
Isoprene Emission and Carbon Dioxide Protect Aspen Leaves from Heat Stress


High temperature, especially above 35oC, is known to reduce leaf photosynthetic rate in many tree species. This study investigated the effect of high temperature on isoprene-emitting (aspen) and non- emitting (birch) trees under ambient and elevated CO2 under open field conditions. Aspen trees tolerate heat better than birch trees and elevated CO2 protects both species against moderate heat stress. The increased thermotolerance in aspen trees compared to the birch trees may result from the aspen's ability to produce isoprene. Elevated CO2 increased carboxylation capacity, photosynthetic electron transport capacity and triose phosphate use in both birch and aspen trees. High temperature decreased all of these parameters in birch regardless of CO2 treatment but only photosynthetic electron transport and triose phosphate use at ambient CO2 were reduced in aspen. As temperature rises, non-isoprene-emitting trees will be at a disadvantage and biological diversity and species richness might be lost in some ecosystems. Our results indicate that isoprene emitting tree species will have an advantage over non-isoprene emitting ones under high temperatures

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