9 research outputs found

    Sytuacja singapurskiej społeczności LGBT

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    W artykule przedstawiono sposób postrzegania mniejszości homoseksualnej w Singapurze. Sięgnięto do historii obecności Imperium Brytyjskiego w Azji Południowo-Wschodniej oraz opisano obecną sytuację dotyczącą praw społeczności LGBT. Ukazano przemiany prawne związane z akceptacją osób należących do mniejszości seksualnych. Artykuł przedstawia przeszłość państwa-miasta oraz jego kodeks prawny, a także opisuje podejmowane przez aktywistów próby wpłynięcia na singapurski rząd aż do listopada 2022 roku, gdy nastąpiło zdekryminalizowanie stosunków seksualnych między mężczyznami. Analiza pokazuje, że mniejszość homoseksualna wciąż jednak mierzy się z problemami w aspekcie prawnym, choć dzięki działaniom aktywistów i rosnącej świadomości społecznej stopniowo zwiększa się poziom akceptacji homoseksualizmu w Singapurze

    Sexuality and the course of sensory processes in young adults with ASD – mutual relations and practical implications

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    Personal development and maturity are integral to sexual development and sexual maturity. Such integrity of development can be significantly disturbed by the symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). One symptom of ASD is abnormal reactions to sensory stimuli, often as a direct result of disturbing sensory integration processes. This can consequently impede a person’s ability to function socially, leading to issues of self-acceptance and acceptance of one’s sexuality. Analysis of Ayres’ (2015) Sensory Integration Theory and the results of research carried out on the sexuality of those with ASD (see below) reveals the level of interrelation between the sensory integration process and ASD subjects’ own experience of sexuality. The areas of possible consequences of these relationships for sexual guidance addressed to people with ASD are also indicated.Osiągnięcie przez osobę dojrzałości do realizowania własnej seksualności wymaga od niej zintegrowania rozwoju w zakresie seksualności z rozwojem w pozostałych sferach. Taką integralność rozwoju znacząco naruszają objawy zaburzeń z autystycznego spektrum (ASD). Jeden z symptomów ASD stanowią nieprawidłowe reakcje na bodźce sensoryczne. Są one bezpośrednim skutkiem zaburzonego przebiegu procesów integracji sensorycznej. Nieprawidłowości w przebiegu tych procesów mogą w konsekwencji utrudniać osobie funkcjonowanie w relacjach społecznych i akceptację siebie, również w zakresie własnej seksualności. Dokonana analiza teorii integracji sensorycznej (Ayres, 2015) oraz wyników badań dotyczących seksualności osób z ASD uwidacznia istnienie poziomów wzajemnych zależności między przebiegiem procesów integracji zmysłowej a przeżywaniem przez osobę z ASD własnej seksualności. Pozwala także zauważyć obszary możliwych konsekwencji tych zależności dla poradnictwa w zakresie seksualności skierowanego do osób z AS

    Situation of the Singaporean LGBT Community

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    W artykule przedstawiono sposób postrzegania mniejszości homoseksualnej w Singapurze. Sięgnięto do historii obecności Imperium Brytyjskiego w Azji Południowo-Wschodniej oraz opisano obecną sytuację dotyczącą praw społeczności LGBT. Ukazano przemiany prawne związane z akceptacją osób należących do mniejszości seksualnych. Artykuł przedstawia przeszłość państwa-miasta oraz jego kodeks prawny, a także opisuje podejmowane przez aktywistów próby wpłynięcia na singapurski rząd aż do listopada 2022 roku, gdy nastąpiło zdekryminalizowanie stosunków seksualnych między mężczyznami. Analiza pokazuje, że mniejszość homoseksualna wciąż jednak mierzy się z problemami w aspekcie prawnym, choć dzięki działaniom aktywistów i rosnącej świadomości społecznej stopniowo zwiększa się poziom akceptacji homoseksualizmu w Singapurze.The aim of this article is to present the perception of the homosexual minority in Singapore, to summarize its history dating back to the presence of the British Empire in the Southeast Asia and to describe the current situation regarding the rights of the LGBT community. Legal changes related to the acceptance of people belonging to sexual minorities will be shown. The work consists of section on the past of the city-state and its legal code and describes the attempts by activists to influence the Singaporean government until November 2022, when sexual relations between men were decriminalized. The work demonstrates that the homosexual minority still faces problems in the legal aspect, however, thanks to the activists and the increase in social awareness, it is gradually increasing the level of acceptance of homosexuality in Singapore

    Regulation of Notch1 Signalling by Long Non-Coding RNAs in Cancers and Other Health Disorders

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    Notch1 signalling plays a multifaceted role in tissue development and homeostasis. Currently, due to the pivotal role of Notch1 signalling, the relationship between NOTCH1 expression and the development of health disorders is being intensively studied. Nevertheless, Notch1 signalling is not only controlled at the transcriptional level but also by a variety of post-translational events. First is the ligand-dependent mechanical activation of NOTCH receptors and then the intracellular crosstalk with other signalling molecules—among those are long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). In this review, we provide a detailed overview of the specific role of lncRNAs in the modulation of Notch1 signalling, from expression to activity, and their connection with the development of health disorders, especially cancers

    Bioactive Compounds in Aegopodium podagraria Leaf Extracts and Their Effects against Fluoride-Modulated Oxidative Stress in the THP-1 Cell Line

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    Aegopodium podagraria L. (goutweed), a member of the Apiaceae family, is a common perennial plant found all around the world that has been used in folk medicine since antiquity. Goutweed leaves contain polyacetylenes, essential oils, mono- and sesquiterpenes, vitamins, macro- and microelements, and phenolic compounds. In spite of its many health-promoting properties, including antioxidant effects, the plant has not been thoroughly studied. The aim of this study was to investigate the antioxidant properties of different goutweed leaf extracts and their effects on the THP-1 cell line, and also to describe the chemical characteristics of goutweed. Falcarinol and falcarindiol and essential oil were determined by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Spectrophotometry was used to measure the total content of polyphenols and antioxidant activity–by DPPH and FRAP methods. Oxidative stress in THP-1 cells was induced via sodium fluoride. Then, goutweed leaf extracts were added to evaluate their influence on antioxidant potential (ABTS) and the activity of antioxidant enzymes. Confocal microscopy was used to visualise the production of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) and for in vitro imaging of apoptosis. The ethanol extracts have a high total content of polyphenols, polyacetylenes, and essential oil, as well as high antioxidant potential. The main volatiles represented diverse chemical groups, which are both oxygenated derivatives of sesquiterpenes and monoterpenes. We also demonstrated positive effects of the high antioxidant potential and increased activity of antioxidant enzymes on cell cultures under severe fluoride-induced oxidative stress. Extraction at 80 ℃ and the use of ethanol as a solvent increased the antioxidant capacity of the extract. The leaves of Aegopodium podagraria may serve as a valuable source of antioxidants in the daily diet and assist in the prevention and treatment of oxidative stress-mediated conditions, e.g., inflammatory conditions, cardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, and even obesity

    Vitamin D Status in Patients before Thyroidectomy

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    Thyroid neoplasms (tumors) are the most common pathology of the endocrine system that requires surgery, and in most cases changes are benign. The surgical treatment of thyroid neoplasms consists in total, subtotal, or one lobe excision. Our study aimed to assess the concentration of vitamin D and its metabolites in patients before thyroidectomy. The study included 167 patients with thyroid pathology. Before the thyroidectomy procedure calcidiol (25-OHD), calcitriol (1,25-(OH)2D), and vitamin D binding protein (VDBP), as well as basic biochemical parameters, were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. Data analysis showed that the cohort of patients has a significant 25-OHD deficiency and proper concentration of 1,25-(OH)2D. Before the surgery, more than 80% of patients have extreme vitamin D deficiency (<10 ng/mL), and only 4% of the study group has proper 25-OHD concentration. Patients undergoing thyroidectomy are exposed to many complications, including calcium reduction. Our research has shown that patients prior to surgery have a marked vitamin D deficiency, an indicator that may affect their subsequent convalescence and prognosis. The results suggest that determination of vitamin D levels prior to thyroidectomy may be useful for potential consideration of supplementation when vitamin D deficiency is marked and needs to be incorporated into the good clinical management of these patients

    Vitamin D Status in Patients before Thyroidectomy

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    Thyroid neoplasms (tumors) are the most common pathology of the endocrine system that requires surgery, and in most cases changes are benign. The surgical treatment of thyroid neoplasms consists in total, subtotal, or one lobe excision. Our study aimed to assess the concentration of vitamin D and its metabolites in patients before thyroidectomy. The study included 167 patients with thyroid pathology. Before the thyroidectomy procedure calcidiol (25-OHD), calcitriol (1,25-(OH)2D), and vitamin D binding protein (VDBP), as well as basic biochemical parameters, were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. Data analysis showed that the cohort of patients has a significant 25-OHD deficiency and proper concentration of 1,25-(OH)2D. Before the surgery, more than 80% of patients have extreme vitamin D deficiency (<10 ng/mL), and only 4% of the study group has proper 25-OHD concentration. Patients undergoing thyroidectomy are exposed to many complications, including calcium reduction. Our research has shown that patients prior to surgery have a marked vitamin D deficiency, an indicator that may affect their subsequent convalescence and prognosis. The results suggest that determination of vitamin D levels prior to thyroidectomy may be useful for potential consideration of supplementation when vitamin D deficiency is marked and needs to be incorporated into the good clinical management of these patients