately after body cooling. The chosen spinal region (Th5/Th6–L5/S1) was taken into consideration for all of the research groups. An essential drop in skin temperature and a better differentiation of the body surface temperatures (leading to an increase in the diagnostic value of thermography) was observed after both methods of cold impact. In order to estimate the usefulness of thermovision used after body cooling, the quantitative parameters including temperature contrast—the difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures before and after cold impact and relative contrast ratio (related to the average temperature of the selected area of interest, before and after cooling, respectively)—were compared for both kinds of medical treatment. The statistical analysis proved that significant differences between the parameters obtained before and after body cooling in the case that patients treated by local and whole-body cryotherapy are similar. However, local therapy is cheaper and easy for application while whole-body therapy can give more information about the state of soft tissues for the whole back

    Whole-body cryostimulation as an effective method of reducing oxidative stress in healthy men

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    Background. Whole-body cryostimulation (WBC) is the therapeutic exposure of the total human body (without underwear) to a very low temperature (below –100°C) for 120–180 s. Currently, WBC is used more frequently not only in the treatment of patients suffering from various diseases, but also by healthy people as a wellness method. Objectives. The aim of this research is to evaluate the impact of WBC procedures on oxidative stress parameters in healthy men. Material and Methods. The study involved 32 healthy male subjects who were randomly divided into 2 groups: 16 men exposed to WBC procedures with subsequent kinesiotherapy (WBC group) and 16 men exposed only to kinesiotherapy procedures (KT group). Depending on the group, the subjects were exposed to 10 daily WBC procedures lasting 3 min, with a subsequent 60-min of kinesiotherapy, or exclusively to kinesiotherapy. In subjects from both groups, a day before the beginning of a cycle of treatment and a day after its completion, the level of selected indicators of oxidative stress and non-enzymatic antioxidants, as well as the activity of antioxidant enzymes in serum, plasma and erythrocyte lysates were determined. Results. In the WBC group subjects, we recorded a statistically significant decrease in the concentrations of most of the parameters of oxidative stress with an accompanying increase in plasma concentrations of non-enzymatic antioxidants (total antioxidant status and uric acid). We recorded no significant changes in the activities of antioxidant enzymes (plasma total superoxide dismutase (SOD) and its isoenzymes SOD-Mn and SOD-ZnCu, erythrocyte catalase, glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase). Conclusions. The results we obtained confirmed that WBC decreases oxidative stress in healthy men (Adv Clin Exp Med 2016, 25, 6, 1281–1291)

    Czynniki charakterystyczne dla tętniaka aorty brzusznej i jego potencjalne biomarkery

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    Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a multifactorial and asymptomatic disorder with high mortality. Numerous factors inducing AAA have been postulated, but so far no key factor with a molecular, genetic or environmental basis has been identified that would contribute to the formation of an aneurysm. Damage to the structure of the extracellular matrix, apoptosis of the vascular smooth muscle cells and endothelial cells through degenerative factors induces the process of aneurysm formation in the vessel wall. This process is accompanied by a progressive inflammatory process. The test that allows the detection of AAA is abdominal ultrasonography. However, this is not a routine screening test performed for all individuals, and therefore AAA is usually diagnosed at a very advanced stage of the disease that threatens the patient’s life. The only medical procedure in AAA is surgical treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to identify molecular processes, AAA biomarkers and genes responsible for the mechanism of aneurysm formation. This would enable faster and more effective initiation of the treatment process.Tętniak aorty brzusznej (AAA) jest schorzeniem wieloczynnikowym i bezobjawowym, charakteryzującym się wysoką śmiertelnością pacjentów. Istnieje wiele indukujących go czynników, ale do tej pory nie zidentyfikowano jednego kluczowego, o podłożu molekularnym, genetycznym czy środowiskowym, który przyczynia się do powstania tętniaka. Uszkodzenie struktury macierzy zewnątrzkomórkowej, apoptoza komórek mięśni gładkich ściany naczynia i komórek śródbłonkowych poprzez czynniki degeneracyjne indukuje proces tworzenia tętniaka w ścianie naczynia. Towarzyszy temu postępujący proces zapalny. Badaniem pozwalającym na wykrycie AAA jest ultrasonografia jamy brzusznej. Nie jest to jednak rutynowe badanie przesiewowe wykonywane u wszystkich osób, dlatego do zdiagnozowania AAA dochodzi w bardzo zaawansowanym stadium choroby, co zagraża życiu pacjenta. Jedynym medycznym postępowaniem w tym przypadku pozostaje zabieg chirurgiczny, dlatego koniecznym wydaje się poznanie procesów molekularnych, biomarkerów AAA oraz genów odpowiedzialnych za mechanizm powstawania tętniaków. Umożliwiłoby to szybszą i efektywniejszą diagnostykę, a tym samym zapoczątkowałoby proces leczenia