25 research outputs found

    Polymorphisms in ACE1, TMPRSS2, IFIH1, IFNAR2, and TYK2 genes are associated with worse clinical outcomes in COVID-19

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    Although advanced age, male sex, and some comorbidities impact the clinical course of COVID-19, these factors only partially explain the inter-individual variability in disease severity. Some studies have shown that genetic polymorphisms contribute to COVID-19 severity; however, the results are inconclusive. Thus, we investigated the association between polymorphisms in ACE1, ACE2, DPP9, IFIH1, IFNAR2, IFNL4, TLR3, TMPRSS2, and TYK2 and the clinical course of COVID-19. A total of 694 patients with COVID-19 were categorized as: (1) ward inpatients (moderate symptoms) or patients admitted at the intensive care unit (ICU; severe symptoms); and (2) survivors or non-survivors. In females, the rs1990760/IFIH1 T/T genotype was associated with risk of ICU admission and death. Moreover, the rs1799752/ACE1 Ins and rs12329760/TMPRSS2 T alleles were associated with risk of ICU admission. In non-white patients, the rs2236757/IFNAR2 A/A genotype was associated with risk of ICU admission, while the rs1799752/ACE1 Ins/Ins genotype, rs2236757/IFNAR2 A/A genotype, and rs12329760/TMPRSS2 T allele were associated with risk of death. Moreover, some of the analyzed polymorphisms interact in the risk of worse COVID19 outcomes. In conclusion, this study shows an association of rs1799752/ACE1, rs1990760/IFIH1, rs2236757/IFNAR2, rs12329760/TMPRSS2, and rs2304256/TYK2 polymorphisms with worse COVID19 outcomes, especially among female and non-white patients

    Remoção de corante por uso de Aspergillus niger AN400 em reator em bateladas sequenciais

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    A sequential batch reactor (4 L) inoculated with Aspergillus niger was operated in order to remove congo red dye (10 mg L-1). The feeding of the reactor was done to each 7 days. The glucose was added in the concentration of 1 g.L-1 (Stage I) and 0.5 g L-1 (Stage II). The Stage III occurred without glucose addition. The Stage I was great to process, because the system reached the greater dye removal (95%) as well as the kinetic parameters ware the best - K M (0.7 g L-1) and k1 (0.025 h-1)

    Azo dye degradation by Phanerochaete chrysosporium in the medium enriched with nitrogen in the presence of primary co-substrate

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    This work sought to evaluate the ability of fungi Phanerochaete chryosporium to degrade congo red azo dye in batch reactor, evaluate the influence of glucose and wheat bran as co-substrates on the removal of the dye in the medium and investigate the influence of ammonium chloride, ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate as the inorganic nitrogen source for the process. Wheat bran was not effective satisfactorily for the removal of dye and organic matter had no desired effect for the removal of color and organic matter and showed the lowest values of k2, 0.008 M-1.d-1and 0.0004 M-1.d-1, respectively. Glucose presented the best response with the highest final percentage of dye removal (97%) and rate of dye removal (0.017 M-1.d-1), without adding an external source of nitrogen


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    ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the concentration of alpha-tocopherol in umbilical cord serum of full-term and preterm newborns, in order to assess the nutritional status of both groups in relation to the vitamin and its possible correlation with intrauterine growth. Methods: A cross-sectional observational study conducted with 140 newborns, of which 64 were preterm and 76 were full-term. They did not have any malformations, they came from healthy mothers, who were nonsmokers, and delivered a single baby. Intrauterine growth was evaluated by weight-to-gestational age at birth, using Intergrowth-21st. Thealpha-tocopherol levels of umbilical cord serum were analyzed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Results: The mean concentration of alpha-tocopherol in umbilical cord serum for preterm and full-term infants was 263.3±129.5 and 247.0±147.6 µg/dL (p=0.494). In the preterm group, 23% were small for gestational age, whereas in the full-term group, this percentage was only 7% (p=0.017). Low levels of vitamin E were found in 95.3% of preterm infants and 92.1% of full-term infants. There was no correlation between alpha-tocopherol levels and weight to gestational age Z score (p=0.951). Conclusions: No association was found between alpha-tocopherol levels and weight to gestational age at birth. Intrauterine growth restriction was more frequent in preterm infants and most infants had low levels of vitamin E at the time of delivery


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    Objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de equações específicas para Manilkara spp. em diferentes Unidades de Produção Anual (UPA) e em diferentes classes diamétricas, comparando-as com uma equação geral, em área florestal sob manejo na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, Pará. Quatro modelos volumétricos foram ajustados, para um conjunto total de 5.231 árvores-amostras, a fim de obter-se uma equação geral representativa da espécie nas UPAs, bem como nas classes diamétricas nas quais as árvores foram distribuídas. O modelo selecionado foi ajustado por UPA e por classe diamétrica, obtendo-se diferentes equações específicas. O teste de identidade de modelos de Graybill foi aplicado para comparação das equações, e o teste Qui-quadrado foi utilizado para validação das mesmas. As equações específicas apresentaram desempenho superior quando comparadas à equação geral, tanto para as UPAs, quanto para as classes diamétricas. Além do mais, o teste de identidade mostrou haver diferença significativa entre tais equações, indicando que não é estatisticamente adequado utilizar uma única equação para as estimativas volumétricas de Manilkara spp. em todas as UPAs, bem como em todas as classes diamétricas. Portanto, recomenda-se a utilização de equações específicas, já que, além de serem válidas, as mesmas podem gerar estimativas mais precisas dos volumes comerciais da espécie.Palavras-chave: espécie comercial nativa; identidade de modelos; estimativas de volume; manejo florestal na Amazônia; Floresta Nacional do Tapajós. EFFICIENCY OF VOLUMETRIC EQUATIONS FOR Manilkara spp. IN MANAGED FOREST IN THE EASTERN AMAZON ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of specific equations for Manilkara spp. in different Annual Production Units (UPA) and in different diametric classes, comparing them with a general equation, in the forest area under management in the Tapajós National Forest, Pará. Four volumetric models were adjusted for the total set of 5.231 sampled trees in order to obtain a representative general equation of the species in the UPAs as well as in the diametrical classes in which the trees were distributed. Then, the selected model was adjusted by UPA and by diameter class, obtaining different specific equations. The Graybill model identity test was applied to compare the equations, and the Chi-square test was used to validate the equations. The specific equations presented superior performance when compared to the general equation for the UPAs and for the diametric classes. In addition, the identity test showed a significant difference between the equations, indicating that it is not statistically adequate to use a single equation for the Manilkara spp. volumetric estimates in all UPAs and in all diametric classes. Therefore, we recommend using specific equations because, in addition to being valid, they can generate more accurate estimations of commercial volumes.Keywords: native commercial species; model identity; volume estimates; forest management in the Amazon; Tapajós National Forest


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    Objetivou-se avaliar a eficiência de equações específicas para Manilkara spp. em diferentes Unidades de Produção Anual (UPA) e em diferentes classes diamétricas, comparando-as com uma equação geral, em área florestal sob manejo na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, Pará. Quatro modelos volumétricos foram ajustados, para um conjunto total de 5.231 árvores-amostras, a fim de obter-se uma equação geral representativa da espécie nas UPAs, bem como nas classes diamétricas nas quais as árvores foram distribuídas. O modelo selecionado foi ajustado por UPA e por classe diamétrica, obtendo-se diferentes equações específicas. O teste de identidade de modelos de Graybill foi aplicado para comparação das equações, e o teste Qui-quadrado foi utilizado para validação das mesmas. As equações específicas apresentaram desempenho superior quando comparadas à equação geral, tanto para as UPAs, quanto para as classes diamétricas. Além do mais, o teste de identidade mostrou haver diferença significativa entre tais equações, indicando que não é estatisticamente adequado utilizar uma única equação para as estimativas volumétricas de Manilkara spp. em todas as UPAs, bem como em todas as classes diamétricas. Portanto, recomenda-se a utilização de equações específicas, já que, além de serem válidas, as mesmas podem gerar estimativas mais precisas dos volumes comerciais da espécie.Palavras-chave: espécie comercial nativa; identidade de modelos; estimativas de volume; manejo florestal na Amazônia; Floresta Nacional do Tapajós. EFFICIENCY OF VOLUMETRIC EQUATIONS FOR Manilkara spp. IN MANAGED FOREST IN THE EASTERN AMAZON ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of specific equations for Manilkara spp. in different Annual Production Units (UPA) and in different diametric classes, comparing them with a general equation, in the forest area under management in the Tapajós National Forest, Pará. Four volumetric models were adjusted for the total set of 5.231 sampled trees in order to obtain a representative general equation of the species in the UPAs as well as in the diametrical classes in which the trees were distributed. Then, the selected model was adjusted by UPA and by diameter class, obtaining different specific equations. The Graybill model identity test was applied to compare the equations, and the Chi-square test was used to validate the equations. The specific equations presented superior performance when compared to the general equation for the UPAs and for the diametric classes. In addition, the identity test showed a significant difference between the equations, indicating that it is not statistically adequate to use a single equation for the Manilkara spp. volumetric estimates in all UPAs and in all diametric classes. Therefore, we recommend using specific equations because, in addition to being valid, they can generate more accurate estimations of commercial volumes.Keywords: native commercial species; model identity; volume estimates; forest management in the Amazon; Tapajós National Forest