19 research outputs found

    Evaluation of root resorption in maxillary anterior teeth during orthodontic treatment with a fixed appliance based on panoramic radiographs

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of apical root resorption in the anterior teeth of the maxilla visible on panoramic images during orthodontic treatment with a fixed appliance. Material and methods: A total of 194 panoramic radiographs of patients with a fixed appliance in the upper arch were analysed to evaluate the severity of root resorption in maxillary incisors and canines according to Levander and Malmgren classification. The research group included 135 females and 59 males, aged 15-28 years, with a mean 20.6 years. Results: Of examined patients 75.26% had signs of apical root resorption. The tooth most frequently affected by resorptive changes was the right central upper incisor. The gender and age of the patients were not found to be significant factors. The highest number of teeth had second (II) stage root resorption (53.09%). Conclusions: Panoramic radiographs can be useful in diagnosing external apical root resorption due to orthodontic treatment

    Experimental study of smog microphysical and optical vertical structure in the Silesian Beskids, Poland

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    This study presents the vertical profiles of aerosol optical and microphysical properties obtained from cable car and ground-based measurements in the Silesian Beskids, Poland. The data were collected during a measurement campaign between 25 February and March 11, 2018. An AE-51 micro-aethalometer and PMS7003 and OPC-N2 optical particle counters were mounted on the cable car and used to measure the profiles of equivalent of black carbon (eBC) concentration and aerosol size distribution. In situ measurements of the optical properties of the aerosols were obtained using an AE-31 aethalometer and photoacoustic devices. A prototype lidar was used to determine the planetary boundary layer (PBL) height and the aerosol layers. In the middle phase of the study (1–6 March 2018), significant night-time temperature inversions were observed. During the inversion period, the parameters describing the amount of aerosols in the air increased significantly. The concentration of eBC exceeded the level of 15 μg/m3 several times, with an average level of 5.39 ± 4.42 μg/m3. Conversely, the results obtained in the first and third phases of the experiment were at the level of the aerosol background, being 1.45 ± 0.88 μg/m3 and 0.90 ± 0.95 μg/m3, respectively. Significant differences were also observed in the vertical profiles of PM10 mass and eBC concentration. In the middle phase of the study, the profiles showed a significant reduction in the concentration of pollutants with height, while in the first and third phases, there were slight variations with height

    The extent of patient independence after ischemic stroke

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    StreszczenieWstęp: Udar mózgu zalicza się do jednych z najczęstszych przyczyn zgonów ludzi na świecie. Określany jest jako nieoczekiwane pojawienie się ogniskowych, bądź też uogólnionych nieprawidłowości w funkcjonowaniu mózgu. Objawy neurologiczne mogą utrzymywać się powyżej 24h lub krócej, jeśli z powodu zaburzeń funkcjonowania mózgu nastąpi śmierć osoby. Wiele osób po udarze mózgu zmaga się z niepełnosprawnością oraz innymi problemami utrudniającymi codzienne funkcjonowanie.Cel pracy: Celem pracy była weryfikacja zakresu samodzielności osoby po przebytym udarze niedokrwiennym mózgu, przedstawienie problemów zdrowotnych oraz ocena podjętych działań. Materiał i metody: W pracy zastosowano metodę indywidualnego przypadku. Wykorzystano następujące techniki badawcze: wywiad, obserwacja, skale, pomiary i analiza treści dokumentacji medycznej. Narzędzia, których użyto to: arkusz skali CDS, arkusz skali RSCL, kwestionariusz wywiadu, karty informacyjne wypisu ze szpitala, ciśnieniomierz, termometr, waga. Wyniki: Wizyty środowiskowe pozwoliły rozpoznać problemy zdrowotne pacjenta oraz postawić 10 diagnoz pielęgniarskich wraz z interwencjami, a także ocenić skuteczność podjętych działań. Rozpoznane problemy zdrowotne dotyczyły: trudności w komunikacji werbalnej, deficytu w zakresie samoopieki i samopielęgnacji, ograniczeń w zakresie poruszania się i związanego z tym ryzykiem upadków, niepokoju o swój stan zdrowia, zaburzeń snu i zaparć, deficytu wiedzy na temat diety niskocholesterolowej, ryzyka wystąpienia powikłań z powodu nadciśnienia tętniczego, ryzyka zakażenia układu moczowego, a także możliwości pojawienia się kolejnego napadu padaczkowego.Wnioski: Rozpoznanie problemów zdrowotnych oraz realizacja interwencji pielęgniarskich przyczyniło się do poprawy funkcjonowania pacjenta w jego miejscu zamieszkania, a także pozwoliło na pogłębienie stanu wiedzy.SummaryIntroduction: Stroke is one of the most common causes of human death in the world. It is referred to as the unexpected appearance of focal or generalized abnormalities in the functioning of the brain. Neurological symptoms may persist for more than 24 hours or less if due to brain function, a person will die. Many people struggle with disability and other problems that hinder daily functioning after a stroke.The aim: The aim of the work was to verify the extent of independence of a person after a stroke, to present health problems and to assess the actions which was taken.Materials and methods: The method which was used is the individual case study. There were used the techniques such us: interview, observation, scales, measurements and analysis of medical documentation. In the study were used tools such as: CDS scale questionnaire, RSCL scale questionnaire, interview questionnaire, information cards from hospital, pressure gauge, thermometer, weight. Results: Environmental visits allowed to recognize the patient's health problems and make 10 nursing diagnoses with interventions, as well as assess the effectiveness of the actions taken. The identified health problems included: difficulties in verbal communication, deficits in self-care, difficulty moving and associated risk of falls, anxiety about health, sleep disorders and constipation, a lack of knowledge about the low-level diet, the risk of complications due to hypertension, the risk of urinary tract infection, as well as the possibility of another epileptic seizure.Conclusion: The diagnosis of health problems and the implementation of nursing interventions allowed to improve the patient's functioning in the hause and to increase the level of his knowledge

    Motivation and willingness of medical students to quit smoking

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    Wstęp: Według WHO palenie to choroba, spowodowana uzależnieniem od nikotyny. Osoby korzystające z wyrobów tytoniowych, a także narażone na bierne palenie, mają zwiększone ryzyko zachorowania na ponad 20 chorób odtytoniowych. Poszukiwania bezpieczniejszej alternatywy palenia tradycyjnych papierosów przyczyniły się do wzrostu rodzajów wyrobów tytoniowych. Na przestrzeni lat coraz większą popularność wśród dorosłych i młodzieży zyskuje palenie e - papierosów. Problem uzależnienia od nikotyny widoczny jest także wśród studentów kierunków medycznych.Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest ocena motywacji i gotowości do rzucenia palenia przez studentów kierunków medycznych.Materiał i metody: Praca ma charakter badawczy i podzielona jest na części. Do przeprowadzenia badania użyto autorskiej ankiety oraz testu motywacyjnego do zaprzestania palenia według Schneider.Wyniki: Osoby wyrażające chęć zaprzestania palenia stanowiły 90,4 % (n=122) całej badanej grupy, zaś osoby niewyrażające takiej chęci 9,6 % (n=13). Zarówno dla kobiet jak i dla mężczyzn, najczęściej motywacją do zaprzestania palenia było ryzyko chorób związanych z paleniem, chęć ograniczenia wydatków oraz niechęć do uzależnienia. Większość ankietowanych przyjmowało nikotynę w formie papierosów oraz e - papierosów. Wśród osób, które uznały, że widok palącego pracownika ochrony zdrowia wpływa negatywnie na pacjentów, 95,2 % (n=100) deklarowało chęć rzucenia palenia. W grupie studentów, którzy uznali, że widok palącego pracownika ochrony zdrowia nie ma negatywnego wpływu na pacjentów, 73,3 % (n=22) wyraziło chęć do zaprzestania palenia. Osoby przyjmujące nikotynę najczęściej znały trudności pojawiające się w czasie wychodzenia z nałogu.Wnioski: Badanie wykazało, że respondenci istotnie statystycznie najczęściej wyrażali chęć zaprzestania palenia tytoniu. Na decyzję o rzuceniu palenia nie wpływał fakt podjęcia pracy, ani miejsce zatrudnienia studentów. Forma przyjmowanej nikotyny nie była istotnie zależna od chęci zaprzestania palenia. Zaobserwowano natomiast zależność między wiekiem, a formą przyjmowanej nikotyny. Osoby będące zdania, że widok palącego pracownika ochrony zdrowia ma negatywny wpływ na pacjentów, częściej wyrażały chęć zaprzestania palenia. Znajomość trudności w wychodzeniu z nałogu nie była istotnie zależna od okresu przyjmowania nikotyny.Introduction: According to the WHO, smoking is a disease caused by nicotine addiction. People who use tobacco products and are exposed to passive smoking have an increased risk of contracting more than 20 tobacco-related diseases. The search for a safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes has contributed to the growth of types of tobacco products. Over the years, smoking e-cigarettes is becoming more and more popular among adults and young people. The problem of nicotine addiction is also visible among medical students.The aim: The aim of the study is to assess the motivation and readiness to quit smoking by medical students.Materials and methods: This is a research work and is divided into parts. To conduct the study, an original questionnaire and a motivational test to stop smoking by Schneider were used.Results: People expressing a desire to stop smoking accounted for 90.4 % (n=122) of the entire study group, while people who did not want to do so accounted for 9.6 % (n=13). For both women and men, the most common motivation to stop smoking was the risk of smoking - related diseases, the desire to reduce expenses and the reluctance to become addicted. Most of the respondents took nicotine in the form of cigarettes and e - cigarettes. Among those who considered that the sight of a smoking healthcare professional negatively affects patients, 95.2% (n=100) declared their willingness to quit smoking. In the group of students who considered that the sight of a smoking healthcare professional has no negative impact on patients, 73.3% (n=22) expressed a desire to stop smoking. People taking nicotine most often knew the difficulties that appeared during the recovery from addiction.Conclusions: The examination showed that respondents statistically significantly most often expressed a desire to stop smoking. The decision to quit smoking was not influenced by the fact of taking up work or the place of employment of students. The form of nicotine intake was not significantly dependent on the desire to stop smoking. However, a relationship was observed between age and the form of nicotine intake. People who felt that seeing a healthcare professional smoking had a negative impact on patients were significantly more likely to express a desire to stop smoking. Knowledge of difficulties in getting out of addiction was not significantly dependent on the period of nicotine intake

    Vacuolar Processing Enzymes in Plant Programmed Cell Death and Autophagy

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    Vacuolar processing enzymes (VPEs) are plant cysteine proteases that are subjected to autoactivation in an acidic pH. It is presumed that VPEs, by activating other vacuolar hydrolases, are in control of tonoplast rupture during programmed cell death (PCD). Involvement of VPEs has been indicated in various types of plant PCD related to development, senescence, and environmental stress responses. Another pathway induced during such processes is autophagy, which leads to the degradation of cellular components and metabolite salvage, and it is presumed that VPEs may be involved in the degradation of autophagic bodies during plant autophagy. As both PCD and autophagy occur under similar conditions, research on the relationship between them is needed, and VPEs, as key vacuolar proteases, seem to be an important factor to consider. They may even constitute a potential point of crosstalk between cell death and autophagy in plant cells. This review describes new insights into the role of VPEs in plant PCD, with an emphasis on evidence and hypotheses on the interconnections between autophagy and cell death, and indicates several new research opportunities

    Lidar derived properties of air-masses advected from Ukraine, Sahara and Carpathian mountains to Warsaw, Poland on 9 - 11 August 2015

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    The aerosol layers of different origin, suspended in the atmosphere on 9-11 August 2015 were observed with the PollyXT-UW lidar in Warsaw, Poland. The HYSPLIT ensemble backward trajectories indicate that the observed air-masses attribute to a few different sources, among others, possible transport paths from Ukraine, Slovakia, and Africa. In this paper, we attempt to analyse and discuss the properties of aerosol particles of different origin that were suspended over Warsaw during this event

    Lidar derived properties of air-masses advected from Ukraine, Sahara and Carpathian mountains to Warsaw, Poland on 9 - 11 August 2015

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    The aerosol layers of different origin, suspended in the atmosphere on 9-11 August 2015 were observed with the PollyXT-UW lidar in Warsaw, Poland. The HYSPLIT ensemble backward trajectories indicate that the observed air-masses attribute to a few different sources, among others, possible transport paths from Ukraine, Slovakia, and Africa. In this paper, we attempt to analyse and discuss the properties of aerosol particles of different origin that were suspended over Warsaw during this event

    Sugar Starvation Disrupts Lipid Breakdown by Inducing Autophagy in Embryonic Axes of Lupin (Lupinus spp.) Germinating Seeds

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    Under nutrient deficiency or starvation conditions, the mobilization of storage compounds during seed germination is enhanced to primarily supply respiratory substrates and hence increase the potential of cell survival. Nevertheless, we found that, under sugar starvation conditions in isolated embryonic axes of white lupin (Lupinus albus L.) and Andean lupin (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet) cultured in vitro for 96 h, the disruption of lipid breakdown occurs, as was reflected in the higher lipid content in the sugar-starved (-S) than in the sucrose-fed (+S) axes. We postulate that pexophagy (autophagic degradation of the peroxisome—a key organelle in lipid catabolism) is one of the reasons for the disruption in lipid breakdown under starvation conditions. Evidence of pexophagy can be: (i) the higher transcript level of genes encoding proteins of pexophagy machinery, and (ii) the lower content of the peroxisome marker Pex14p and its increase caused by an autophagy inhibitor (concanamycin A) in -S axes in comparison to the +S axes. Additionally, based on ultrastructure observation, we documented that, under sugar starvation conditions lipophagy (autophagic degradation of whole lipid droplets) may also occur but this type of selective autophagy seems to be restricted under starvation conditions. Our results also show that autophagy occurs at the very early stages of plant growth and development, including the cells of embryonic seed organs, and allows cell survival under starvation conditions

    Luminescent Molecular Chemosensors for Rapid and Nondestructive Detection of Thickness of Polymer Coatings

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    Molecular chemical sensor, especially optical luminescent sensor, technologies are a rapidly growing topic in science and product design, embracing development in chemistry, biochemistry and life science research. [...