799 research outputs found

    Supernovae from rotating stars

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    The present paper discusses the main physical effects produced by stellar rotation on presupernovae, as well as observations which confirm these effects and their consequences for presupernova models. Rotation critically influences the mass of the exploding cores, the mass and chemical composition of the envelopes and the types of supernovae, as well as the properties of the remnants and the chemical yields. In the formation of gamma-ray bursts, rotation and the properties of rotating stars appear as the key factor. In binaries, the interaction between axial rotation and tidal effects often leads to interesting and unexpected results. Rotation plays a key role in shaping the evolution and nucleosynthesis in massive stars with very low metallicities (metallicity below about the Small Magellanic Cloud metallicity down to Population III stars). At solar and higher metallicities, the effects of rotation compete with those of stellar winds. In close binaries, the synchronisation process can lock the star at a high rotation rate despite strong mass loss and thus both effects, rotation and stellar winds, have a strong impact. In conclusion, rotation is a key physical ingredient of the stellar models and of presupernova stages, and the evolution both of single stars and close binaries. Moreover, important effects are expected along the whole cosmic history.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figures, published in Handbook of Supernovae, A.W. Alsabti and P. Murdin (eds), Springe

    Sensitivity of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation to South Atlantic freshwater anomalies

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    The sensitivity of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) to changes in basin integrated net evaporation is highly dependent on the zonal salinity contrast at the southern border of the Atlantic. Biases in the freshwater budget strongly affect the stability of the AMOC in numerical models. The impact of these biases is investigated, by adding local anomaly patterns in the South Atlantic to the freshwater fluxes at the surface. These anomalies impact the freshwater and salt transport by the different components of the ocean circulation, in particular the basin-scale salt-advection feedback, completely changing the response of the AMOC to arbitrary perturbations. It is found that an appropriate dipole anomaly pattern at the southern border of the Atlantic Ocean can collapse the AMOC entirely even without a further hosing. The results suggest a new view on the stability of the AMOC, controlled by processes in the South Atlantic. <br/

    Environmental differences between sites control the diet and nutrition of the carnivorous plant Drosera rotundifolia

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    Background and aims: Carnivorous plants are sensitive to small changes in resource availability, but few previous studies have examined how differences in nutrient and prey availability affect investment in and the benefit of carnivory. We studied the impact of site-level differences in resource availability on ecophysiological traits of carnivory for Drosera rotundifolia L. Methods: We measured prey availability, investment in carnivory (leaf stickiness), prey capture and diet of plants growing in two bogs with differences in N deposition and plant available N: Cors Fochno (0.62 g m−2 yr.−1, 353 ÎŒg l−1), Whixall Moss (1.37 g m−2 yr.−1, 1505 ÎŒg l−1). The total N amount per plant and the contributions of prey/root N to the plants’ N budget were calculated using a single isotope natural abundance method. Results: Plants at Whixall Moss invested less in carnivory, were less likely to capture prey, and were less reliant on prey-derived N (25.5% compared with 49.4%). Actual prey capture did not differ between sites. Diet composition differed – Cors Fochno plants captured 62% greater proportions of Diptera. Conclusions: Our results show site-level differences in plant diet and nutrition consistent with differences in resource availability. Similarity in actual prey capture may be explained by differences in leaf stickiness and prey abundance

    Difference in balance measures between patients with chronic ankle instability and patients after an acute ankle inversion trauma

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    Neuromuscular control of the ankle is disturbed in patients with chronic ankle instability due to an initial ankle inversion trauma. Static balance is assumed to be a measure for this disturbance. Functional (ankle) scores are another way to evaluate ankle impairment. The hypothesis was that there is a difference in static balance measures between small groups of healthy subjects, patients after an acute ankle inversion trauma and patients with chronic ankle instability and that static balance measures correlate well with functional scores. Static balance in healthy subjects (N = 15), patients after a primary ankle inversion injury (N = 14) and patients with chronic ankle instability (N = 23) was tested with a single leg test on a force plate (Postural Sway test) and on a compliant floor (Simple Balance test). Functional impairment was evaluated with the Karlsson, AOFAS and SF-36 (ankle) scores. There was a statistically significant and clinically relevant difference in functional (ankle) scores, but not a statistically significant difference in balance measures between the groups. Balance measures did not correlate to the functional scores. It was concluded that, despite a clinically relevant difference in functional outcome measures between the groups, static balance measures do not appear to be useful for clinical application in the individual patient

    Exploring the Universe with Metal-Poor Stars

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    The early chemical evolution of the Galaxy and the Universe is vital to our understanding of a host of astrophysical phenomena. Since the most metal-poor Galactic stars (with metallicities down to [Fe/H]\sim-5.5) are relics from the high-redshift Universe, they probe the chemical and dynamical conditions of the Milky Way and the origin and evolution of the elements through nucleosynthesis. They also provide constraints on the nature of the first stars, their associated supernovae and initial mass function, and early star and galaxy formation. The Milky Way's dwarf satellites contain a large fraction (~30%) of the known most metal-poor stars that have chemical abundances that closely resemble those of equivalent halo stars. This suggests that chemical evolution may be universal, at least at early times, and that it is driven by massive, energetic SNe. Some of these surviving, ultra-faint systems may show the signature of just one such PopIII star; they may even be surviving first galaxies. Early analogs of the surviving dwarfs may thus have played an important role in the assembly of the old Galactic halo whose formation can now be studied with stellar chemistry. Following the cosmic evolution of small halos in simulations of structure formation enables tracing the cosmological origin of the most metal-poor stars in the halo and dwarf galaxies. Together with future observations and additional modeling, many of these issues, including the reionization history of the Milky Way, may be constrained this way. The chapter concludes with an outlook about upcoming observational challenges and ways forward is to use metal-poor stars to constrain theoretical studies.Comment: 34 pages, 11 figures. Book chapter to appear in "The First Galaxies - Theoretical Predictions and Observational Clues", 2012 by Springer, eds. V. Bromm, B. Mobasher, T. Wiklin
