5 research outputs found

    Ensiling on chemical composition and in vitro fermentation in rabbits of different forages

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    The effect of chemical composition of silages on in vitro gas fermentation profiles in rabbits was examined. The study was performed using 7 silages: beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), faba bean (FB, Vicia faba), common vetch (CV, Vicia sativa), ryegrass (Lolium perenne), barley (B, Hordeum vulgare), barley with common vetch (BCV) and barley with faba bean (BFB). We used 3 New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits as donors of caecal content in each incubation run (n=3). Data were analyzed in a completely randomized experimental design. The CV silage showed higher values of crude protein (CP), followed by FB and bean silages (P<0.001). Barley silage had the lowest CP content (96g kg -1 DM) (P=0.001). The NDF and ADF content were lower (P<0.001) for beans and CV compared with the rest of the forage silages. Ryegrass silage had higher values of dry matter degradation, organic matter degradation, relative GP and SCFA (P<0.001). The highest values of digestible energy were for CV and bean silages (P<0.001). Ryegrass and CV silages showed higher levels in GP parameters, which could be associated with their better chemical composition characteristics, mainly pr otein and fiber content

    Impacto de extracto de sauce llorón (Salix babylonica) y enzimas exógenas en dietas para corderos

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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el impacto que tiene sobre la respuesta productiva la adición de extracto de Salix babylonica, enzimas exógenas ZADO ® en dietas para corderos y estimar la síntesis de proteína microbiana mediante la excreción urinaria de derivados puricos (DP). Se utilizaron 16 corderos de raza Suffolk (28.5 ± 2 kg PV) alojados en jaulas individuales donde recibieron su comida y agua de forma individual durante 60 días, con 10 días de adaptación a la dieta, posteriormente se colocaron en jaulas metabólicas individuales durante 7 días, los corderos fueron asignados a cuatro tratamientos, se alimentaron dos veces al día (0800-1600 h) con 30% de concentrado (16% de PC, 3,2 Mcal EM / kg MS) y 70% de ensilaje de maíz (8% de PC, 2,8 Mcal EM / kg MS) como dieta basal (CONTROL), y se les adiciono extracto de Salix babylonica (30 ml / d) (SB), enzimas exógenas ZADO ® (10 g / d) (EZ) y Salix babylonica extracto (30 ml / d) + enzimas exógenas ZADO ® (10 g / d) (EZSB). Los tratamientos se analizaron en un diseño completamente al azar. LA GDP y CA fueron mejores (P 0.05) entre tratamientos. Como conclusión la adición de 10 g de enzimas fibrolíticas exógenas o en combinación con extracto de Salix babylonica en la dieta de las ovejas, aumenta los parámetros productivos y la síntesis de proteína microbiana

    Ensiling on chemical composition and in vitro fermentation in rabbits of different forages

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    The effect of chemical composition of silages on in vitro gas fermentation profiles in rabbits was examined. The study was performed using 7 silages: beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), faba bean (FB, Vicia faba), common vetch (CV, Vicia sativa), ryegrass (Lolium perenne), barley (B, Hordeum vulgare), barley with common vetch (BCV) and barley with faba bean (BFB). We used 3 New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits as donors of caecal content in each incubation run (n=3). Data were analyzed in a completely randomized experimental design. The CV silage showed higher values of crude protein (CP), followed by FB and bean silages (P<0.001). Barley silage had the lowest CP content (96g kg -1 DM) (P=0.001). The NDF and ADF content were lower (P<0.001) for beans and CV compared with the rest of the forage silages. Ryegrass silage had higher values of dry matter degradation, organic matter degradation, relative GP and SCFA (P<0.001). The highest values of digestible energy were for CV and bean silages (P<0.001). Ryegrass and CV silages showed higher levels in GP parameters, which could be associated with their better chemical composition characteristics, mainly pr otein and fiber content

    Ensiling on chemical composition and in vitro fermentation in rabbits of different forages

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    The effect of chemical composition of silages on in vitro gas fermentation profiles in rabbits was examined. The study was performed using 7 silages: beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), faba bean (FB, Vicia faba), common vetch (CV, Vicia sativa), ryegrass (Lolium perenne), barley (B, Hordeum vulgare), barley with common vetch (BCV) and barley with faba bean (BFB). We used 3 New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits as donors of caecal content in each incubation run (n=3). Data were analyzed in a completely randomized experimental design. The CV silage showed higher values of crude protein (CP), followed by FB and bean silages (P<0.001). Barley silage had the lowest CP content (96g kg -1 DM) (P=0.001). The NDF and ADF content were lower (P<0.001) for beans and CV compared with the rest of the forage silages. Ryegrass silage had higher values of dry matter degradation, organic matter degradation, relative GP and SCFA (P<0.001). The highest values of digestible energy were for CV and bean silages (P<0.001). Ryegrass and CV silages showed higher levels in GP parameters, which could be associated with their better chemical composition characteristics, mainly pr otein and fiber content