1,686 research outputs found

    Moduli spaces of flat Riemannian metrics on 3- and 4-dimensional closed manifolds

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    We describe the topology of the moduli spaces of flat metrics for all the 3-dimensional closed manifolds. We give an algebraic description of the moduli spaces for the 4-dimensional closed flat manifolds with a single generator in their holonomy and, in some cases, also study their topology.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figure

    “The Immigrant: Is He An Acquisition Or A Detriment?”

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    Published in Judge magazine on September 19, 1903, “The Immigrant: Is He An Acquisition Or A Detriment?” cartoon reveals the opposing viewpoints of seven major interest groups towards immigration. Individuals surround the immigrants located in the center, expressing their judgments through signs and identification labels. In general, the cartoon depicts the benefits and drawbacks of immigration in the early twentieth century

    How Undocumented Latino Parents’ Legal Status Affects Their U.S. Citizen-Children’s Health

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    The purpose of this paper is to review studies that have assessed how undocumented parents’ legal status have affected their United States citizen-children’s health. This issue involves nurses from different specialties, such as pediatric nursing, mental health nursing and community health nursing. Eight articles were reviewed in regard to how parental legal status affects the child’s access to healthcare services, the child’s physical health and the child’s mental health. The articles revealed that citizen-children of undocumented parents had limited access to health care services, had poorer health, and had higher chances of having mental health illnesses. The paper provided implementations from the studies to address the issue. Implementations included: changing policies, providing resources and addressing the needs of this population, and paying close clinical attention to the children who have experienced parental detention or deportation. Hopefully, this will raise awareness to the issues that citizen-children face and policies will be changed to cause less harm to the children


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    A well-preserved remnant of an ancient bald cypress forest (hereafter, Underwater Forest) constitutes the only known archive of a glacial refuge on the once exposed continental shelf of the Northern Gulf of Mexico. This forest existed around 41-72 yBP (MIS 3-5) according to the existing dating methods applied on previous studies. As the climate conditions and sea levels changed, the vegetation of this glacial refuge shifted from bald cypress forests to open marshes, altering the vegetation dynamics. The present research analyzed four new cores (21DF-5A, 21DF-5B, 15DF-6, and 16DF-3A), which provided additional insights into the vegetation that once existed in this Late Pleistocene forest. Comparative analysis was conducted on the four analyzed cores with the 15DF-1 and 15DF-3 cores taken previously from the study area, and these shared strong similarities in vegetation composition and transitional patterns. In all cores, high percentages of Taxodium were evident, resembling a cypress backwater forest that later transitioned to grass dominant environment with high percentages of Poaceae. Cores 16DF-3A and 15DF-6 contain the no-modern analog cypress-alder communities previously described in 15DF-1. Since the pollen assemblages shared strong similarities, the sediments present in these cores correspond to the same event, and existed either 72,000 yBP according to the OSL dating method, or 41-45,000 yBP as determined by the radiocarbon (14C) technique. Additional dating is necessary to establish an accurate date for the existence and burial of this forest, thus allowing a complete story to be told

    Moduli spaces of flat Riemannian metrics on 4-dimensional closed manifolds

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    We give the algebraic and topological description of the moduli spaces of flat metrics for the 4-dimensional closed flat manifolds with two or three generators in their holonomy.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Fluoride concentration in salt marketed in Managua, Nicaragua

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    Orientador: Jaime Aparecido CuryDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Odontologia de PiracicabaResumo: A fluoretação do sal para consumo humano na Nicarágua é regulamentada por lei e a concentração de fluoreto deve estar entre 200 e 225 mg F/kg. Como não há relatos da concentração de fluoreto nos sais comercializados neste país, este estudo avaliou se os sais para consumo humano comercializados em Manágua, Nicarágua estavam sendo adequadamente fluoretados. A concentração de fluoreto de 33 pacotes de 11 marcas de sal (n=3) comercializados em Manágua foi determinada. De acordo com as informações da embalagem, nove sais eram produzidos localmente e dois importados da Costa Rica. Das 11 marcas de sal, em nove delas havia declaração que eram fluoretadas. Seis alíquotas de cada pacote foram pesadas (2,5 g ± 0,3; n=198) e dissolvidas na proporção de 0,025 g/ml de agua purificada. Duplicatas de 1,0 ml das soluções preparadas foram tamponadas (1:1; v/v) com TISAB II. A concentração de fluoreto foi determinada com eletrodo específico pelo método direto, o qual foi calibrado com soluções padrões (0,25 a 16,0 ?g F/ml) preparados em TISAB II a 50% e contendo 0,0125 g de NaCl/ml. Das nove marcas declaradas como fluoretadas, duas apresentaram concentração (mg F/kg) de fluoreto (média ± dp; n=3) de acordo com a legislação nicaraguense (209,8 ± 48,0 e 211,4 ± 26,0), em cinco a concentração foi inferior (131,0 ± 34,3; 180,6 ± 12,3; 184,6 ± 34,8; 190,0 ± 47,2; 199,0 ± 18,9) e nas outras duas foram encontrados apenas traços de fluoreto. As duas marcas não fluoretadas continham traços de fluoreto. Os resultados mostram que a vigilância do programa de fluoretação do sal na Nicarágua precisa ser melhorada porque a concentração de fluoreto encontrada na maioria dos sais não está de acordo com a legislação localAbstract: Fluoridation of salt for human consumption in Nicaragua is regulated by legislation and the fluoride concentration should be from 200 to 225 mg F/kg. Since there are no reports about the fluoride concentration in the salts marketed in this country, the aim of this study was to evaluate whether salts for human consumption marketed in Managua, Nicaragua were being properly fluoridated. It was determined the fluoride concentration in 33 packages of 11 salt brands (n=3) purchased in Managua city. According to the information on the packaging 9 brands were produced locally and two were imported from Costa Rica. Within the 11 salt brands, nine of them were declared as fluoridated. Six aliquots of each package were weighed (2.5 g ± 0.3; n=198) and dissolved in the proportion of 0.025 g/ml of purified water. Duplicates of 1.0 ml of the solutions prepared were buffered (1:1; v/v) with TISAB II. Fluoride concentration was determined with specific electrode by the direct method, that were calibrated with standard solutions (0.25 to 16.0 ?g/ml) prepared in TISAB II at 50% and containing 0.0125 g NaCl/ml. Among the nine fluoridated brands, two presented a fluoride (mg/kg) concentration (mean ± SD; n=3) according to the Nicaraguan legislation (209.8 ± 48.0, 211.4 ± 26.0), five were below (131.0 ± 34.3, 180.6 ± 12.3, 184.6 ± 34.8, 190 ± 47.2, 199.0 ± 18.9) and two contained only traces of fluoride. The two non-fluoridated brands presented traces of fluoride. The findings show that the surveillance system of the salt fluoridation program in Nicaragua should be improved because the fluoride concentration in most of the salts is not according to the local legislationMestradoCariologiaMestra em Odontologi

    Giant leiomyosarcoma of the anterior abdominal wall: case report and review of the literature

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    Smooth muscle tumors are rare tumors with a low worldwide incidence, which is a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge for doctors, within these, leiomyosarcomas are tumors that occur more frequently in the uterus or abdominal cavity, however, another presentation called leiomyosarcomas peripheral which are subdivided into cutaneous or subcutaneous which tend to appear in the extremities of the lower limbs. The presentation of a clinical case of a patient of the eighth decade of life who presents a giant tumor of the ulcerative abdominal wall and hemorrhage that conditions anemia syndrome and hemorrhagic shock is made, for which an emergency surgical resection is performed. The treatment of leiomyosarcoma consists of surgical removal, however the margins are not clearly defined and regularly require a multidisciplinary team that includes an oncological surgeon and a plastic and reconstructive surgeon. In advanced cases and selected patients, medical treatment with chemotherapy can be granted.

    The role of interleukin-12 for mTOR regulation of memory CTLs

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    A major goal of vaccines is to induce functional immune memory, and efforts to improve the efficacy of vaccines targeting memory CTLs have revealed an important immunoregulatory role of rapamycin, a specific mTOR inhibitor. While inflammatory cytokines are critical for memory CTLs formation, it is unknown if cytokines such as IL-12 mediate rapamycin's regulation during infection. Inhibition of mTOR by rapamycin represses CTL expansion but enhances central memory during vaccinia virus infection in mice. Without IL-12, immunoregulatory effects of rapamycin on CTL expansion and subsequent memory formation are diminished, yet present compared to CTLs not treated with rapamycin. In infected mice, rapamycin directly enhances IL-12 signaling in WT CTLs by upregulating IL-12 receptor-B2 and STAT4 phosphorylation. Furthermore, secondary expansion of rapamycin-regulated memory CTLs in IL-12 receptor knockouts is impaired and resultant secondary memory CTLs are abolished. This indicates that interplay between cytokines and adjuvants should be considered during vaccine design

    Comportamiento innovador de la Cooperativa KAULAPA R.L del Municipio de Esquipulas, Departamento de Matagalpa, 2016

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    La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar el comportamiento innovador de la Cooperativa Kaulapa R.L. del municipio de Esquipulas, Departamento de Matagalpa, Año 2016 KAULAPA R.L, cuenta con 3 años de operación en el mercado nicaragüense, es un complejo artesanal dedicado al procesamiento seco del grano de café y procesamiento de la miel; procedente de productores del mismo municipio. El propósito fundamental que se persigue, es analizar el comportamiento innovador de la cooperativa; así mismo la identificación de los procesos del comportamiento innovador proactivo y reactivo desarrollados por la Cooperativa y la descripción de los factores que influyen en el desempeño de los trabajadores de KAULAPA R.L Cabe señalar la importancia del proceso de innovación que se lleva a cabo en la Cooperativa para lograr un mejor desarrollo en los procesos dentro de la misma; así como mejorar la calidad de sus productos y servicios para la satisfacción de sus clientes y lograr de esta manera cumplir con los objetivos propuestos a corto y largo plazo, el cual dependerá del comportamiento innovador que posea dicha Cooperativa. Por tal razón KAULAPA R.L busca nuevas formas de crear cambios e innovaciones para mejorar y evolucionar en el mercado, ya que posee un comportamiento innovador proactivo, ya que está lanzando nuevos productos al mercado, así como capacitaciones al personal siendo esto como parte de la innovación proyectándose como una cooperativa industrializada; pero se necesitan muchos cambios para realizar sus proyectos y así eliminar las referencias del comportamiento reactivo que se poseen, tomando en cuenta la opinión de los clientes, logrando en un futuro ser una Cooperativa reconocida a nivel naciona

    Satisfacción en la calidad de la atención prenatal según opinión de las usuarias del centro de salud Primero de Mayo del Municipio de Matagalpa durante el segundo semestre del año 2016

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    El propósito de la investigación fué analizar la satisfacción en la calidad de atención prenatal según opinión de las usuarias externas e internas del centro de salud Primero de Mayo, durante el ll semestre 2016, analizando el entorno, el aspecto científico-técnico y satisfacción de los usuarios, esté estudio es descriptivo de corte transversal, prospectivo en el tiempo, con un enfoque mixto, el universo lo comprenden 100 embarazadas, con una muestra de 20 gestantes, con edades comprendidas de 16-40 años, el tipo de muestreo utilizado es aleatorio simple, para la valoración de la atención prenatal se realizó entrevistas dirigidas a usuarios externos e internos y una guía de observación para el investigador valorando el entorno de la unidad y realizando revisión del expediente clínico, el centro de salud atiende a 6 barrios de la parte norte de la ciudad de Matagalpa, las debilidades son: no cuentan con equipos suficientes para la realización de procedimientos, las dificultades que enfrenta el puesto son: poco personal, falta de medicamento .En conclusión según observador y usuario interno valoran el entorno como regular, y las usuarias externas lo ven bueno, regular y malo, en cuanto a la atención prenatal, las usuarias externas manifiestan que no se les realiza el examen de mamas lo que hace que la calidad sea deficiente, en cuanto a satisfacción los usuarios internos refieren no estar de acuerdo con la carga laboral, las usuarias externas refieren que el personal de salud no cumple con el horario establecido por el MINS