120 research outputs found

    Isoprene Emission and Carbon Dioxide Protect Aspen Leaves from Heat Stress

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    High temperature, especially above 35oC, is known to reduce leaf photosynthetic rate in many tree species. This study investigated the effect of high temperature on isoprene-emitting (aspen) and non- emitting (birch) trees under ambient and elevated CO2 under open field conditions. Aspen trees tolerate heat better than birch trees and elevated CO2 protects both species against moderate heat stress. The increased thermotolerance in aspen trees compared to the birch trees may result from the aspen's ability to produce isoprene. Elevated CO2 increased carboxylation capacity, photosynthetic electron transport capacity and triose phosphate use in both birch and aspen trees. High temperature decreased all of these parameters in birch regardless of CO2 treatment but only photosynthetic electron transport and triose phosphate use at ambient CO2 were reduced in aspen. As temperature rises, non-isoprene-emitting trees will be at a disadvantage and biological diversity and species richness might be lost in some ecosystems. Our results indicate that isoprene emitting tree species will have an advantage over non-isoprene emitting ones under high temperatures

    Fine-root biomass and fluxes of soil carbon in young stands of paper birch and trembling aspen as affected by elevated atmospheric CO 2 and tropospheric O 3

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    Rising atmospheric CO 2 may stimulate future forest productivity, possibly increasing carbon storage in terrestrial ecosystems, but how tropospheric ozone will modify this response is unknown. Because of the importance of fine roots to the belowground C cycle, we monitored fine-root biomass and associated C fluxes in regenerating stands of trembling aspen, and mixed stands of trembling aspen and paper birch at FACTS-II, the Aspen FACE project in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. Free-air CO 2 enrichment (FACE) was used to elevate concentrations of CO 2 (average enrichment concentration 535 µl l –1 ) and O 3 (53 nl l –1 ) in developing forest stands in 1998 and 1999. Soil respiration, soil pCO 2 , and dissolved organic carbon in soil solution (DOC) were monitored biweekly. Soil respiration was measured with a portable infrared gas analyzer. Soil pCO 2 and DOC samples were collected from soil gas wells and tension lysimeters, respectively, at depths of 15, 30, and 125 cm. Fine-root biomass averaged 263 g m –2 in control plots and increased 96% under elevated CO 2 . The increased root biomass was accompanied by a 39% increase in soil respiration and a 27% increase in soil pCO 2 . Both soil respiration and pCO 2 exhibited a strong seasonal signal, which was positively correlated with soil temperature. DOC concentrations in soil solution averaged ~12 mg l –1 in surface horizons, declined with depth, and were little affected by the treatments. A simplified belowground C budget for the site indicated that native soil organic matter still dominated the system, and that soil respiration was by far the largest flux. Ozone decreased the above responses to elevated CO 2 , but effects were rarely statistically significant. We conclude that regenerating stands of northern hardwoods have the potential for substantially greater C input to soil due to greater fine-root production under elevated CO 2 . Greater fine-root biomass will be accompanied by greater soil C efflux as soil respiration, but leaching losses of C will probably be unaffected.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42285/1/442-128-2-237_s004420100656.pd

    Effects of genotype on the response of Populus tremuloides michx. To ozone and nitrogen deposition

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    Elevated O 3 concentrations and N deposition levels co -occur in much of eastern United States. However, very little is known about their combined effects on tree growth. The effects of three O 3 treatments: charcoal-filtered air, non-filtered air and O 3 , added at the rate of 80 ppb for 6 hr d −1 3 d per week), four N deposition levels (0, 10, 20 and 40 kg ha −1 yr −1 ), and their interactions on growth of two Populus tremuloides clones in open-top chambers at two sites 600 km apart in Michigan were examined. Our results revealed a highly significant fertilization effect of the N treatments, even at the 10 kg ha −1 yr −1 rate. Ozone alone induced foliar injury, but not significant growth reductions. There was an indication that O 3 decreased growth at the O N level, but this decrease was reversed in all N treatments by the N fertilization effect. Further study is needed to more fully understand the combined effects of N deposition and O 3 .Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43906/1/11270_2004_Article_BF00480254.pd

    Tropospheric O 3 moderates responses of temperate hardwood forests to elevated CO 2 : a synthesis of molecular to ecosystem results from the Aspen FACE project

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    1.   The impacts of elevated atmospheric CO 2 and/or O 3 have been examined over 4 years using an open-air exposure system in an aggrading northern temperate forest containing two different functional groups (the indeterminate, pioneer, O 3 -sensitive species Trembling Aspen, Populus tremuloides and Paper Birch, Betula papyrifera , and the determinate, late successional, O 3 -tolerant species Sugar Maple, Acer saccharum ). 2.   The responses to these interacting greenhouse gases have been remarkably consistent in pure Aspen stands and in mixed Aspen/Birch and Aspen/Maple stands, from leaf to ecosystem level, for O 3 -tolerant as well as O 3 -sensitive genotypes and across various trophic levels. These two gases act in opposing ways, and even at low concentrations (1·5 × ambient, with ambient averaging 34–36 nL L −1 during the summer daylight hours), O 3 offsets or moderates the responses induced by elevated CO 2 . 3.   After 3 years of exposure to 560 µmol mol −1 CO 2 , the above-ground volume of Aspen stands was 40% above those grown at ambient CO 2 , and there was no indication of a diminishing growth trend. In contrast, O 3 at 1·5 × ambient completely offset the growth enhancement by CO 2 , both for O 3 -sensitive and O 3 -tolerant clones. Implications of this finding for carbon sequestration, plantations to reduce excess CO 2 , and global models of forest productivity and climate change are presented.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72125/1/j.1365-2435.2003.00733.x.pd

    Terrestrische und semiterrestrische Ökosysteme

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    Air quality in natural areas: Interface between the public, science and regulation

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    Natural areas are important interfaces between air quality, the public, science and regulation. In the United States and Canada, national parks received over 315 million visits during 2004. Many natural areas have been experiencing decreased visibility, increased ozone (O3) levels and elevated nitrogen deposition. Ozone is the most pervasive air pollutant in North American natural areas. There is an extensive scientific literature on O3 exposure-tree response in chambered environments and, lately, free-air exposure systems. Yet, less is known about O3 impacts on natural terrestrial ecosystems. To advance scientifically defensible O3 risk assessment for natural forest areas, species-level measurement endpoints must be socially, economically and ecologically relevant. Exposure-based indices, based on appropriate final endpoints, present an underused opportunity to meet this need. Exposure-plant indices should have a high degree of statistical significance, have high goodness of fit, be biologically plausible and include confidence intervals to define uncertainty. They must be supported by exposure-response functions and be easy to use within an air quality regulation context. Ozone exposure-response indices developed within an ambient air context have great potential for improving risk assessment in natural forest areas and enhancing scientific literacy. Crown Copyright © 2007
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