2,265 research outputs found

    Deep- Sea Bacteria And Their Biotechnological Potentials

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    Deep-sea environment characterized by its low temperature, high hydrostatic pressure, limited nutrient contents, and constant darkness has been a hostile environment for most marine microorganisms. Therefore it is a home for low temperature and high pressure-loving bacteria believed to functionally over shallow water intruders. Deep-sea has been regarded as rainforests in terms of their microbial diversity. Thus, the deep-sea should commend itself to microbiologists and biotechnologists alike as source of novel microorganisms and exploitable properties. Near Indonesia several deep-sea trenches exist with diverse environmental conditions. However, up to now there has been no effort to study the microbial communities of those deep-sea environments by Indonesian scientists. This is mainly because of the lack of knowledge in the field of deep-sea microbiology in Indonesia

    Marine Invertebrate-Associated Bacteria In Coral Reef Ecosystems As A New Source Of Bioactive Compounds

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    Coral reefs are the most species-rich environments in the oceans. Reefs cover 0.2% of the ocean’s area and yet they provide home to one-third of marine fishes and to tens of thousands of other species. Coral reefs provide essential fish habitat, support endangered and threatened species, and harbor protected marine mammals. Despite the obvious ecological value of these habitats, most coral reefs around the world, including Indonesia’s, are threatened or already being destroyed by human activities. The search for bio-active compounds extracted from coral reef invertebrates which is emerging as an area of increasing interest among biotechnological companies, further threatens the integrity of the reef ecosystem. It would be of great interest to find alternative sources of these compounds, in order to preserve this precious environment and also to obtain higher amounts of these bi-active molecules. Increasing observations suggest that a number of bio-active metabolites obtained from invertebrates are in fact produced by associated microorganisms: this has prompted research into the rapidly expanding field of study of metabolites derived from microorganisms associated with reef invertebrates. The possibility to culture relevant microorganisms in bioreactors would enable the production of large amounts of the bio-molecules of interest, at the same time preserving the marine ecosystem from exploitation

    A behavioral model of simultaneous borrowing and saving

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    Why do individuals borrow and save money at the same time? I present a model in which sophisticated time-inconsistent agents, when faced with a future investment opportunity, rationally choose to save their wealth and then borrow to fund the investment. The combination of savings and a loan generates incentives for future selves to invest optimally by punishing over-consumption. This paper contains two main results. First, I show that agents who simultaneously save and borrow can have higher lifetime welfare than those who don’t. Second, I show that agents who have access to a non-secure savings technology can be better off than those who only have access to secure savings.saving, borrowing, microfinance, hyperbolic discounting

    Early-Warning Signs for Pattern-Formation in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations

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    There have been significant recent advances in our understanding of the potential use and limitations of early-warning signs for predicting drastic changes, so called critical transitions or tipping points, in dynamical systems. A focus of mathematical modeling and analysis has been on stochastic ordinary differential equations, where generic statistical early-warning signs can be identified near bifurcation-induced tipping points. In this paper, we outline some basic steps to extend this theory to stochastic partial differential equations with a focus on analytically characterizing basic scaling laws for linear SPDEs and comparing the results to numerical simulations of fully nonlinear problems. In particular, we study stochastic versions of the Swift-Hohenberg and Ginzburg-Landau equations. We derive a scaling law of the covariance operator in a regime where linearization is expected to be a good approximation for the local fluctuations around deterministic steady states. We compare these results to direct numerical simulation, and study the influence of noise level, noise color, distance to bifurcation and domain size on early-warning signs.Comment: Published in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (2014

    Penerapan Penataan Suara pada Produksi Acara Siaran Kethoprak Mataram di LPP RRI Stasiun Yogyakarta: Application of Sound Management in the Production of the Mataram Kethoprak Broadcast at LPP RRI Yogyakarta Station

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    Seorang penata suara bertanggungjawab dengan atas segala yang berhubungan dengan audio, dari konsep serta kualitas output audio yang dihasilkan. Penata suara dapat diawali dengan pemilihan dan penempatan sebuah peralatan michophone pada sumber suara dengan baik dan benar yang disesuaikan dengan sumber suara pada proses produksi, serta bertanggungjawab penuh terhadap proses editing yang diawali dari proses mixing, equalizing, leveling, balancing dan mastering, sehingga produksi acara yang dihasilkan dapat maksimal. Riset dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif. Riset kualitatif bertujuan menjelaskan fenomena dengan sedalam dalamnya melalui pegumpulan data. Populasi sampel diambil secara acak sumber daya manusia yang ada di RRI Stasiun Yogyakarta, khususnya bidang teknik operator audio atau penata suara. Teknik pengumpulan data sekunder dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan interview (wawancara), observasi (pengamatan), dokumen, dan kepustakaan. Penerapan teknik miking sudah dilakukan dengan baik melalui alternative pemilihan jenis maupun type microphone untuk menangkap akustik suara yang sesuai karakteristik sumbersuara dari musik dan  vokal. Akan tetapi masih sering terjadi suara vocal pemain terkadang sesaat level suaranya mengecil bahkan  terdengar hilang, dikarenakan gerakan pemain yang bergerak menjauh atau tertutup oleh pemain lain, sehingga microphone tidak bisa menangkap suara yang dikeluarkan oleh sumber suara. Suara pada vocal penyanyi/sinden dan instrument musik gamelan secara pendengaran bisa diterima dengan baik, tetapi masih ada kelemahan bahwa ada beberapa instrument musik gamelan sedikit kurang terdengar dengan jelas dan jernih, dikarenakan tidak semua instrument musik gamelan diberikan microphone, hanya cukup diberikan instrument yang suaranya menonjol (key source) atau yang memimpin iringan, sehingga level sumbersuara musik gamelan kurang seimbang (balance)

    Effects of extrinsic point defects in phosphorene: B, C, N, O and F Adatoms

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    Phosphorene is emerging as a promising 2D semiconducting material with a direct band gap and high carrier mobility. In this paper, we examine the role of the extrinsic point defects including surface adatoms in modifying the electronic properties of phosphorene using density functional theory. The surface adatoms considered are B, C, N, O and F with a [He] core electronic configuration. Our calculations show that B and C, with electronegativity close to P, prefer to break the sp3 bonds of phosphorene, and reside at the interstitial sites in the 2D lattice by forming sp2 bonds with the native atoms. On the other hand, N, O and F, which are more electronegative than P, prefer the surface sites by attracting the lone pairs of phosphorene. B, N and F adsorption will also introduce local magnetic moment to the lattice. Moreover, B, C, N and F adatoms will modify the band gap of phosphorene yielding metallic transverse tunneling characters. Oxygen does not modify the band gap of phosphorene, and a diode like tunneling behavior is observed. Our results therefore offer a possible route to tailor the electronic and magnetic properties of phosphorene by the adatom functionalization, and provide the physical insights of the environmental sensitivity of phosphorene, which will be helpful to experimentalists in evaluating the performance and aging effects of phosphorene-based electronic devices

    Digital processing of signals in the presence of inter-symbol interference and additive noise

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    Imperial Users onl


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    Constraint of using bio-indicator (coliform bacteria) as an indicator of domestic (sewage) pollution in the environment with high environmental stress encourages the discovering of other alternate indicators. Coprostanol has been proposed as a chemical indicator of domestic waste pollution, but most research on were conducted in the temperate (high latitude) region. The persistence of coprostanol in tropical region, especially in Indonesia, is still very poor. It is very important to understand the persistence of coprostanol in the nature, as one of the requirements to propose coprostanol as an alternate indicator of domestic waste pollution. In order to better understand the natural biodegradation of coprostanol, experimental system on three environmental conditions (river, river mouth, and coastal waters) was conducted. In April 2004, samples of water and surface bottom sediments were collected from each environmental condition in duplicate. Before the samples were put into aerated and non-aerated aquaria, about 35-40 g of surface bottom sediments were taken to analyze the initial concentration (C0) of coprostanol. The sediments were subsequently sampled from each aquarium within a certain interval day to analyze the concentration of coprostanol (C10, C20, and C40). The results showed that aeration plays not an important role in natural biodegradation of coprostanol. In average, the highest rate of coprostanol biodegradation is 0.438 µg/g day-1 in non aerated coastal water environment, where as the lowest was found in the non aerated river mouth environment (0.021 µg/g day-1). Since coprostanol was degraded very slowly, and could be detected in the sediments of three environmental conditions, coprostanol has an excellent potency to be used as an alternate indicator of domestic wastes

    Atomically thin group-V elemental films: theoretical investigations of antimonene allotropes

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    Group-V elemental monolayers including phosphorene are emerging as promising 2D materials with semiconducting electronic properties. Here, we present the results of first principles calculations on stability, mechanical and electronic properties of 2D antimony (Sb), antimonene. Our calculations show that free-standing {\alpha} and \b{eta} allotropes of antimonene are stable and semiconducting. The {\alpha}-Sb has a puckered structure with two atomic sub-layers and \b{eta}-Sb has a buckled hexagonal lattice. The calculated Raman spectra and STM images have distinct features thus facilitating characterization of both allotropes. The \b{eta}-Sb has nearly isotropic mechanical properties while {\alpha}-Sb shows strongly anisotropic characteristics. An indirect-direct band gap transition is expected with moderate tensile strains applied to the monolayers, which opens up the possibility of their applications in optoelectronics
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