13 research outputs found

    Molecular signatures of T-cell inhibition in HIV-1 infection

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    TLR4-mediated release of heparin-binding protein in human airways : a co-stimulatory role for IL-26

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    BACKGROUND: Bacterial infection causes accumulation of neutrophils that release antimicrobial proteins including heparin-binding protein (HBP). In human airways, this neutrophil accumulation can be re-capitulated via intrabronchial exposure to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) agonist, that also causes a local increase in the neutrophil-mobilizing cytokine IL-26. Although LPS is considered a weak stimulus for HBP release ex vivo, its effect on HBP release in human airways in vivo has not been characterized. METHODS: We determined whether intrabronchial exposure to LPS causes concomitant release of HBP and IL-26 in human airways, and whether IL-26 can enhance LPS-induced release of HBP in isolated human neutrophils.RESULTS: We found that the concentration of HBP was markedly increased in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid 12, 24, and 48 hours after LPS exposure, and that it displayed a strong and positive correlation with that of IL-26. Moreover, the concentration of HBP in conditioned media from isolated neutrophils was enhanced only after co-stimulation with LPS and IL-26.CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, our findings indicate that TLR4 stimulation causes concomitant release of HBP and IL-26 in human airways, and that IL-26 may constitute a required co-stimulant for HBP release in neutrophils, thus enabling the concerted action of HBP and IL-26 in local host defense

    Bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles Induce Vitronectin Release Into the Bronchoalveolar Space Conferring Protection From Complement-Mediated Killing

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    Pathogens causing pneumonia utilize the complement regulator vitronectin to evade complement-mediated killing. Although vitronectin is associated with several chronic lung diseases, the role of bronchoalveolar vitronectin in pneumonia has not been studied. This study sought to reveal the involvement of vitronectin in the bronchoalveolar space during pneumonia, to assess the effect of outer membrane vesicles and endotoxin on vitronectin release, and to determine whether bacterial pathogens utilize pulmonary vitronectin for evasion. Vitronectin was analyzed in cell-free bronchoalveolar lavage fluid harvested from patients with pneumonia (n = 8) and from healthy volunteers after subsegmental endotoxin instillation (n = 13). Vitronectin binding by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Haemophilus influenzae was analyzed, and subsequent complement evasion was assessed by serum challenge. The effects of outer membrane vesicles on vitronectin production in mouse lungs and human type II alveolar epithelial cells (A549) were determined. We detected increased vitronectin concentrations in lavage fluid during pneumonia (p = 0.0063) and after bronchial endotoxin challenge (p = 0.016). The capture of vitronectin by bacteria significantly reduced complement-mediated lysis. Following challenge with vesicles, vitronectin was detected in mouse bronchoalveolar space, and mouse alveolar epithelial cells in vivo as well as A549 cells in vitro contained increased levels of vitronectin. Taken together, outer membrane vesicles and endotoxin from Gram-negative bacteria induce vitronectin, which is released into the bronchoalveolar space, and used for evasion of complement-mediated clearance

    Complex Involvement of Interleukin-26 in Bacterial Lung Infection

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    Pneumonia is a global cause of mortality, and this provides a strong incentive to improve the mechanistic understanding of innate immune responses in the lungs. Here, we characterized the involvement of the cytokine interleukin (IL)-26 in bacterial lung infection. We observed markedly increased concentrations of IL-26 in lower airway samples from patients with bacterial pneumonia and these correlated with blood neutrophil concentrations. Moreover, pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) from both Gram-negative and -positive bacteria increased extracellular IL-26 concentrations in conditioned media from human models of alveolar epithelial cells, macrophages, and neutrophils in vitro. Stimulation with IL-26 inhibited the inherent release of neutrophil elastase and myeloperoxidase in unexposed neutrophils. This stimulation also inhibited the expression of activity makers in neutrophils exposed to Klebsiella pneumoniae. In addition, priming of human lung tissue ex vivo with exogenous IL-26 potentiated the endotoxin-induced increase in mRNA for other cytokines involved in the innate immune response, including the master Th17-regulator IL-23 and the archetype inhibitory cytokine IL-10. Finally, neutralization of endogenous IL-26 clearly increased the growth of Klebsiella pneumoniae in the macrophage culture. These findings suggest that IL-26 is involved in bacterial lung infection in a complex manner, by modulating critical aspects of innate immune responses locally and systemically in a seemingly purposeful manner and by contributing to the killing of bacteria in a way that resembles an antimicrobial peptide. Thus, IL-26 displays both diagnostic and therapeutic potential in pneumonia and deserves to be further evaluated in these respects

    Interleukin-26 production in human primary bronchial epithelial cells in response to viral stimulation:modulation by Th17 cytokines

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    Abstract Interleukin (IL)-26 is abundant in human airways and this cytokine is involved in the local immune response to a bacterial stimulus in vivo. Specifically, local exposure to the toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 agonist endotoxin does increase IL-26 in human airways and this cytokine potentiates chemotactic responses in human neutrophils. In addition to T-helper (Th) 17 cells, alveolar macrophages can produce IL-26, but it remains unknown whether this cytokine can also be produced in the airway mucosa per se in response to a viral stimulus. Here, we evaluated whether this is the case using primary bronchial epithelial cells from the airway epithelium in vitro and explored the signaling mechanisms involved, including the modulatory effects of additional Th17 cytokines. Finally, we assessed IL-26 and its archetype signaling responses in healthy human airways in vivo. We found increased transcription and release of IL-26 protein after stimulation with the viral-related double stranded (ds) RNA polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (poly-IC) and showed that this IL-26 release involved mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases and nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF-κB). The release of IL-26 in response to a viral stimulus was modulated by additional Th17 cytokines. Moreover, there was transcription of IL26 mRNA and expression of the protein in epithelial cells of bronchial brush and tissue biopsies respectively after harvest in vivo. In addition, the extracellular IL-26 protein concentrations in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) samples did correlate with increased epithelial cell transcription of an archetype intracellular signaling molecule downstream of the IL-26-receptor complex, STAT1, in the bronchial brush biopsies. Thus, our study suggests that viral stimulation causes the production of IL-26 in lining epithelial cells of human airways, structural cells that constitute a critical immune barrier and that this production is modulated by Th17 cytokines

    Data_Sheet_1_Bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles Induce Vitronectin Release Into the Bronchoalveolar Space Conferring Protection From Complement-Mediated Killing.pdf

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    <p>Pathogens causing pneumonia utilize the complement regulator vitronectin to evade complement-mediated killing. Although vitronectin is associated with several chronic lung diseases, the role of bronchoalveolar vitronectin in pneumonia has not been studied. This study sought to reveal the involvement of vitronectin in the bronchoalveolar space during pneumonia, to assess the effect of outer membrane vesicles and endotoxin on vitronectin release, and to determine whether bacterial pathogens utilize pulmonary vitronectin for evasion. Vitronectin was analyzed in cell-free bronchoalveolar lavage fluid harvested from patients with pneumonia (n = 8) and from healthy volunteers after subsegmental endotoxin instillation (n = 13). Vitronectin binding by Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Haemophilus influenzae was analyzed, and subsequent complement evasion was assessed by serum challenge. The effects of outer membrane vesicles on vitronectin production in mouse lungs and human type II alveolar epithelial cells (A549) were determined. We detected increased vitronectin concentrations in lavage fluid during pneumonia (p = 0.0063) and after bronchial endotoxin challenge (p = 0.016). The capture of vitronectin by bacteria significantly reduced complement-mediated lysis. Following challenge with vesicles, vitronectin was detected in mouse bronchoalveolar space, and mouse alveolar epithelial cells in vivo as well as A549 cells in vitro contained increased levels of vitronectin. Taken together, outer membrane vesicles and endotoxin from Gram-negative bacteria induce vitronectin, which is released into the bronchoalveolar space, and used for evasion of complement-mediated clearance.</p

    The neutrophil-mobilizing cytokine interleukin-26 in the airways of long-term tobacco smokers

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    Abstract Long-term tobacco smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or chronic bronchitis display an excessive accumulation of neutrophils in the airways; an inflammation that responds poorly to established therapy. Thus, there is a need to identify new molecular targets for the development of effective therapy. Here, we hypothesized that the neutrophil-mobilizing cytokine interleukin (IL)-26 (IL-26) is involved in airway inflammation amongst long-term tobacco smokers with or without COPD, chronic bronchitis or colonization by pathogenic bacteria. By analyzing bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), bronchail wash (BW) and induced sputum (IS) samples, we found increased extracellular IL-26 protein in the airways of long-term smokers in vivo without further increase amongst those with clinically stable COPD. In human alveolar macrophages (AM) in vitro, the exposure to water-soluble tobacco smoke components (WTC) enhanced IL-26 gene and protein. In this cell model, the same exposure increased gene expression of the IL-26 receptor complex (IL10R2 and IL20R1) and nuclear factor κ B (NF-κB); a proven regulator of IL-26 production. In the same cell model, recombinant human IL-26 in vitro caused a concentration-dependent increase in the gene expression of NF-κB and several pro-inflammatory cytokines. In the long-term smokers, we also observed that extracellular IL-26 protein in BAL samples correlates with measures of lung function, tobacco load, and several markers of neutrophil accumulation. Extracellular IL-26 was further increased in long-term smokers with exacerbations of COPD (IS samples), with chronic bronchitis (BAL samples ) or with colonization by pathogenic bacteria (IS and BW samples). Thus, IL-26 in the airways emerges as a promising target for improving the understanding of the pathogenic mechanisms behind several pulmonary morbidities in long-term tobacco smokers